INDEX TO FALKLAND ISLANDS GAZETTE, 1928. Page. Accounts— Page. Abstract of Expenditure % Fleuret, A. I., Chief Clerk, C.S.O. Commissioners’ of Currency 18 14. 87,49.85. 79. 94, 141. „ „ Private Secretary 194 168, 172 Comparative Statements of Revenue and Galloway, D. M., Entertainment Committee, Expenditure 11, 12, 13, 163-65,212,214 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Summaries of Ledger Balances 5. 48. 71-2. 140, 166. 167 Gresham, Hon. H. H. II., Member Executive 177, 215-6 Council (provisionally) 8, 95. 187 Agents, appointment of Estate Louis Williams Chairman. Visiting by Tonsberg Co. for “Fleurus” 17 Committee K.E.M. Hospital 41 Aldridge, L. W„ apptd. Clerk, C.S.O. 18 Entertainment Committee Alison. Lieut.-Commdr. F. B.. apptd. provisionally Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Member of Executive Council 4 Greenshields. R.. 2nd. Lieutenant F.I.D.F. 53 Allardyce, Sir W., message to 104 Grierson. J. W., Wireless Broadcast Committee 82 Amazon & Ambuscade, H.M. Ships - visit of 75 ,i .. Member Board of Health. E.F. 40 Amedroz. Capt. R. T., apptd. Aide-de-Camp 144 Entertainment Committee .. „ ,, „ Justice of the Peace 194 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Ag. Registrar-General 194 Hardy, Mansell. Assistant Gardener, Govt. House 88 Armistice Day 43, 193 Hannaford. R. H., Com. Public Library & Museum 188 Aylward, Rev. S. E. E., apptd. Chaplain F.I.D.F. 63 Hoare, A. R.. Local Auditor 13 ., „ ., „ Member, Entertainment „ „ Justice of Peace 152 Com. Amazon A Ambuscade 96 Cora. Library & Museum 188 Hooley, Moira, Nurse Probationer K. E. M. Hospital 144 Appointments— Jones,'Dr. W. B. R., Asst. Colonial Surgeon 1 Aldridge, L. W., Clerk, C. S. 0. 18 '• M ^ _ 11 11 10 Alison. Lieut-Commdr. F. B., provisionally „ A. G. N., Ag. Magistrate Sth. Georgia 8 Member of Executive Council 4 .. Alfred, Ag. 1st Clerk. Treasury & Customs 152 Amedroz, Capt. R. T., Aide-de-Camp 144 W. D. A.. Clerk. C.S.O. 188 „ Justice of the Peace 194 Kelway, G., Engineer G.L. ‘Penguin’ „ Ag. Registrar-General 194 152 Aylward, Rev. S. E. E., Chaplain 4th Class, F.I.D.F. 63 Lellman, K. V., Messenger, C.S.O. 40 ., „ „ Entertainment Committee, „ ,. Com. Library & Museum 188 Amazon A Ambuscade 96 Ley, H. C., Postmaster 83 Treasurer etc. Barlas, W., Whaling Officer, South Shetlands 4 136 Entertainment Committee, ATiller, S. Jnr., 2nd Lieutenant, F.I.D.F. 18 I Amazon A Ambuscade 96 Morley, W., Carpenter, P.W.D. 189 Magistrate, Supreme Court 136 Nethercoate, Capt. J. K., Wireless Broadcast Com. 82 „ „ Private Secretary 144 ,. ., Ag. Colonial Postmaster 87 Magistrate, South Georgia 187 Newing, A.. Entertainment Committee Beardmore, A. W., Second Clerk, Treasury 169 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 „ „ Ag. 1st Clerk Treasury 179 Bennett, xV. G.. Member Library & Museum O’Sullivan, F. T. J., Clerk, Medical Department * 40 Committee 15. 188 Porter, A., Caretaker, etc., South Georgia 189 Biggs, V. A. H., Member Board of Health. E.F. 40 Purdie, Miss R., b.a., Asst. Mistress, Govt. School 189 „ ............ Wireless Broadcasting Com. 40, 82 Ratclift’e, J.. Temp. Police Constable 188 Bonner, J. F., Lieutenant, F.I.D.F. is Reford. Dr. J. Hope, Colonial Surgeon 75 Bonner, Hon. G., Provisional Member Executive Reive, Miss G.. Nurse Probationer. K. E. M. Hosp. 144 Council 40 Riches. S. H., Ag. Customs Officer 15 Brown, G. R. L., Assistant Colonial Secretary 18 Richardson, D. E., Registrar for births, deaths, etc. „ „ Private Secretary 64 Darwin 173 Mrs. G. R. L., Member Visiting Committee. Roberts, G., Member, Board of Health, E.F. 40 K. E. M. Hospital 41 „ „ Colonial Engineer 87 Challen, G. L., General Foreman of Works 144 „ Supt. Fire Brigade 194 Cobb, H. V., Justice of Peace 18 Shaw, Miss M., Ag. Nurse Matron, K. E. M. ,, „ Lieutenant, F. I. D. F. 73 Hospital 145, 181, 182 ■h Cooper. Miss M., Nursing Sister, K. E. M. Hospital ■ 193 Stewart de Jersey, Rt. Rev. Chaplain 1st Class Coutts, J. M., Local x^uditor 87 F.I.D.F. / 63 Entertainment Committee, Stuart, W., Receiver of Wrecks etc., S. Shetlands 39 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 „ „ Wireless Broadcast Committee 82 Vaughan. Very Rev. F. S., Member, Public Library & Museum „ Officer Commanding A Temporary 188 Captain, F. I. D. F. 95, 217 Williams, Mrs. A. M.. Member Board of Health, E.F. 40 Craddock, Dr. F. J., Health Officer, W. F. 74 Craigie-Halkett, Hon. M. C., Collector of Customs 145 Wireless Broadcast Barlas, W., apptd. Whaling Officer etc. Sth. Shetlands Committee 82 & Grahams Land 4 Creamer, Mrs. J. D., O.B.E., Member of Board Secretary, Entertainment Committee ; of Health, E. F. 40 Amazon & xVmbuscade 96 ., Magistrate, Supreme Court etc. 136 J. D., Entertainment Committee 96 „ Private Secretary 144 Davies, W. J., Asst. Master, Govt. School 188 Magistrate, South Georgia 187 Davies! P. M., Carpenter, P. W. D. 188 Baseley, R. B., leave of absence 64 Dixon, E. V., Storekeeper, P. W. D. 144 Beardmore, A. W., apptd. Second Clerk. Treasury 69 186 x\g. 1st Clerk, Treasury 179 Earl. R. H., Asst. Customs Officer, South Georgia Bennett, A. G., leave of absence 15 Ellis, Hon. J. M.. Chairman, Entertainment apptd. Member, Library & Museum Com. Committee 96 188 Biggs, V. A. H., apptd. Member Board of Health, E.F. 40 Deputy Governor 20 Bisfev Team, grant of £350 to 88 Etheridge, W. J., Police Constable. South Georgia 194 l 15 Board of Health, East Falkland 40, 91, 92. 93, 105, 174-6 Evans M. E., Assistant Customs Officer Bonner, J. F., apptd. 2nd. Lieutenant, F.I.D.F. 18 Extra Clerical Asst., C.S.O. 40 ii " I I IN D EX—continued Page. Page. Hospital, K.E.M., refund of fees Bonner. Hon. G., apptd. provisionally Member 104 Executive Council 40 House, Govt, use of during H. E’s absence on leave 136 ,, leave of absence 95 Bound. E. H.. return from leave 188 Investments forming part of Note Guarantee Fund 14, 37 British West Indies Station, challenge to Sports 3 „ „ Depreciation Fund 14, 37 Broadcasting 7(5. 81. 