Confrontation A blood-spattered face, an arrested demonstrator, e line of (Emtttttttott lathj (Eamjrofl braced Sette Pelce end Deen ef Students Robert E. Howes ^ regarding the demonstrators from a perch were scenes from Swing Starrs Since 1896 a porch were scenes from last Tuesday's fracas here. Vio- VOL. LXXIII NO. 51 lence erupted after about 135 students end faculty had gat- hered to protest the presence of Olin-Mathiesen recruiters. ^ Gant Issues Statement; Conyers To Outbreak in Summary Speak On Recent Riots Spur Action Contradicted By SDS Politics U.S. Representative John By Administration, SDS Conyers (p. Mich.) will speak on SDS Discusses Gant: Force "The Dimension of Black Poll- News Editor's Note: The following story is a wrap-up of tics' ' today at 2:00 p.m. in rm Strike, Used Only 310 Commons. events concerning the Nov. 26 demonstration against recruit- Conyers, the only Negro Am- ment it UConn and its aftermath here and around the state. Statement After Attack erican member of the House Judiciary Committee, is the the demonstrations. Charged By REID PARRINGTON By GARY WOODS News Editor's Note: The fol- sponsor of the Full Opportunity were Lawrence Smylle, under- Campus News Analyst lowing account of the Nov. 25 and Act, which would provide funds Campus Features Editor graduate, breach of peace; A strike to "close down U- 26, demonstrations against Olln to low income Americans for Charles Brover, professor of Conn" was discussed at a meet- Mathieson Corporation recruit- jobs, housing and education. Violence that erupted here engllsh; breach of peace; Edward ing of the UConn Students for a ment here was written by UConn He is also the sponsor of Nov. 26 when demonstrators at- Van, student , breach of peace Democratic Society (JSDS) In Von Provost Edward V. Gant. bills to lower the voting age to tempted to beselge a building and Injury to private property. der Mehden Hall Monday night. Gant told the Connecticut Dail- 18 and abolish the House Un-Am- where placement interviews with Also: Andrew Grlbbin, stu- The hall was filled and many y Campus that he had the help erican Activities Committee. Olin Mathieson Corporation were dent, breach of peace, and in- persons were sitting In the aisles. of several other observers in Conyers appearance is spon- taking place, has left the Uni- jury to private property; Jeffrey The seating capacity there is writing the account, but that he sored by the Associated Student versity Community in a turmoil. Thomas, former student, breach 692. took final responsibility for It. Government, the University The confrontation occured of peace, injury to private pro- SDS leader Marty Simon cal- He also said that an hour- council on Human Rights and Op- when 75 to 100 persons pushed perty and unlawful possession of led for volunteers to form a long film of the demonstrations portunities and the Department their way onto a porch of a wood fireworks; and Fred Wallace, committee to consider a strike would be run on closed circuit of Political Science. frame house on 7 Gilbert Rd. graduate student, breach of the and to organize one If the SDS university television this week. The Associated Student Gov- where the interviews were being peace, and resisting arrest. decides it is "necessary." The film, put together from news ernment will sponsor a coffee held. All the demonstrators were Ed Van, a UConn student who media films and official univer- hour in Rm. 217 Commons fol- The interviews had been released without bond except was arrested for his part in last sity films, makes no editorial lowing the talk. moved to this new location to Wallace, who was released on Tuesday's demonstration said comment on the demonstrations. keep disruption to a minimum. $500 bond. that groups of students other than Gant said that the administra- Jacobs Gives The university administra- New charges made during SDS should be enlisted to support tion had no definite plans for tion, anticipating a demonstra- the week were John C. Leggett, a strike if one is to be called. dealing with future demonstra- Results oj tion, had stationed four security professor of sociology, failure Van said fraternities here might tions. He said a decision had officers at the door of the to Disperse and breach of the want to aid in a strike to make not been reached about academic Political Study house. peace; Peter Rlttner, failure to residences run on a co-op basis. charges against those arrested Results on a study of moti- Stories about the disruption disperse and one other student According to Van, the pur- by civil authorities following the vation in political behavior were differ. Twelve persons were who was not Identified by State pose of a strike would be to demonstrations here last week. released in a speech Monday in immediately arrested by State Police. create "a new life