·_1-I.•.···•··············.E.. ·... -·-·T·. ' . - •._ . OICE oj· the University· of Notre Dame ·VOL. I NO. I_ MARCH 22, 1963 Students Asked to KUHARICH QUITS, TAKES NFl JOB . Help Foundation Hugh Devore became Notre Dame's seventh successor·to The Notre Dame Foundation the immortal Knute Rockne announced last month the suc­ last·week wheri he accepted cess of the $18,000,000 Rev. Edmund Joyce's offer to Challenge Program four months . guide the ' 63 Fighting Irish. ahead . of schedule. ' To date -This s Devore' s .second yeaf Notre Dame has $11,591,000 in pledges and gifts with This is Devore's second year commitments for the rest by as head coach. He spelled the June 30 deadline set by Frank Leahy during the 1945 the Ford Foundation. At this season when he'directed the time the University will re­ squad to_ a-7-2-1 record with ceive $6, 000, 000 from the ·a 56-0 rout of Iowa high~_ Foundation as one of five universities chosen to take . lighting-the season. part in its Special Program ·Devore isn't counting his for Education. laurels, however, commenting ·that, "It never does anyone The $18, 000, 000 has . made any good to look back. Our possible the $8,000, 000 Me­ s~l~ 6on6e~n is wlth the memorial Library, the $3. 000, 000 ~<<.t\lil"~·;;;~~ Computing Center and Math­ ·future. .T~is. club, will not ematics, Building, and the . be judged by what Notre Dame $350,000 Stepan Center. Work did. in·:5o, '55 or.'60 but will soon begin on two grad-. by what they_ do in '63. uate resident halls which · The new Irish mentor has will be financed by the_ Pro-: divided his thirty years of gram. .VER · THE . ALl· · ·ball,·coaching, 'service with withstints Notre in Damepro of Int:e re~~~~s ona~~e ~~~~~=~ 0 . · ' and coaching positions ·with during the three 'year ·drive, · · · · · '· sev_eral Eastren Colleges. Rev. John E. Walsh, . c. s. c. , Dr~ llolner Speaks on ·, . After his graduation in 1933 Director of the Notre Dame F ) he opened his coaching ca- Foundation, said over 75% of orel·gn ·Po J·uy. " F rien· dl Y Wee k" as con- on saturday. the German reer as an assis· t an t un d er the Notre Dame alumni took ducted by the Notre Dame and. ~rish, _Dutch Irish, · Hung?-r- Elmer Layden .. Fordham used part in the drive, donating St. Mary's Social Commissions I a~ Ir:sh and even En?llsh Devore's experience at end 1 an average of $365; a new began with the Barat Tea Sun- Insh Journeyed to Chicago position from 1935. through j .record for alumni partici- · day, March 10, and proceeded with the .N~tr~ Dame Marching 1938, when he took over as· f pation. Non-alumni friends, Unless the U; S~ changes to its enevitable climax at Band to JOin In the St. Pat- head coach for Providence. ;- corporations, and foundations its cone epti~n of t~e ·pu:- "Erin Go Braugh'' ·at the Stu- rick's Day Celebrations. One He was end coach at Holy __ ~~~ L also counted_ heavily .. .in .. the p_os_e .. oL fore 1.gn. poll cy •..l.t-de!!t-Cent-U:::'--last··.Satu:rday hundred .thousand Chicagoans ·cross >in"' 1942;--arid:returried____ - ;· ·--"--success of the drive. shall--continue to head for night.. I . and four bus loads of Notre to. his .alma mater to serve Fr.· walsh'said future pro--an unpredictable, doom. The O'Shaughnessy Hall's art Dame anf St. Mary's students the same position under . ·ects depend upon whether the primary concern, as it has gallery was\,the scene f01the turned out despite gloom·y· Frank LeahY until , when J 1945 Ford Foundation will continue existe d since· .· 1917 wh en th e unprece den t e d Barat Tea. At weather and threats of rain. he was named head coach. its Special Program here. The u.s. assumed. the role of least three hundred people Saturday night, two hun- Devore moved ·from Notre l Notre Dame Foundation Office "world protector", is for. an surveyed the current con- dr e d couP 1 e d brought Dame to head coach spots at . will definiteiy continue its equalization of world power troversial Sacred Art Collec- Friendly Week to a peaceful st. Bonaventure and NYU be- . · work but ·no plans or figures and a st:1ble united cfvili- tion, sipped their tea, and close in the Student Center. fore going into pro ball. He I will be announced until the zation. -But 'it is a mistake danced to the beat of the Don Gray provided the music served as head coach .of the Ford Foundation makes clear to allure the masses with an Jarrett Orchestra. Nancy