- 28 .5 V2. II 2= .2 36 1.25 iii C- - PO( { 'Ill 11(1.N 11Alt1 D 169 033 SP 014,045 r UTHOR Norton, Candy, Comp.; Trigg, Marilyn G., Comp. ITL E Dance Directory. Programs of ProfessionalPreparation in Ame ican Colleges and Universities. Tenth Edit' n. NSTITUTION Amer can Alliance for Health, Physical -Education, Recr ation and Dance (AAHPERD). UB DATE 38 OTE 118p. VAILABLE FROM 'AAHPERDPublications Sales, 1201 16th Street, W.W., Washingon, D.C. 20036 ($4.00) --ss" DRS PRICE MF01Plu Postage. P ot,Available from EDRS. ESCRIPTORS 'College Fa ty; *College Programs; Courses; *Dance: .*Professionalducation; *Program De'scriptions; *Universities BSTRACT The intendd funtion of this dance-directory' is to rif.ord dance proponents,abut th existence of professional reparation progiams in Ameicancolleges and universities. Included long with dourse offerings, ulty, and degree status is nfordation,on number o major students, audition requirements;' ertificati n, number of concert performances, and professional :ompany affiliation. .41DS) 0 ° 4 4 / 4 / / *************,********************************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can bemade * , from the original document. * f- ********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF r EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY DANCE DIRECTORY "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTeD BY 447_77. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND THE ERIC SYSTEM CONTRACTORS." ( Programs of Professional Preparation in AmericanColleges and Universities Tenth Edition. 1978 Compiled by Candy Norton and Marilyn G. Trigg J publications Copyright 1978 American Alliance for Health, Physical Educatidn and Recreation 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., W}shington, 111.C: 20036 A PREFACE Spreading the word about dance is a major commitment of theNational Dance AssoOiation. In making this commitment to its membership, the Association also accepts the responsibility of providinginformation on the many aspects of dance. The intended function of the Dance Directory is to inform dance proponents about the existence ofprofessional prep- a;ation programs in American colleges and universities. Included in the tenth edition of=the Dance/'rectory is updated program information and new informat4on not incorporated#in previouseditions. /The editors believed that a more complete relikesentation of adance `grogram could be established if included along with course offerings,. facult,h. and degree status was information on number ofmajOr students, auditi requirements, certification-, number of concert performances and pro ssional company affil tion. All listings in the directory 4 were compiled from material r ceived from personsin charge of the respective dance programs. t, The editors extend a graci us thank you to Ms. JanWheeler, the compiler and typist. The ce Directory is one of the manyservices provided by the, National Dan bp Association, an Associationof the AmericaArAlliance'for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. This tenth edition supe/,:edes all previous directoriesprepared by the Association. \ CandYNorton, Co-editor Marilyn G. Trigg, Co-editor The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia a k KEY TO SYMBOLS cc Types of Program Dance Education: a major curriculum in dancedesigned to prepare teachers of dance., Performing Arts: a major curricului in dance designedto prepare performing dance artists; Dance Concentration: A selection of dance courses required in professional preparationfor a major in a 'related field, such as Physical Ed0qation or FineArts. Asterisk (*) preceding personnel indicates person incharge of ,-dance program. Two astericks (**) preceding course liqtingindicate course can:- also'be taken for graduate credit. Three astericks (***) follpwing a school's name indicatethat information may not be current. EducationalDegrees / B.A. or A.B. Bachelor of Arts B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts B.S. Bachelor of Science B.P.E. Bachelor of*Physical Education B.M. Bachelor of Music B.S.E. Bachelor of Science in Education M.A. Master of Arts M.Ed. Master of Education M.F.A. Master of Fine Arts M.M. Master of Music M.A.T. Master of Arts in Teaching M.P.E. Master of Physical Education M.S. Master of Science M.S.P.E. Mastef-bf Science in Physical Education M.S.Ed. Master of Science in Education Ed.D. Doctor of Education Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Physical Education -2 CONTENTS COLLEGE PAGE COLLEGE PAGE /ALABAMA Athens State College 1 University of California 1 Davis 14 Auburn University Jr, Troy State University Irvine 14 Tuskegee Institute 1 Los Angeles 15 Riverside k 16 ALASKA Santa Barbara 16 University of Alaska 2 Santa Cruz 17 University of Santa Clara 17 ARIZONA Arizona State Univers,?