I~I ~~~~~~~--'II I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH .' 27---iBANARAS DISTRICT II I. 315.42 ALLAHABAD: r. PRINTING AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH. INDIA 1951 1953 BAN DPS FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for .. scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas;- and (ii) village-wise for rural" areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorthlg of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been fil].ished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstanc~s there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhaga( as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan. Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the _scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section HI of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite ,and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens' RegIster, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4:- In the Summary of Urban Population ¢e code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and • the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in th~ Summary of Rural Population. ,.... •..... - R·AJESHW ARJ PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census. Operations) July 23, 19$2. Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION, STATISTICS OF BANARAS DISTBICT A---Errata to column 1, code number and name of mohalla (Urban) (al Addition of new mohallas Page Particulars Addition8 no. 10 Under mohall a 2-Gyanpur B-Kunwarganj ward 10 Under mohaUa 4-Gopipur Ahiran Charo.r.auti C-Kondh Dih ward 10 Under mohaUa 6-Kondh Dih Chhota\, D-Hariharganj ward (b) Deletfon of exls!ing mohaUas ----------------------------;----- ._------_._--- Page 'Deletion no. Particulars 10 Under mohaUa I-Balipur . : ,. B-Kunmarganj ward 10 Under mohaUa 2-Gyanpur C-Kondh Diha ward 10 Under mohaUa 3-Kunwarganj D-Hariharganj ward B-Errata to column 1, code number and name of village (Rural) (al Corrections in existing Code numbers Page For Read no. .__ --_--_._-----_._--_ .•. _.. _- 21 744-Neebpur 754-Neebpur 22 158-Beekhpur 159-Beekhpur 22 320-Fatehpur 330-FatehpUf 27 229-Chahania 224-Chalw.niu. (b) Corrections in existing names of villages Page ]1'0'1' Read no. 12 25-Amualiya 25-Amaulia 12 37---Anrula 37--AnauJ(l 12 384-Dadupur 384-Dandupnr 12 880-Marhwa 880-Mandhwa 12 881-Majhbhitiya 881-Ml1njhlutiyn 12 461-Dibapur 461-Dipapur 13 714-Karan Adari 714-Karnadandi 13 1195-Ranisipur .. 11 95-Ramaipnr 13 1270-Sarai Ghana 1270-Sarai Mohan 13 1302-Shahgu Shahpur 1302--Shahan Shahpur 13 1324-Sihol'ba 1324-Sihorum 13 444-Dhmora 444-Dhora 13 446--Dhaner j i pur 446-Dhanurjaipnr 13 992-Ngkti 992-Nakti 14 I037-Mimaich 1037-Nimaich 14 1254-Sarawon 1254-Sarawanpur 14 J13-Bajhfa 113-Bajhia 14 115-Batidpur 115-Bajidpnr 14 44O-Dhang Patti 440-Dhanej Patti 14 616-Indwar 616-Inderwar 2 List of Errata to District Population Statistics ot Banaras District-(contd.) Page no. For --------''------------ -- --.._--- .-----'--------- 15 I 375-Tewanpnr 1375-Tewal'ipul' 15 63--Atarsuin 63-Atesua 15 78-Bahranpnr .. 78-Bahrarnpul' 15 308-Chak Dan Garhn 308-ChakDangaha~ 15 31.4-Chak Powa Beg 314---Chak Lawa Beg 15 466--Durhua 466-Duruhan 16 1231-Saraiya Rampur 1231-Sarya Jairampur 16 I 292-Sheo Baspur I 292-Sheo Daspul' 16 658--Jhajhaur 658--Jhanjuaur 17 1378-Telan urf Narainpur I 375-Telari urj Narainpur 18 659-Jhwaba, 659-Jhabara 18 728-Karoma urf Rameshwar 728--Karauna urj Rameshwar 18 7'34---Karmapur .. 734-Karamsipur 18 787-Kishundaspur u11 KoeH 787-Kishundattpur '!.I.r! Koili 18 912-:\lakikpachsin 912-M'alikpachllin 18 916-Marafa. 