3 I INDEX 1 2 EXAMINATION BY MR. ANDERSON,..,..... 5 1 STAÎE OF MINNESOTA TN DISTRICT COURT 3 2 COUNTY OF RÀMsEY SECOND JUDICIÀL DISTRICT 1 5 3 4 BEGINNING OF TAPE 4 5 BEGINNING OF TAPE 2 .45 5 DOE 1 6 BEGINNING OF TAPE 3 ,88 6 Plaintiff, 7 BEGINNING OF TAPE 4 133 '1 8 BEGINNING OF TAPE 5 202 I ÀRCHDIOCESE OF ST. PÀUI ÀND MINNEÀPOIIS, DIOCESE OF NINONÀ 9 ANd THOMÀS ADAMSON, I 10 Defendants l0 11 11 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT t74 ,..31 I2 12 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT ro2 ...75 13 Videotape deposition of ARcHBISHOP 3.,., .111 t4 HÀRRY FLYNN, taken puÈsuant to Notice of 13 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT A l5 Taking Deposition, and taken before Gary w. 14 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT .1 13 16 Hermes, a Nota!y Public in and for the county 15 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 5,.,, .tt7 7',Ì of Ransey, state of Minnesota, on the 14th day I6 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 6..., .t25 18 of May, 2074t at 30 East ?th street, St. Paul, 17 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 7 .,., .r29 19 Minn€sota, comnencing at apploxinately 10:04 20 orclock a.m. 18 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 8... .130 2I 19 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 50., ..r42 22 20 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 52.. ..t43 23 21 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 108 r54 24 ÀEEILIÀTED COURT REPORIERS 2 93 5 orD ErGmÀY I DEPOSITION EXHIBIT L97 156 ar. PÀsL, w 55113 (612)338-43{8 22 23 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT t52 t64 24 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 166 169 25 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT t75 17t 2 4 1 APPEARANCES: 1 D EPO SITIO N EXHIBIT 176 t72 2 JEFFREY R. ANDERSON, ESQ,, MICHAEL G. 2 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 68.. 173 3 FINNEGAN, ESQ., Attorneys at Law,366 Jackson 3 DEPOSITION EX H IBIT 181 L76 4 Street, Suite 100, St, Paul, Minnesota 55101, 4 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 184 184 5 appeared for Plaintiff. 5 D EPO SITIO N EXHIBIT 221 186 6 DANIEL A. HAWS, ESQ., Attorney at 6 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 220 186 7 Law,30 East 7th Street, Suite 3200, St. Paul, 7 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 225 189 8 Minnesota 55101, appeared for Archdiocese of 8 DEPO SITIO N EXHIBIT 226 190 9 St. Paul and Minneapolis. 9 D EPO SITIO N EXHIBIT 229 190 10 THOMAS B. WIESER, ESQ., AttorneY at l0 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 230 t92 11 Law, 2200 Bremer Tower, 445 Minnesota Street, 11 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 231 L94 12 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, appeared for 12 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 232 196 l3 Archdiocese of St. Paul and M inneapolis. 13 D EPO SITIO N EXHIBIT 234 L97 '|4 THOMAS R. BRAUN, ESQ., AttorneY at 14 DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 235 198 15 Law, 117 East Center Street, Rochester, l5 l6 Minnesota 55904, appeared for Diocese of l6 *** 17 W inona. 17 l8 THOMAS M. KELLY, ESQ., Attorney at 18 t9 Law, 220 South 6th Street, Suite 1225, l9 20 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, appeared for 20 21 Archbishop Harry Flynn. 21 22 ALSO PRESENT: 22 23 Paul Kinsella, videographer 23 24 24 26 25 1 of 52 sheets Page 1 to 4 of 2O7 O5/2Ll2Ol4 09:56:56 AM 7 5 14. On MaY 2nd' 2OO8. 1 PROCEEDINGS 2Q. In the time in which you were archbishop of 2 *** Paul and Minneapolis, is MaY 3 the Archdiocese of St. 3 MR, KINSELLA: TodaY's date that entire time frame, I think the records L4,2014, the time is 10:04 a.m' This is the 4 4 bishops 5 reflect that in 2002, clearly that the 5 videotape deposition of Archbishop Harry in the U.S. convened and created what was now Will counsel please identify 6 6 Flynn. of 7 called the Charter for the Protection 7 themselves for the video record? I Children, correct? I MR. ANDERSON: For the Plaintiff, That is correct. And I chaired the committee 9 leff Anderson. sA. t0 which sculPtured the charter' t0 MR. FINNEGAN: For the Plaintiff, 11 0. And that committee that you chaired, I think 11 Mike Finnegan' the 12 were you President of? 12 MR' HAWS: Dan Haws for 13 A. I was chair of the committee' t3 archdiocese. the 14 0. And the committee was called? 14 MR' WIESER: Tom Wieser for 15 A. The Committee for the Protection of Children' l5 archdiocese' 16 0. And why was that charter created and that t6 MR. BRAUN: Tom Braun on behalf of 17 committee in particular constituted? 