>17 I l . • T h e Ia w r e n t ia n VOL. XLV. Number 4. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Tuesday, October 4, 1927 P. Earle, Prominent Young Opera Marion Talley $1,000 Mark Appleton Man, Dies Lawrence Vikings Hold Plinv Earle, father of Elizabeth Star To Sing Is Goal Set Essie, ’29, and Allen Earle, e x ’30, Golden Avalanche To 9-0 both of Appleton, died at St. Eliza­ beth’s hospital on Friday, after a Here Friday long illness. Score In Thrilling Game By Y.W.C.A. Mr. Earle, who has been a resident of Appleton since 1871, was alderman Marion Talley Will Make First College Association To Open of the second ward, chairman of the THE DOPE Lawrence Eleven Makes Fine Appleton Appearance Annual Drive For fire and water committee of the com­ First Downs Showing At Milwaukee This Week Money mon council, member of the street and Lawrence 1 0 2 0— 3 Saturday bridge and poor committees, and a Marquette 6 3 1 4—14 One thousand dollars has been set Marion Tullev, the youngest singer member of the city board of health. Gains on line plays A fighting blue football squad from as the goal for the Lawrence college who ever stepped on the stage of the The body lay in state at All Saints Lawrence 3 10 22 10— 45 I^awrence played an inspired game Y.W.C.A. financial campaign, wrhich Metropolitan Opera house in New Episcopal church prior to the Masonic Marquette ..... 94 35 25 86—240 Saturday afternoon,- and succeeded in will open some time this week. The York, will sing in Appleton Friday funeral services which were held Gains on passes holding the powerful Marquette elev­ unusually heavy activities program night while on her first concert tour. Monday at two o’clock. Lawrence 11 5 11 0—27 en to a 9 to 0 score. The game was which is to be sponsored by the col­ From a choir girl in Kansas, Miss Marquette 0 34 0 10—14 run off in a quagmire before a large lege “ Y.W. ” makes necessary a drive Talley became a leading soprano of Open Meeting Of Penalties crowd, many of whom were wildly for funds, it has been pointed out. the Metropolitan Opera company, and Lawrence 15 0 0 5—20 cheering the up state team before the Hamar house, the eenter of Law­ Sunset Tuesday all this was achieved without the in­ Marquette 0 15 0 5—20 end of the fourth period. Lawrence’s rence social life, is maintained entire­ fluence of wealth and with very little Passes—Lawrence, nine attempts, one desperate attempt to score fell ly through student support. In the An open meeting of the Sunset European training. three complete, two intercepted, short in the second quarter, aud the year of its establishment here, twen­ players will be held tomorrow even­ When she appeared on the Metro­ intercepted two. Marquette — ‘‘Golden Avalanche”, which looked ty-four hundred dollars was raised for ing in the Little Theatre, underneath politan stage in February, 1926, for nine attempts, four complete, more like a pile of crushed stone at its upkeep, and last year over half of the chapel, and anyone who is either her first ap|>earanee in opera, Miss two intercepted, intercepted two. several stages of the game, counted the Thousand , dollars raised by the interested in dramatics or who intends Talley achieved a triumph which has 1929 Ariel Staff on a touchdown and a safety in the Y.W.C.A. was used for coal, wood, to try out for Sunset is invited to at­ been compared only to that of Patti first half. Positions Are Open; light, and water for the house. A tend. Following a short play, which and Jenny Lind. Because of her Considering straight football sta­ like amount is needed this year, say will be presented at eight o’clock, the youth, her remarkable composure, and Advanced Students tistics, Marquette decisively defeated Tryouts Being Held “ V.W.” officials, if the student social players will hold their first business the fresh, brilliant and beautiful qual­ its much smaller opponent. The battle center is to continue on the campus. meeting of the year. Every member ity of her voice, she had over forty Come To Lawrence was a consistent fight of the driving “ Y.W” Activities of the organization who plans to con­ recalls and the ovation she received Staff of Thirty-five Will Be Selected type that prevented the university Since 1881 the college Y.W.C.A. has tinue iu dramatic work this yeac must following her singing * of “ Caro For Yearbook By Editor- From Many Schools players from scoring throughout the been an active organization on Law­ be present, be excused, or forfeit his Nome” resembled those which had second half, and held them to nine in-Chief rence campus, sponsoring student membership in Sunset. been accorded Caruso. Six Registrants From Orient