Circuit Plan – June, July and August 2017 Twinned with the Methodist Church of Sierra Leone June July August 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 Pentecost Trinity 11th in Ordinary 12th in Ordinary 13th in Ordinary 14th in Ordinary 15th in Ordinary 16th in Ordinary 17th in Ordinary 18th in Ordinary 19th in Ordinary 20th in Ordinary 21st in Ordinary Acts 2:1-21 Gen 1:1-2; 4a Gen 18:1-15 (21:1-7) Gen 21:8-21 Gen 22:1-14 Gen 24:34-49, 58-67 Gen 25:19-34 Gen 28:10-19a Gen 29:15-28 Gen 32:22-31 Gen 37:1-4, 12-28 Gen 45:1-15 Ex 1:8-2:10 Ps 104:24-34, 35b Ps 8 Ps 116:1-2. 12-19 Ps 86:1-10,16-17 Ps 13 Ps 45:10-17 Ps 119:105-112 Ps 139:1-12, 23-24 Ps 105:1-11, 45b Ps 17:1-7, 15 Ps 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Ps 133 Ps 124 Lectionary Readings 1 Cor 12:3b-13 2 Cor 13:11-13 Rom 5:1-8 Rom 6:1b-11 Rom 6:12-23 Rom 7:15-25a Rom 8:1-11 Rom 8:12-25 Rom 8:26-39 Rom 9:1-5 Rom 10:5-15 Rom 11:1-2a, 29-32 Rom 12:1-8 John 20:19-23 Matt 28:16-20 Matt 9:35-10:8 (9-23) Matt 10:24-39 Matt 10:40-42 Matt 11:16-19, 25-30 Matt 13:1-9, 18-23 Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 Matt 13:31-33, 44-52 Matt 14:13-21 Matt 14:22-33 Matt 15: (10-20) 21-28 Matt 16:13-20 10.:30 Onchan S Ingrouille S Ingrouille 10.30 Cel Abbeylands 3.00 ----------- R Ingrouille S OA Binns R Ingrouille S ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- (StF, HP,MW) Cel SSA Her US Union Mills 10.:30 Onchan S Ingrouille 10.30 Cel Agneash 3.00 S Ingrouille Hall Binns R Ingrouille S Murcott Hall R Ingrouille S Binns Murcott OA (StF, HP, MW) Cel CA Union Mills 10.:30 Onchan 10.30 Cel Baldrine 11.00 ----------- Cowley SSA R Ingrouille S Craine Jackson S Ingrouille R Ingrouille S Owen OA Jackson Black (StF) Cel Union Mills 10.30 Cel 10.30 Shirtliff 10.30 Cel Ballabeg 6.30 Shirtliff S Baker Shirtliff Murcott Belfield S Hooton Corkish OA Shirtliff S Barker (StF, HP, MW) Port Erin FF Castletown Port St Mary Belfield US Port St Mary 10.30 Cel Ballafesson 10.30 Belfield S Quane Port Erin Cel Gelling Corkish S Murcott Beach Mission Wilson Belfield S (StF, HP, MW) US Manx US Castletown 10.30 Cel S Ingrouille 10.30 Cel 11.00 Hooton S ----------- Salmon F ----------- McGowan F ----------- ----------- Norrey F ----------- Cochrane F Ballagarey Port Erin SSA F Castletown (P, StF, HP, MP, MW) 6.30 ----------- Corkish ----------- ----------- ----------- Binns ----------- Corkish S OA ----------- Corkish S ----------- ----------- 10.30 Cel Ballakilpheric 2.30 Corkish S ----------- Shirtliff ----------- Murcott ----------- OA ----------- Belfield S ----------- Shirtliff ----------- (HP, MW) Castletown Ballasalla 3.00 ----------- ----------- Mort ----------- ----------- ----------- Shirtliff ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Shirtliff ----------- (StF) 11.00 Sulby 10.45 Cel Barregarrow 6.30 Cannell Christian Thompson S Shirtliff CA OA Thompson S Hall Owen S Grass Cel Murcott OA (StF. HP, MW) Cel Ramsey 11.00 Sulby 2.30 Weir SSA 10.45 Cel 6.30 Cel Bride 6.30 Thompson Hooton S OA Thompson Fargher Thompson S CofE US Norrey Grass (StF, MW, JP) Cel 6.30 Weir SSA Ramsey Barregarrow Port St Mary Castletown 10.30 Shirtliff S Corkish Wilson Port Erin Cel OA Mort Shirtliff Corkish S Kinnish Corkish Owen S Shirtliff Cel CA (P, StF, HP, MW) US Arbory CofE Port St Mary 10.30 Cel Colby 10.30 Quane Mort Port Erin Cel Murcott Shirtliff Rock Club OA Mort Quayle