,"-.~ ... o· 0 ~ ,",. o. _0. ~...:..-.,;.:.u:.o. ° irl. ~~t BETA PHI Frie~hips Through The )1--.. -- .~ dear Pi Beta Phi Legacy EDITOR, Introduction Form EDITOR'S NOTE: This is your page-made available to anyone wishing to comment on articles, the magazine, or any topiC of interest to our readers. Letters must be signed with full name, address, and chapter. We reseroe the right to edit as needed to space requirements This form is provided as a convenience for Pi Phi and content. alumnae to introduce legacies to collegiate chapters. Please complete the following to ensure that the chap­ Diversity article helps Panhellenic ter is aware of your legacy. A complete list of chapters, their membership chairmen and addresses appear on I would like to express my sincere thanks to Pi Beta Phi for running as The Arrow's winter 1989 cover story, "Enrichment Through Diversity." As pages 31-37. Please remember that this introduc­ Panhellenic vice president for membership at the University of Kansas, I am tion does not take the place of a Rush Informa­ in charge of education and training of all rush chairmen as well as rush tion Form. counselors and this article could not have been featured at a better time. Since taking office October 1, the issue that Panhellenic has tried to promote is that of the importance of cultural diversity within our system. Date: ________________________ The most effective way of reaching members is through education and to serve as a supplement to speeches about diversity's importance, I copied To _____________________________ Chapter "Enrichment Through Diversity" for all 50 rush counselors and 14 rush chairmen. _______________________ College/University These women have taken this article back to their respective chapters, along with the knowledge gained from guest speakers. Because of this information, they have served as resources for their chapters. It is time that sister Greeks realize that cultural diversity is a necessity in the face of an ever­ This is to inform you that my daughter changing society. We must take steps to ensure that the Greek community granddaughter reflects these changes in its membership. Thank you Pi Phi for addressing this important issue. The University of Kansas Panhellenic will always benefit from articles such as this. name Stacey Warren Kansas Alpha from ________________________ will be/is a West Des Moines, IA city, state Legacy sends thanks student on your campus as a freshman, soph- I am a new initiate as ofJanuary of the South Carolina Beta Chapter and I'm proud to say I come from a line of wonderful Pi Phis. My sister, Cindy omore, junior, senior (circle one) beginning Crosby, is an Ohio Zeta and my mother, Sharon Camp Crosby is an alumna of the same chapter. _________ (date). I want to use this letter to thank my sister for her support and my mother for making my Pi Phi initiation experience as perfect as can be. My mother surprised me and flew down from Michigan for it. She made her grand Her school address (if known) will be/is surprise appearance at the Cookie Shine and participated in the rest of the ceremonies. The Pi Phi tradition was passed onto me as my mother's pin was placed on my dress. All I have to say is, "Mom, thanks. I love you, and you're truly an angel in disguise." Elizabeth Crosby Signed: ________~---- ---- South Carolina Beta First, Maiden, Last Clemson, SC Family member honors a Pi Phi Street Address As I read the article "Ohio Alpha Celebrates 100th Anniversary,'· I wished my aunt, Vernah Stewart Gardner, had still been alive to join in the City State Zip Telephone festivities. Aunt Vernah was initiated at West Virginia Alpha, but soon transferred to Ohio University. She lived all of her adult life in the Athens Chapter of Initiation ______________________ area and participated in Pi Phi activities at the local and national levels. At the time of her death in 1976, she was serving as Grand Treasurer, a position she accepted after several years as Grand Secretary. Year of Initiation ____ _____ Aunt Vernah loved Pi Beta Phi and would have been so proud of her chapter's centennial. I write this to recognize her contributions to the Send completed form to Chapter Membership fraternity and to pay tribute to her memory. Chair man concerned. A complete list is found on Ethel R. Detch West Virginia Alpha pages 25-31 of this issue of the ARROW. Franklin, TN 2 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI OF PI SUMMEIll990 WI.I.JME 106 NUMBEIl4 Contents Arrow Editor Dear Ed,ItIJIt •••••••••••••••••••• 2 FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Jennifer Moeller Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848-1924) Pi Beta Phi Central Office Fahue Artlde Margaret Campbell (1846-1936) 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333 Pi Beta Phi: St. Louis, MO 63105 Libbie Brook Gaddis (1850-1933) 314/727-7338 Frien«hhlps Through the Years 4 Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924) FAX: 314/727-8049 VIIIaucwa Un.IfttsIty Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (1850-1931) 7 From Pi Phi Pens 1nRa'1M:lcMJ •••••••••••••••••• Fannie Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941) (Book Reviews) News (J6 Anowmont and Rosa Moore (1848-1924) Clare Harding Sanford ~ •••••••••••••••••• 12 Jennie Nicol, M. D. (1845-1881) (Mrs. Frank W.), Little Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Professor Book Center, IIeIploa 0tIIers •.