17 the Diocese of Winona' A. The charter was created because of a -- an l8 MR, KELLY: Thomas KellY on behalf l8 l9 apparent crisis in the Archdiocese of Boston' t9 of the archbishoP' 20 which needed some attention' 20 MR. KINSELLA: Will the rePorter 21 0. And you say "apparent crisis"' Do you think 21 please swear the witness? 22 there was a crisis in Boston that needed 22 ARCHBISHOP HARRY FLYNN, 23 attention? 23 called as a witness, being first duly sworn, 24 A. I do, yes. 24 was examined and testified as follows: 25 0. So it was an actual crisis, not an apparent 25 EXAMINATION 8 6 1 one? 1 BY MR. ANDERSON: an actual crisis. Archbishop. Would you please 24. It was 2Q. Good morning, of 3Q. Do you believe that there was also a crisis 3 state your full name for the record? 4 a similar nature in every diocese in the U'S'? My full name is Harry JosePh FlYnn' 44. I -- I didn't know at that today and how are you 54. I wouldn't know. 5Q. And how is your health that' 6 time and I wouldn't be able to answer 6 feeling? 7Q. Had there been a similar crisis in Lafayette? 74. Well, I have |imitations. I've been dealing The crisis was not as extensive as it was in I with some health problems, but feeling pretty sA. I Boston. It was a matter of -- of a very small I well, When the sun has come out at last in l0 number of priests, I think two who were -- l0 Minnesota. perpetrated extensivelY. Yeah. Archbishop, by my calculations' you 11 11 0. in the sense in 12 o. There were similar dimensions 12 have been a priest since your ordination that Father Gauthe and others had been known t3 1960. Is that right? 13 to have committed offenses against children 14 A. That's correct. 14 l5 and also had been documented and known to have l5 0. And you had been, including the time as t6 been transferred repeatedly prior to your 16 coadjutor, presiding archbishop of the as archbishop there, correct? St' Paul and Minneapolis for, 17 installation 17 Archdiocese of know 18 A I remember the name Gauthe' I don't l8 would that have been, 14 Years? t9 about their transferring -- transferring 1s A. I came up in '94 and I was coadjutor from '94 20 repeatedlY. 20 t¡ll '95' and '95 to 2O08 as the archbishop' When the charter was created, the bishops Archbishop Nienstedt was appointed as 21 0. 21 0. And did 22 convened in Dallas to address the crisis, 22 coadjutor with You in the Year 2OO7? you come away from that meeting as the chair That's correct. 23 23 A. in the 24 of the committee and a participant And your retirement was effective in 2008 24 0. a 25 bishops'co nference believing there was 25 then? 2 of 52 sheets Page 5 to I of 207 Oslztl2ol4 09:56: 56 AM 9 11 1 scandal or a crisis pertaining to the abuse of 1 the charter was installed, created and made 2 children that was nationwide? 2 public across this country of you as 3 MR. KELLY: Well, I'm going to 3 archbishop making the finding that any priest 4 object to the form of the question. The 4 in the archdiocese against whom allegations of 5 difference between the scandal and the crisis, 5 abuse had been made were found to have been 6 perhaps counsel can break that down. 6 true? 7 MR. ANDERSON: Sure. I'll reframe 74. Would you repeat that question, please? 8 the question. sQ. After the charter was created and made public 9 Did you come away from that meeting 9 in 2002 and as -- during your tenure as 10 and having chaired the committee with the l0 archbishop, are there any priests that were 11 belief that there was a crisls that was 11 accused of sexual abuse of minors that you 12 nationwide? 12 found to have been credibly accused? 13 A. No. I -- I would not use the word "crisis." l3 MR. KELLY: Is that question limited 14 O. What would you use to describe the problem 14 to this archdiocese? l5 nationwide? 15 MR. ANDERSON: Yes. l6 A. I would simply use the word some matters 16 A. I -- right now I can't -- I can't remember 17 needed some very close attention. 17 any. l8 O. At any point in time, did you come to believe 18 BY MR. ANDERSON: 19 there was a crisis pertaining to childhood le o. Can you remember that there were some that 20 sexual abuse by clerics in the Archdiocese of 20 were actually accused and found by you and/or 21 St. Paul and Minneapolis? 21 your advisors to not have been credible or 22 A. No. 22 substantiated? 23 a. Did you ever come to believe there was a 23 MR, HAWS: You're referring to 2002 24 problem in the way it was being handled or had 24 to 2008, correct -- 25 been handled? 25 MR.
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