Confidential Queenborough and Rushenden M asterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent For South East England Developm ent Agency on behalf of Sw ale Borough Council Project No: 9859-2 May 2009 Cam pbell Reith Hill LLP Som erset House 47-49 London Road Redhill Surrey RH1 1LU Tel: 01737 784500 Fax: 01737 784501 w w w .cam pbellreith.com 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent Docum ent History and Status Revision Date Purpose/Status Author File Ref Check Review Jeff Picksley and MCm c9859-2-030309- 0 03.03.09 MC SLG Marian Cam eron Habitat Regulations assessm ent 26.05.0 Jeff Picksley and MCm c9859-2-260509- 1 MC SLG 9 Marian Cam eron Habitat Regulationsv2 This docum ent has been prepared in accordance w ith the scope of Cam pbellReith’s appointm ent w ith its client and is subject to the term s of the appointm ent. It is addressed to and for the sole use and reliance of Cam pbellReith’s client. Cam pbellReith accepts no liability for any use of this docum ent other than by its client and only for the purposes, stated in the docum ent, for w hich it w as prepared and provided. No person other than the client m ay copy (in w hole or in part) use or rely on the contents of this docum ent, w ithout the prior w ritten perm ission of Cam pbell Reith Hill LLP. Any advise, opinions, or recom m endations w ithin this docum ent should be read and relied upon only in the context of the docum ent as a w hole. The contents of this docum ent are not to be construed as providing legal, business or tax advice or opinion. © Cam pbell Reith Hill LLP 2008 Docum ent Details Last saved 26th May 2009 Path MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations assessm entv2 Author Jeff Picksley (Terrence O ’Rourke) and Marian Cam eron Project Partner Stuart Goodchild Project Num ber 9859-2 Project Nam e Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 3 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 4 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent O NTENTS PAG E Sum m ary 1.0 Background to the Habitats Regulations 2.0 Approach to Assessm ent of the M asterplan Proposals 3.0 Habitat Regulations assessm ent undertaken for the Rushenden Relief Road and Neatscourt Phase 1 Within the Masterplan Area 4.0 O utline of the M asterplan Proposals for Assessm ent The Marina The Enhancem ent and Replacem ent Land 5.0 Baseline Inform ation Wintering birds w ithin the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar Wintering birds w ithin the Sw ale SPA/Ram sar Passage birds w ithin the Sw ale and Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar Breeding birds w ithin the Sw ale and Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar O ther breeding species w ithin the Sw ale and Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar Invertebrates w ithin the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar 6.0 Potential Im pacts of the M asterplan Proposals on Special Interest Features 7.0 Assessm ent of M ovem ents of W intering Birds Using Inter-tidal areas betw een SPA Sites 8.0 Review of Research into the im pacts of D isturbance and D isplacem ent on W aterflow 9.0 Identification of Im pacts of M asterplan Proposals on Features of Interest w ithin European Sites Wintering and breeding birds w ith SPA/Ram sar sites Ram sar invertebrates 10.0 Assessm ent of the Potential Im pacts on Interest Features of the European Sites Identified in Tables 6 & 7 MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 5 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent Assessm ent of im pacts of disturbance by boat traffic on breeding birds w ithin the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar Assessm ent of im pacts of disturbance by boat traffic on w intering birds w ithin the Medw ay and Estuary Marshes SPA/Ram sar Im pacts of boating traffic w ithin the Medw ay and Sw ale on breeding and w intering birds - Baseline situation 11.0 Assessm ent of Im pacts Related to Creation of New Channel Linking Queenborough Creek to M arina on Interest Features of the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/RAM SAR 12.0 Im pacts of Loss of Habitat Associated w ith D evelopm ent of Channel from M arina to Queenborough Creek 13.0 Im pacts of Boat M ovem ents and D isturbance from Queenborough M arina on W intering Birds Using Inter-tidal Areas at Queenborugh w ithinthe M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 14.0 Im pacts of D isturbance to Birds from the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/RAM SAR using Queenborough Foreshore at High W ater and Queenborough Creek at Low W ater Recreational activity w ith the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes and the Sw ale SPA/Ram sar 15.0 Im pacts on Hydrology Affecting the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/RAM SAR 16.0 Im pacts of Release of Contam inants Affecting the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 17.0 Im pacts of Increased Levels of Recreational Activity Affecting W intering Birds using G razing M arshes w ithin the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 