•....•••••...• 16 Fannie Thomson (1848-1868) Hilltown Vtllage Center, Short StorIes of Sapcious Sisters 20 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Jennie Horne 'furnbull (1846-1932) Rush lIdormation Nancy Black Wallace (1846-1918) Address Changes and In Memoriam Chapter Membership Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, 0IaIraIa0. .•.•••.•••••..•. 25 Suite 333, Club Rush Information Founded 1867 St. Louis, MO 63105 ~ ••••••••••••••••• 32 Pi Beta Phi initiates ..•.••••••• 38 COU I CI ,,,.,u, .. ,,y (DtlOft' ASSOCI,U""'" In MeaIOliam ••••••••••••••••• 49 The ARROW of Pi Beta Phi (USPS 032-540) is published quarterly by Pi 1990-91 Graduate Conau1tants .. 52 Beta Phi Fraternity, 7730 Carondelet, FraternIty DIrectory ••••••••••• 54 Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105-3328. Sec­ ond class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Dear~ ••••••• ••••••••••• 55 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ARROW of Pi Beta Phi, 7730 Caron­ delet, Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105- 3328. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to the editor. Correspondence of a business nature should be sent to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105. Copy deadlines: Cover-Friendship, at the heart of Pi Spring: January 10 Phi, binds members from college days Summer: April 10 on. (Photo by Taylor Photograpby, St. Fall: July 10 Louis.) Winter: October 10 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI 3 J PI BETA PHI Friendships Through The Years Friendship. It is at the very heart of by Jennifer Moeller to school, finding a better job or sim­ our organization. The Preamble of I.e. ply trying something new. Sorosis included the cultivation of Oliker explains that women, unlike friendship as the first object of the men, continue to make friends, have Fraternity. Since our beginning, we new experiences and maintain support have sought after close relationships networks throughout life. She reasons derived from our female companions. that men's friendships often revolve Through the years, Pi Beta Phi has around activities while women's friend­ provided an environment conducive to ships focus on shared feelings and per­ the development of friendship. From sonal experiences. collegiate days forward, Pi Beta Phi Pamela Redmond Sat ran in her arti­ brings together women from a variety cle, "The Evolution of Women's Friend­ of backgrounds. Remember one of ships," (Working Women, November your first pledge class meetings? More 1989) reports that friendships have than likely, you looked around a room taken on a new significance in our of new face . Several years later, upon lives. "Friends no longer are stand-ins graduation, you were able to look at for family; today friendships may be those once unfamiliar faces and see the the most intimate, most profound and reflection of friendship in their eyes. most durable relationships in our lives. Some of us are even so blessed that we More than family, sometimes." can share accounts of friendships last­ So as we head into fall, a season of ing from college, through graduate A special word ofthanks to the Pi Phis membership drives by both Pi Phi school, marriage, children and Golden from St. louis who volunteered their chapters and alumnae organizations, Arrow years. time and energy for the photos ac­ let the light of friendship guide you in For women, friendships fulfill needs companying this article and on the your efforts. The friendships Pi Beta in their life. Stacey Oliker, author of cover; Anne Blatherwick, Anita Cas­ Phi nurtures today will live in the Best Friends and Marriage: Exchange silly, Bonnie Grenney and daughter hearts of individuals through the years. Among Women, believes friend to be Allison, Betsy Lindner, Pat Peck and the primary source of support for wo­ Barbara Vanluven. A thank you also Reaffirm your support in Pi Beta Phi with men. The intimacy and attachment of a goes out to the administration at the payment of 1990-91 dues. Payment con female friend provides a secure emo­ DeMenil Mansion and the Missouri be made through your locol club. or di­ tional base from which women can Botanical Gardens for use of their rectly with our dues envelope appearing venture out and take risks-returning grounds. in the center of the magazine. THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI 5 Women's style makes friendship good medicine Friendship has always been some­ thing women take seriously. And it is precisely the way women tend to prac­ tice friendship that makes it one of the most potentially therapeutic of all hu­ man relationships.
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