41P15NEOOO5W9S8OOO46O CAIRO 010 TRENCHING - SAMPLING HIGHWAY GROUP CAIRO TWP. - PLAN G-3209 LARDER LAKE MINING DIVISION NTS 41P15, 42A2 •M* •O* •S* PROVINCE OF ONTARIO •j'" CAIRO TOWNSHIP •ss Regional Geology The Matachewan area borders the northwest margin of the Round Lake Batholith, and is on the south limb of a major synclinorium, the axis of which trends westerly approximately seven miles north of the area (Pyke et al, 1973). A large pluton of syenite, the Cairo Stock, underlies the northeast portion of Cairo Township. Volcanic rocks of komatiite, tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities trend westward across Cairo and Powell Townships, but has not as yet been mapped in sufficient detail to be accurately delineated. Intercalated with the volcanic rocks are thick sequences of sedimentary rocks. It is the contact zones of the more southerly sedimentary sequence with the underlying volcanics, in association with syenitic intrusions, which has formed the focal point for the known gold mines in the area. The north trending Matachewan dike swarm intrudes the Early Precambrian (Archean) rocks, and has been dated at 2485 million years (Fahrig and Wanless, 1963). Flat-lying Proterozoic sediments of the Cobalt Group unconformably overlie the Archean rocks. A number of major faults traverse the Matachewan area (Figure 2), notably the Larder Lake Fault zone and the Montreal River Fault. The easterly trending Larder Lake break is in proximity to numerous gold camps throughout its strike length - notably those of Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Noranda, Cadillac, Malartic and Val d©Or. Tlie exact positioning of the fault through the Matachewan area is uncertain, but is believed to be as depicted in Figure 2. Furthermore, the Montreal River Fault, which traverses the Matachewan area, shows a spatial relationship to a number of mines or camps - for example: Kidd Creek, Timmins, and Elk Lake. Numerous other northerly trending faults are known in the Matachewan area, many of which are filled by diabase dikes. ~:—r~~~"~~ i o. ' .t w . '* ' ".32415 i (J—-———^——JiJ————. -. ! 892136 [W2.J7 ; j,. .1132413 .1132412 "15241" ' ^U-VK—i-^.^——!——,.. - —— -132376 , li i ! * -- — — ^— - " ...A... — r-— ..---i . , i j^jP-^tt^^Jiaa1.IIOOJ33 itiJif^"'I ' ol\J ~— ;-- * — r*^t"3*^ ,- - -v -^. h^ /i'* . 3 — ^ ,*. - i ?w*1 ^ ' - -a^"la* —~S . h 1 "t 1*1 . .C**5*0 SEE NOTES'^ 1 1 ^QfA^^Al ci'-f'",- .. - -- s"' - riT~: — LT^\ A -i -- ? - —. i- - f j — . - *? 1202875 ^: — -- l\:rt-^- ,-f-T 9022CC - U/S:-' ••V'^ T : - s - " - *-w ' i 101471' *4TC | 0470 1 ! :36-9C i I20C ~-~ .LH . 1202490 J202^ i ——— . ——— I —— r l ^ h ..^t'^rr- 1 L L 1, 1 1 (OK7IT I L l 'OM7N ,- -1 -^^2^56:^^^"^' i^ ! '*471* — —— —— —— ——— J ' ———————' r - ——— 1—— ———— Jp ' 1 x f— •^m J ' ;- j 1 1 - i , i± !~----fcrr-i l ^"TlT^Ar- Haij^r ,,L.J ^ggyrJ^. ^Vjj^-o .-B- l - ^ * ™ •^J - -. | :- : . !-\441.^ -Vjzeis" p..,,, ' 1014724. Si O i IV * pA 2 A V— — _ - 1 — - .\ I JP*-I ~ * r- ^2OQ^r Vs^^:^T^" l L *1 \ i -V HI ' *^83T5 602649 r - \ ^ . \ 537314 J 1— W-^"a"il-— " ——\ "~^ \ ^*~-\'~"' iI/H,* 0 \ t T —— ——— \ \ ' " ",\ " a"7T ———— -1 —— ! - ___ ,y'\ . V . -.l C -- .^ i ^K -^-v -V. '\"—i^arlp*-' Highway Group - Cairo Twp. Claim Number Number of Units 1202754 2 units 1202601 2 units 1202597 l unit 1202602 1 unit 1202878 2 units 1202874 l unit 1202753 1 unit 1200215 2 units 1202877 2 units 1202834 2 units 1202876 2 units 1200214 2 units 1202835 12 units Property Geology About 35*?{i of the property is covered by Proterozoic sediments of the Cobalt Group, consisting largely of moderately well sorted polymitic conglomerates. Dips of 60 to 80 degrees are common and this together with the general linear distribution of the sediments (Figure 2) suggests the Cobalt was Deposited within a fault structure which has later been reactivated. A north facing assemblage of Archean metavolcanic ricks and associated intrusive equivalents underlie the southern portion of the property. This consists of a lower sequence of calc-alkaline rhyolittc flows and breccia and lesser andesite containing minor interflow cherty iron formation. This is overlain by massive and pillowed variolitic basalt containing numerous (15 percent) narrow quartz veins with minor (5 - 10 percent) pyrite. A narrow zone of sheared komatiitic volcanics is enclosed by and in fault contact with the variolitic basalts. Within this fault zone the basalts are extensively bleached, silicified and highly fractured. Massive to pillowed tholeiitic basalt forms the upper pan of the exposed stratigraphy. A narrow lense of serpentinite with minor associated gabbro extends into the east margin of the claim group. The faulted komatiitic-variolitic basalt zone is interpreted to form pan of the Larder Lake Break. In terms of the regional stratigraphy, this fault