GUIDE 201213 How you can improve your Union... TALK TO US: We are just one of four Students' Unions in the country to have a GOLD SUEI Award - a mark of quality to show we give you the best possible student experience. We still want to keep improving, so use our feedback systems to help us make your experience at Bath better. GET INVOLVED: You are automatically a member of the Students' Union. We are a membership organisation, run by students, for students. You can run campaigns, manage events, and join committees. You could even become a Students’ Union Officer and lead the Union. TAKE PART IN ELECTIONS: It’s important that you select the right people to represent your views. You can do this by voting in student elections, or even by running in an election yourself. HELP FUND YOUR UNION: As an independent charity, all our profits go back into funding Students’ Union activities and events. Socialising in The Plug & The Tub and purchasing a NUS Extra discount card means you’re helping to fund your Union. KEEP CONNECTED: You will receive regular updates from your Students’ Union via BathStudent.com, Facebook, Twitter and email. This ensures that you always know what’s going on around you. CONTENTS 2 Your Students’ Union Officers 10 Development & Employability 6 Representation 14 Advice & Support What the Union does for you... REPRESENTS YOU: Students’ Union Officers, and other elected representatives speak on your behalf to the University and to local and national governing bodies. They make sure your opinions are being heard. MAKES UNI MORE ENJOYABLE: University life is so much more than a degree. Through societies, sports clubs and other student groups we provide opportunities for you to enjoy yourself and make new friends. IMPROVES YOUR EMPLOYABILITY: By helping you develop key life skills and find you part-time work, your Union provides you with opportunities to develop key attributes that make you stand out to future employers. HELPS YOU BELONG: The Students’ Union provides places for you to eat, work or to just chill out with friends. You belong to a diverse student community and we want you to feel a part of it. OFFERS SUPPORT AND ADVICE: Life at university can sometimes be challenging. Your Union can offer you confidential objective support and advice at any stage of your degree. 16 The Plug 22 Societies & Media 28 Bars & Entertainments 18 Sport 24 Volunteering 30 Contacts 1 Students’ Union Officers This is your Students’ Union (SU) and we are here to help you make your time at Bath the best it can be. WE: I Are here to work for you and are accountable to the student body I Are ordinary students who are elected by you to lead the SU I Work full-time and live on campus I Are responsible for the strategic direction of the Union. WAYS WE REPRESENT YOU: I University level - we sit on all the principal committees and ensure that the student voice has an input into the decisions made I Locally - we meet with representatives from the local residents’ association and local council to discuss issues that affect students I Nationally - as part of the National Union of Students (NUS) - we take part in campaigns on issues affecting you and future members. YOU COULD BE A STUDENTS’ UNION OFFICER It’s a great opportunity to make a positive change to students' lives. You have the ability to make a difference from day one, something which you normally have to wait until you are 10 or 15 years into your career to do. The people you meet and experiences you gain are invaluable. If you are interested in running, have a chat with any one of us before February (elections take place in March). Chris Clements, Bath SU President BathStudent.com/RunForSUOfficer 2 We keep you updated about events and news: If you have a comment, compliment or complaint do phone or email us. Facebook/BathSU Or come and see us in the Student Centre @BathSU on Tuesday lunch-times for our SU Drop-ins 12.00 -14.00 BathStudent.com @ Email Bulletins CHRIS CLEMENTS PRESIDENT Tel: 01225 383073 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BathSUPresident Facebook: /BathSUPresident Talk to me about: Students’ Union, Student Centre, Media, Transport, Communications ALEX POOL EDUCATION OFFICER Tel: 01225 385064 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BathSUEducation Facebook: /BathSUEducation Talk to me about: Education, Academic Appeals, Academic Representation, Postgraduate students HANNA WADE COMMUNITY OFFICER Tel: 01225 384223 Email: sucommunity@ bath.ac.uk Twitter: @BathSUCommunity Facebook: /BathSUCommunity Talk to me about: Diversity & Support Groups, Welfare, International students, Volunteering, Hall Reps ALIX CHADWELL ACTIVITIES OFFICER Tel: 01225 383667 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BathSUActivity Facebook: /BathSUActivities Talk to me about: Societies, Skills Training, JobLink, Enterprise JON GLEAVE SPORT OFFICER Tel: 01225 384092 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BathSUSport Facebook: /JonBathSU Talk to me about: Competitive, Recreational, Social Sport and Bars BathStudent/SUOfficer 3 Bigger.B Juicier. Orang!? Your new and improved student bus service is coming to Bath soon. VVVgQRSFQNTOBNLA@SG Representation ACADEMIC REPRESENTATION We ensure that the student voice is heard both on an individual and collective level. Academic Representation is one of the key ways we work with the University to improve your experience at Bath. Academic and Faculty Representatives are students elected to raise issues “Being an Academic and suggestions on how your course or faculty can Representative has given be improved. All students are eligible to stand and me the opportunity to vote in these elections – which take place in the first work with the University to try and improve the quality two weeks in Semester One. of education students receive. My role is to listen YOUR TOP ISSUES to students and discuss Each year the Students’ their issues with staff in Union identifies key order to facilitate change. issues that may concern It has given me a fantastic you about life at chance to make a university, based on difference and has been an input from sources such extremely rewarding as the Student Opinion experience.” Survey, Academic Heidi Miller, Academic Council, and other Representative (11-12) research. These topics BS (Hons) Mathematical are the focus of our representational Sciences work for the year. BathStudent.com/representation 6 GET INVOLVED... POSTGRADUATE ASSOCIATION PGA DID YOU KNOW There are many All Postgraduates are opportunities for you to Last year: have your voice heard: members of the PGA. The PGA represents the views votes I Academic & Faculty of all Postgraduates at the 35,415 Representatives were cast in all University and additionally student elections I Council/Senate/ organises a variety of Students’ Union social activities and Committee Reps 1,789 students personal development completed our I Diversity & Support events. Student Opinion Groups Survey I Focus Groups INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ I Hall Reps ASSOCIATION ISA 5,426 I International Student students were Association (ISA) represented through the I NUS Conference Postgraduate Delegates Association I Online Forums and over I Postgraduate 3,800 Association (PGA) through I Referenda the International I Senate Reps Students’ Association I Student Forums All International and EU students are I Sub Group Committees members of the ISA. I Students’ Union Officer We meet regularly to Drop-ins hear your views on all I Surveys - Student aspects of university Opinion Survey life and to socialise I University Committees with and meet other students. SU Education Officer - Alex Pool: [email protected] 7 THETHE SMARTSMART CHOICECHOICCE A GGREATRREEAATT PLACEPLACE FORFOR NOW.NOWW.. A GRGREATREEAATT IINVESTMENTNVESTMENT FORFORR THETHE FFUFUTURE.TURREE. 6.0%6.0% YIELDSYIEELDS† BathBaatth RiversideRRiiverside - a prestigiousprestigiouss developmentdeveellopment byby !eseesea aapartmentspartments aarere the peperfectrfect student student ppadada aandnd aawaward-winningwaarrd-winningdeg dedeveloperveloperCr CCrestrestN NiNicholsonicholson wwithith benebene"t from:ffrrom: sstunningtunning apartmentsaappartments nonowoww aavavailable.vvaaailaabble. 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