style at the The account by Gant reads: Commons Room 217 by Professor Police and four others were sent Trooper David C. Toomey University of Connecticut." •It is clear that the sad e- Phillip E. Jacobs, a political sci- to the UConn infirmary with mi- said Monday that there were go- Larry Welner, president of vents of last Tuesday morning entist from the University of nor injuries. He said that the later arrests the Interfraternlty Council here, are of gravest concern to ev- Pennsylvania. Those arrested Tuesday were were made after an Intensive told the Connecticut Dally Cam- ery member of the University According to Jacobs, values Richard A. Savage, undergrad- investigation. pus Tuesday, that although he community. do not have a consistent, direct uate for breach of peace; Peter Other results of the violence could only speak for himself, he "The actions of several per- force in determining decisions F. Gandelman, graduate student, that erupted Tuesday were four doubted that the fraternities sons that day hold such ser- made by political leaders. breach of peace; Claudette A. injuries treated at the infirmary would participate in the strike, ious consequences for both the Along with several Interna- Clarke, undergraduate, breach of here. "except as a last resort" if University and Its members that tional colleagues, he conducted peace; Karen I. Cassyd, under- Two students and a UConn administration attempted to re- no student or faculty member over 5,000 Interviews with lea- graduate, breach of the peace. Security of leer were treated for strain fraternity plans, especial- should allow himself to remain ders on the local level In the Un- Also: Ellenor S. Goldstein, scalp lacerations. And an Olln ly those concerning housing. "1 Ignorant of those events, the ited States, India, Poland, and undergraduate, breach of peace; Mathieson man was treated for don't want to be part of any setting in which they transpired Yugoslavia. Dr. John F. Steinman, former- a knee injury he received when a strike", Welner said. or their significance for our Most leaders, he said, fav- ly of the UConn Infirmary, breach community. rock was thrown through a win- SDS leaders said Monday ored economic growth, were con- of peace; William F. Clarke, dow into the building. night that demonstrations against "As an aid toward under- cerned more with public as op- graduate student, breach of Since Tuesday, UConn Pre- recruitment here would not stop. standing those events as they posed to personal af'airs, be- peace; Rev. John J. Allen,breach sident Homer D. Babbidge has Plans were made to demonstrate happened, the following summary lieved in being candid, and de- of peace. drawn criticism from several against General Foods today and Is being distributed to the stu- sired some degree of change. Also: Steven R. MaGaw, un- State citizens. One critic, Carl- General Motors Friday. dents and faculty of the Univer- dergraduate, breach of peace; sity. Jacobs said the differences ton D. Blanchard, a member of Sociology professor John were in beliefs of how to sup- Burton R. Cohen, graduate stu- the Governor's commission on Leggett said universities were "Monday, November 25 - Sev- press conflicts, whether pub- dent, breach of peace; Jack L. Youth Services, from 1963 to "used by the military-industrial eral student Interviews with re- lic or national welfare is more Roach, professor of sociology, 1965, said Babbidge was "soft complex as a key source of in- presentatives of the 01 in-Mathie- Important, and if economic e- failure to disperse and breach on hippies and Ylppies." tellectual material." son Corp. were originally sche- quallty should exist. of peace; and J. David Coif ax, Also In response to the In- We are out to smash this duled for Monday and Tuesday. India and Yugoslavia, he said, professor of sociology, failure cident Provost Edward V. Gant channel," said Leggett, "It Is "On Monday these Interviews were the only countries consis- to disperse and breach of the distributed a five page report our moral obligation to bust up were begun, as scheduled, at tent enough to allow predictions peace. on the demonstration. this relationship." Koons Hall. A group of demon- on leader decisions to be made, All persons arrested last The statement addressed to SDS spokesman Bill Clark strators appeared outside the as long as the attitudes on sup- Tuesday were released without the Students and Faculty of U- gave the meeting his account of building at about 10:00 a.m. pressing conflict, public vs. bond. Conn recorded the sequence of "After a brief guerilla thea- Since then nine more persons page four national interest, and equality page four poge four see pge four were arrested in connection with <&0tm*rttntt lattg (Eampua lett< Serving Storrs Since 1896 subjugated.
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