Arts and Culture 21 oct ui to South Africa Pocket Guide 2015-16 Arts and culture.indd 21 2016/10/22 10:40 AM Arts and Culture 22 The mandate of the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) is to: develop and promote arts and culture in South Africa, and mainstream its role in social development; deelo and romote the ofcial lanuaes of South Africa and enhance the linuistic diersit of the countr improve economic and other development opportunities for South African arts and culture nationall and lo- all throuh mutuall enecial artnershis in order to ensure the sustainailit of the sector and deelo and monitor the imlementation of olic leisla- tion and strateic direction for the identication consera- tion and romotion of cultural heritae. Over the medium term, the DAC was expected to focus on deeloin arts culture and heritae infrastructure ositionin the cultural and creatie industries as driers of economic roth and o creation and contriutin to social cohesion and nation uildin. o redress the historical imalances in ho South African heritae has een narrated and to contriute to social trans- formation, the department was expected to construct new heritae infrastructure. In 2016/17, the department was expected to conduct a feasiilit stud on a lieration moement museum. erit- ae infrastructure roects that ill e comleted oer the medium term include: the Sarah Baartman Centre of ememrance in anke in the astern ae to e com- pleted in March 2018/19 at a cost of R137,3 million), the amo Memorial in Miana in the astern ae to e comleted in 201/1 at 1 million and the nua ill Museum in usikisiki in the astern ae to e comleted in 201/1 at 1 million. National Coat of Arms South Africa’s coat of arms as adoted in 2000. Symbolism Rising sun: a life-iin force Protea: eaut and the oerin of the nation Ears of wheat: fertilit of the land Elephant tusks: isdom steadfastness and strenth Knobkierie and spear: defence of peace Drum: love of culture The motto, !Ke e:/xarra//ke ritten in the hoisan lanuae of the am eole means dierse eole unite. Pocket Guide 2015-16 Arts and culture.indd 22 2016/10/22 10:40 AM Languages South Africa is a multilinual countr. he countr’s on- stitution uarantees eual status to 11 ofcial lanuaes to cater for its dierse eole and their cultures. hese are: nlish isiNdeele isihosa isiulu Afrikaans Seedi Sesotho Setsana Sisati shienda and itsona. ther lanuaes used in South Africa include the hoi Nama and San lanuaes Sin anuae Araic Ger- man Greek Guarati ere indi rench Portuuese Sanskrit amil eleu and rdu. South Africa has arious structures and institutions that support the preservation and deeloment of lanuaes. Community art centres and other cutural organisations here are more than 160 communit art centres are in oeration arin from communit-initiated to oernment- manaed centres. The centres are located in different places such as craft centres communit halls and theatres. he A endorses and suorts rorammes in need centres that are communit-initiated or non-oernmental. n 2015 100 communit arts rorammes ere imlemented. Arts and culture organisations he folloin oranisations la an actie role in reserin and romotin South Africa’s arts and culture: National eritae ouncil South African eritae esources Aenc South African Georahical Names ouncil National Arts ouncil of South Africa Arts institutions such as the State heatre in Pretoria Plahouse oman in uran Artscae in ae on Market heatre in ohannesur Performin Arts entre of the ree State in loemfontein and the indro heatre in ohannesur Business and Arts South Africa Arts and ulture rust. Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM) he oectie of the MM is to contriute to the deeloment of a carin societ reiin the sirit of otho/uuntu humanit. t also seeks to realise the alues and ideals enshrined in the onstitution of the eulic of South Africa of 16. 23 oct ui to South Africa Pocket Guide 2015-16 Arts and culture.indd 23 2016/10/22 10:40 AM Arts and Culture 24 Mzansi Golden Economy Strategy he A’s Mansi Golden conom Strate seeks to reosition the arts culture and heritae sector as a ke laer in oernment’s roramme of action toards creation of sustainale os uildin audiences and skills deeloment. he strate inoles a numer of arts and culture o- creation rorammes. hese include the Pulic Art Pro- ramme here outh ill receie art classes after hich the deartment ill emlo them in their resectie communities to eautif the enironment throuh art. Living Living Legends Programme (LLLP) n Auust 2015 the A announced the P an initiatie that seeks to honour the liin leends of the arts culture and heritae sector document their contriution and roide oortunities