i • i • • ■ V o ' ' (i l-V r i' ■■ :7 FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1958 PAGE EIGHTEEN \ l E u r a t n ^ Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather Foreeaat of V. 8. Weather Bw «m \ For the Week Ended Pfc. Albert J. Smith, husband of MHS Choirs Plan March 1, 1»5S About Town Mrs. Lubille Warner Smith of 15 Betrothed Tonight fair, partly eloady Snn* Main street, arrived home this aft­ 10,939 day elniidy; rain late. High* ernoon. He docked in New York To Be in Festival eet temperature In the upper 46’e. K. WUllam Knight, executive Monday after serving for 16 Member of the Audit vlca president of the First Na­ months in Germany. Bureau of Circulations Manchester— A City of Village Charm tional Bank, Is attending the an­ About 1.50 Manchester High nual meeting and reunion dinner of Irish green will be the promi­ School A Cspella choristers will PRICE FIVE CENTS the Graduate School of Banking nent color at the St. Patrick's par­ travel to New London March 26 to (aaeelfied Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. MARCH 11. 195.3 (TWELVE PAGES) being held at the Columbia Unl- ty in the British-American Club participate in the Connecticut VOL. LXXII, NO. 1 3 9 ^ variity Club in New York City. tomorrow night. Members of the •Jtr. Knight la of the commercial club and their friends are invited Choral Audition Festival at Wil­ banking class of 1947, R utgers to fake part in' the festive event liams Memorial Institute, TJniveraity. He is accompanied by that will include a program of The students, members of the Last Bov in Blue Mm. Knight and sap, Nicky. They Irish tunes, Jigs and dances. Music 1 Junior-senior and sophomore A wUl return on Monday. will be provided for dancing from : Capelia choirs, will be accom- 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. ' panied by G. Albert Pearson, the Tornado Toll Duplicate bridge will be played school's music director, and other For misses and The annual party for members faculty members. Die group will Czech President Gottwald tonight at T^nkef*’ Hall at S o ’clock. Winners in last Friday of the Fipenrien-Police Association lesve "by bus earl^n the morning A women %.. Simpie night's game were: north and wili be held .Saturday evening, of the dsy of the festival. in line, adorable ■oath, William Odette and Mrs. M arch 21, a t Hose Co. 1. Tickets Approxim ately 1,710 students Mounts Paul Pulver. 122 1-2: Mrs. F. B. are now available at Police Head­ from 2.5 scbwls are expected to Munro and Mrs. Walter Graham, quarters or any firehouse. Tlie participate/in the New Iv)ndon in detail! Failles, 1 1 4 1-2;. Joseph Toce and Edward event will start at 6:30 with a din­ festlvalyWhlch is one of two being Haskell, Tex., March 14—(/P)—The death count stood at 17 Zak. J02 1-2: east and west, Mrs. ner, followed by an evening of en­ stsgedxihst dsy. The other will be crepes and prints. today after rampaging, marauding tornadoes struck towns J. R. Debone and Mrs. Robert La­ tertainment. held/4t Fairrteld High School' in in a zig-zag pattern across central west Texas and Oklahoma, Dies th e ^ 110 1-2; Marguerite Hutch­ F^dtfleld: A dress to plan inson and M artin a. Doyle, 91 1-2; The monthly meeting of Ben No prizes will be awarded or Texas counted 14 of the dead in the Friday-the-13th styms. winners announced. The singers around right A small tornado tore a 20-milei> and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, Ezra Chapter of B'nai B'rith will B arbara I. Thomas 90 1-2. be held Monday evening at 8 will be rated by three Judges who through the sum­ ■trip of damage in north central rTl o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rose I will simply turn Ihcir ratings over Arkansas early today hospitalizing , I „ /"»O I €1 " V Dictator Pasfies Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Th^ia.a ! to the participating schools for three persons and causing consid- J.J11.R3 A Group B of the Center Church, Primack, 38 Quaker road. Dr. of Boston, Ma.as., announce the mer. Soviet Veto Pneumonia Mrs. Newell Smith leader, will Thomas M. Healy will talk and ; their information. erable property damage. A fourth ' ___ Yoshida Dissolves engagement of their daughter. person was treated for a minor meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at show a film "Self E.xaminatiqn of Mias Barbara Jean T^mas, to New the church to sew and knit for the he Breast,"- under the sponsor- head inJury-and rclea-sed. i |4 OT*TYm