916-Maraia 18 I I 25-Prithamipur 1 I 25-Prithvipur 19 34-Amrnkhaiar Chak 34-Amllra Khaira Chak 19 397-Dati 397-pafi 20 1191-Rampur 1191-Ranipur 20 I 259-Sarah Net... 1259-Sarah Het 20 871-Marhni 871-Madni 20 1219-Rerua 1219-Rauna uri Chiraigllon 20 419-Deorain 419-Deoria 20 I 133-Pura Ramii I I 33-Pura Raiji 21 569-Khaihr Qaon 569-Khajoor Gaon 21 687-Mahawatpur 687-Mahabalpur 21 881-Ratnapur 881-Ratanpur 21 46-Bahure Khas 46--Babura Khas 21 201-Chak Niwatullah 201-Chak NiamatuJlnh 21 247-Delu Patti 247-Dallu Patti 21 31 I-Doman Patti 311-Doolam Patti 22 484-Kanjrar 484-Kanjiyar 22 821-Pipradha 821-Pipardaha 23 707-Mohiuddinpur 707-Moinuddinpur 23 5-Arkaura 5-Ahikaura 23 15-Alam Khatoput' 15-Alam Khatampur 23 93-Barunda Khas 93-Barunda Khalsa 23 390-Hisimpur 390-Hashimpur 24 436-Jamalput' ,- 436-.JamlapUl' 24 832-Purasi Tamisirawal 832-Purasi Tamisir Do"m 24 855-Rasuepur 855-Rasoolpur 25 904-Sawaia Pathpari 904-Sawaia Pattidar 25 1001-Taurhin 1001-'l'nnrhia 25 1014-Tundin 1014-Tendni 25 96-Barnagar 96-Baranga 25 213-Chak Bhaura 213-Chak Bhama 3 List of Errata to District Population Statistics or Banaras District-(concld.) Page no. For Read --~--------~--------------- -------~ 25 454-Jamal Dih 454-Jam Dih 26 567--lCaau Jahan Chak 567-Khan Jahan Chak 26 680--Mahdepur ., 680-Mahdiur 27 282--Dewatpur 282-Dewalpur 27 595-Kuraihari 595-Kuramani 27 I-Abara I-A barn a 27 9-Anupur 9-Ahupur 27 14--Alawpur 14-Alampnr 27 50-Aunai 50-Aunrai 27 70-Bhauta Saroor 7Q-Bahuta Sarda\' 28 159-Bhagwanpur Kalan 159-Bhagwanpur Saroi I 28 160-Bhagwanpur Khnrd 160-Bhagwanpur Kalan Kliurd 28 I 74--Bhampur I 74-Bhanopur 29 275-Chak Bhimdhar 275--Chak Bhuindhar 29 313-Chakwa Chandel 313-Chakwa. Chande] 29 339-Chak Newaji Zamima Haupur 339-Chak Newaji_ Zamima Makanpur 29 349-Chak Mandhar 349-Chak Manohar 29 350-Chak Harnamdas 350-Chak Harnandan 30 436-Dihkderan " 436-Dih Koeran 30 451-1)omanput Chaunthia " 46\-Domanpur Chuntahin. 30 524-Girdhar Gaon 524-Gil'd Bal'ngnon 30 534-Gondathapuf 534---Gonda Thakur 30 538-Gonda Mirhnamali 538-Gonda Mil' Imam Ali 30 541-Gamna Jati 541-Gonda Jamnajati 31 613-Jagdiflhpur 'UTf Kautti Patti 6\3--Jagdishpul' u'l'f Kanthi Pattl 31 652--Jotbarej Ramanandpur 652-Jot Bl'ij Ramanandpur 31 653-Jotramda ni 653-Jot RAm Dutt 31 654-Juraupur Zamima Surejfaupur 654-Juraupur Zarnima Suraj BhAnpul' 34 1073-S"Irai Chhotu Shah 1073-Sal'ai Chhatal' Shah 34 1146-Talupela \ 146-Tal Supila 37 353-Kutnpur 353-Kutlupur 38 507-Pasia 507-Rasiya 38 517-Sahamahpur 517-Sabamatpur C-Errafa to population figures (Rural) -----------------------------------~--Page no. Particulars 2 4 27 224-Chahania .. .. For 424 395 Read 290 261 --------- --------------- 1)~Sl1UGi' Ib\N'UUS Sulnmar3. of Ur.b~llQPu,l.atiJ):tt ". 124 .... '-' Population Scheduled Code no. and name of Town. T01lljJ_,. - MaltlS Females, MusJillu, I Ga~f.e8, ·Otbert 2 3 4 5 6 7 26-1-1.6 & 7 BANARAS MUNICIPAL BOARD . -; ... 1'89,ti93 J56,087 345,680 92,978 19.514 233,188 26-1-2 &3 BANARAS CANTONMENT BOARD 3.37+ 1,992 5,366 i.1M 4r,1.J b,847 26-1-5 SHEOPUR TOWN AREA 1,9pS 1,5p2 3,470 238, 422 2,81() ,26-1-4 HINDU UNIVERSITY TOWN 4,~33 1,f~1 5.~74 3,7 70 5,867 26-2-1160 RAMNAGAR MUNICIPAL BOARD ., 7,4,24 6;~19 13;943 2,3.88 1.324 10/231 26-2-1445 GANGAPUR To.WN AREA 1,1.01 1•. 0.69 2,17()' 331 107 1,731 36-3-1043 MUGHAL SARAI NOTIFIED AREA 4,007 3,291 7.298 1.585 1.009 4.704 26-3-1044 E. I. R. COLONY MUGHALSARAI TOWN 5.012 3,114 8,1.26 927 968 fo,231 26-4-119& BHADOHI MUNICIPAL BOARD 8,'312 8,~Ol 16,313 7.587 2 L85.
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