Pt. 11 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) PART 11—REQUIREMENTS FOR 11.109–11.113 [Reserved] OFFICER ENDORSEMENTS Subpart B—General Requirements for Officer Endorsements Subpart A—General 11.201 Eligibility for officer endorsements Sec. and STCW endorsements, general. 11.101 Purpose of regulations. 11.202 STCW endorsements. 11.102 Incorporation by reference. 11.203–204 [Reserved] 11.103–11.105 [Reserved] 11.205 Requirements for original officer en- 11.107 Paperwork approval. dorsements and STCW endorsements. 126 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:21 Nov 01, 2011 Jkt 223193 PO 00000 Frm 00136 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 ER16MR09.001</GPH> Coast Guard, DHS Pt. 11 11.207–11.210 [Reserved] 11.420 Service requirements for mate of 11.211 Creditable service and equivalents for ocean steam or motor vessels of not more officer endorsements. than 500 gross tons. 11.213 Sea service as a member of the Armed 11.421 Service requirements for mate of near Forces of the United States and on ves- coastal steam or motor vessels of not sels owned by the United States as quali- more than 500 gross tons. fying experience. 11.422 Tonnage limitations and qualifying 11.215 [Reserved] requirements for endorsements as master 11.217 Examination procedures and denial of or mate of vessels of not more than 200 officer endorsements. gross tons. 11.219–11.223 [Reserved] 11.424 Service requirements for master of ocean steam or motor vessels of not more Subpart C—Training Schools With than 200 gross tons. Approved Courses 11.426 Service requirements for master of near coastal steam or motor vessels of 11.301 Applicability. not more than 200 gross tons. 11.302 Course approval. 11.427 Service requirements for mate of near 11.303 General standards. coastal steam or motor vessels of not 11.304 Substitution of training for required more than 200 gross tons. service, use of training-record books, and 11.428 Service requirements for master of use of towing officer assessment records. near coastal steam or motor vessels of 11.305 Radar-Observer certificates and not more than 100 gross tons. qualifying courses. 11.429 Service requirements for limited 11.306 [Reserved] master of near coastal steam or motor 11.307 Training schools with approved radar vessels of not more than 100 gross tons. observer courses. 11.430 Endorsements for the Great Lakes 11.309 Coast Guard-accepted training other and inland waters. than approved courses. 11.431 Tonnage requirements for Great Lakes and inland endorsements for ves- Subpart D—Professional Requirements for sels of over 1600 gross tons. Deck Officers 11.433 Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor 11.401 Ocean and near-coastal officer or vessels of any gross tons. STCW endorsements. 11.435 Service requirements for master of 11.402 Tonnage requirements for ocean or inland steam or motor vessels of any near coastal endorsements for vessels of gross tons. over 1600 gross tons. 11.437 Service requirements for mate of 11.403 Structure of deck officer endorse- Great Lakes and inland steam or motor ments. vessels of any gross tons. 11.404 Service requirements for master of 11.442 Service requirements for master of ocean or near coastal steam or motor Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons. vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons. 11.405 Service requirements for chief mate 11.444 Service requirements for mate of of ocean or near coastal steam or motor Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons. vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons. 11.406 Service requirements for second mate 11.446 Service requirements for master of of ocean or near coastal steam or motor Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons. vessels of not more than 500 gross tons. 11.407 Service requirements for third mate 11.448 Service requirements for mate of of ocean or near coastal steam or motor Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons. vessels of not more than 500 gross tons. 11.410 Requirements for deck officer en- 11.450 Tonnage limitations and qualifying dorsements for vessels of not more than requirements for endorsements as master 1600 gross tons. or mate of Great Lakes and inland ves- 11.412 Service requirements for master of sels of not more than 200 gross tons. ocean or near coastal steam or motor 11.452 Service requirements for master of vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons. Great Lakes and inland steam or motor 11.414 Service requirements for mate of vessels of not more than 200 gross tons. ocean steam or motor vessels of not more 11.454 Service requirements for mate of than 1600 gross tons. Great Lakes and inland steam or motor 11.416 Service requirements for mate of near vessels of not more than 200 gross tons. coastal steam or motor vessels of not 11.455 Service requirements