OA Shirtliff (P, StF, HP, MW) US US Castletown 10.:30 Onchan 3.00 Fargher 10.30 Cel Cooil 6.30 S Ingrouille S S Ingrouille Binns Craine Hooton R Ingrouille S OA Cowley Owen S Barker (StF, HP, MW) Cel 6.30 S Ingrouille Union Mills Corrin Home 3.00 Hall ----------- S Ingrouille ----------- Shirtliff ----------- Motley ----------- ----------- Hooton ----------- Motley ----------- 10.30 Peel 11.00 Fox CA CofE US / 10.30 Cel Crosby 11.00 ----------- 6.30 Hall M Quane OA St John's Cel Jackson Corkish S Binns Grass (StF, HP, MW) Cel 6.30 Cowell CA 11:15 am Glen Maye 10.30 Peel Glen Maye 10.30 ----------- SoP OA CA Jackson OA Murcott Belfield S Guthrie Corkish Quayle Grass Fox Cel S OA (StF, HP, tS, MW) Cel Governor’s Hill 10.00 ----------- Guthrie ----------- ----------- Cowley ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Cowley ----------- ----------- 10.30 Cel 10.30 Cel Kerrowkeil 6.30 Barker Shirtliff S OA Guthrie OA F Shirtliff S OA Murcott S Ingrouille Christian CA Shirtliff S (StF, HP, CP) Port Erin Castletown 11.00 Sulby Ramsey Cel / 6.30 Cel Kirk Michael 10.15 Quayle OA Thompson S Cannell F OA Quayle Christian CofE US Guthrie ----------- (StF, HP, MW) Cel 10:45 am Barregarrow 10..30 Onchan 11.00 OA Laxey S Ingrouille P 10.30 Cel 11.00 S Ingrouille S Cel Fargher Binns R Ingrouille 6.30 S Ingrouille Norrey R Ingrouille S Jackson OA Quane (P,StF,HP,tS,MW) Union Mills 6.30 Fargher M Jazz Family Fun R Ingrouille Union Mills 10.30 R Ingrouille S R Ingrouille Quane Gray F Black S Ingrouille S S Ingrouille F OA Christian Jackson Onchan Day Cel Civ Cel (StF, HP, JP) Prayer & Prayer & Praise & Prayer & (P am only) 6.30 Owen Cowley ----------- S Ingrouille S OA ----------- Grass Kinnish ----------- Meditation Meditation Prayer Con Meditation Orrisdale 11.00 Sulby 10.45 Cel 6.30 Cel 2.30 OA ----------- Thompson ----------- Hall ----------- Craine CA OA Salmon ----------- ((HP, MHB) Cel Ramsey Barregarrow The Methodist Church District Office, Barrule Road, Willaston, IM2 6LB Tel: 01624 625408 Web: methodist.org.im Email: [email protected] June July August 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 Pentecost Trinity 11th in Ordinary 12th in Ordinary 13th in Ordinary 14th in Ordinary 15th in Ordinary 16th in Ordinary 17th in Ordinary 18th in Ordinary 19th in Ordinary 20th in Ordinary 21st in Ordinary Acts 2:1-21 Gen 1:1-2; 4a Gen 18:1-15 (21:1-7) Gen 21:8-21 Gen 22:1-14 Gen 24:34-49, 58-67 Gen 25:19-34 Gen 28:10-19a Gen 29:15-28 Gen 32:22-31 Gen 37:1-4, 12-28 Gen 45:1-15 Ex 1:8-2:10 Ps 104:24-34, 35b Ps 8 Ps 116:1-2. 12-19 Ps 86:1-10,16-17 Ps 13 Ps 45:10-17 Ps 119:105-112 Ps 139:1-12, 23-24 Ps 105:1-11, 45b Ps 17:1-7, 15 Ps 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Ps 133 Ps 124 Lectionary Readings 1 Cor 12:3b-13 2 Cor 13:11-13 Rom 5:1-8 Rom 6:1b-11 Rom 6:12-23 Rom 7:15-25a Rom 8:1-11 Rom 8:12-25 Rom 8:26-39 Rom 9:1-5 Rom 10:5-15 Rom 11:1-2a, 29-32 Rom 12:1-8 John 20:19-23 Matt 28:16-20 Matt 9:35-10:8 (9-23) Matt 10:24-39 Matt 10:40-42 Matt 11:16-19, 25-30 Matt 13:1-9, 18-23 Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 Matt 13:31-33, 44-52 Matt 14:13-21 Matt 14:22-33 Matt 15: (10-20) 21-28 Matt 16:13-20 Peel 11.00 Cel 10.30 Cel 10.30 Murcott Fox Cel Corkish S Grass Quayle Motley Hall CA Hooton S Beach Mission Owen OA (StF, MW) St John's Glen Maye Port Erin Port St Mary 10.30 Cel 10.30 Corkish S Shirtliff OA Shirtliff Cel