THE .WESTFIELD LEADER -a THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 32 P*f«a—S emorial Day Parade, Council Asks PUC Probe >rvices Are Scheduled emorial Day Of Water Pressure Failure me Schedule Program Begins 10 a.m., ringing of the At Monument Intertown Group Calls for Steps to church bells. Pa- rade assembly at Ferris place and Mayor to Speak At Wires Trenton Assure Supply Prospect street. Fairview Cemetery 0 a.m., procession starts. Outlines Emergency Company Officials a.m., services at Wovld Westfield's annual Memorial Blame Hose Use War I Monument, Day parade and services arranged 5-Pt. Rush Project a.m., • procession p r o- for Monday will feature an ad- ceeds from monu- The executive committee of the Following a critical water abort- dress by Mayor H. Emerson age here Saturday, Town Council ment out Broad Thomas at Fairview Cemetery, and Intel-municipal Water Committee street to Elm, up Sunday wired the Public Utility in a resolution passed unanimously special programs at the World Monday night, called upon tilt Elm, through Or- War I monument and the Revolu- MARJORY SPARRE ANNE BLACKBURN DORIS VOCELER Commission in Trenton requesting card street to immediate action on a fivo-jjoint Public Utility Commission to in- tionary Cemetery, Albert A. Gray, vestigate the cause of w»tM pte»- the Revolutionary of 101 Cottage place, general chair- emergency rush project following Cemetery. Teachers Association the severe water shortage Satur- suie failure in communities MITCII man of the Memorial Day Com-College Women Name Three As by the Plainfteld-Union W»Uf Co. 5 a.m., services at Rev- mittee, said today. Awards Scholarship day. Stating that on May 21 and 22 The council also requested the olutionary Ceme- Services will start at the monu- tery, "there was Insufficient pressure to PUC to direct the water company ment in the Plaza with introduc- Winners of Club Scholarships (Sea picture above) to take whatever »t«f* «r« p«c**l 5 a.m., procession moves The Westfleld Teachers Associa- protect life and property in event tions by Mr. Gray of Martin Wall- of a serious ftre", the letter savy to assure contiMoui supply to Fairview Cem- berg Post 3, American Legion. The Miss Majory Sparre, daughter tion has awarded its yearly schol- pointed out that "thousands ( of and adequate pressures for all nor- etery. Line of Westfield High School Band will Earlier Deadlines of Mrs. Howard Purdy and Finarship of |100 to Doris O. Voge- mal usea of Its customers. march will be ler, 503 Benson place, a senior at homes were completely without play "America the Beautiful" fol- For June 2 Issue ' Dallas Sparre, has been awarded water." from Mountain lowed by the invocation by Rabbi Westfleld High School. I Nool A. Tujlor The water supply fot b*ck into an f 1800 scholarship by the Col- The "rush project" calls fort the headlines this week whtn Bftt> avenue out East David Raab of Temple Emanu-el. lege Woman's Club of Westfield, Miss Vogeler, who will be grad- MISS MILDRED FINK Broad street to Bacaui* tha "UWw" office 1. An independent investigation urday's pressure drop caused the Introductory remarks by Com- will be cloud all day Mond.y, Mrs. W. 8. Martyn, chairman of uated next month, will' train in the cemetery. mander George C Blackman of the field of education and it is her and a public report of the cause company to request s, ben on the Memorial Day, early copy it the scholarship committee, an- of the shortage. use of hoses and lawn sprinklers 5 a.m., exercises at Fair- the American Legion will precede urtantly requeued from ad- nounced today. This scholarship ia personal ambition "to play her Fete Set For view Cemetery. an address by Councilman William part in the development of future 2. Determining whether the because of the flre hatard involved ••rtiieri and publiclljr chair- offered annually to a girl in the company projects now under con- in pressure drops. Police Hod- A, Bcwen., m«n for thi iuue of Thuri- senior class of the Westfleld High citizens." She Is active in the Dramatic, Literary and Art clubs. struction will provide an adequato Retiring Teacher quarter a was swamped with catti Theodore, Sandquist, Richard ' 'ay, Jun* 2. School. The recipient Is chosen on water supply for Plainfield-Union between 4:80 and 8:30 p.m. Satur- irehes to Join Griggs and John Ray, presidents the basis of scholarship, character, customers. day, when Westfleld wae one ol of the senior, junior and sopho all-around ability, personality and 3. Taking immediate steps to School Associates the communities hardest hit by the more classes at the high school Ward Winner In need. Council Acts