PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. AUGUST 1898. PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE23, 1832-VOL. 35. PORTLAND^MAINE, SATCRDAY^MORNING, 6, _—■—————-^ ■ MISCELLANEOUS. WILDMAN TO AGUINALDO. MACHS PROCLAIMS. TAKING OF GlIASICA. Him to Trust to Honor of United Advises -——— States. SPAIN. YET. CANT DECIDE Ifow First at WAITS FOR Landing Porto Rico London, August 6. —The Hong Kong Cbaracteristidy Bombastic Utter- correspondent of the Daily Mail says; Was Made. ances “The prospect of Amerioa abandon- By Capt, Gen. brought ing thePhilippines has well nigh leaders are on panto, 'the insurgent the Americans greatly dissatislled with Guanico, Island of Porto Rioo, July 25 Mr. the and the British here. Wildman, (Copyright 1898 by the Associated Press.) via St. Thomas, 11. W. I., July £6.— has to United States consul, replied the Now Set When the On Board the Associated Press Despatch Spanish Cabinet Council Last When the Associated Press despatch boat as follows: off Adjourned arrived at Guantanamo Aguinaldo Monday Day Boat San Juan de Porto Rioo, August Cynthia bay July of the ‘Trust to the honor and justice 4, via St. Thomas, D. W. X., August 5.— 21, at 6 p. m., and reported to Com- United States and let nothing interfere The Amerioans have taken peaceful pos- mander McCalla of the Marblehead and ilrst task of off the Without Action. was ordered to hoist the with the throwing Long Expected Reply May Arrive. session of the eastern portion of the Night promptly yel- Spanish yoke. I believe in you. Don't island. Small parties of marines have | low flag, as she had touched at Santiago THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS disappoint me.’ been landed, who have lighted the lamps de Cuba, tiiose on board of her had no is due not to the and in the house at San Juan and idea of going to Porto Rico. But some only originality WON’T TALK SO NOW. light Cape LOUD been noticed in tbe simplicity of the combination, but also on the other light houses along tho coast. ships having offing, 6.—The Borne corre- to the care and skill with which it is London, August met with no at the despatch boat hailed the flagship of tho News They resistance. Indeed, manufactured spondent Daily says: New York, asking for their identification, by scientific processes “The Vatican has telegraphed the Arch- Cape San Jnan deputations of citizens Saeasta Recounted What Party which back the known to the California Fig Syrup bishop of Manila instructions to place came out to meet them. brought reply by mega- his under the Have Passed Without “That is and Co. only, and we wish to impress upon himself and clergy pro- Two The warships now in this vloinity are phone: General Miles his tection of the United States in view of Days all the importance of the the the the Leaders Had Told Him. squndron. They have started for Porto purchasing threatened attack the insurgents. Montgomery, Annapolis, true and As the by Rico.” original remedy. The Archibshop’s position is very odd, Puritan and tho Amphttrite. The two of is manufactured Word from the boat genuine Syrup Figs bearing in mind his foolish anti-Ameri- Hearing Spain. former are looking for the transports with Thereupon despatch promptly the California Fig Syrup Co. can manifesto at the of the to sea aud by beginning troops which left the United States and put followed the transports a of that fact will war.” only, knowledge have scattered all about the island. and their convoying warships to Porto assist one in avoiding the worthless Rioo. The Annapolis rounded up the Whitney, imitations manufactured by other par- A GRAB BY RUSSIA. the Florida and the For four days and nights, through of the Cali- to the Raleigh yesterday ties. The high standing Rome, August 5.—According weather abreast of the has and are now at Cape San Juan. stormy Gloucester, fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi- Novoe Vremya, a Russian envoy they the Negus have been a serious mis- Sick List in at San- the despatch boat pitched and tossed into cal and the satisfaction pursuaded Emperor Menelik, Them seems to Spanish Army profession, of to in Russia’s a head sea. Abyssinia, renouned take as to the rendezvous for no two which the of has be- Is to Surrender It genuine Syrup Figs favor Ills protectorate over Raheita, There was Sagasta Ready ships to the same place and it will a great feeling of relief when given to millions of families, makes tween Obok and Assab, on Assab bay, go Numbers 40 miles to locate them and get 10,000. General Miles on Sunday morning, the name of the Company a guaranty about northwest of the narrowest take several days tiago of the Babiel-Mandeb. Miles