THE NEW YORK HERALD "Xt^ry dOLE NO. 14,680. NEW YORK. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1S7G.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS. SPECI&li NOTICES. SPOUTING.OOOS, DIllOS. Av. HORSKS, CAIiniAGES. «l. HOItS KS. CAUHIAGr.S. »VC. SALKS AT tPCTIOK. dllikctokl f()k allvklftl&krs. WANTED-BECOND HAND. 10 OR 'i'tforioiiiSo i/hkWYXTTOiSIlCTlDDIt ino two'staClK i7> Ekt fW YX9 tas-kIX. XPoVUilSE A (u Bi»>d lift, wagon or truck room. In- office 110 »...t 1 ) -.. haat IStli at., «,h A. BRKECHuOADER12 bare. 28 to 30-tuch barrel*. "t* to 8 pound*: good 110 AND 113 EAST 13TU ST- Stable.containcheap B \ HERALD BRANCH OFFICB. I.3rs BROADWAT. II B EESB maker; ciiaep for cub. AMriu Cult, bos MM U»r*ld KHAR 4TH AV. Qui re of MICH ALES. !W Con* m e rce it M.atrv AN TA.twfcLL. 4 KHAK.VKT OPEN UAV AND MliHT FOR reception of T II H B office ........ AND SALES OK PAPERS. T 1IHHH KKB UOtTLAR BALES OK HORSKS AND CARRIAGES E BREWSfKU W A(J I IN~ THURSDA V.WK.>?EM tf KH. AT 10U O'CLOCK. ADVERTISEMENTS KaI.B CIIBaP.A FINM BNOLUH MUZZiaE kvrkv and FRIDAY. Til the standard fur q'lstlty, all tiik ki.k.jant fi-rmTuks^ T II H * tuesiAy .an ba i.un. new. *l tt£ Liberty tu On borne that sound or kind and true innelinwii only at >nr of ».n.lon NUI.V,1r,i, aqaare Ertweea Wfc pie*.4th. ilk Bod 6th cola. T II H K£BB FORJosdlag nearly Inquire .»cry U warrant-d wareroum* fisjfi?''*.*.-d In harneat on* to U .nil factor*. | *s rtlK'Wrkl,ltl., *t. pack.3d col. from three dsya given ». ajtrologv-jo DIRECT PBOM THB CUSTOM HOUSB; 10 teat warrantees. .'ith n v and Htl, st., w *n<* n,lr,l°u l'*r!or Suitu black welnnt mi BILLIARDS.9th i'ack.3d col latest in br*ecb ioadlnc. choko bora. Ac. br ami 4i ?** iiul abi tlk mh, AW T K GUNS pattern* Broadway 4.th >1 BOARDERS WANTED.»th pas*.8»h tnr KUUW J 00 5** f tli* following maker*:.W. AC. Scott i Sun, P, Webley A IALB K K W » K Ji X CO., if Broom* it. asd LODGING wanted.bra PAG»-*th mi XX MB WWW T fo 0« R B B Soa. E. A ti. Hack*U, W. Meore * Co.. W. Forsyth and GATAIXJGUK or THIS DAY'S (TUESDAT) s ifd SHOES.Irr col. XX W VT W T 0* KI B an AT 1(1 O'CLOCK. fPWB.\TV-SI.\ 110 E> Km, >K.m"H TIM. <' P BOOTS and Pack-24 KB TO "thrrs; alio 50 caw* Army Ma*k*t*; also impor.ed SALE. PTIOH brookltn BOARD-otk pAO*-««h col. XXXI W VT W YVO 0« *** bUck and Ian Gordon Setter, 3S^ rears old; will b* ioH by ASSIGNEE X »«*!«., large assortment of every kind of CAKHfAOK bkooklyn ESTATE FOP. ALE.id rio-bl N N N KBB WV TW YV 0 0«R» KB lo-norro* FAMILY 18TABLISII.Mfc.NT.PAIR DARK BROWN WaUON. h" RNKSS. ROBEB. B..ANKET8. day REAL section ml* day ITiumUji and (Wednesday). Hohh, ltt bunds 7 end 10 oid: kind and Actlila N N N E wrvw Y 0 0R R K B October 31 and November 1. at our saleeroosa 47 and 40 high. years at a K< H JOH N 'TON S Mart, la in jr. |;hb ,t n-ar L'til" marble H|At» Oil l»«intln»« VV VT Y n* true in Ml baraes*; free 'rom vice: have tine style *"*' in,er'*r«» wttt, our r ami trreeo BUSINESS opportunities-*. Pac«. X XX I o 0* * Ltoerty at., at 12 o'clock each day. No* on exhibition. SALhti lSft8?S| i nnd action ar- * team. BUSINESS NOTICES.7th fi©ic-eth col. X NN B W.W T o OR RE B See Auction colntnn. BARKER A CO.. Auctioneer* and first class lamlly AT 3 CLttCK CITY REAL ESTATE FOR sale.2t> pack.let eel if liS EBBS V Y X O0 R B SILVER MOUNTED HARNESS, MAIM'. BY LOW DEN, iXter«tef Kas;"«a sss 3 AND salesmen.12tm Paus.4th col. WAST TO BUT A 8BCOND HAND CLARENCE, IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BV BitEWS- rP0'' ROAD WAGON aNI> HARNESm BOTH IN I CLERKS to ter A er Broome at. 1 (."rfrct .irdar. at a biifua'.r E West Side llothisu-tfia pack.::d col. G~Ww"a*TBD.-Ibre*tb loading, eeatral Bre, 12-bnre dun, 28 33-inch Co., THOMAS, Herald. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS.ists pask.«th ud H H EBRB RRtt A L ODD barrel, weight about 7 pounds; l«»er action of breech pre¬ BAROUCHK. BUILT BY JOHN R. LAWRENCE. Hotel, lftth at. and Uth av., after 11 A. M hull in to-morrow's H HE R AA L D D ferred mu*t be of good make and in good order. Address, TOP WAGON, WITH POLK AND SHAFTS, BUILT BT < purticulNMwill bo prepnred *tnj mny be obtained tA-mn*. stL colt. * A Van LhT.T1IK KIK.