Box Office du cinéma français en Espagne en 1996 10/3/21 12:04:35 AM Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Statistics for French films (theatrical release) - Spain Release details - 1996 Film title Box Office Admissions Number of Sales agents Local (€) prints distributors 1 The Postman 2,952,825.06 889,768 0 STUDIOCANAL Buena Vista International - Espagne 2 French Twist 2,054,696.45 654,385 0 Pathé Films Cine Company 3 Stealing Beauty 1,292,239.1 396,270 0 STUDIOCANAL United International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 4 Breaking the 658,355.95 181,355 0 TrustNordisk Golem Waves Distribución 5 The Adventures 459,589.25 135,844 0 Kushner-locke Lider Films of Pinocchio international 6 Nelly and Mr 444,866.21 124,435 0 STUDIOCANAL Vértigo Films Arnaud 7 Jane Eyre 441,838.9 135,960 0 Warner Bros. Sociedad (France) Estatal Quinto Cente 8 The North Star 431,961.6 140,921 0 Tripictures 9 The Jaguar 335,020.11 96,789 0 Gaumont Laurenfilm 10 Happiness is in 312,385.73 96,975 0 Tamasa Cinemussy the Field Distribution S.L. 11 What a Drag ! 273,300.52 90,112 0 Tamasa Cine Company Distribution 12 Ulysses' Gaze 264,230.59 69,538 0 Cine Company 13 The Guardian 227,207.11 70,443 0 Gaumont Tripictures Angels 14 A Summer's 225,698.93 67,048 0 Les Films du Musidora Tale Losange 15 A French 219,646.61 68,009 0 StudioCanal Cinemussy Woman Films Limited S.L. 16 Beyond the 206,955.24 56,310 0 Pathé Films Alta Films Clouds 17 Deep Crimson 195,351.73 57,209 0 mk2 films Wanda Films 18 Pereira 182,237.68 57,209 0 Vértigo Films Declares 19 La Cérémonie / 174,987.71 54,743 0 mk2 films Wanda Films A Judgment in Stone 20 Underground 163,806.84 55,426 0 TF1 Studio Cinemussy S.L. 21 Hate 144,959.94 44,397 0 Tamasa Golem Distribution Distribución Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 22 Total Eclipse 140,550.55 46,354 0 Capitol Films United International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 23 Bambola 121,859.81 33,369 0 Warner Sogefilms 24 Thieves 109,777.25 30,367 0 Tamasa Vértigo Films Distribution 25 Colonel Chabert 94,780.19 37,415 0 Tamasa Warner Distribution Sogefilms 26 Ridicule 88,499.25 24,079 0 Sogepaq SA 27 Carrington 87,458.99 35,761 0 Universal Sogepaq SA Pictures (France) 28 Microcosmos 78,620.86 22,509 0 France tv Alta Films distribution 29 Les Miserables 64,292.1 21,560 0 Les Films 26 United International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 30 The Eighth Day 62,981.04 18,047 0 Tamasa Sogepaq SA Distribution 31 The Convent 57,812.35 16,652 0 StudioCanal Laurenfilm Films Limited 32 Ponette 54,145.61 14,108 0 Tamasa Vértigo Films Distribution 33 The Second 51,601.75 13,000 0 The Works NC (Espagne) Time 34 Two Dads and 36,555.6 14,711 0 Tamasa Sogepaq SA One Mom Distribution 35 Kabloonak 34,117.27 17,221 0 Hispano Foxfilm 36 The City of Lost 32,775.07 17,198 0 StudioCanal Alta Films Children Films Limited 37 Lamerica 29,939.69 11,654 0 Pathé Films Alta Films 38 The Bait 29,774.55 13,852 0 Lagardère Cine Company Studios, Tamasa Distribution 39 Little Indian, Big 29,696.6 15,397 0 Tamasa Columbia City Distribution TriStar 40 The Rickshaw 27,521.87 8,427 0 StudioCanal Alta Films Boy Films Limited 41 Celestial 26,058.53 7,688 0 Gaumont Sogepaq SA Clockwork 42 My Man 24,298.79 7,217 0 Tamasa Vértigo Films Distribution 43 The Man Who 23,239.65 5,791 0 mk2 films Espectarama Loved Women S.A. 44 Madame 21,719.21 5,945 0 Idéale Audience Wanda Films Butterfly International 45 Mario, Maria 21,078.6 7,335 0 STUDIOCANAL Cinemussy and Mario S.L. 46 The Baby of 19,233.18 5,266 0 Cine Company Mâcon Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 47 The Black 17,614.5 7,147 0 Tamasa United Angel Distribution International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 48 Diary of a 14,923.3 4,085 7 Columbia Rapist TriStar 49 The Chess 13,470.45 4,030 0 Pyramide United Game International International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 50 The Wild reeds 12,355.94 6,071 0 STUDIOCANAL Vértigo Films 51 Blind Man's Buff 11,438.85 3,364 0 Gemini Films Wanda Films 52 The 11,155.8 5,260 0 Gaumont Buena Vista Professional International - Espagne 53 Before the Rain 10,855.18 3,850 0 Polygram Film Sogepaq