_ty. COLORADO' Northern Ariona University Colorado CollTge 18 University of Arizona Colorado State Universi-4 18 Mesa College 19 ARKANSAS Stephens, Perry- Mansfield Arkansas State.University-- School of Dance and Theatre 19 University of 4rkansas Universilkof Colorado 19 UniversitroDenver 20 CALIFORNIA University of Northern California Polytechnic St-ate Colorado 21 University 4 California State University CONNECTICUT Chico 4 Arnold College 21 Fresno 5 Connecticut 21 Fullerton 5 Southern Connecticut State 22 Haywarell; 6 Collegb. Long Beach 7 St. Joseph College 22 Los Angelds e7 De Anza College 8 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dominican College, of San Rafael 9 American University 23 Humboldt State. University 9 Federal City College 24 LoyolaMarytount University 10 George, Washington University 24 Merritt College.' 10, Mills College 10 FLORIDA Occidental College 11 Eckerd College 25 Orange Coast College' 11 Florida'State University 25 San Diego State University 11 Miami-Dade Community College 26 San Francisco,State University 12 University of Florida 26 Stanford University 1.3 University of Miami 27 United States International Univer&ty ' 13 GEORGIA Georgia SoUthern College 27 Georgia State University 27 p Spelman College 27 University of Georgia 28 VI PAGE COLLEGE PAGE COLLEGE HAWAII MASSACHUSETTS University of Hawaii 28 Boston Conservatory 42 Bridgewater State College 43 IDAHO Mount Holyoke College 43 University ofdaho 29 Northeastern University '43 ,n Smith College 44 ILLINOIS Springfield College 44 Chicago,Consortium of Colleges Tufts University 44 and Universities 29 University of Massachusetts' 45 George Williams College 30 Illinois State University 30 MICHIGAN Northern Illinois University 31 Eastern Michigan University 45 Northwestern University 31 Hope College 46 Southern Illinois University 32 Michigan State University 46 University'of Illinois 32 Wiskegon Community College 47 1. University of Michigan 47 INDIANA Wayne State University 48 Ball State University 33 Western Michigan University 49, Butler University 33 Indiana State University 34 Indiana University 35 .M NESOTA ! _ ankato State College 56 . IOWA Southwebt,Minnesota'StAte- 50 ,$*t.101af College --:-. 51 Iowa State University 3..5 University of Iowa 35 .,p4ritsversity of Minnesota- 51 r t 4 ..;' !*--.1.i1A4 SSIPPI ,,t KANSAS . 6, I yersit)i-of`Mississippi 32 University of Kansas 36 .,'' Wichitattateniversity 3.7 U MISSOURI. KENTUCKY ' LintLe,nwOo4 College Eastern Kentucky University 37;4 NItliTy_ssouri State. University-of Kentucky 53 Stephens College 53 , LOUISIANA Unfversity of Missouri' 54 Northwestern StateUniversity,.._ 38, University of gssourioa Southeastern Louisiana' Kansas City, - 54 University 38 University of Mi6sour a University of New Orleans '4 39 St. Lou's 55 University of, Southwestern Washington Universit 13, 55 Louisiana 39 MONTANA MARYLAND Montana State University °55 Gompunity College of Balti re 39 University of Montana. 56 Frostburg State.College 40 Goucher College 40 NEBRASKA Towson'Slpte University .4o Creighton University 56 University of Mary/land 41 University of .Nebraska 57 Washington College 42 PAGE COLLEGE PAGE COLLEGE OHIO NEVADA Antioch College 75 University of Nevada 57 Baldwin-Wallace College 75 Bowling Green State University 76 NEW HAMPSHIRE Cleveland..ptate College 76 University of New Hampshire 57 Kent State University 76 Lake"Erie College 77 NEW JERSEY Miami University 77 Douglass College of Rutgers 58 Oberlin College 78 ,Glassboro State College 58 Ohio State University 78 Ramapo College of New Jersey 58 Ohio University 79 Trenton State College 59 Ohio Wesleyan University 79 William Patterson College 59 University of Akron 80 University of Toledo 80 NEW YORK Wright State University 81 Adelphi University 59 Barn.ird College 60 60 OKLAHOMA Brooklyn College University of Oklahoma 81 City College of New York / 61 Columbia University Teachers 62 OREGON College Oregon State University 82 62 Cornell University Portland State University 82 63 Hamilton College 83 - 63 Reed College Herbert H. Lehman College, University of Oregon 83 Hofstra University 64 64 Hunter College PENNSYLVANIA Institute for Mental Retardation 65 84 65 Cedar Crest College The Julliard School Eabt Stroudsburg State College 84 66 New York Unive'sity Pennsylvania State University 84 67 Pratt Institute Temple University 85 68 Russell Sage C011ege University of Pittsburg 86 68 Sarah Lawrence College West Chester State College 87 State University of New York. 69 Binghamton SOUTH CAROLINA Brockport
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