On compel the completion of such pressure drop. The entire north dees Sunday respectively and representatives of The funds which make Bcholar- pending work prior to June 15 by To Pny Tribute side and sections of the south sldo patriotic, veteran and other organ' ship aid possible aro derived from continuous and uninterrupted ef- ' •"-——— jt were without water for sererol izations, will decorate the monu- dues p»id by the members of the Comic Book Sales forts. Miss Mildred Kink, Instructor of hours. Some residents did not ex- ennedy to Preach ment. Teen Road-e-o College Woman's Club and from 4. Directing the Pluinfleld-Unlon geography ut thti Roosevelt Junior perience a return to normal pres- t St. Paul's Following these services, the pa^ the probeeds of the piay which the Connell Votes No; Water Co. to purchase from the High School, who is retiring thla sure until nearly midnight, police rade will proceed to the Revolu. To Compete in State Club produces biennially. "The ex- Elizabethtown Water Co. the vol-June after 41 years In the teach- reported. Generally, resident* of ing piofesaion, will be honoied at annual community Mcmo- tionary Cemetery in Mountain cellent support given by Westfleld- ume of water necessary to assure high areas were hardest hit by the Contest in Pluinfield Cites 'Censorship' a lea given by the executive board inday service sponsored by avenue and will feature remarks ers to this project has made addi- the company needs fur fire and shortage. A few high elevation 1 of the Junior High School 1'TA estfield Council of Churches by the Rev. Gordon E. Michalson. tional money available for two one An ordinance which would pro- essential use. areas, however, encountered no David Ward, Jay Dec Wessells Wednesday in the home of Mrs, i held Sunday at 8 p.m. atThe Rev. J. L. MeCorlson Jr., year scholarships," a club spokes- hibit the public display or sale of 5. Urging the PUC to do all in difficulties, chaplain, West Fields Chapter, and Russell Sticr Jr. were the William F. Schumacher, 220 East ul's Episcopal Church! The man said. "comic" booUB, magazines and its power to assure the safety anil Representatives of the water SAR, will offer the prayer, fol- three top scorers in the Junior Dudley avenue. rederick W. Blatz, rector of Miss Sparre will enter Middle- publications of an obscene or im-comfort of 15 communities served company attributed the shortage* lowed by the pledge to the flag Chamber 0/ Commerce Teen-Ago ul'a, is' presiding. The Rev. bury' College in September. She i3moral nature was passed on first by Plainfield-Union by providing Miau Fink, a native of Wentfiold, to homeowners watering their' led by Judith Shclton, junior pres- Road-e-o hold »t tho Safeway n T. Kennedy Jr., pastor of a member of the National Honor reading Monday night by the Town an immediate, adequate water sup- was graduated fiom the Wcatches- parched lawns with hoses and ident of the CAR. Tho high school parking lot Sunday. ke's Zion Methodist Church, Society, president of the Library Council at a meeting in the Mu-ply for all reasonable purposes. t<?r RUte Normal School In Penn- sprinklers. They said the unusual band will play "America". ichlng. The Scripture les- David of 155 Efflngham place, Council, program chairman of nicipal Building. Final hearing on The telegram wus signed by sylvania, and litter took graduate demand at this time of year coin- 'ill be read by the Eev. El- Placing of memorial wreaths who received the highest total Mask and Mime, news editor of the ordinance was set for Juno 13. Mayor H. Emerson Thomas of work ut Columbia University, Rut- cided with the henvy water needs . Gates Jr., minister of the will De by Susan and Debora Haw- score in the written quiz and skill "Hi's Eye", captain of the girls' The measure lacked unanimous Westfleld, Mayor Fred P. Ander- gers and NYU. Shu started her for newly planted lawns and gar- Japtist Church, and the Eev. kins and Wayne Pre.ieott, of the test, will compete in the Btate-wido senior hockey and basketball approval wlren Councilman Clancy son of Crunford, chairman of tho teaching career in Hosellc, taught dens hit by a month long drought. j?McCorlBon 4r.( minister of CAR at the grave of Aunt Betty Road-e-o June 11 in Plalnfteld. teams, member of the Literary D. Connell voted "no." He stated Intermunlclpal Water Committee, a year or two' in Duncllen, and They added that Saturday's eon- 'GmrriWtifeiMt Church, Fraze^Drude Sparie and Dayid He is a student at Westfield High Club, Latin Club, Community that in his op.lnion It Is "difncult and Mayor Allen D.
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