82 Brown. G. R. L.. apptd. Assistant Colonial Secretary 18 Jason Islands, sale of 139 Private Secretary (54 Jones. Dr. W. B. R., apptd. Asst. Colonial Surgeon 1 leave of absence 151 .......................... , » acting „ 10 Mi's. G. R. L.. Member. Yisiting Committee. Jones, A. G. N., apptd. ag. Magistrate, South Georgia 8 lv. E. M. Hospital 41 Jones, Alfred, ag. 1st Clerk, Treasury & Customs 152 Jones, W. D. A. apptd. Clerk, C.S.O. 188 Carancho Beaks, increased price paid by Govt, for 104 Jury List, 1928 34-36, 220-222 Carriage of Goods by Sea. Rules brought into operation 88 Cemetery Trustees 40 Kelway, G., apptd. Engineer G. L. ‘Penguin’ 152 Challen. G. L.. apptd. General Foreman of Works 144 King’s Birthday, celebration of & messages relating Christmas & New Year Greetings 52 thereto 89.179 Cobb. H. Y.. apptd. Justice of the Peace 18 Kolapore Cup, selection of team to compete for 88 „ .. Lieutenant, F.I.D.F. 73 Comparative Statements of Revenue & Expenditure Leave of Absence— (see "Accounts”) Baseley, R. B. 64 Common. Stanley, division into three sections 88, 161 Bennett, A. G. 15 Conventions, (see under "Treaties”) Bonner, Hon. G. m.k.C-.. j.p. 95 Cooper. Miss M.. apptd. Nursing Sister. K.E.M.H. 193 87 Bound. E. H. 97, 188 Coutts. J M.. Local Auditor 151 Lt. J. M., apptd. Officer Commanding. F.I.D.F. 95, 217 Brown, G. R. L. Craigie-Halkett, Hon. M. C. 143 Member Entertainment Committee Gresham. Hon. H. H. R. 135 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Hodsou, His Excellency A. W., c.m.o. 103. 133, 135 Craddock. Dr. J. F.. apptd. Health Officer, W. Falkland 74 Hooley, T. Y. 53 Craigie-Halkett. Hon. M. C.. leave of absence 143 161.217 „ .. apptd. Collector of Customs 145 Jones, A. Noye, W. 64 Creamer. Mrs. J. D.. o.b.e.. apptd. Member Board of 97, 187 Health, E.F. 40 Roberts, G. ‘Rumbolds, W. J. 188 J. D.. Member Entertainment Committee 97 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Summers, W. J. Currency Note Fund (see "Accounts”) Legislative Council, Minutes of Meetings 10(5-110, 208-211 Cusack. E. R.. Deed Poll 43 Lellman, K. Y., apptd. Messenger C.S.O. 40 „ „ „ Member Library & Museum Com. 188 Ley, H. C.. apptd. Postmaster 83 Davies. W. J.. apptd. Asst. Master. Govt. School 188 „ „ „ Ag. Treasurer, etc. 136 .. P. M.. Carpenter. P.W.D. 188 Licences, Publican’s, applications for renewal of 137. 218 Daylight Saving 41, 182 64 Deane. Dr. F. W.. f.r.c.S.. l.r.C.p.. suspension of Mail services, resumption of, between Stanley & Argentine 9 Deed Poll. Mr. E. R. Cusack 43 Marriages, Ministers registered for celebrating 1*‘- 34 Dental Treatment, grant of free treatment to children 8 Medical practitioners registered in Colony & Depend. 17 Distemper, outbreak of. in Stanley 4,9 „ appmt. of Senior Medical Officer 64. 75 Dixon. E. Y.. apptd. Store-keeper, P.W.D. 14-1 Meteorological Observations 24. 102 Miller, S.. apptd. 2nd. Lieut. F.I.D.F. 18 Earl. R. EL. Asst. Customs Officer. South Georgia 186 Morley, W.. apptd. Carpenter, P.W.D. 189 Eggs. Penguin Rookeries Sparrow Cove, Mt. Lowe 182 Ellis. Hon. J. M.. appt. Deputy Governor 20 Nethercoate, Capt. J. K., Acting Colonial Postmaster 87 „ .. ,. Chairman Entertainment Com. Newing. A., apptd. Member. Entertainment Committee. Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Amazon & Ambuscade 96 Entertainment Committee, visit of H.M.S. Amazon & 64 Noye, W., leave of absence Ambuscade 96, 144 194 Nuisances, Domesticated Birds Essays on Troubles Santa Claus 3, 84 Etheridge. W. J.. apptd. Police Constable. South Georgia 194 Evans. 5L E.. apptd. Asst. Customs Officer 15 Order of Governor in Council {see under “Regulations ) Extra Clerical Asst.
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