Help poiuts for the entire game. Although world friendship, maintaining mauy The play will be “ The Triumph of Swell Total Roll of For­ it is au inexperienced team, the blue Organization of the 1929 Ariel of the Lawrence traditions, and iu re­ Instinct”, a one act presentation eign Students and white squad stands out as a fight­ staff is rapidly being completed under cent years operating Hamar house. which will be given by a cast of seven ing eleven, and this spirit will prob­ Annual Walkaround, the direction of Art Mueller, ’29, edi­ Iu 1881 the Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. under the direction of Miss Laeite According to Professor A. A. Trev- ably chalk up several Lawrence vic­ tor-in-chief of this year’s annual, and displayed their first interest in world Welty. Held Friday Night, er, chairman of the committee on ad­ tories during the 1927 season. although plans for the book have not friendship by sending a scholarship to vanced credits, I^awrence has drawn Marquette romped over Lawrence A Complete Successyet been entirely perfected, indica­ Tokio, Japan, which was used to aid Miss Achtenhagen Has advanced students from all parts of almost at will when the teams were in tions are that it will again be of the a little girl named Una Lawrence to Slv little glances, this country aud six students from the open territory, but whenever the ball same standard and quality that has obtain an education. This interest in Two Poems Published Orient. These advanced students, en­ was advanced to within the blue 20- Bold advauces, been characteristic of the Ariels of foreign scholarship has continued tering, for the most -part, in the juni­ yard line, the Catlinmen bucked up Music that entrances past years. through the years, culminating last “ Illusions” and ‘‘Gypsy Tw’i- light”, two poems written by Miss or and senior years come from state and threw back the heavy golden at The beginning of romances. Try-outs for positions on the edi­ year in the «ampaign which sent Ellen Miga Achtenhagen of the English de­ teachers’ coUeges in this and other tack. Seven times Marquette had the torial staff of the yearbook are now Tut ton abroad. One huudred dollars ball inside that line, and six times Card in hand and pencil poised the partment, have appeared in Foot­ states including South Dakota, Min­ being held and will extend for a is sent every year to the Isabella Tho- they were repulsed. wary huuter stalks his prey. Stead­ prints, a poetry magazine. “ Illu­ nesota, Michigan and in particular, period of three weeks, the successful burn college at Lucknow, India. A battering attack which followed ily, stealthily he works his way sions” was published in the Septem­ Illinois. There are also students reg­ personnel of the 1929 staff being an ­ The “ Y.M. ” and “ Y.W .” stage an exchange of punts gave the ava­ through the tangle. Now behind this the annual All-college walkaround, ber issue of the magazine. Dr. Fred­ istered from Northwestern university, nounced October 20. University of Chicago, and Carlton, lanche its first score before the game shelter, now that, he hides. Ha! the while the Colonial banquet, at which erick Alder, who edits the magazine*, At present seventy four students Ripon and Carroll colleges. had been going five minutes. W’as- moment has arrived! the four l>est loved senior girls pre­ was formerly head of the English de­ are aspiring to positions on the edi­ The reasons given for transfering ehick hoisted himself across for the “ lardon me, wrill you write your side is sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. partment of Lawrence, and is now torial staff, and twenty-three of these vary from those of friends at Law­ six points, and Radick added the ex­ name on my card?” he asks. She May Day and the election of the May connected with the Western Reserve have already had previous experience rence to the practicality of the insti­ tra notch which made the score 7 for will. She does, and never again will Queen are also in charge of the I'niversitv of Cleveland. in Ariel work. About thirty-five will tution due to residence in some near­ Marquette, Lawrence 0. Joe College be dateless on Saturday “ Y.W.”, and the big and little sister “ Candleblooin ” , another poem, will be retained after the try-out period. by city. It should not be inferred Early in the second period Mar­ night. movement is being carried on by this appear iu the 1927 Oracle Anthology that Lawrence is accepting students quette had the ball on the Lawrence How many afTairs of puppy love, The Ariel office has been moved organization and the W.S.G.A.
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