zone is proximal to the contact between the Lower and Upper Supergroup volcanic rocks (in this case the calc-alkaline and tholeiitic volcanics) which can be demonstrated to be favourably located as regards economic mineralization in the general Timmms-Matachewan-Kirkland Lake area. To the east of the property the fault largely separates Archean and Proterozoic rocks. Here the volcanic rocks are intensely sheared near the Proterozoic-Archean contact; a drill hole in the Cobalt sediments immediately south of the proposed Larder Lake fault zone t Figure 5) did not encounter the Archean basement till a depth of 1100 feet (Lovell, 1967). The volcanic-sedimentary contact on the east side of Knott Lake appears to be the same contact zone along which the Young Davidson and Matachewan Consolidated mine occurred. If so. this contact may extend under the Cobalt sediments along the north margin of the claim Troup. V 7 niMiri.-il (|J!Mlu(|v in Iho vir.inlly ol M,i1;n ln-vnn (Mmliln-ii ill. Previous Work Following the discovery of gold in 1916. the Matachewan area was mapped by Burrows (1918, 1920), Cooke (1919) and subsequently by Dyer (1935) and Lovell (1967). 1956 Geoscientific Prospectors Ltd. Electrical - Resistivity Program 1973 Merv. King Power Stripping 1982 Dr. Pyke Geochemical Survey 1983 Comstate Resources Ltd. VLF and Magnetic Survey Geochemical Survey Induced Polarization Survey Diamond Drill Holes (2) 1984 Grand Saguenay Mines A Minerals Ltd. I.P. Survey 1984 Panmour Porcupine Mines - Webb Lake Group Geological Survey Geochemical Survey Overburden Drilling 1989 Comstate Resources Geochemical Survey Geological Survev Trenching Program A trenching program was started in Oct.. 94 based on Panmour Porcupine Mine geochemical and overburden drilling results. Panmour had up to 500 PPB Au in soil samples but did not do any follow up work on the soil anomaly areas. A John Deer 690 Backhoe was brought in to trench over the soil anomaly. The trench was stripped for a distance of about 500' north to south and later named the main trench. A second trench was made 600' west of the main trench and called the Nevada Trench. This has a distance of about 100* and also runs north to south. The two trenches are situated northwest of Moynear Lake. The main trench has LO+00 running parallel to it and the Nevada Trench is at 6-00 W between L6-10 south and L6-11 south. AH the work was done on claim 1202835. Washing and Sampling The trenching program exposed about 90*xo bedrock. Peter Midtskogen and Fred Kiemicki washed the bedrock with 3 1,2 hp. Honda pressure pump and tire nose. Sumps were dug near the trench which produced water for washing. Grab samples were taken across mineralized zones and sample locations were tied into grid pickets. Mapping All trenches were mapped by Stew Carmicheal (geologist) and Fred Kiemicki (prospector) both of Kirkland Lake. Geological units were controlled by grid lines and pickets. The bedrock exposed by trenching appears to be mainly conglomerate and arkose with strong shear zones up to 20* wide. The main trench has two small diabase dikes running through the south end of it. At LO 9+50 south to LO 10 south the main trench has a band of trachytic syenite about 25' wide and a 25' width of syenitized arkose which has up to 2Q0,©o py. in it. The highest Au value from this section ran 250 PPB. The north end of the Nevada Trench, the conglomerate is sheared, mineralized and syenitized with up to TKfV* py. The south end of the Nevada Trench has cholrite schist trachytic syenite and a silicified albitized arkose zone that runs up to lO^-b to 20^o py. Grab samples here ran as hieh as 267 PPB in silicified arkose. 10 Conclusions The 1994 trenching program on claim 1202835 in Cairo Twp. was successful in finding a new mineralized zone. Although the values were low more work has to be done to establish a strike length of the new zone. More detailed sampling should take place on existing trenches. Recom mendations 1. Prospect the new mineralized zones on strike. 2. Follow up work over area of Panmour Porcupine Mines overburden drilling where they has gold values in till samples as high as 24,000 PPB. This would begone with a l.P. survey. 5 Prospect area where Comstate Resources had favourable soil anomalies. 4/ If the l.P. survey has strong conductors then follow up with diamond drilling. Fred Kiemicki Prospector 11 dwastiKa i^aooratones A Division of TSL/Assayers Inc. Established 1928 Assaying - Consulting . Representation Geochemical Analysis Certificate 4W-2810-RG1 Company F. KffiRNICKI D-e: NOV-07-94 Project: Aon: F. Kiemicki We hereby certify the following Geochemical Analysis of 9 Rock samples submitted NOV-04-94 by . Sample , Au Au Check i* i, ,j. ^^^. p-f-e *\. Number Lo***©** PPB PPB K"^ 15811 :. (ovW .0*2.
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