MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 2013 - 2014 North Ward Councillor Paul Howard Whitaker, Glendale, 59 Grassington Road, Skipton, BD23 1LL Tel: 01756 709531 Councillor John Dawson, 42 Gainsborough Court, Skipton, BD23 1QG Tel: 01756 700151 Councillor Roland Wohlrapp, Thorncroft, 60 Raikeswood Drive, Skipton, BD23 1LY Tel: 01756 798643 Councillor Calvin Dow, The Castle Inn, 2 Mill Bridge, Skipton, BD23 1NJ. Tel: 01756 796304 East Ward Councillor Pamela Heseltine, 10 Nelson Street, Skipton, BD23 2DT Tel: 01756 700165 Councillor Eric Jaquin, 11 Grassington Road, Skipton, BD23 1LL. Tel: 01756 799684 Councillor Christopher Harbron, 20 Long Meadow, Skipton, BD23 1BH Tel: 01756 790758 Councillor Wendy Clark, 28 Regent Crescent, Skipton, BD23 1BG Tel: 01756 798077 South Ward Councillor Robert Geoffrey Heseltine, The Ginnel Place, Newmarket Street, Skipton, BD23 2JA Tel: 01756 701243 Councillor Martin Emmerson, 4 Greatwood Avenue, Skipton, BD23 2RU Tel: 01756 701304 Councillor Karen McIntyre, 52 Roughaw Road, Skipton, BD23 2QA Councillor Gordon Bell, 39 Western Road, Skipton, BD23 2RU Tel: 01756 790155 West Ward Councillor Paul Albert English, 98 Burnside Avenue, Skipton, BD23 2DB Tel: 01756 790287 Councillor David Walsh, 38 Western Road, Skipton, BD23 2RU Tel: 01756 797238 Councillor Bernard Clarke, 21 Park Avenue, Skipton, BD23 1PN Tel: 07922 277852 OFFICERS Chief Officer Mr Dave Parker e-mail: [email protected] Project Manager Mr Les Chandler e-mail: [email protected] Administration and Finance Officer Mrs Jill Peacock e-mail: [email protected] Civic Administration Assistant Mrs Wendy Allsopp e-mail: [email protected] Administration Assistant Mrs Elaine Rushworth e-mail: [email protected] Office 2nd Floor, Barclays Bank Chambers, 49 High Street, Skipton BD23 1DT Tel: 01756 700553 Members of Skipton Town Council since re-organisation of Local Government. Florence M Adams 1976 – 1987 David John Barrett 1979 – 1981 Roger Barrett 1979 – 1984 A. Beevers 1975 – 1975 Kathleen Claire Brooks 1976 – 1979 Margaret Carr 1974 – 1976 Robert Foster Charlton 1975 – 1981 Annie Clark 1975 – 1983 Mitchell Wignall Crabtree 1974 – 1979 K Cracknell 1974 – 1975 Katherine Farey 1974 – 1991 Patrick Gallagher 1977 – 1978 Philip Allan Giles 1974 – 1974 Ernest Gill 1974 – 1976 Dennis Hall 1974 – 1979 Egils Ernest Henkelis 1974 – 1979 Judith Ann Hollings 1976 – 1987 Ronald Hollings 1975 – 1991 George Jones 1974 – 1979 George Leatt 1974 – 1978 Richard Lofthouse 1974 – 1979 John Donaldson McNeil 1974 – 1976 Ronald C Noble 1976 – 1986 Bernard O’Neil 1979 – 1991 Brian Melvyn Phillip 1976 – 1987 Harry Pickles 1974 – 1975 Jack Wilson Robinson 1974 – 1987 Mary Margaret Shaw 1978 – 1983 Brian Thackeray Short 1974 – 1983 Edwin John Spencer 1978 – 2001 Edward Laurence Tanfield 1974 – 1976 Francis Edward Walsh 1974 – 1977 Peter Norman Willey 1974 – 1976 Kathleen Claire Brooks 1979 – 1999 Lawrence Richard Collett 1979 – 1989 William Roger Holden 1980 – 1982 Gladys Gwynne Walters 1981 – 1991 Elizabeth Diana Brazier 1981 – 1987 Diane Benson 1982 – 1986 Edna Whelan 1983 – 1985 Marlene Walker-Coward 1983 – 1986 John Tomlinson 1983 – 1987 Michael Garner 1984 – 1989 Elizabeth Campbell 1985 – 2011 Betty Lister 1986 – 1995 Peter Geoffrey Madeley 1986 – 1987 Norman Martyn Dawson 1986 – 1988 Fred Armitage 1987 – 1995 Janet Oxley 1987 – 1999 Paul Howard Whitaker 1987 – Valerie A Lowe 1987 – 1991 Eric Stodart 1987 – 1997 Paul B Greaves 1987 – 2003 Mary E Hurst 1987 – 1991 Anthony John Macaulay 1988 – 1990 Janet Gott 1989 – 1991 Dennis Hall . 