I William B. Lowe, aon/of Mr. and “Sava the Children Federation," an hip of the Cancer Society. The Arkansas twister was the - A VrA e U.V^ Sparks Lie Cited; West t Mrs. Clarence C. L<)We of Mariet­ Clilircli Will Give aftermath of tornadoes which left Japan Parliameni organisation formed to aid Korean children. • Two local residents, I.,emuel A. ta, Ohio.. 5 3 9 3 17 persons dead yesterday in west London of 148 Cooper Hill street Both Mias T^mas and Mr. IMusical Program HANDBAGS central Texas and Oklahoma. Lowe are .sttidenta at Marietta Three small Texas towns Jud, On Monday Tokyo, March 14— (/P) — Job Contest and Edith M. McMeekin of 1.15 To ‘Suspicions’ Middle turnptke east, were among College. SM is a member of Chi For aprirg wear. Smartly atyled handbag In faille, O'Brien and Knox City—took the Japan’s rebellious Diet to­ (jails for Elections the 83 persons who took oaths of Omega ann he la a member of Rev. K. EJnar Rask of South plastic calf, plastic bamboo and genuine leather. bi-unt of the winds, counting 14 of Wa.sliington, March 14—(/P) night toppled the pro-Ameri- United Nations, N. Y., allegiance to the United States at Delta Upwlon fralernifv. Bend, Ind., who has been conduct- Top han'Hle and over the ahoulder etylesf Colors: th e dead. tan government of Prime By RICHARD O’REGAN H a v t y o u r Mia.s/Thomas is well known lo­ $ 1 3 . 9 8 State police^_____ at Little Bock said You get an extra day to pay Albert Woolaon, 106—year-old March 14— (IP)—A Soviet naturalization- ceremonies today I Ing a series of Lentvi services Black, red, tan, natural, navy. former dnimmer boy In the 2,675,- Minister Shigeru Yoshida. Vienna, Austria, March 14 before Federal Court Judge J. Jo­ cally/ She is a graddaughter of they were examining wrecked federal income tax this : ' / ‘J veto b.v representative.s of the Mr/and Mrs. Robert W. McComb. this week at Covenant-Congrega­ homea at the small hamlet of 000-man Union Army In the Clrtl The wily politician immediate-1 — (/P) —Klement (Jottwmkl, W A K H ^ seph Smith. tional Church, will present a mu­ year, becau.se the legal dead­ War, waa left the laat aimviior of new Malenkov regime threw 56, the Communist dictator- •Si'!, of Stoi-ra, Conn., formerJy of Bufiker Hill for InJured or dead. ly dissolved parliament and UN delegates once again to­ Manchester, sical program at the church to­ Police said several families of the line, March 15, is Sunday. the northern forces hy the death, president of Czechoslovakia, RIPAIREP 7 2 The wedding is planned for Sat­ night at 7:30. A male trio will deserted town had been located So you have until midnight. Mareh 12. of James A; H anl,-U I, called for new national elec­ day into a wide-open scramble sing and other numbers will be each Monday, M arch 16, to get your died in Prague today Just five urday, .Time 13. Plus Tax here, all in safe condition. Bunker Roehester, N. Y. This plotnre tions. for a successor to Trygve Lie PROMPTLY contributed by talent from the Hill is about eight miles northwest return postmarked and on Ita way Yoshida tentatively set April 19 days after the funeral of his ALL TYPES OF shows Woolson as he smokes a as Secretary General of the congregation. of here. to your nearest Director of Inter­ eigar at home^ln Duluth, Minn. for the elections. His cabinet will protector, Joseph Stalin. MACHINE OPERATORS Daughters were born Tue.aday at Sunday at the 11 a. m. aePvice They said 35 houses were dam­ nal Revenue. Directora replaced 8cr\’e as a carelakcr government United Nations. The heavy-set p 4 a a a n t-bom . the Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mr. Rask will deliver a sermon aged at Blinker Hill. collectors in reorganization of the until a new Diet is elected. The Rusaians cast their 66th Moravian, who even looked like • • • . Mrs. Clifford Hsnsen of 137 Green Revenue bureau last year, but they veto In the 11-natlon security TheosaDds of repair parts are on the "Temptations of CaJvarv." St. Mary’s Hospital attendants Japan's latest political crisis Stalin except for the mustache, Manor road and to Mr, and Mrs. C hester OI.«on of Worcester will are all in exactly the same offices erupted when Ih# lower house council last night to wash out wmq, taken ill Thursday momlsg iastsatly available to our ex­ here said three, persons were ad­ It Pays fa ■ •• • Henry J. Sonoaky of 82 Seaman sing two solos. Look for a WARNER’S at mitted between 2 and 3 a.
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