-.------------- - ' -, "".• .<-:- ,,:' • ~ '· •. • ,:. ~- ,,: '• .. 1 •. :.·· • . · · ! .. , ~ .. ,(: . ,'•. l. .. , .VOLUME XLIII NUMBER ti MONl>A Y. MAHC'II I. 1'1112 BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE ' I , '· ", Loan~ go unpaid; band accounts frozen! By JAY 'ooN~TO & TONY LACAVA. · was appropriated to National Britannia Air Tours plan- Wood confirmed that the final $20 per.person (personal (around Christmas time), we discovered th~t ·~ numbe~ Staff Writer & Edl_tor-ln,Ctiief nlng the trip. /. , . cost was $320) was covered by the band's fund-raising of students had made no effort to pay (back the money: . Overdue payments of loans made to various BC band. When ii became apparent in late May band members : activities. they had borrowed). At that point we began to contact! . members to help finance their trip to Mazatlan, Mexico, . couldn't raise enough money to make the England trip a · ; ·A Joan was made tci the b~~d froi:ri the co-curricular those students to see what arrangements had l:!een ma~ . has p_rompted Dr.-Rlchard Wright, dean of students, .to reality, plans for that trip were cancelled, but the $3,000 · j fund with the understanding that .the money would be . with Dr. Wood." · ·· ... · · : freeze the band's five· on-campus accounts and limit . • .was non'-refuhdable said Wood. i paid back by moststudents before Christmas time, said Dr. Phyllis' Dabbs; dean of personnel, said she hu most of the band'.s activities. · · · · Shortly after the t~ip.tci England was caricelled, a less _. · Wood. · · · 'met with 10-12 band members-"most of them witI. · Of the 66 band membeu who took the trip to expensive, alternate trip to Mazatlan was proposed, . ''I was convinced by ihe students (that they'd pay the . reference to pay-back on the Matzatlan trip.tt : . M~tlan iq ~ptember, 1981, 20 members are still. according to Wood. mortey back} and I convinced the administration," said . Thestudc;,nts questioned wer~ not selected at random; ·. under contract with the BC Business Office and are still The cost of· this trip, planned through M~tlan· · Wood. stressed Dabbs: "Some came in on their own; others t . ··making payments on the loans, according to Business Hollywood International Tours, Inc., was approximate- • According to Dr. \Vright, "Or. Wood assured Dr. asked to come in." · . ·~ , Manager Alice Pinkerton. About 10 other members ly $22,300. · , <Jo~n) Collins arid. me that he would take the proper . Dabbs· said some students had already talked to: have not yet signed contracts and have made no .· O'f this. amount, .. approximately $7 ,400 is still · steps to make sure any siudents who had not paid prior Pinkerton but they (some of the students) were unable'. · payments; said Pinkerton: · outstanding said Pinkerton. - . to the trip would pay after the trip. And on thai condis. 1 tp agree with Pinkerton's figures regarding how much: . Las~-sprlns--and~summer,f~nd·raising-events~were "When-4he-student trip to Mazatlan. came- up,, the.. tion, J.· authorized th~ co-curricular funds to issue the. ·.. they still owed. "In .some ·cases, they actually had' conducted by ~and members for. a trip to England. agreement was that the ·students would pay $300 each,'' .. ' check for the totai amouri1." ·_ - · ···evidence they had paid bacl< inore" thari was recorded: · Wright and Dr,'Charles. Wood; BC band director, sign- . says Wright. "That basically covered the air fare and .... "A lot of students· paid the whole amourit before they Continued on page 3 · ed t.he contract for the first step of that plari and $3,000 the land tour which included some meals and lodging. '• l departed,,. says Wright. ''But-when we got to checking Low-energy· .. ·ii,Former Rip .. editor new ·. ·high-power :; chief on Baltimore Sun -. ! - ·· ]ightin~ in , , ' : : By SAU. YING CHU. ·. eve~ at age 40," responded CoJHns to Houck's latest ap-: . ; ( · .· Staff Writer . · pointmenL . - . <By JEFfGOER.TZEN ,: ·· · · · · · · ·. · · · · ··.· . "Ilove. it anct think.-:it's'great.1 . _ . - · · Sta.f(Writer .· : I ·.·.Former BC studehf and Renegade Rip editor Jain~s ·., , ,. , , ' Houck will leave thel)a//as Morning News, where he IS • "I'm very proudJhathe has distinguished himself in: , l · -· - · · · . · ·· · · · d' · · this w. ay. I.I refiects.··.~om. e.w.· hat on the e.ffectiveness o(.: ... ·. Budgeting m~U,e)' has been · of : 1 assistant managing edit9r ;_ to bec()rrie managing e 1tor _ ~ . of The'Baltim<ire Swi; efffctive March 15. · our'journalisrii'-departme1H," expressed Co!Uns.. : 'i ·:: . growirig concern at BC, and just <) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - ·· •'lam going to hominate him for the California Com~ . · . recently a .long·t~rm. project, thaf. , Houck, 40; was not sJrprised at the announcement· . munity iind JuniorColleges Association Distinguished:: · started 18 months ago to install because he did havelo apply fo~ it. - ·. Alumni Award come November," revealed Collins. : ener~y-e.fficient lights on c'arnphs. - ,iBut it wai a surprise when the job' was offered. io .. ,·'He ~epreserits. a possibility ftir preserit and future'. has JUSt 'been completed; · · · - - . ' . : . (· - me,''. expla_ined Houck. ·. ·. st?ffin,~inbers,''. said Bona· Dillon, current Renegade: , The State ~f C!iHforniahas loan-. , · Houck· worked for two summers dudng his high Rip adv1~or; .