1989 – 2003 Henry A Gillett 1990 – 1995 Hazel Audrey Thornton 1991 – 2011 Darryl Banks 1991 – 1994 John Binns 1991 – 2003 Beverley Taylor 1991 – 1994 Patricia Fairchild 1991 – 1995 Pamela Heseltine 1991 – Sandra Jane Turner 1991 – 1999 Peter Andrew Gregory 1994 – 1996 Richard Vincent Colley 1995 – 2002 Pauline English 1995 – 2014 Janet Gordon 1995 – 1999 Melvyn Seward 1995 – 1999 Judith Hughes 1995 – 1997 Christopher Robins 1996 – 1998 Paul Albert English 1997 – Peter Bishop 1997 – 1998 Fred Armitage 1998 – 1999 Marcia Turner 1997 – 2007 Alan Ripley 1999 – 2000 Adrian Green 1999 – 2001 Beryl Binns 1999 – 2001 Enid Turnock 1999 – 2002 Andrew Rankine 1999 – 2011 Chris Harbron 2000 – 2003 Michael R Hill 2001 – 2003 Eric Jaquin 2001 – Mohammed Rafiq 2001 – 2003 Margaret Spence 2001 – 2006 Sandra Turner 2001 – 2003 Darren Moorby 2002 – 2004 Andrew B Solloway 2003 – 2007 Kenneth J Creek 2003 – 2007 Robert Geoffrey Heseltine 2003 – Andrew Cook 2003 – 2004 Michael Doyle 2003 –2007 Carole Manley 2004 –2011 Christopher Harbron 2004 – Hazel Bulcock 2007 –2011 Lindsay Bottomley 2007 –2011 Wendy Clark 2007 – John Kerwin-Davey 2007 –2014 John Manley 2007 –2011 Linda Dalton 2011-2014 Martin Emmerson 2011 - David Walsh 2011 - Karen McIntyre 2011 - Bernard Clark 2011 - Roland Wohlrapp 2011 – John Dawson 2011 Gordon Bell 2014 Calvin Dow 2014 - First Members of Skipton Town (Successor) Council Margaret Carr Mitchell Wignall Crabtree Katherine Farey Phillip Allan Giles Ernest Gill Dennis Hall Egils Ernest Henkelis George Jones George Leatt Richard Lofthouse John Donaldson McNeil Harry Pickles Jack Wilson Robinson Brian Thackeray Short Edward Laurence Tanfield Francis Edward Walsh Peter Norman Willey Chairman of the Board and the Council since the formation of the Local Government District June 1858 to April 1862 Henry Alcock April 1862 to April 1870 Christopher Sedgwick April 1870 to April 1885 Robt. Hodgson Sidgwick April 1885 to April 1904 John Bonny Dewhurst April 1904 to April 1911 Wm. Rich. Gibbs Farey April 1911 to April 1913 Thomas Duckett April 1913 to April 1915 James Leonard Kidd April 1915 to April 1917 Joseph Platt April 1917 to April 1918 Chas. P Charlesworth April 1918 to April 1920 John Walker April 1920 to April 1922 John Wm Broughton April 1922 to April 1924 George Aldersley April 1924 to April 1925 John Hopwood April 1925 to April 1927 William Bellamy April 1927 to April 1929 John Mallison April 1929 to April 1931 Wesley Jennings April 1931 to April 1933. Henry C C Holmes April 1933 to April 1934 Joseph Edward Daly April 1934 to April 1935 John Churchman April 1935 to April 1936 Evan Vaughan April 1936 to April 1937 Mark Henry Morris April 1937 to April 1938 Joseph Armitage April 1938 to April 1939 Alfred Elks April 1939 to April 1940. Arthur Chris Bailey April 1940 to April 1941 Benjamin Curry Walls April 1941 to April 1942 Arthur Townsend April 1942 to April 1943 William Arthur Judge April 1943 to April 1944 David Smith Jones April 1944 to April 1945 Francis Longdon Smith April 1945 to April 1946 Ralph Wynn April 1946 to April 1947 William Henry