for master of more than 1600 gross tons. Great Lakes and inland steam or motor 11.418 Service requirements for master of vessels of not more than 100 gross tons. ocean or near coastal steam or motor 11.456 Service requirements for limited vessels of not more than 500 gross tons. master of Great Lakes and inland steam 127 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:21 Nov 01, 2011 Jkt 223193 PO 00000 Frm 00137 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Pt. 11 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) or motor vessels of not more than 100 11.520 Service requirements for chief engi- gross tons. neer (limited near coastal) of steam and/ 11.457 Service requirements for master of or motor vessels. inland steam or motor vessels of not 11.522 Service requirements for assistant more than 100 gross tons. engineer (limited oceans) of steam and/or 11.459 Service requirements for master or motor vessels. mate of rivers. 11.524 Service requirements for designated 11.462 Endorsements for master or mate of duty engineer of steam and/or motor ves- uninspected fishing industry vessels. sels. 11.463 General requirements for endorse- 11.530 Endorsements for engineers of ments as master, mate (pilot), and ap- uninspected fishing industry vessels. prentice mate (steersman) of towing ves- 11.540 Endorsements for engineers of mobile sels. offshore drilling units. 11.464 Requirements for endorsements as 11.542 Endorsement as chief engineer master of towing vessels. (MODU). 11.465 Requirements for endorsements as 11.544 Endorsement as assistant engineer mate (pilot) of towing vessels. (MODU). 11.466 Requirements for endorsements as 11.551 Endorsements for service on offshore apprentice mate (steersman) of towing supply vessels. vessels. 11.553 Chief Engineer (OSV). 11.467 Endorsement as operators of 11.555 Engineer (OSV). uninspected passenger vessels of less than 100 gross tons. Subpart F—Credentialing of Radio Officers 11.468 Officer endorsements for mobile off- 11.601 Applicability. shore drilling units. 11.603 Requirements for radio officers’ en- 11.470 Officer endorsements as offshore in- dorsements and STCW endorsements for stallation manager. GMDSS radio operators. 11.472 Officer endorsements as barge super- visor. Subpart G—Professional Requirements for 11.474 Officer endorsements as ballast con- Pilots trol operator. 11.476 [Reserved] 11.701 Scope of pilot endorsements. 11.480 Radar observer. 11.703 Service requirements. 11.482 Assistance towing. 11.705 Route familiarization requirements. 11.491 Officer endorsements for service on 11.707 Examination requirements. offshore supply vessels. 11.709 Annual physical examination require- 11.493 Master (OSV). ments. 11.495 Chief Mate (OSV). 11.711 Tonnage requirements. 11.497 Mate (OSV). 11.713 Requirements for maintaining cur- rent knowledge of waters to be navi- Subpart E—Professional Requirements for gated. Engineer Officer Subpart H—Registration of Staff Officers 11.501 Grade and type of engineer endorse- ments issued. 11.801 Applicability. 11.502 Additional requirements for engineer 11.803 [Reserved] endorsements. 11.805 General requirements. 11.503 Horsepower limitations. 11.807 Experience requirements for registry. 11.504 Application of deck service for lim- 11.809 [Reserved] ited engineer endorsements. 11.811 Requirements to qualify for an STCW 11.505 Engineer officer structure. endorsement as vessel security officer. 11.510 Service requirements for chief engi- neer of steam and/or motor vessels. Subpart I—Subjects of Examinations and 11.512 Service requirements for first assist- Practical Demonstrations of Competence ant engineer of steam and/or motor ves- 11.901 General provisions. sels. 11.903 Licenses requiring examinations. 11.514 Service requirements for second as- 11.910 Subjects for deck officer endorse- sistant engineer of steam and/or motor ments. vessels. 11.920 Subjects for MODU endorsements. 11.516 Service requirements for third assist- 11.950 Subjects for engineer endorsements. ant engineer of steam and/or motor ves- sels. Subpart J—Ro-Ro Passenger Ships 11.518 Service requirements for chief engi- neer (limited-oceans) of steam and/or 11.1001 Purpose of regulations. motor vessels. 11.1003 Definition. 128 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:21 Nov 01, 2011 Jkt 223193 PO 00000 Frm 00138 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Coast Guard, DHS § 11.102 11.1005 General requirements for officers. acteristics; proper operation of the in- stalled navigation equipment; fire- Subpart K—Officers on a Passenger Ship, fighting and lifesaving equipment; sta- Other Than a Ro-Ro Passenger Ship, bility and loading characteristics; When on an International Voyage emergency duties; and main propulsion 11.1101 Purpose of rules. and auxiliary machinery, including 11.1103 Definitions.
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