-il" CLAM P ItIVATE STABLE 135 niNjoirues coastw ise STEAMSHIPS.12th Pa«»-6u c«l H HE R r A A L DD giving fail description, nam* of maker, alw> price, C. N. U.. Dusenbury Duser. » fat 27tb II. Address box iHij 1'nu nltlce. col. nilE R A A L t> D Herald office. DOUBLE HARNESS. MADE BY HOOVER, CALHOUN * TO COLNTRY BOARD-imi 1'agk.f.th B commence hi Cy Single Robes. to . Kile (o In',. prompt. DANOINO academibm.2d PAGK-3d col. HH7IH EES RRR A A L D D VST IMPORTED.ENGLISH Ft'U DOG«. BLACK Harness. Blankets, W'l'i'' VOW BWY A IIOK.SK at TIlVtMjrpflS- dentistry.3d Pack-mcoL II a E R R AAAA L D D BY ORDER Of r 1 liahi'd noun ..f AKCII J Oil NSTON i ou know evactlv SCiiEKUK. AL'CTIO.VKEK. A Jand Tans. Scotch and Skyei. Fox Hound*. Rabbit Hound*, O. W. POWERS. ASSIGNBE wbst iou are rials continences at lo o'clock UOVAKU DRY GOODS.ler Pack.mh col. II H B R R XL D D and Setter and Pointer 1 very getting mi's " liberty «t. LET. FURNISHED AND u»- n H B R R A At O 6 Pointers betters. Pups, largo morning. Sau catalogue aliore atid sale DWELLING Hol/HES TO A St. Bernard Dog, 1 vprv tarn Englleb Mastiff. I very large POLO OR KADDLIK HORSES. Large peremptory furnished.2d Pscb-wi col. U B BZBB & R A. U4A DDD Mae English Grevhnnnd. STABLING..GRAIN ANli 1IAMH I \U «U 14 llCt (III. B( ropkan !>TEA M S h1 ps.12th paok.5th ud slh eele. H. corner 50th it. and Wi>?n ni on f ed. Elegant decorated frfndi China Dinner Sett T«i Siti (tAHI)KKR. Broadway. THE CALIFORXIA POUQ '1UB. HAVING RETURNED M «. lioar ill: plain #ll>per month. All .tuck Sets excursions.8tu page.6iii eol. Desert Set* *ik! I'liamtoT FOR Sale Iroiu a successful tour tlirousli the Eastern States. will well cared lor Addre-s J I'AKPEN I I K. artym* n. >. y. FINANCIAL.stii Pack. PALL FLIGHT 6V~WOODCOCK IS NOW TEST offer their entire lot of »n.r»vod i.l ,m Ware lor table aerriee; alec for SaLE.2d Pag*.3d col. THBnuntrroui.Ouail and partridge are plentiful, «nd tba WELL \1' ANTKI)-a.A MAN WITH Ills OWN llt>Ksi~XD ""'I Fericv Goimu. no TO LET. all OVER THE CITY AND TICtXIT* or are with duck* j TRAINED SADDLE HOSES AT AUCTION, ft * to work the week for u ttore. J''«.*» furnished rooms and apahtxerfts bay* Long Island and Delaware (warming arc lor gou. by 1 Address DRV VllTULKMiU'-Mi'iTi vh'£"'....Vivruiber ».d KIMDAV.NoTemb.rS 3d call. ami geese. Tney all thoroughly broken to saddle, and are (aft box 1 IS Herald office. at II o'clock. -D Pack.2d and aT any one to ride. GOODS, .ach day coumencinir furniture.i'.'tb i'agi.6th col In wnsequence of the many Inquiries for fine Cnn* for THEY WILL Tue.dey, October 31. and Wedn.ad.y, HELP WaNTED-FEMAI.ES.12m Pack.3d and 4th the present «porting *e**on. wa will offer for *ale on Wednea- POSITIVELY BE 80LD TO THE IfORSE, /OP PHaETOX and dsv and November I aail 2. at I'J o'clock. the»o HIGHEST BIDDER. WANTIID-LA01KS'Harness in exclisnge for Diamonds Earrings ,t,d November*! li col*. Thur*day, low with box K»s .n,, P»h"e«« Invited to attend* 11 a. the eale HELP wanted.m ALES.12th PAOT.hh eoL Breechloader*, aintabie for tbe ai.ovo described game ; to be Kings; figures. Address, price, li.raM .nihil1-*"'*em ami <vitlm.it re,erre 4th and Mh b n bo TROTTING HORSE-VERY HANDSOME AND KtTLIBH office r.ly peremptory BORSES, CARRIAGES, ac.-ist Pack.3d, appreciated uutl examined before >al*. sired hands Uptown Kxj.erieoca.1 packer* will he <. attendance. eol*. 93 TUNIS JOHNSON, Auctioneer. bay gelding, by General Knox, 12>\ high. EXPRKmS WAOON. .» eol. 83 37 Nassau 7 years old, kind aud true in all harness, Ir e from SBCOND~TiaNI> ODD lis AMI TOYs" HOTELS.»th Pick.6th vice, inciter luult: not alrald of a locomotive; WANTKD-Atn flr^t class coudltion. to oirrv I,.'urn lb> Pack.3d ooL 333 _ __ per- HOUSES. llOO.mh. ac . wanted.2» MARSH A CO., 149 Rente st.
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