for interaction and imartin skills to ouner enerations of artists. he aim of this initiatie is to identif liin leends across all arts discilines and enae them actiel in rorammes that romote arts and culture deeloment. his is in line ith the A’s olic interention to deelo the iin er- itae Polic. mlementation of the roramme includes the comilin of a iin eends nentor. arious other asects of the iin eends eac Proramme include iin Master-lasses articiatin in incuator rorammes iin lectures and contriutin to artists in schools and artists in residence rorammes. he strateic oectie is to ensure that there is transfer- ence of skills knolede and eerience to the ouner eneration hile at the same time creatin oortunities for the leends to continue ursuin iale careers in the arts. Festivals Arts and cultural festials aound in South Africa and man of them hae ecome annual eents roin in oularit and attendance numers. Aardklo held annuall in Potchefstroom North est is inherentl Afrikaans ut uniersal in character. he festial roides a latform for the creatiit and talent of local artists. Arts Alie nternational estial in Neton in ohan- nesur roides the est in homeron and oerseas entertainment in Setemer. Pocket Guide 2015-16 Arts and culture.indd 24 2016/10/22 10:40 AM he ae on nternational a estial features inter- national and African artists. t also features hotorahic and art ehiitions. he ance mrella is a festial of contemorar chore- orah and dance resentin ork ranin from com- munit-ased dance troues to international comanies. he ance mrella has estalished itself as the main stein stone for man South African choreorahers ho no ork internationall. he include incent Mant- soe on rlin oie ekana and Greor Maoma. he lein aroo Nasionale unstefees knon as the N a irant festial for the erformin arts is held annuall in udtshoorn and resentations include drama caaret and contemorar and classical music. he Manaun African ultural estial in loemfontein is ainin status as one of the iest cultural tourism eents in southern Africa. his 10-da festial shocases the cream of African and international talent. he National Arts estial held annuall in ul in Gra- hamston in the astern ae is one of the larest and most dierse arts atherins in Africa. ikoi usheld ash near Northam in North est offer lie erformances rock alternatie and lues ands oth local and from aroad. he Slash en Music estial near nderer in a- ulu-Natal offers a ariet of mainstream and alternatie rock and o music. Standard ank o of a is ohannesur’s iest annual a festial ith local and international artists erformin at different enues across the cit. the reek is a oular music festial on the anks of the reede ier near Sellendam in the estern ae. he hite Mountain olk estial in the entral rakens- er mountain rane offers reat music in an aesome settin for three das in Setemer. t features acoustic erformances some of South Africa’s to folk musi- cians. ther festials that attract isitors at oth national and inter- national leel are: nnios in Nelsruit Mumalana aun ultural alaash in North est the Aesome Africa Music estial in uran aulu-Natal the indro heatre estial in ohannesur ilton Arts estial in aulu- Natal and the ne it Man ultures in ae on est- ern ae. he inauural Mandela nternational ilm estial took lace in Nelson Mandela a astern ae in ecemer 25 oct ui to South Africa Pocket Guide 2015-16 Arts and culture.indd 25 2016/10/22 10:40 AM Arts and Culture 26 2015. t stries to encourae a old ne orld of lm-makin and is committed to imroin oth the craft and usiness of lm. he Nelson Mandela a area offers not onl an ece- tional enue for the lm industr ut is also is art of a mas- sie inestment romotion strate that includes a rane of initiaties from infrastructure to manufacturin tourism and ariculture. Cultural tourism ultural festials African-cuisine roects cultural illaes heritae routes and stortellin are areas that enet from South Africa’s oomin tourism industr. Man cultural illaes hae een estalished throuhout South Africa to reect the different cultures and traditions of the countr’s eole. Theatre he theatre scene is uin in South Africa ith oer 100 actie saces across the countr offerin eerthin from indienous drama music dance caaret and satire to est nd and roada hits classical oera and allet. enues rane from the monolithic homes of the former state-suorted erformin arts councils to urose-uilt theatres a conerted fruit market countr arns casinos and uran holes-in-the-all. Music Music is one of the ke cultural industries identied in the ultural ndustrial Groth Strate eort and oernment has committed itself to harnessin its otential.
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