USA West Province Newsletter • San Francisco, California November 06, 2016 ty, counting our two novices. The spirit is a positive one, with much warmth and laughter, and good brotherly concern for each other. Two of our brothers, Br. Jerry Wei- rich and Br. Anthony Matse have not been well and have been confined to their rooms for several weeks. The community, especially, the two nov- NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS ices and Br. Jhonni Chamorro, have Fr. Tom Prendiville.............02 stepped up to the plate and have very generously volunteered to take Fr. Mel Trinidad..................06 meals up to our brothers’ room and Br. Tom Mass......................14 care for them. I wish to commend Fr. Leo Baysinger................21 Dear Salesian Sisters and the community for their care and Brothers, dedication. I am confident that our PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK two brothers are extremely grateful Mother of Fr. Joseph I am presently at Salesian College for the care they are receiving. I Paradayil Preparatory in Richmond. I am am grateful to Fr. Mel Trinidad, the (Critical Condition in India) making the official visitation of the director, for his leadership and care Connie Boenzi of the brothers, especially, those in Salesian community and our Sale- (Mother of Fr. Joseph Boenzi) sian ministry here. I arrived last formation. Fr. Mel still teaches at Br. Bruno de Pretto, SDB Thursday for our Members Meeting the school and is the CYM (Coor- at 12 noon and stayed to open the dinator of Youth Ministry) which Fr. Mario Rosso, SDB visitation that evening with a short entails time and energy. Today we Fr. Armand Oliveri, SDB reflection after evening prayer and celebrated Fr. Mel’s birthday. I’ll Br. Jerry Weirich, SDB for the Goodnight. I will finish next let you find out what special year Fr. Fr. Leo Baysinger, SDB Friday, November 11th. I have en- Mel is celebrating. Fr. Rafael Saiz, SDB joyed my days here with the com- munity. Next Sunday, November 13, the REST IN PEACE provincial council from the Eastern As you are all aware, this year, our United States will arrive for our an- novitiate is taking place here at the nual joint provincial council meet- Maria Bui Thi Nhai community in Richmond. We have ings. Each year we alternate. Last Aunt of Br. Khoa Luong, passed away two novices, Quang Damien Ho and year we, from the West, flew out to on October 21, 2016. New York. This year, it is our turn Quang Nguyen. Fr. Tom Juarez is Maria Le Thi Nhan the novice director. There are ten to host. Our meetings will be held Aunt of Fr. Thien Nguyen, passed away Salesian confreres in the communi- at De Sales Hall in Bellflower. We on October 19, 2016, age 70. INTOUCH • November 06, 2016 1 will meet all day Monday and Tues- our interest and concern for immi- begin my visitation at the the parish. day. On Wednesday, the Provincial gration projects and ministry. And, That will take me to Monday, No- Council from the East will meet on of course, our days together include vember 21. We then enter into the their own. times for joint prayer and moments Thanksgiving holidays. I am look- of fraternity. Like the gatherings ing forward to some free days to In past years, our meetings have of the provincials of the region, our catch up on reports and desk work. been productive and helpful. These gatherings with our brothers from But, I am also looking forward to joint meetings give us the opportu- the East, help us grow in unity, fra- our gatherings as Salesians and time nity to dialogue, share ideas and in- ternity and understanding. While for rest and prayer. These days will formation and create a better work- we might not share in all aspects take us to the National Conference ing relationship between our two of Salesian life, because of culture, of Youth Ministry which will take provinces. While our provinces are ways of thinking, backgrounds, place in San Jose, California. This is different in many ways, we are all theologies, etc., we try to respect a national gathering of youth minis- Salesians and sons of Don Bosco. and understand our differences and ters. These gatherings alternate be- Unity was very important for St. stress our commonality. I am al- tween a gathering of youth ministers John Bosco. We do strive to build ways grateful for these gatherings. I and a gathering with youth ministers unity and brotherhood between our cherish our discussions, even when and young people (kids). This year provinces. Among some of the is- we might not agree totally, and am San Jose, California is hosting the sues we will be discussing will be: grateful for the opportunity to dia- conference. Our SDB/FMA prov- the future novitiate, our common logue and create a more united fam- inces jointly sponsor a booth and formation programs, the Network ily spirit. Please keep us in your activities to promote our