April, 1931 Vol. XLNI No. 9 A De Laval Cream Separator saves and makes money twice a day, 365 days a year. It is the best paying machine any farmer can own, and the new De Laval is the world’s best cream sepa¬ rator. It is a pleasure and source of satisfaction to own, and will soon pay for itself. e Laval 3,000, ooo A.SERIES .A —Combines the easiest running with cleanest skimming. —Equipped with ball bearings throughout, protected against rust and corrosion. —Has the famous De Laval “floating” bowl with trailing discharge. —Improved oiling system with sight oil window. —Two-length crank, on larger siz¬ es, makes for easier operation. —Beautiful and durable gold and black finish. Sold on easy payments or monthly installments. Trade-in allowance See your De Laval dealer about made on old separator. Also three trying a new De Laval, or write other series of De Laval Separators nearest office below. for every need and purse. The cream separator has been the greatest factor in developing the dairy industry to the largest and most profitable branch of agriculture, and throughout the world wherever cows are milked the De Laval is the standard by which all other separators are judged. The De Laval Company, Ltd. Peterborough Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver THE O. A. C. REVIEW 413 ; ': a ; HOUSE:; INSULATION A NEW 8DEA A house lined with Cork is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Fuel bills are reduced fully 30 per cent. Armstrong's Corkboard has kept the heat out of cold storage rooms for the past thirty years. It will prevent the heat escaping from your home in just the same manner. Why burn fuel and allow the heat to How readily through your walls and roof? Write for a corkboard sample and our 40 page catalogue on House Insulation. ARMSTRONG CORK & INSULATION CO.. LIMITEO MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Canadian History by the Pocketful Not to suggest “cramming”, hut the nearest thing we know to a “royal road” to Canadian history comes in our pocket-sized Canadian History Readers. These are convenient little brochures—one hundred titles in all—cover- • ing pathfinders, heroes, heroines, comrades of the.Gross, eminent Canadians and'fathers of the Dominion, all byv recognized| authorities and covering various phases of Canadian history from the days of early discovery to the present. While the readers center^ largely in outstanding characters, the life and work of these folk are thrown, on a background which brings the period they lived in intimately and 'interestingly before one. These booklets, readable in half-un-hour, may be used at odd moments 'and will contribute a wonderful amount of Canadian history. A few sug¬ gested titles follow: “Lord Strathcona” by iH. A. Kennedy. “The Building of the C. P. R.” bytH. A. Kennedy. “Tecumseh” by Lloyd Roberts “The Hudson’s Bay Company” by Robert Watson. “The Story of Hydro’’, by Blodwen Davies. * • 1 1 i * ■ • • ■ Price 10c per copt plus 2c postage. We shall be very glad to send you the whole list j THE RYERSON PRESS A , \ ?. v ■ , .j Canada’s Pioneer Publishers — TORONTO ’i ‘ j _\__ _•! Pleas0,mention 4he. .0 A. C. RLV,|LEW when answering Advertisements 414 THE O. A. C. REVIEW EVERY DAY IS “HOUSECLEANING" DAY FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY CLEANING MATERIALS USED DAILY BY DAIRYMEN AND CREAMERY- MEN NOW BEING INTRODUCED INTO THE HOME. The “Spring Clean-Up” and Spring “Housecleaning” are terms well known to both agricultural and home economics students. But, in the Dairy Industry every day is a housecleaning day. Every time a separator, a churn, or an ice cream freezer is used in a dairy, creamery, ice cream plant, or cheese factory, it must be thoroughly cleaned. Since cleaning is done so frequently in dairy plants, it is necessary that the cleaning material used be efficient, fast acting, harmless to washed surfaces and to the hands, and capable of doing all this at a minimum cost. For these reasons the Dairy Industry has standardized on Wyandotte for all cleaning operations. # The same Wyandotte,—Wyandotte Dairyman’s Cleaner—that for more than thirty years has been the standard of comparison in the dairy industry, is now being sold for home use in handy 3 lb. cartons. Leading Dairy Supply Jobbers in both United States and Canada will sell you Wyandotte in 80 lb. kegs or 280 lb. barrels. Your local merchant, dairy or* creamery, will supply you Wyandotte in 3 lb. cartons. For further information write to The J. B. Ford Company, Wyandotte, Michigan. The Kind of Printing You Want—The Way You Want It— When You Want It THE GUMMER PRESS Printers, Bookbinders and Publishers THE SIZE OF THE JOB MAKES HO DIFFEREHCE 6000 SERVICE AHD GOOD PRINTING CHARACTERIZE OUR WORK Summer Building Phone 672 Guelph Please mention the O.A.C. REVIEW when answering Advertisement* THE 0. A. C. REVIEW 415 Nema Worm Capsules (Chemically-tectod tetrachlore- thylene) A