for "Erin Go Braugh", while Philadru,phia Eagles for _two it's intentions. unattainable utopian dream. Wagner and Bob Mulshine were The Four Winds featuring years before he was named l From March 24-30 will be· · in charge of this cultural, Don Bennett, entertained in Notre Dame's freshman coach the ninth annual Notre Dame sedate--and original--tea the Rathskellar. Upon l:mt- in 1958 Student Foundation Week. The History is the unimpeach- party. ranee to the Emerald Isle .. Our most immediate purpo~e of this week is .to able witness to the danger of· On Monday and Tuesday of the girls were presented. problem," ;roccording to the acquaint the students With such an attitude. Just because "Friendly Week" the post with a green corsage, and in new oach, .. is to g-et our the work. of the Foundation our domestic, social, and office bore the· brunt of a the Rathskellar the couples staff org'anized and start and to g.Ive the stud?nts the economic d evelopm.ent has massive and romantic letter were served root beer in spring practice." Devore ex­ I opportumty to con~nbut~ to· alleviated major concern over assualt upon Notre Dame stu- genuine be.er mugs which they pects to fill the three open the Student FoundatiOn Dn~e_. internal problems, there is no dents to entice them to were permitted to keep. To ass I· stant. c·oac.hi'ng spots I .The . Studentd th FoundatiOnd' . t• JUStification· · · · · · for predictinga· · "Snow NI'ght" a t st . n1arys,•· • t op o ff th e evening,· th e.- s'omwtime this wee'{ "In. Dn ve IS un er e uec 10n . · 11 t 1 d N t D · • · of chairman Paul Meagher of world peace. Modern day intel-At leas~ hve hund:e~~stu- w~ - {~ve e f 0 :~- ~me. order to have a successful Lyons and vice-chairman Nick lectuals.are trying in·one de~ts In the spirit. of G ee.c u .Pe: orme unng season,.we must get off on I Sordi of Morrissey. Seventy- grand ·sweeP to ·finally rec- Fnendl~ Week crowded Into the lllt.ermissions. the right foot. If we work five volunteers will visit tify the i nj ustic'e done to the social center an~ club . Fne~dly Week was the hard, we can establish our-. l each room on campus on the Negroes a:nd to establish the house. ~he cooper~tlO.n of . Idea .of. Mike Sennott and was selves." nights of March 24, 25 and recognition of the 'world as a the social commissions earned. through to a sue- Spring practice begins I 26, to ask for contributions. pluralistic society ..They re- t~rpughout the week was ty- c~nclusiOn by the coopera- on April 19 and Devore is The off-campus students will cognize go'vernments solely as Pifled b;Y th? letter effort. tion of many students ~t. waiting until he sees the by contacted by mail. · representatives of artifical Frank Simonic arranged for N~tre Dame ~nd St. Mary. s men on the field before· . In order to give the stu:. power groups, and they envi- t~e lists_of !O~Udents,to be· SI?cer.el_y Interested In . speculating on his line-up dents a stronger· sense of sian the dissipation of all g~ven ta··the,·st. Mary's m~Intainin~ the best pas- in '63. In what is apparen­ invol vement with the Faun- claims to soven)igni ty and a g~rls and Molly. Brown and Sible relatiOns between the tly his first difference of '; dation, and in order ·. to united appeal for a code. of E:leen Kelly saw that the two schools. opinion wfth his p'redeces- direct funds into an area of laws for the human.race. girls. bo_mbarded Notre Dame Darlene Unger, the soc- sor, Joe Kuharich, Devore great need, the proceeds from · men With words of encourage- ial commissioner· from ·st. feels that Frank Budka is a this year's Drive will .estab- · ment. According to Bob Mul- Mary's agreed with a comment .. two way man" rather than a I 'I ish a Student Foundation· Today' s dec'isions are shine, the instructions were made in the Scholastic that, . defensive specialist. How- I Week Scholarship Fund. The based on the, possible rep.er- simple: Be .as sexy as your at least for some, a chink ever, Budka· will have to vie money will be distributed cus·sions; to other nations, conscience allows. had been removed from the , with John Huarte, Tom Longo,. next year in the form of friend or foe, arid complete- "Skit Night", organized brick Wal'r along Michigan . and Norb Rascher among ' partial scholarships; ly ignore the basic rule of by Tom Hotopp and Donna Avenue.
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