GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS SERIES I–2799 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SHEET 4 of 4 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Pamphlet and CD-ROM accompany map CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS LIST OF MAP UNITS Mineral Mountain Rhyolite Tcr Outflow rhyolite tuff Twa Local andesitic lava flow EXPLANATION 107° 106°45' Cochetopa [Short-dashed boundaries indicate gradational welding or other emplacement contacts within eruptive units. [Some unit exposures on the printed or plotted maps are too small to distinguish the color for unit Tmm Crystal-poor rhyolite flows and domes Intracaldera units ROCKS ERUPTED FROM THE PLATORO CALDERA COMPLEX ben Park Some major formation names are labeled. Some units of a formation are divided by emplacement type] identification. These units are labeled where possible; unlabeled units are attributed in the database] a Tmmt Crystal-poor tuff and tuffaceous sediments Intracaldera Bachelor Mountain Member os Pinosgra en Lower member of Summitville Andesite L b Caldera-related granitic top SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Tcbi Rheomorphic and intrusive tuff unit e ra Tmmi Dacitic-rhyolitic intrusion(?) Tsua Andesitic lava flows intrusions g SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Cathedral och k Alluvium (Holocene) C ee Qal Tcbg Windy Gulch welding zone Saguache Park GLACIAL DEPOSITS Tcma Local andesitic lava flows Tsup Porphyritic andesite flows CC Cr Qal Qc Qf Qt Holocene Qc Colluvium (Holocene) Campbell Mountain welding zone LA GARITA Ql Dacite of East Willow Creek Tsuv Volcaniclastic rocks Resurgently uplifted Stewart Stone Qfo Qr Qm Qg QUATERNARY Ql Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Tcbc Least altered tuff intracaldera tuff NM Peak (North) Cellar Pleistocene Twl Dacite lava Treasure Mountain Group Qlo Qmo Qgo Table Mtn Qf Alluvial fan deposits (Holocene) Tcbck Potassium-metasomatized tuff Tt Treasure Mountain Group, undivided Twlb Carapace breccia Fault—Bar and ball on Mineral SL 38° CALDERA downdropped block Mtn Qt Talus (Holocene) Cebolla Creek Tuff Tcbw Willow Creek welding zone Tts South Fork Tuff RELATIONS ASH-FLOW SHEETS AND RELATED ROCKS LAVAS AND RELATED ROCKS VOLCANIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS INTRUSIONS 1 (age) Qlo Older landslide deposits (Pleistocene) Tccd Densely welded mafic dacite Tcsb Shallow Creek Breccia Member Ttr Ra Jadero Tuff La G ari Late faults (Rio Grande Baldy RC E Sheep Thb Thr Miocene Qfo Older alluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene) Tcc Partly welded mafic dacite Tcab Andesite breccia member ta M POSTCALDERA Thbi Ttm Middle tuff Cinco Mtn rift and slump) tns ROCKS Tlp Hinsdale Formation Tccn Nonwelded mafic dacite Tcwb Wagon Wheel Gap Breccia Member GLACIAL DEPOSITS Ttj La Jara Canyon Tuff Caldera-related faults Mesa Qr Rock glacier (Pleistocene) Rocks of the Rat Creek caldera cycle Phoenix Park Breccia Member Ttb Black Mountain Tuff Tcg Tct Tcaf Tcl Mtn Tcpl Landslide-breccia unit Qg Glacial outwash gravel (Pleistocene; Pinedale glaciation) Mineral Creek Dacite Ttl Lower rhyolite tuff Tfa Tc Early faults, associated CREEDE Tfl Tfb Tfv Tfi Tmix Crystal-rich rhyolite lava flows Tcpt Talus-breccia unit BACHELOR