Rycroft April 1947 to April 1948 Percy Parker Illingworth April 1948 to May 1949 William A Anderson May 1949 to May 1950 Percy Aldersley May 1950 to May 1951 Ernest Percival Rowley May 1951 to May 1952 Henry Hurst Walker May 1952 to May 1953 John Darlington Tanswell May 1953 to May 1954 Mollie Mitchell (Mrs) May 1954 to May 1955 Edwin Moorhouse May 1955 to May 1956 William A Anderson May 1956 to May 1957 Wilfred Smith May 1957 to May 1958 Jack Annis Kenyon May 1958 to May 1959 James William Jewitt May 1959 to May 1960 Ernest Percival Rowley May 1960 to May 1061. John Donaldson McNeil May 1961 to May 1962 John Darlington Tanswell May 1962 to May 1963 Smith Waddington May 1963 to May 1964. William James Allen May 1964 to May 1965. Mitchell Wignall Crabtree May 1965 to May 1966 John Albert McBride May 1966 to May 1967 Richard Lofthouse May 1967 to May 1968 John Donaldson McNeil May 1968 to May 1969 Katherine Farey May 1969 to May 1970 John Gunby May 1970 to May 1971 Brian Thackeray Short May 1971 to May 1972 Brian Thackeray Short May 1972 to May 1973 Peter Norman Willey May 1973 to May 1974 Katherine Farey Town Mayor Deputy Mayor 1974/5 Ernest Gill Dennis Hall 1975/6 Dennis Hall Jack W Robinson 1976/7 Jack W Robinson Brian T Short 1977/8 Brian T Short Katherine Farey 1978/9 Robert F Charlton Judith A Hollings 1979/80 Judith A Hollings Katherine Farey 1980/1 Judith A Hollings Katherine Farey 1981/2 Katherine Farey Bernard O’Neill 1982/3 Bernard O’Neill Brian M Phillip 1983/4 Brian M Phillip Ronald Hollings 1984/5 Ronald Hollings Kathleen C Brooks 1985/6 Kathleen C Brooks Edwin J Spencer 1986/7 Edwin J Spencer John Tomlinson 1987/8 Edwin J Spencer Elizabeth Campbell 1988/9 Elizabeth Campbell Laurence R Collett 1989/90 Eric Stodart Fred Armitage 1990/1 Fred Armitage Betty Lister 1991/2 Betty Lister Dennis Hall 1992/3 Elizabeth Campbell H Audrey Thornton 1993/4 H Audrey Thornton John Binns 1994/5 John Binns Dennis Hall 1995/6 Dennis Hall Paul B Greaves 1996/7 Paul B Greaves Pamela Heseltine 1997/8 Pamela Heseltine Paul H Whitaker 1998/9 Paul H Whitaker Richard V Colley 1999/00 Richard V Colley Marcia Turner 2000/01 Richard V Colley Pauline English 2001/2 Pauline English Andrew S Rankine 2002/3 Andrew S Rankine Paul A English 2003/4 Paul A English Marcia Turner 2004/5 Marcia Turner Margaret Spence 2005/6 Margaret Spence Michael P Doyle 2006/7 Michael P Doyle Carole Manley 2007/8 Carole Manley Eric Jaquin 2008/9 Carole Manley Chris Harbron 2009/10 Chris Harbron Robert G Heseltine 2010/11 Robert G Heseltine John Manley 2011/12 Paul Whitaker Wendy Clark 2012/13 Wendy Clark John Kerwin-Davey 2013/14 John Kerwin-Davey John Dawson 2014/15 John Dawson Karen McIntyre Craven District Councillors Skipton East Eric Jaquin Chris Harbron Skipton North Marcia Turner John Kerwin-Davey Skipton South Andrew Barry Solloway Robert Geoffrey Heseltine Skipton West Paul Albert English Vacancy North Yorkshire County Councillors Skipton East Robert G Heseltine Skipton West Vacancy Member of Parliament: Julian Smith MP Justices of the Peace resident in Skipton M A Cory 17 Hall Croft, Skipton, BD23 1TG G E Harper 7 Marina Crescent, Skipton, BD23 1TR J M Face 37 Raikeswood Drive, Skipton, BD23 1NA J Tatling 9 Burnside House, Carleton Road, BD23 2BE Clerk Tho.
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