Species accounts The list of species that follows is a synthesis of all the botanical knowledge currently available on the Nyika Plateau flora. It does not claim to be the final word in taxonomic opinion for every plant group, but will provide a sound basis for future work by botanists, phytogeographers, and reserve managers. It should also serve as a comprehensive plant guide for interested visitors to the two Nyika National Parks. By far the largest body of information was obtained from the following nine publications: • Flora zambesiaca (current ed. G. Pope, 1960 to present) • Flora of Tropical East Africa (current ed. H. Beentje, 1952 to present) • Plants collected by the Vernay Nyasaland Expedition of 1946 (Brenan & collaborators 1953, 1954) • Wye College 1972 Malawi Project Final Report (Brummitt 1973) • Resource inventory and management plan for the Nyika National Park (Mill 1979) • The forest vegetation of the Nyika Plateau: ecological and phenological studies (Dowsett-Lemaire 1985) • Biosearch Nyika Expedition 1997 report (Patel 1999) • Biosearch Nyika Expedition 2001 report (Patel & Overton 2002) • Evergreen forest flora of Malawi (White, Dowsett-Lemaire & Chapman 2001) We also consulted numerous papers dealing with specific families or genera and, finally, included the collections made during the SABONET Nyika Expedition. In addition, botanists from K and PRE provided valuable input in particular plant groups. Much of the descriptive material is taken directly from one or more of the works listed above, including information regarding habitat and distribution. A single illustration accompanies each genus; two illustrations are sometimes included in large genera with a wide morphological variance (for example, Lobelia). Where possible, we quoted two specimens for each country. Where there is some doubt whether a species has in fact been collected on the Nyika Plateau, it is excluded, but listed at the end of the generic treatment under “Excluded species”. Many controversial records from the Biosearch Nyika Expeditions are listed under this heading—these specimens were listed without precise collecting localities, voucher specimens, or indications of who determined them, hence their exclusion from the list. Further research may prove that some of these records should, in fact, be included in the Nyika Plateau list. Within the major groupings—Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons, and Monocotyledons—the species are arranged alphabetically by family, genus, and species. Families generally follow those adopted by Leistner (2000), while species concepts have been based mainly on those of Lebrun & Stork (1991–1997), except where more contemporary revisions indicate otherwise. Alien or exotic plant species, many of them weeds, are indicated by * preceding the name. Vernacu- lar names were obtained from Burtt Davy & Hoyle (1958) and Binns (1972). Where it was avail- able, we added the name of the language. A comprehensive glossary, list of references and further reading, and index appear at the end of the book. Illustrated species are marked with the following symbols: Illustrated with a line drawing Ilustrated in the colour plate section Plants of the Nyika Plateau 19 ANTHOCEROTOPHYTA ANTHOCEROTACEAE Anthoceros sp. Anthoceros sp. Malawi. Nyika National Park, middle slopes of path between viewpoint Malawi. Nyika National Park, between Dembo Bridge and Chelinda Camp, and Chisanga Falls, in miombo woodland, 10° 32' 31''S, 33° 41' 07''E, between grass tussocks on edge of forest. 10° 30' 02''S, 33° 50' 33''E, 2000, 2000, Koekemoer 1738 (PRE). Koekemoer 1767 (PRE). HEPATOPHYTA ANTHOCEROTACEAE AYTONIACEAE Asterella abyssinica (Gottsche) Grolle Asterella wilmsii (Steph.) S.W.Arnell Malawi. Nyika National Park, between Chelinda Bridge and Dembo River Malawi. Nyika National Park, Juniper Forest, downstream from the bridge, crossing, near bridge, 10° 32' 09''S, 33° 51' 17''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1760 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1912 (PRE). (PRE); Jalawe Viewpoint, close to the top, 10° 21' 41''S, 33° 47' 51''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1875 (PRE); Nyika National Park, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' Plagiochasma eximium (Schiffn.) Steph. 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1891 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, Jalawe Viewpoint, just below the wooden steps to the last boulders, 10° 21' 41''S, 33° 47' 51''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1878 (PRE). FOSSOMBRONIACEAE Fossombronia nyikaensis Perold 20''S, 33° 48' 41''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1704 (PRE); on road surface close to This liverwort, recently described, was first collected on the SABONET Juniper Forest, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1895 (PRE). Nyika Expedition (Perold 2001). Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route, at Chelinda Bridge, Fossombronia sp. 2000, Koekemoer 1792 (PRE, holo.); ibid., Koekemoer 1786 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, road cutting near Chelinda Camp, 10° 35' 20''S, 33° 48' 41''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1703 (PRE). Fossombronia straussiana Perold Malawi. Nyika National Park, road cutting near Chelinda Camp, 10° 35' JUNGERMANNIACEAE Jungermannia sp. crossing, near bridge, 10° 32' 09''S, 33° 51' 17''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1763 Malawi. Nyika National Park, between Chelinda Bridge and Dembo River (PRE). LUNULARIACEAE Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb. along forest walk to huge junipers, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route, steep bank of kloof, Koekemoer 1898 (PRE). 