Table of Contents Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literature presents Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK) W e l c o m e ……………………………………… ...3 Summer Abroad Program 2007 T h i n g s Y o u N e e d t o b e A w a r e O f ……………… 4 T h i n g s W e N e e d F r o m Y o u ………………… . 5 Academic Preparation ……………………… . 6 T i p s F o r S a f e T r a v e l ……………………… . 7 I m p o r t a n t D o c u m e n t s ………………………………… . 7 Luggage, Entering/Exiting Phnom Penh ……………… 8 Traveling & Studying Abroad ………………… 9 Money ………………………………………………… . 9 H e a l t h …………………………………………… 1 0 - 1 1 W e a t h e r , T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , H o u s i n g ………………… 1 2 M a r k e t s , R e s t a u r a n t s , S e c u r i t y ……………………… . 1 3 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s …………………………… . 1 4 W h a t t o P a c k …………………………… . … 1 5 - 1 6 Cambodian Culture & Etiquette ………..…..17-18 D o ’ s & D o n ’ t ………………………………… 1 9 M i s c e l l a n e o u s …………… . ……………… . 2 0 C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n …………………………… 2 1 Pre-Departure Handbook For Student Participants ASK http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ask/ May 2007 Things You Need To Be Aware Of Dear ASK Participants: For a general overview about study abroad, Aloha! Congratulations on your acceptance and decision to choose to study abroad see the State Department’s website: with the Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK) Summer Abroad program in Phnom (This site provides links to travel warnings, legal issues, and so forth) Penh, Cambodia. http://travel.state.gov/travel/living/studying/studying_1238.html Study abroad is a unique experience during which you will have the opportunity to learn both in and out of the classroom. Going overseas will not only enhance your All ASK participants have been registered with the U.S. Embassy in education, but will also expose you to different cultures and ways of life. Phnom Penh, as part of the program requirement. For more informa- tion about the embassy, see http://usembassy.state.gov/cambodia/ or These next few pages cover some of the necessary information to plan for your http://usembassy.state.gov/cambodia/wwwh0007.html. upcoming trip. With the right preparation and planning, your study abroad experience is sure to 1. Conduct prove rewarding and enlightening. Different people, different lifestyles, and different As a student in the ASK program, you are expected and obligated ideas will challenge and stimulate you. You are about to embark on a life-changing to conform to the regulations of the University of Hawaii and the experience. laws of the country that you visit. Misconduct can jeopardize your welfare, the welfare of other students, and the study abroad pro- There may be times when you feel frustrated by differences in language, culture, gram. schedule, etc. We hope that you will meet these challenges with intelligence, ma- turity, patience, flexibility and a sense of humor. We also believe that adequate 2. Illegal Activity preparation and information will help you meet these challenges. Within the text, we Neither the University of Hawaii nor the United States government have included the addresses for some great websites designed to provide as much and its agencies abroad may be able to ensure that you are not dis- general information about Cambodian and travel as possible to prepare you for your criminated against should you participate in an illegal activity. program. The more you know, the better your experience will be. They cannot, for example, protect you from arrest, incarceration or punishment if you break the law. If you commit an illegal act, you Please read each section carefully, and be sure to contact us with any questions will be subject to local, not U.S., laws. you have. We look forward to meeting each of you individually. Congratulations again! 3. Travel During the Program All students are required to attend afternoon excursions/field trips Chhany as part of their curriculum. These will be organized by the lan- guage instructors, assisted by the ASK Field Coordinator/Project CONTACT INFO: Director. Please also note that both class attendance and atten- dance during field trips is mandatory. If you are planning to travel Chhany Sak-Humphry, Ph.D., Project Director on your own when there are no scheduled trips, please notify the Field Coordinator and/or the Program Director of your travel Tel: (808) 956-8070 (office) plans. While doing so may seem inconvenient, information about (808) 561-6850 (cell) where you are going and when you plan to return is vital to help us (855) 92-892-347 (Cambodia) to locate you in the event of an emergency. Any independent travel (855) 16-227-245 (Cambodia) will be at your own expense and at your own risk. Email: [email protected] ASK http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ask/ ASK http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ask/ Things We Need From You Academic Preparation Address and Contact Information Below are key ways you can be academically prepared for the de- Please make sure we know where to reach you between now and your mands of the ASK program. departure date. Accurate mailing addresses,, phone numbers, and e- mail addresses are crucial to ensure that updates, any program Review past lessons: changes and other last-minute information reach you. Please inform us of any change in your contact information prior to departure! We cannot emphasis how important it is to remain refreshed in your language skills. In the weeks to come, review the lessons Contact Project Director, Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry at you have learned thus far to ensure your preparedness for the (808) 956-8070 (office) ASK program. (808) 561-6850 (cell) Read and listen to recent Cambodian news: In order to be fully prepared for the ASK program, it is also im- Questions/concerns portant to be up-to-date on the recent news in Cambodia. You We want your ASK experience to be positive and memorable. If can do that through reading Cambodian newspapers or listening there are any issues we should know about –such as severe allergies to to Khmer radio via the Internet. This will give you a deeper medicines, etc.—or if you require any accommodations for a disabil- understanding of the country, as well as an opportunity to prac- ity, please let us know. Please also feel free to ask any questions and/ tice your reading and listening skills! or bring up any concerns—whether academic or person--with the Pro- Below are some websites to check out: ject Director and Field Coordinator. Khmer radio: • Radio Free Asia http://www.rfa.org/khmer/ • Voice of America http://www.voanews.com/khmer/ Again, let us congratulate you on your selection for the Newspapers: ASK Program, and for your decision to participate. • Somne Thmey www.mcdcambodia.com Click on “Download Archives” on the right. Go to “Somne Thmey” for a choice of recent newspapers to read. • The Cambodian Daily www.cambodiadaily.com • Phnom Penh Post http://www.phnompenhpost.com • BBC News Online (search for “Cambodia” top right box) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/default.stm ASK http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ask/ ASK http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ask/ Tips for Safe Travel Tips for Safe Travel Double-check before you leave home that you LUGGAGE INFORMATION have these important documents: Most airline carriers impose restrictions on luggage weight and size. You are generally allowed two pieces of luggage and one small carry-on bag, plus a purse or laptop computer. For specific restric- ⇒ PASSPORT. Make two photocopies of the first tions inquire with the airline directly. Excess baggage may also be and last pages of your passport—one for the Field subject to extra charges and also run the risk of being refused by the Coordinator and another for yourself, to keep airline. Simply said: pack light! somewhere separate from the original passport. A suitcase on wheels or a backpack is highly recommended. For in- Having the copy will expedite getting you a new country travel, too much heavy luggage is a hassle. You should also familiarize yourself with the standards of dress in Cambodia passport should you lose yours. (see “what to pack” guidelines included in this packet) to know what ⇒ Tickets!!—if paper tickets; credit card to swipe is acceptable. Label all your baggage inside and out. It’s also helpful as ID at airport kiosk if an e-ticket to “mark” your bag with a ribbon or other identifying feature, so that ⇒ Traveler’s checks, Credit Cards, Currency, you can pick your bag out of the baggage claim line-up. etc. ⇒ UPON ARRIVAL IN PHNOM PENH List of valuables (if you bring any—though I would leave irreplaceable items at home) VISA: ⇒ Business cards, if you have them—you can also You can purchase your visa on-site at Phnom Penh International make excellent quality business cards in Phnom Airport. The visa fee for 30 days is US $20. The Field Coordinator will assist the ASK group with renewal of the visas during the pro- Penh at reasonable prices.
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