SfllïM-BflH SXflTG-C0LLGG€ El Gaucho is published every Wednesday Entered as second class matter in the and Friday of the first school semester and post office at Santa Barbara, California, on Fridays during the second semester. No September 17, 1926. Subscription rates, one issues are printed on holidays or during dollar for the first semester and fifty cents examination periods- Ci for the second. » GH0 Vol. XVIII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 No. 45 Candidates Compete for AMS Gaucho Takes Roadrunner Revue Post Today; Thora Lindstrom All-American ■ ■ ■ Op ens Thursday in Wins Presidency oj Women Honor Rating College Auditorium Campus Newssheet # s s - 15 Nominees President-Elect Alice Boeseke Receives High Title Advance Sales Indicate Sellout for 1939 Greets College From ACP Critics Edition of Talent Show; Specialty Run for Five ~ I wish to take this opportunity Loses in Close All American— 1939! Acts, Dances, Songs Feature Production to thank the Student Body for AMS Offices their support in the recent èiec- That’s the title that El Gau­ W ith ioo people on the stage and featuring Johnny Austin’s rion. The big • job, however, is AWS Campaign swing band, State’s 8th annual Roadrunner Revue, "Club de la still ahead of us, and it will re­ cho- was accorded this week by a* Noche” , will be presented to the student body and townspeople on McArthur, Phelps, Sears, quire the cooperation and wil- George, Meacham, Moss, - the Associated' Collegiate Press’s Russell Compete for lingne s of all of us. I am deep­ the evenings of Thursday, M ay 4, and Friday, M ay 5, in the Thompson, Richardson, 1939 Critical service when results Highest Executive Post ly grateful Tor the many students Attain Olher Offices College auditorium. who have -expressed their desire of criticisms of 401 college, junior ¡ s i i V Directed by Carlos Bee, the show Fifteen candidates—the cream of to help make the coming year a :. Thora Lindstrom, Home econo­ college and university newspapers circulates in and around "Club de la the Associated Men Students—-will succe s for the student body. mics major and attive participant in w ere published. El Gaucho is pedes­ Noche”, mythical New York night Speaking for the new council women’; affairs on the cam pus, de-, Musicians Give be voted upon today when men of taled to a position held by only 55 Editor of last semester’s All-Amer­ spot Which serves a- a medium and myself, we will always be feated Alice Boeseke for the presi- the College go to the polls. The ple­ ican El Gaucho was TOM WHAR­ through which the numerous spec-, glad to listen and consider your decicy the Associated Women papers in the entire country: the thora of eligibles is expected to in­ TON, above. High rating of the ialty and feature acts which have e-uggestions as to how to improve Students in Wednesday’s election. highest award in cqliegiate journal­ 2nd Student duce a record vote, according to De- local campus newssheet was an­ been lined up may be presented. or run the various activities which Although a slight margin separated ism. nounced this week by the Associated A quartet composed of Frances Witt Trewhit^, A.fyl.S. president in you control. It is my hope that the two candidates, the exact figures Only one other school of the Performance Hoelscher, Alberta Adams, Mil­ charge of the election. Polls will we can use representation to re­ will not be released according, to Collegiate Press. .semi-weekly class of four year col­ dred Meacham and Ethelrose Orloff be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today flect the majority’s wishes in ev­ Dean of Women Lois M. Bennink. in the office of the Dean of men. ery^ decision; remember, it is leges with an enrollment between Faculty Instructors Gray, will sing "Sweet Sue”, ""Wishm’ ”, Clo e races also featured the elec­ and "Just a Dream” a .> well as pro­ Competing for the presidency of your government—-we are just 1000 and 2500 won the All-American Browning Direct State tions of first and second vice-presi­ Student Heads viding musical background for oth­ the Associated Men students are your custodians. Collegians in Concert dents. For the former, Marjorie certificate this year. This was Drake er acts. Melvyn Dennis, former four candidates, Waldo Phelps. Sincerely, George defeated Betty Peden, while university’s' "Drake Times-Delphic” Second in a series of student re­ soloist with a well-known southern William Sears, William Russell and BOB SCALAPINO Call Goldfish in thè latter race, Mildred Meacham in Des Moines, Iowa. ntals v^ill be presented by the voice California dance band, will offer a William McArthur. For first vice- was victorious over Barbara Philip. an d piano clashes of the M usic de­ selection' on the trumpet, Ossie Wal­ president three men are seeking of­ Rating on News Newly-elected