is headed south by west, into the Mona of the excellence of its remedy. It is part strait He Dared to Do So. them to Ponoe where General At Assab, Russia will establish a coal- passage and it became known that the far in advance of all other laxatives, ing station. waiting. *1_A__AT. 1 J_V__,1 New Orleans southern ana not the northern ooast or A U UIVVU v** VUW A* Vi UUVA OH San Juan the oruiser Oi7 U1UUVJ U, The Italian papers declare that Italy _Jc tha Klnnlrorla Porto Rico was to be the scene of the bowels without irritating or weaken- has a prior claim to Raheita, under the last witn of the American on the ing them, and it does not gripe nor treaty aoyfisima. The city is grim and silent, but back of landing army island of Porto Rico. nauseate. In order to get its beneficial her yellow walls there will be plenty of VOLUNTEERS BREAK CAMP. the Gloucester effects, please remember the name of determination to fight when the Ameri- Early Monday morning New Cables turned boldly towards the Porto Rican the Company— York, Aug. 5.—The first United War Issues a Statement Re- cans fire. Gen. Toral That Death Rate Has Department a harbor whioh States volunteer engineer regiment Captain General Macias has issued a coast and steamed into CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. broke camp at Peeks- Given at he the chart showed to be that of Guanico. Camp Townsend, Orders Santiago— proclamation in the course of which Reached From 12 to 14 Daily—The SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. kill, this afternoon, marched to Red garding The Gloucester went ahead of the Mass*- i and says: LOUISVILLE, Kj. NEW TORE, N. T. Hook boarded a barge, which will Been Made to not Plans Had Already not sued for and I Poor Accommodations Them Ac- chusetts, the Yale and the Columbia, convey the regiment to Brooklyn. To- “Spain has peaoe; ||for as I did to mention the tardy transports, herj lead morrow it will go aboard the transport Home—The Trouble can drive off the American boats the Soldiers line and her commander Chester and proceed to Porto Pico. Bring Sampson’s attempt before." counts for Sickness—Toral Says constantly going fli^ out the safest anohorage for the Sixth Massachusetts and What The daughter of the Captain Ceneral is pointing LADIES' THE WEATHEH. in the outside the points whieb helping to drill the gunners in the forts. They Should Be Deported to Spain as big warships embraced the harbor. Was The Cause. Altogether there are 0.EOO Spanish regu- As the Massachusetts and her oonsorts lars in the city. The troops of the enemy Soon as Possible. 6.—When the the unfortunate army in Santiago before let their Lieut. Commander ! Washington. August who are from Ponce and the go anchors, RUSSET UODDS. united woe the follow' retreating closed his official work today the protest made, headed the Gloucester into President other towns on the south coast ocoupied Wainwrlgbt We have a large and well selected statement is out the Secre- had not received the reply of Spain ing given by not arrived. m.—At the cabinet council the and for a time she was lost to stock of Russet Boots and Shoes he by the Americans have yet Madrid, Aug. 5.—10 p. port as to how soon tho re- tary of War regarding the shipment oi The German steamer Polynesia, with the of her slx- for Ladles’ and Children’s wear. nor any intimation view. Shortly after, report The French am- troops North from Santiago. a of canned meats and tobac* recounted to his We make a seecialty of ply might be expected. cargo rum, this evening Senor Sagasta colleagues pounders were heard and then silence “Until it was bassador has not been heard from through quite recently, supposed co, tried to run the blockade this morn- followed. The despatch boat thereupon that fever was in Santi- what had been said in the conference with the various Ladies’ Russet Buttons at $4.25, the day and he, as well as our govern- yellow epidemic ing, but was stopped by the New Orleans. obtained permission to enter the harbor are for Spain to ago and it was not believed that it would and steamed In after the Gloucester. former price $5.00. ment offloials waiting BROOKS LANDING SUCCESSFUL. earlier in the No decision was Boston, Aue. 5.—Forecast for Boston have be safe to send loads North of men leaders day. give the] final response. Two days ship political The harbor of Guanioo is an exquisite for infected with fever. The Ladies’ Russet Polish $3.50. and vicinity Saturday—Fair weather; now without a word officially from largely yellow a veritable heaven of rest, with passod Porto takeni Senor minister of finance, read a place, it was «.
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