safe, effective, economical anthelmintic. For removal of roundworms in poultry, also stomach worms, hook¬ worms and roundworms in dogs, cats, foxes, sheep, goats and swine. Nema Worm Capsules are available in packages of 12 and 50 as follows: — | No. 190—5 cc. (80 minims) For cattle, sheep, swine, large dogs, etc. No. 189—2Yi cc. (40 minims) For medium size dogs, small hogs, lambs, kids, etc. No. 187—1 cc. (16 minims) For adult foxes, small dogs, poultry, etc. | No. 191—0.5 cc. ( 8 minims) For young turkeys, chickens, foxes, etc. | No. 188—0.2 cc. ( 3 minims) For puppies, fox cubs, small chickens, etc. | (Send for free bulletin) | j Parke, Davis & Company 1 | Montreal, Que. Walkerviile, Ontario Winnipeg, Man. ^llllllflllllMllllllllllltlllllKlltllllllllllllllllll lllMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllf«lllllllllll1llllfUlllllllllllllllllillHllllltllllllllllllllllllllHlllllltllllllllllil«llll||||||= Leguminous Crops are Potash Hungry Crops Tests conducted by the Department of Chemistry in 1929 and 1930 showed remarkable increases in alfalfa yields from High Potash mixtures. % million acres of Ontario alfalfa may be vastly improved by top dressing with Muriate of Potash or by using mixtures carrying 12 to 15 per cent. K20. N. V. Potash Export My. AMSTERDAM HOLLAND E. K. HAMPSON, B.S.A., Ontario Representative, 17 Main Street, East HAMILTON, ONT. Please mention the OAT. REVTEW when answering Advertisements 416 THE O. A. C. REVIEW i m.:, If you want to make money; if you want to stop waste and ver¬ min-loss ; if you want to end re¬ pair bills; build concrete im¬ provements. “What the Farmer can do with Concrete” tells how. It gives full plans and instructions for stable floors and foundations, hen houses, manure pits, milk houses* well covers and many other fire-safe, labor-saving buildings and conveniences. Concrete is rot-proof. It in¬ creases the value and earning power of your farm. Build with it. Send for the book. Canada Cement can be obtained from over 2,000 dealers in near¬ ly every city, town and village in Canada. If you cannot locate a convenient dealer write our near¬ est sales office. Canada Cement Company Limited 2122 Canada Cement Company Building Phillips Square Montreal * »>/ * '. .. Sales Offices at: Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary Canada Cement Company Limited 1774 Canada Cement Company Building Montreal, 21*22 Send me your, free booK ‘‘What the Farmer can do with .Concrete.’' Name .-. Y ! i ' Address- i.... •»-*,- r pfaase mention the O A C. RFVTFW when answering Advertisements THE 0. A. C. REVIEW 417 Thousands of plants can he set in a day ivith a Massey-Harris Transplanter FOR QUICK PLANT SETTING USE A MASSEY-HARRIS TRANSPLANTER The problem of plant setting can be readily solved by using a Massey-Harris Transplanter. With this equipment it is possible to fertilize, water, set, and pack the soil around the plants all at one time. This machine is adapted to transplanting Tobacco, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Nursery Plants, etc. The Massey-Harris Transplanter is a comfortable, conven¬ ient machine to operate and has many features that will be appreciated by the owner. Write Your Nearest Branch for Bolder Describing The ^Massey-Harris Transplanter >■ 4J 8 THE 0. A. C. REVIEW A Specially Galvanized and Improved FROST FENCE at no extra cost AN announcement which crowns over thirty years of service to the Canadian farmer—Frost Zinc-Bonded Fence! Here is a new revolutionary zinc-galvanizing process, the discovery of the makers of Frost Fence and now introduced for the first time. Years of research and experiment and thousands of dollars have been spent in the per¬ fecting of this process. Yet, despite this enormous expenditure— despite the improved quality, we are happy to state that Frost Fence will not be increased in price by one cent Frost Zinc-Bonded Fence surpasses every former achievement in fence history. Never has such flexibility, rustlresistance and long life been possible before. Every strand of its copper content steel wire is permanently bonded against rust by a heavy coating of pure zinc, so flexible that the wire can be wrapped around its own diameter and the galvanizing will neither crack nor flake. Think what this means to you in your fence problems—what it means in per¬ manently stopping all loss through straying cattle or stock damaged crops. Frost Zinc-Bonded Fence will save you many dollars in repair costs. No weather con¬ dition affects it. It resists every shock and strain. For a lifetime it will remain efficient, saving you money every year. Write now for particulars of this exclusive Frost Zinc- Bonded Farm Fence, or see your Frost dealer today. Frost Fence FROST STEEL AND WIRE CO. LIMITED Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario and at Montreal, Que., and Winnipeg, Man. 401AC THE 0.
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