10° 39' 35''S, 33° 49' 02''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1817 (PRE); Juniper Forest, 5 mm 4 mm 12 mm 9 mm Lunularia cruciata Polytrichum commune Del. Sandie Burrows Del. Sandie Burrows 20 Plants of the Nyika Plateau MARCHANTIACEAE MARCHANTIACEAE Marchantiaceae – genus unknown 10° 21' 41''S, 33° 47' 51''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1874 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, Jalawe Viewpoint, under overhanging rock, PALLAVICINIACEAE Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Carruth. Pallavicinia cf. lyellii Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route, 10° 39' 54''S, 33° 45' Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route to Chelinda Bridge, 10° 06''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1833 (PRE). 39' 35''S, 33° 49' 02''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1813 (PRE). RICCIACEAE Riccia sp. 37' 40''S, 33° 48' 21''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1811 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route to Chelinda Bridge. 10° BRYOPHYTA BARTRAMIACEAE Philonotis africana (Müll.Hal.) Rehmann ex Paris Bartramia sp. Malawi. Nyika National Park, Chisanga Falls, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, Malawi. Nyika National Park, between Chelinda Bridge and Dembo River 2000, Koekemoer 1735 (PRE). crossing, near bridge, 10° 32' 09''S, 33° 51' 17''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1762 (PRE). BRACHYTHECIACEAE Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr) Brachytheciaceae Schimp. Malawi. Nyika National Park, Chisanga Falls, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, Malawi. Nyika National Park, Juniper Forest, along streambank, 10° 45' 2000, Koekemoer 1734 (PRE). 06'' S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1888 (PRE); Juniper Forest near river crossing, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1903 (PRE). cf. Brachytheciaceae Malawi. Nyika National Park, forest patch W. of Mpopoti turnoff from road Brachythecium sp. between Chelinda and Nganda, 10° 29' 18''S, 33° 49' 17''E, 2000, Koeke- Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route between Kasaramba and moer 1850 (PRE). Chelinda Camp, 10° 38' 09''S, 33° 52' 17''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1820 (PRE). BRYACEAE Anomobryum julaceum (Schrad. ex P.Gaertn, B.Mey. & from the bridge, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1907 (PRE); Scherb.) Schimp. Chisanga Falls, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1733 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, Juniper Forest, downstream from the bridge, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1916 (PRE); South Circular Bryum torquescens Bruch ex De Not. Route to Chelinda Bridge, 10° 37' 40''S, 33° 48' 21''E, 2000, Koekemoer Malawi. Nyika National Park, forest patch W. of Mpopoti turnoff from road 1810 (PRE). between Chelinda and Nganda, 10° 29' 18''S, 33° 49' 17''E, 2000, Koeke- moer 1848 (PRE). Anomobryum sp. Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route to Chelinda Bridge, on Bryum sp. bare rock in open patch in forest, 10° 39' 35''S, 33° 49' 02''E, 2000, Koeke- Malawi. Nyika National Park, Chisanga Falls, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, moer 1814 (PRE). 2000, Koekemoer 1733 (PRE); Chisanga Falls, forest floor on river-bank, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1730 (PRE); Juniper Forest, Brachymenium acuminatum Harv. downstream from the bridge, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer Malawi. Nyika National Park, along road to Juniper Forest, 10° 45' 06''S, 1908 (PRE); Chosi Viewpoint, amongst grass tufts, 10° 36' 46''S, 33° 45' 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1894 (PRE). 24''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1674 (PRE). Bryum andicola Hook. Rhodobryum cf. keniae Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route, 10° 29' 18''S, 33° 49' Malawi. Nyika National Park, in pine forest near Chelinda Camp site, on 17''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1845 (PRE). forest floor, 10° 35' 03''S, 33° 48' 03''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1698 (PRE); Chisanga Falls, below top waterfall, between rocks, 10° 32' 15''S, 33° 41' Bryum argenteum Hedw. 12''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1729 (PRE). Malawi. Nyika National Park, South Circular Route to Chelinda Bridge, on bare rock in open patch in forest, 10° 39' 35''S, 33° 49' 02''E, 2000, Koeke- Rhodobryum sp. moer 1814 (PRE); Chisanga Falls, forest floor on river-bank. 10° 32' 15''S, Malawi. Nyika National Park, Juniper Forest, downstream from the bridge, 33° 41' 12''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1731 (PRE); Juniper Forest, downstream 10° 45' 06''S, 33° 53' 15''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1914 (PRE). Plants of the Nyika Plateau 21 DICRANACEAE Campylopus sp. 1906 (PRE); Juniper Forest, downstream from the bridge, 10° 45' 06''S, 33° Malawi. Nyika National Park, Chisanga Falls, below top waterfall, 10° 32' 53' 15''E, (1996) Koekemoer 1905 (PRE). 15''S, 33° 41' 12''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1728 (PRE); South Circular Route at Chelinda Bridge, 10° 40' 15''S, 33° 51' 21''E, 2000, Koekemoer 1790 (PRE); Dicranella sp.
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