Qm Moraine and till (Pleistocene; Pinedale glaciation) with Pagosa Pk Dacite CALDERA ROCKS PREDATING CENTRAL CALDERA CLUSTER Pool Table CYCLE Tmid Silicic dacite lava flows Tmr Rhyolite of Miners Creek Clear Creede Tsl Tslw Tslc Tslf Tslm Tsld Tsla Fisher Dacite Creede Formation Qmo Older moraine and till (Pleistocene; pre-Pinedale glaciation) Tuff of Luders Creek Mtn (26.8 Ma?) Tsp Ts Boundaries of 7.5' Cre D Tmit Silicic dacite tuff Tld Welded dacite Qgo Older glacial outwash gravel (Pleistocene; pre-Pinedale glaciation) ROCKS ERUPTED FROM THE SILVERTON CALDERA quadrangles (fig. 3) ek CREEDE Snowshoe Mountain Tuff (western San Juan Mountains) gra Cr Tmis Tuffaceous sediments Tln Nonwelded to partly welded rhyolite p ben Bristol en ee POSTCALDERA VOLCANIC ROCKS Tclt Crystal Lake Tuff Head D rab Rat Creek Tuff Tuff of Saguache Creek g Hinsdale Formation (Miocene) Tbir Tbi Tbia Snowshoe Wagon Tbf Tbv Trdn Nonwelded to partly welded dacite tuff ROCKS OF LA GARITA CALDERA CYCLE Tscc Densely welded crystal-rich rhyolite Mtn Thb Basaltic flows Wheel Gap 37°45' Baldy Cinco Dacite Trd Welded dacite tuff Huerto Andesite Tsc Nonwelded to densely welded crystal-poor rhyolite Tsir Thr Rhyolite lava, tuff, and intrusion Tsd Tsa Tsi Thu Andesitic lava flows and volcaniclastic rocks, undivided Trr Nonwelded to partly welded rhyolite tuff Conejos Formation Basaltic intrusion Ruby Lake Tsdv Tsv Thbi Intrusions and vents R Trrl Lithic-rich zone in rhyolite tuff Tci Intrusions io Tss G South Stewart Peak Volcanics Tlp Los Pinos Formation (Miocene and Oligocene) Dacite Baldy Lake ran Thid Fisher Fork Lava flows and proximal breccias Mtn Humphreys d Lava flows premonitory(?) to San Luis Caldera complex Mtn e Tndn Andesitic dikes and other intrusions Red Lake g OLIGOCENE VOLCANIC ROCKS Thi Tcf Lava flows and breccias, undivided ra Trout b Dacite of Captive Inca e Tnde Tnlr Tnld Tnlf Trout Lake Mtn n ROCKS OF THE CREEDE CALDERA CYCLE Porphyritic andesitic dikes and other intrusions Tca Tcds Volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks Thip Andesite Tnd Creede Formation SOUTH Intrusions of hornblende andesite and mafic dacite Tcap Metroz Tcdf Dacite flow Thih Porphyritic andesite Tnr Tc Fine-grained sedimentary deposits Cimarrona lt LA GARITA RIVER Mtn Lava flows au Tcd Dacite Peak f S River Tnn Tcg Tcdb Flow breccia (South) Nelson Mountain caldera cycle Conglomerates Peak Table Mtn Thd Dacite s Cr Tnns Tcfr Rhyolite m Tct Travertine and calcareous tufa Tcdi Vent intrusion Tha Finely porphyritic and undivided andesite llia Tnxp Tcv Volcaniclastic rocks Wi Tcaf Dacitic ash-flow tuff Ttd Rhyolite of Table Mountain Mount Nelson Mountain Tuff Thah Hornblende-bearing andesite-dacite Tcs Volcanic sandstone Hope Tcl Landslide breccia Dacite of McKenzie Mountain Heart Thap Platy plagioclase andesite Mtn SAN Tmcd Dacite flow Tcas Arkosic sandstone Tst Fisher Dacite LUIS Ths Vent scoria 37°30' Wolf Cr CALDERA Tfl Dacite lava flows Tmcb Flow Breccia Tcst Tuff of Snowball Park Tmm Tmmt Tmmi Pass Cre Pass COMPLEX Volcaniclastic rocks Intrusions Saddle (27.0-26.9 Ma?) Tcma Tfb Flow breccia Tmci Intrusions of uncertain affinity Thv Bedded breccia and conglomerate Mtn e k Andesite fau Twl Twlb Dacite of Silver Park Tia Beaver Treasure Tfa Andesitic lava flows lt Thbf Landslide