· . _ -. .· . .· ,. ed the Bakersfiel.~ .Corriinuriity C!;JI~ . ' school:years at The Bdkersfieid Calijorni~n as a sports- . , Houck himself attributes his sucess to things he': . lcge District · $391000 to replace hs writer. He then attended Bakersfield College forfwo learned through the years. , , , , , .~ • 't 52 mercury vapor parkirig lot lights · · • ; , years. Ho'uck 'beca,ni.e editor of the Reriega<le Rip' in - , "BC was a very good place for me with first-rate peo-~ . fo{high~pressur~ soditlm lights. -.. , : ..•... t96<t6,t-a[tet-~ta(twrmng-J~H"-thefirsr year/' :-·· :: · . ·:·· ple:·BC an.d llakersfield 'ins.tilled in m~ basic values of; .. ); · .. _''H!i w~~ a!l; ~~HHt~.!l~ :eff~~~ivejo,~nfalist.._He ':"a~.·._•. h~r~ ,w.or~,:J~J,alty, optimism a!1d ·the •importance· o~ ~ •the~ ~rutii: light~; v ~~yii :0e1v: :. : ,-;.,.:~- mature riot "only in 'years tiuf frt'the way'he ran th'e pubHc: e.ducaHon.~/ ~ .• ,. '--:- :, , - -~ --,~ ' ---- :-· ~ . -Whetsler,:·associate dean.of special ·. pap_ei, ". r~niembers Dr. J<>htt Coliins BC President wh<> , , :; , ,''.The-Renegade iUp, in, particular ,.,taµghr me, about · services "will be 33~35%-more·effi .. _ wafdean o(stud~rits'when Hciuck attended. '••He·was. -the newspaper's role in-society, restraint; obligation,~ ,, , _cieht than th~- mercury vapo[lighJ: .: -. also .ictive itj si~dent gov~rnment, serving on the Boar.d . how to ·handle situations·wh'en under fire, ·and leader-:.· and win pay for themselves in 3.4 of Representatives;;; added .Coliins. .: · . · ship/' revealed l:{ou~k:_ . .. -. .. .. : ·'years . ...i, ·. In turn ''the paper was active in student pQlitics," ac~ .. Having ot;,iained all ~his experience, Hpuck has some;:.· cording t() Collins. .· ....· . · .. · .. ·. .. advice for prospective journalists; · .· ... ·· · -.. ~· . A~otdin-g to w1tetsler, energy ~r- .· . · . - After gradµating from BC, Houck wen.t to San Fran·- ·. · ·. ·.·. "First g~t a; good education ~ith a heavy history::. fidency isn't 1he only be'neficial ·. ciscci State. College (now· University) for o'rie semester' ·.- background: l didn't have very many history courses:: , .aspect the light~ have t6 offer. Says · H~ then ·transferredt~- the l.Jn1versity of California,· : and I've· regretted it. - . - . : Whetsler, ''The new lighting seems -· Perkeley to finish his studies in journalism. , ·.. ··., • ,, .·· ·. ,:.r.··~;. -:· · to be twice as'.-good as iFwas and . ''I was managing editor oLThe DailJCali/ornian for ;..;...,..... ''I',<..-. - ·. provides more light at grouncflevel. , . · one semester in 1963, i~ that sarne Year I )oined The San ';7 · " ·In fact, this .n~w lighting has be.en . -Francisco Examiner staff,"\said Hot1_ck. -. .· . .replaced in the_ gymnasium; and SO . .There he ;orked as copy ;d1tor; ielegraph ediior, and far they seem to be working great.;, . - . - finally n~ws ~ditor_in a seven-year time span. , .· , A stat: is born . March.1981 saw.Houck at The Dallas Morning News But what W~etsler likes· best . A BC student gets a star drawn on her cheek by a member ofth~ Bl.: Drama . in two months·time;fie became assistant managing, · about the Hghting is, '' After 3 .4. Dept. inU;s recenfrecrulting program in th~ campus center! Many st11de'Dls . ,' and director Qf the paper. Managing editor ·at The Baltimore . year.s of payback; this new lighting .... made a brief stop for ll temporary tattio Wednesday and bad a brief chat ... syst~m will result in a fairly large . wllb the dram11 students about the college Drama Dept (Photo; Mati · Sun will be Hotick's next step. long-term savings. I I - , Thompson) , . , , , ,, , , , , , ''It' is a pretty big hortor to become. a man-aging editor Pulitzer winner sees media aSmain ally . - . By TONY LACAVA nia's OYln criminal justice system . said. This, c'ompoundec!, wit.h his ~lief that. ''CaHfornia · _ Editor-in-Chief · . Sighting the· fact that llhigh visibility crimes ar~ has cine of the least efficient attorney general offices in In a state where the criminal justice system is un.abl~ · always prosecuted," Mitchell pointed out that criminals 'the. co,.mtry," creates a list of problems, according to to keep up with the upswing in. crime, citizens have'one are '.'getiing away wit~ everything but murder." Mitchell. · ally, stresses 1978 Pulitzer Prize winner David Mitch­ - "We have a criminal justice system that's handling · The attorney general's office is set up. to advise the ell.:...the media:. many more people than it's capable of,•• said Mitchell. state government how to. work,'' said Mitchell. "It's A seasoned news reporter and author of the book The · "California has some of the strictest sentencing in the light on Synan on,· Mitchell has a knack for finding basically pallerned after the county counsel's office. In free world, but that is not cuffing our own crime prob~ , , prosecuting real crimes, the attorney general is real flaws.
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