SA International 54 The Patriots 9,703.31 4,341 0 Gaumont Buena Vista International - Espagne 55 Hell 8,117.26 4,161 0 mk2 films Wanda Films 56 Killing Zoé 7,559.4 3,612 0 Metropolitan Manga Films Filmexport 57 The 7,442.04 2,032 0 Polygram Film Sogepaq SA Confessional International 58 The Monster 7,378.1 3,181 0 Tripictures 59 Rendez-vous in 7,324.04 3,178 0 Les Films du Musidora Paris Losange 60 Elisa 5,416.65 2,458 0 Tamasa Sogepaq SA Distribution 61 The Smile 4,886.8 2,456 0 Tamasa Cine Company Distribution 62 D'Artagnan's 4,802.17 2,240 0 Tamasa Laurenfilm Daughter / Distribution Revenge of the Musketeers 63 Burnt By the 4,733.25 1,969 0 Pyramide United Sun International International Picture - UIP (Espagne) 64 One Hundred 4,457.7 1,666 0 Gaumont Laurenfilm and One Nights 65 Up, Down, 4,165.5 1,121 0 Cine Company Fragile 66 Fear City: A 3,138.15 930 0 STUDIOCANAL Sogepaq SA Family-Style Comedy 67 The Queen 2,835.15 1,538 0 Pathé Films Cine Company Margot 68 Mon amie Max 2,747.7 1,253 0 Musidora 69 Belle de Jour 2,123.7 692 0 STUDIOCANAL Alta Films 70 Mina 2,079.6 1,133 0 Tamasa Cinemussy Tannenbaum Distribution S.L. Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 71 Farinelli 1,996.88 628 0 Le Pacte, Sogepaq SA StudioCanal Films Limited 72 Dead Tired 1,577.02 737 0 Gaumont Buena Vista International - Espagne 73 A Pure 1,125.6 778 0 Summit Group Filmayer Formality International 74 Rice People 973.2 324 0 Playtime Golem Distribución 75 Death and the 773.7 407 0 Capitol Films Columbia Maiden TriStar 76 Coming to 746.48 270 0 Playtime Musidora Terms with the Dead Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 French films acquired (production year : 1996) Film title Film export Local distributor Production status companies/International distributors Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market development Year Admissions Admissions Box office for Box office for Number of Average (all to French films of all French films screens ticket price nationalities) films nationalities (€) (€) (€) 2019 104,900,000 3,612,966 614,700,000 20,874,365 3,695 5.86 2018 98,901,738 3,000,557 585,738,852 17,846,294 3,589 5.92 2017 99,983,223 4,336,130 591,715,219 25,398,984 3,625 5.92 2016 102,107,567 2,357,579 602,992,885 13,714,565 3,567 5.91 2015 96,190,949 3,690,910 575,433,804 22,144,214 3,590 5.98 2014 87,664,895 4,852,142 516,721,843 29,297,577 3,691 5.89 2013 78,700,000 2,050,501 506,300,000 13,106,286 3,908 6.4 2012 94,200,000 6,761,695 624,200,000 43,442,048 4,003 6.6 2011 98,300,000 4,325,456 635,800,000 27,322,101.0 4,044 6.5 4 2010 101,600,000 4,396,898 662,300,000 27,079,130 4,080 6.5 2009 110,000,000 3,275,496 675,000,000 19,360,833.8 4,082 6.1 7 2008 107,800,000 3,863,770 619,300,000 22,313,588 4,140 5.7 2007 116,900,000 4,030,637 643,740,032 22,017,465 4,296 5.5 2006 121,700,000 4,842,339 636,200,000 25,259,222 4,299 5.23 2005 126,000,000 7,527,241 627,299,968 37,927,531 4,401 5 2004 143,900,000 2,591,262 681,600,000 12,844,971 4,390 4.8 2003 137,500,000 3,708,424 639,430,016 17,432,787 4,253 4.65 2002 140,720,000 5,881,935 625,900,032 26,330,506 4.45 2001 145,053,860 5,659,861 24,848,102.2 3,760 710 3 2000 135,390,513 2,679,128 11,881,265.3 3,527 660 2 1999 131,348,075 6,376,929 5,407,143.07 29,309,914.5 3,343 628.13 6 1998 112,100,000 1,422,329 9,389,623.2 2,997 595.57 1997 105,000,000 3,680,488 12,377,116.9 2,584 560 5 1996 104,300,000 4,064,896 13,203,543.7 1,807 560 3 1995 94,600,000 4,124,878 5,916,003.73 13,175,677.1 2,090 510 2 1994 89,100,000 2,882,394 3,668,065.2 8,684,687.4 1,930 6.85 1993 87,700,000 1,171,052 11,564,983.4 3,680,187.33 1,791 470 4 1992 83,300,000 0 11,847,273.0 0 1,807 23.66 5 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 1991 79,000,000 0 5,320,226.36 0 1,806 11.21 1990 78,500,000 0 169.78 0 1,773 0 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market share for French films, filtered by distributor - 1996 Distributor Number of films Total admissions Market share (%) released 1 Buena Vista 4 900,106 0 International - Espagne 2 Cine Company 8 838,268 0 3 United International 6 477,330 0 Picture - UIP (Espagne) 4 Vértigo Films 6 239,407 0 5 Cinemussy S.L.
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