OA FF Binns Wilson Owen Belfield S Shirtliff CA OA (P, StF, HP, MW) US Castletown Port St Mary Ballafesson Ballafesson Ballafesson 10.30 Collier Belfield S Port Erin Cel Cochrane Mort Belfield S Beach Mission Beach Mission Quayle Belfield S (StF HP, MW) US US US 10.30 Owen Hooton Hall S OA Hall Cel Hall S Hooton OA F Cowley F Hall F Hooton F S Gelling F Gray F Promenade (P, StF, HP, MW) 8.00 ----------- ----------- SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP Pulrose Promenade 6.30 ----------- Hall S Cooil US Norrey Cooil US Hall Owen S Fargher Murcott Hooton Cannell Craine (HP, MW) Cel Ramsey 11.00 Sulby 10.30 URC 10.30 URC President of 6.30 Cel 10.30 URC 10.45 Thompson S Murcott Thompson Salmon US Thompson S Grass Mort (P, StF, HP, MW) Cel US US Conf Cel Barregarrow US St John’s 10.30 Peel 10.30 Cel 11.00 OA OA CofE US Motley OA SSA Fox Cel S Gelling Beach Mission Beach Mission Black Christian (StF, HP, MW, tS) Cel Glen Maye Sandygate 11.00 Sulby 10.45 Cel 6.30 Cel 6.30 Hooton S Thompson CA Grass Bride US Hall S OA Murcott Cannell OA Shirtliff S ((HP, MHB) Cel Ramsey Barregarrow Sulby 11.00 Cel 10.45 Cel 6.30 Cel 10.30 OA Murcott 6.30 Mariners Thompson S Quane Thompson Quayle OA OA Norrey (P, StF, HP, MW) Thompson Bike Ramsey Barregarrow The Howe 10.30 Cel 10.30 Cel 6.30 Belfield S Owen Murcott OA Belfield S OA SSA Craine Hooton Belfield S Binns Hooton CA (HP, MSB) Port Erin Castletown Promenade 10.30 Hall Bike Hall Hooton S OA Christian Hall ACM Hooton S OA Collier Hall S Hooton Fargher Trinity Cel (P, StF, HP, MP) 6.30 Hall ----------- ----------- ----------- Hall ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Hall ----------- ----------- ----------- Union Mills 10.:30 Cel 10.30 Cel 10.15 ----------- S Ingrouille S Norrey Cowell Cafe F OA R Ingrouille S Black Hooton S OA Barker Craine (StF, MSB) Onchan VP of Conf Staff Miss Norma Cowell 1996 676120 Visiting Preachers Dates Abbreviations Revd Richard Hall (Chair & Super) 822541 Mrs Beverley Cowley 2010 678882 Revd Gordon Barker 824116 1 Jun Finance and Property, Onchan ACM Annual Church Meeting Revd Rebecca Ingrouille 674464 Mr Paul Craine 1984 851861 Mr Peter Murcott 611483 15 Jun Circuit Meeting Bike Bikers' Service Revd Stephen Ingrouille 674464 Mrs Marinda Fargher 2001 861039 Mr Ken Quane 817897 17 Jun LWP Training, Port Erin CA Church Anniversary Revd David Shirtliff 621968 Mrs Pat Gelling 2001 851850 30 Aug Finance and Property Cel Celebration Revd Juan Thompson 812385 Dr Tim Grass 2013 819619 Messy Church Civ Civil Service Revd Christopher Belfield (S) 834305 Ms Stephanie Gray 1999 670691 3 Jun 4.00pm Corrin Hall, Peel CofE Church of England Revd Kath Corkish (S) 836411 Mrs Jean Guthrie 1982 626494 24 Jun 3.30pm Promenade, Douglas Contact with Preachers Con Contemporary Revd Carol Fox (S) 843020 *Mr John Harris 1991 897465 24 Jun 4.30pm Ballagarey, St Mark's Churches are kindly requested to contact the F Family Revd Richard Hooton (S) 622562 Mrs Phyllis Jackson 2017 622973 1 Jul 4.00pm Corrin Hall, Peel appointed preacher a week before the service to FF Flower Festival Mrs Panda Dooley 467056 Mrs Brenda Kinnish 2016 861568 22 Jul 3.30pm Promenade, Douglas discuss the current nature of the congregation and any Her Heritage Mr Kevin Mort 1998 833727 29 Jul 4.30pm Ballagarey, St Mark's particular worship requirements.
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