Salesian of Salesian Schools, Don Bosco prayers. name and ministry. I hope to attend Hall, Berkeley and the possibility of part of the conference. These are joint lay formation programs, com- On Thursday, November 17, I plan special moments when we Salesians mon youth ministry projects and to drive to St. Luke’s, Stockton, to celebrate and promote our wonder- INTOUCH • November 06, 2016 2 ful charism to young people.Province Thou- Calendar 2016 - 2017 sands attend these conferencesProvince and of St. Andrew the Apostle our presence is a powerful sign ofSan Francisco,Province California Calendar God’s work in the Church through As of October 17, 2016 September,the spirit 2016 of our founders, St. John November, 2016 Bosco and St. Mary D. Mozzarello. 1 TH Members Board @ 12:00 PM 1 TU All Saints’ Day Salesian, Richmond 1 TU Provincial Council Presentation: 5 MOThis coming Tuesday,Labor Day election day, Vocation Animation 10 SAthe world will beDay watching of Recollection our coun for Cooperators- 3 TH Members Board @ 12:00 PM 11-15 SU-THtry as our electionsRegional take Formation place. It Meeting, has Salesian, Richmond been a long, longGuadalajara, and nasty Mexico year of 3-11 TH- FR Provincial Visitation, Richmond, 14 WE Board Members @ 1:30 PM Salesian Community & Novitiate campaigning. SJBMany Bellflower are anxious for 5 SA Mass for deceased benefactors and 17 SAall of this to beRetreat over for and Board, begin St. Francis to HS members of the Salesian Family 18-23 SU-FRreally focus onFormation trying toDirectors, solve Guadalajara,our 9 WE Members Board @10:00 AM, Mexico St. Francis High School 22 THnational problems.Bl. Joseph It has Malasanz-Marqués not been and 14-15 MO-TU SUO-SUE Joint Prov. easy to selectCompanions, a candidate martyrs nor to Council Meeting, De Sales Hall 25 SUknow which Anniversaryissues (propositions) Celebration, SS P&P 15 TU Blessed Maddalene Morano 26-27 MO-TU Provincial Council Meeting, 16 WE Board Members @ 1:30 PM will really benefitSan Francisco, our country. SS P&P The SJB Bellflower 28-3 WE-MOBishops have triedProvincial to guide Visitation, us in ourWatsonville 24 TH Thanksgiving Day decision making. But, even there, 25 FR SDB’s. In Each house one Mass is October, 2016 offered for the dceased parents of the there has been some confusion and confreres lack of clarity. 1 SA St. Francis HS, Gala, Watsonwille 28-30 MO-WE YM SUO-SUE Joint Meeting, 4 TU Province Financial Advisory, 5:20PM Berkeley 5 WEAs followers ofBl. the Albert Gospel Marvelli, and Layimi Person- December, 2016 6 THtators of Jesus,Trusts, we are 9:30 challenged AM to 7-12 FR-WE Provincial Visitation, Los Angeles, take the “high Sotoroad.” St. Community We are called 1-3 TH-SA NCYM, San Jose 8 SAto reflect deeply,SNAC West,pray Defeverently Sales Hall 4-6 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting, 9-17 SU-MOand seek unityYouth and mercy,Ministry compasRegional- Meeting Camp St. Francis, Aptos Preferential Option for the Poor 5 MO Blessed Philip Rinaldi, Priest sion and justice.St. Joseph’s,I presume Rosemead that af - 8 TH Immaculate Conception 10 MOter Tuesday, weColumbus will continue Day, Quarterly to be Day of 9 FR Board Meeting, Bosco Tech challenged andRecollection, confronted Richmond with is -& Soto St. @ 10:00 am 9-14 FR-WE Provincial Visitation, Bosco Tech, 11-14 TU-FRsues of equality,RCRI, inclusiveness Anaheim and 13 TH Bl. Alexandrina da Costa, Virgin St. Joseph’s, Rosemead 13 THkindness. I prayDirectors-Pastors that we might & Invited all Meeting, 12 MO Our Lady of Guadalupe step up to the plateSt. Joseph’s, and listen Rosemead, close -Preference 17-21 SA-WE Visit, Don Bosco Residence, Orange, NJ ly to the voicefor and the guidancePoor of the 16-23 SU-SU Regional Meeting of Provincials, 25 SU Christmas Day Good Shepherd. Bogotá, As “servants Colombia of the 24 MOyoung,” we mustSt. Louis be examplesGuanella, Priest, and Founder leaders who inspireof the Servants and challenge of Charity 28 FR Board Retreat, Bosco Tech 29 SAothers to a higherBl. andMichael more Rua, holy Priest way 30-1 SU-TUof living. YoungProvincial people, Council especially, Meeting, will be lookingSoto at us Street, to lead Los the Angeles way. 31 MO Provincial Council Presentation: May we not disappointMinistry to them the Poor With warm regards, Fr. Ted Montemayor, SDB INTOUCH • November 06, 2016 3 Fr. Tom Brennan is having fun with his Salesian Families. How Do We Say “Thank You”? By Sheila Kun, Cooperator Our St. Joseph Salesian Youth why not us? If Fr. Paul Chuong giving Day” the chefs Dave, Renewal Center at Rosemead Nguyen is the owner of the res- Louis (Cooperator) and Florsie was shocked and honored that taurant, then he has great chefs ushered in juicy ham and tur- we were chosen to be the site to host this epic event, whip- key with the pumpkin pie.
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