A.W.S. secretary 'is partment on Thursday afternoon at ton, song stylist will sing "What Do fice, Fred Baer, Elmer Martin and High scores were accorded the Non-Edibles Men Confer Faye Thompson, who defeated Mar­ 3:45 in the Music hall. You Know About Love?”, Janine Charles Bailey. jorie Gif fen. Beth Richardson was campus news organ in coverage of The recital is under the direc­ Rupertus, is to be seen in "Dance V ice-Presiddntial Nominee! elected treasurer over Jean McSkim- .College Plays Host for news, vitality of stories, treatment tion of Herbert Gray and Lloyd Moderne”, the Weldwold boys, Ralph On Beards mi-ng and V irginia Mors, who ran Convention of Southern Seeking the office of second vice- of news and routine stories with Browning, faculty instructors. Albert, Tommy Guerrero, George p're ident are Frank O’Neill, How­ unopposed automatically took 'office California Presidents « news stories rating high in leads, Students participating are Kath- Valos, Charles Lugo, Jim Phillips, ard Joha'm and Marvin Sands, while as counselor. At Noon Today organization, style and content and "Goldfish are ornaments not- edi­ ’een Demaree, Ruth Rugg, Velma Jim McLain, Don Vineyard and Jim candidates for the post of secretary- Candidates Stump Stewart and Marjorie Low, pianists; Marentos will do a Hawaiian num­ treasurer are Robert Hatcher, Pat Preceding. the election, campaign copy-reading and proof-reading. bles” was the • decision of the Soil- Three Staters Protest and Frances Smith, Helen Sim­ ber. Quinn and Don Ripsch. Battling Headline writing was rated highly them California Presidents Associa­ speeches, were given by the candi­ mons, Ruth Andrews, Tom Kelly, Brad Tozier, is to play the violin, for social chairmanship are Al Conduct of Painting dates at Tuesday morning’s meeting with front page make-up, typography tion which met in Santa Barbara last Amy Carpenter, Ed McCloskey, and Chet Wilson will play a guitar sel Sprague, Cameron Sellar and Mar­ To Student Legislature of the Associated Women Students. and inside page make-up scoring night as the ¡guests of D oug Duck- Josephine McBride, vocalists. ection, Jim Stanley and George vin Palmer. The election itself was taken charge All men students will meet at excellent and superior. ham, A.S.B. president, and Robert This concert is open to the pub­ Booth are billed as "Two Fiends on Basis for Phelps’ recogni­ of by Las Espuelas, sophomore hon­ noon today in the auditorium for Editorials were classed a few Scalapino, president-elect. The meet­ lic and students and faculty advisors 88” and. slated to render "Minuet tion as a candidate is hi? member­ orary women’s service organization. in Jazz” on the piano. The famous a special meeting of the A.M.S. to are especially requested to attend. ship in the A.M.S. cabinet this For her activities on the campus, points higher than excellent with ex­ ing, convened at El Pasco, was held "Five Footers”, Marie Zappone, Third program in this series will semester and his attendance at the dircus? procedure of the Whiskerino. che newly-èlected head of the cam­ cellent tabbed on editorial page fea­ to discuss problems facing student Marjorie Gif fen, Marie Navarro, be given by the Chamber Music or­ refcent A.M.S. convention in San The meeting was called upon the pus women claims, presidency of Las tures with the suggestion that they admnistrations of the region. Barbara Gorham, Patsy Bass, Vivian ganizations, under the direction of Diego. He has also acted as vice- Meninas, service organization, sec: included too "much chaff”. Sports Girvetz, Beryl Davidson and Doris motion initiated in the student legis­ Answer to the national collegiate Robert. Louis, Barron in two weeks president of the International Rela­ ond vice-presidenéy of the Associat­ page was placed in an excellent Ashby will be featured in a "Half lative council by Bill Russell last outrages against goldfizh and other 'in the Music hall. tions club and is a member of Gam­ ed W om en z tu dents, secretary of the class by the critics. Pint” number, Miss Elizabeth Se- night. Until this meeting is held at lower animals was made when thè The first group consists of a trio ma Sigma Pi Social fraternity and Home Economics department, pub­ El Gaucho Scores 775 hon’s chorus will do "Deep Pur­ for violin, cello and piano, with Alpha' Phi Gamma, „honorary - jour­ 12:20 there will be ng application licity chairman of Kappa Omicron group vigilantly protested their, op­ ple,” Lucinda Smith will sing "You Out of a total possible- point . score Barbara Parker, Jane Boland and nalism fraternity. of grease paint. Phi,- ' honorary Home - Economics position to the freak stunts occur Are My Desire”, Joe Heiden is to of 1000, El Gaucho piled up 755 William Matthies playing.
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