18.0 Im pacts of Increased Levels of Recreational Activity Affecting Breeding Birds using G razing M arshes w ithinthe M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 19.0 Im pacts of Increased Num bers of D ogs and Cats Affecting W intering and Breeding Birds Suing G razing M arshes or Inter-tidal Areas w ithin the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 6 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent .,.0 Im pacts of Bait-D igging Affecting W intering Birds Using Inter-tidal Areas w ithin the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 21.0 Im pacts of Construction and Post-construction Lighting Affecting W intering and Breeding Birds Using Areas w ithin the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 22.0 Im pacts of Road Noise on W intering and Breeding Birds using Areas w ithin the M edw ay Estuary and M arshes SPA/Ram sar 23.0 Conclusion of Habitat Regulations assessm ent of M asterplan Proposals 24.0 In-Com bination Assessm ent 25.0 Sum m ary References Appendices Appendix 1: Neatscourt AA Appendix 2: Master plan docum ent Appendix 3: Baseline population data Appendix 4: European sites data sheets Appendix 5: Rum m ey Environm ental reports Appendix 6: Invert data from EA Appendix 7: Correspondence w ith NE Appendix 8: Queenborough/Rushenden Regeneration Marina O ptions Appraisal Appendix 9: In com bination effects Tables Table 1: Details of type and size of new dw ellings w ithin Masterplan area Table 2: Avian interest features of the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar during w inter Table 3: Avian interest features of the Sw ale SPA/Ram sar during w inter Table 4: Avian interest features of the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar during breeding season MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 7 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent Table 5: Flight responses of various w aterfow l in relation to people w alking on m udflats in The Netherlands Table 6: Potential im pacts on species and habitats Table 7: Potential im pacts of the project on breeding bird populations of European im portance Table 8: Berth occupancy and num bers of pow erboats at various m arinas in south-east England Table 9: Boat num bers w ithin the Medw ay during 2008 Table 10: Num bers of w ater based activities recorded w ith the Medw ay and Sw ale by season (2002/03) Table 11: A com parison of w ater-based activities in the w estern and eastern Sw ale (2002/2003) Table 12: Details of patrols undertaken by Medw ay Wildlife Ranger Service 2001-2007 Table 13: SPA/Ram sar species recorded at low tide on the inter-tidal zone at Queenborough Table 14: SPA/Ram sar species recorded at m id tide on the inter-tidal zone at Queenborough Table 15: SPA/Ram sar species recorded at high tide on the inter-tidal zone at Queenborough Table 16: Total tim e Queenborough m arina w ill be accessible to boats depending on tidal state Table 17: Rates of inundation of inter-tidal areas at Queenborough on spring and neap tides Table 18: Distance and drive tim es to popular sites around the Medw ay and Sw ale estuaries Table 19: Avian interest features of the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar recorded during w inter 2004/05 – Sector B Table 20: Avian interest features of the Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA/Ram sar recorded during w inter 2004/05 – Sector C Table 21: Avian interest features of the Sw ale SPA/Ram sar recorded during w inter 2004/05 – Sector B Table 22: Avian interest features of the Sw ale SPA/Ram sar recorded during w inter 2004/05 – Sector C Figures Figure 1: Extent of the Sw ale and Medw ay Estuary and Marshes SPA, SSSI and Ram sar Figure 2: O rnithological Survey Areas Figure 3: WeBs Count zones Figure 4: RSPB reserves MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 8 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent Figure 5: Rates of tidal inundation (Spring) Figure 6: Rates of tidal inundation (Neap) Figure 7: Replacem ent and enhancem ent land areas Figure 8: Access for Land-based Recreational Activities around Queenborough and Rushenden Figure 9: Extent of m ean ranging distances for cats MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 9 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent MCm c9859-2-260509-Habitat Regulations May 2009 10 4ueenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Habitat Regulations Assessm ent Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Isle of Sheppey, Kent Medway Estuary and Marshes Special Protection Area/Ramsar The Swale Special Protection Area/Ramsar DRAFT FO R CO M M ENT Habitat Regulations assessm ent recorded on DAYth MO NTH 2009 SUM M ARY This is a record of the Habitat Regulations assessm ent required by Regulation 48 of the Habitats Regulations 1994, undertaken by Sw ale Borough Council, in respect of the Queenborough and Rushenden Regeneration Masterplan (here in after referred to as ‘the Masterplan’), in accordance w ith the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC).
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