breccia with clasts of Fish Canyon Tuff Creek Mtn zo Tsf2 Flow 2 Dacite ne Tfv Volcaniclastic rocks Tid fault Thbp Landslide breccia with clasts of Pagosa Peak Dacite Tccd Tcc Tccn Tsf1 Flow 1 Intrusions PREVOLCANIC ROCKS Cebolla Creek Tuff Tfi Thc Conglomerate and sandstone with clasts of Fish Canyon Tuff Cebolla Creek caldera cycle San Juan Basin Andesite of Bristol Head Tbb Blanco Basin Formation (Eocene) Snowshoe Mountain Tuff Tbd Mafic dacitic flow and breccia Tgs Intracaldera sedimentary rocks Ku Sedimentary rocks, undivided (Cretaceous) Tmix Tmid Tmit Tmis Tsp Partly welded tuff Tba Andesitic flows Tfnd Dacite of Nutras Creek 0 5 10 KILOMETERS Trdn Mineral Creek Dacite Ts Densely welded tuff p_q Quartzite (Precambrian) Tbav Andesitic volcaniclastic rocks Fish Canyon Tuff Trd Landslide breccia member Figure 6. Granitic intrusions (texturally variable granodiorite-andesite) and regional caldera-related and other faults, in relation to Tgfc Late intracaldera landslide breccia overall geometry of central San Juan caldera cluster. E, Equity block (fault-bounded triangular uplift). Abbreviated geographic Tsl Mixed lithologies ROCKS OF THE SOUTH RIVER CALDERA CYCLE Trr Trrl Contact—Dashed where approximately located; dotted where gradational. name: SL, San Luis Peak. Calderas of San Luis complex: CC, Cebolla Creek; NM, Nelson Mountain; RC, Rat Creek. Tfc Outflow tuff sheet—Local welding zones Tfc1, Tfc2, Tfc3, Tfc4, Tfc5, Tfc6 Internal contacts delineate some conspicuous lava flows or gradational Tslw Breccia with clasts of Wason Park Tuff South River Volcanics ash-flow cooling breaks within map units. No contact shown where Rat Creek Tuff Intrusions Tfg La Garita Member Rat Creek caldera cycle Tslc Breccia with clasts of Carpenter Ridge Tuff Tsri boundary between map units is uncertain or indefinite Tcdi Tfgl Lithic-rich partly welded zone Tcdf Tcdb Tcds Tsf2 Tsrx Xenocrystic andesite lava flows Tslf Breccia with clasts of Fish Canyon Tuff Concealed intrusive contact Ttd Tmcb Tmcd Tsf1 Tmci Tsrb Biotite dacite lava flows Tgbf Intracaldera landslide breccia with clasts of Fish Canyon Tuff Tslm Breccia with clasts of Masonic Park Tuff Lava-flow vent boundary Tbd Tba Tbav Tsrh Mafic dacite lava flows Tgbp Intracaldera landslide breccia with clasts of Pagosa Peak Dacite Tsld Breccia with dominant clasts of dacitic lava Premonitory(?) lava flows Fault—Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed or Tsra Hornblende andesite lava flows Tgbm Intracaldera landslide breccia with clasts of Masonic Park Tuff Tsla Breccia with clasts of andesitic lava occupied by intrusive rocks. Bar and ball on downthrown side Tsrm Andesite lava flows Tgbs Intracaldera landslide breccia with clasts of Sheep Mountain Ramp structure—Sawteeth on upper side. Near tops of lava flows, domes, Lavas of Cochetopa Dome Tsrx ROCKS OF THE SAN LUIS CALDERA COMPLEX Andesite Tsrv Volcaniclastic rocks and lava-like parts of Pagosa Peak Dacite Tgbw Intracaldera landslide breccia with clasts of western San Juan tuff Eroded topographic wall Tsrb Tsrh Tsra Tsrm Tsrv Tsrt Tsri Rocks of the Nelson Mountain caldera cycle sheets SOUTH Tsrt Caldera-wall talus South River Volcanics Baldy Cinco Dacite Quaternary slump block—Approximately
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