STP 21-24-SMCT HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Skill Level 2, 3, and 4 AUGUST 2003 DISTRIBUTIONRESTRICTION:Approvedforpublicretease; distributlonIsunlimited. ACLU-RDI 393 p.1 DODDOA 018593 This publication is available at Army Knowledge OnLine (www.us.army.mil ) and the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at (www.adtd I.a rmy.m i I) ACLU-RDI 393 p.2 DODDOA 018594 *STP 21-24-SMCT Soldier Training Publication Headquarters No. 21-24-SMCT Department of the Army Washington, DC, 31 August 2003 SOLDIER'S MANUAL OF COMMON TASKS Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE vi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 -1 Chapter 2. Training Guide 2-1 Chapter 3 Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4 Tasks 3-1 Skill Level 2 Subject Area 1: Individual Conduct and Laws of War 181-101-2023 Enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 3-1 181-105-2001 Enforce the Law of War and the Geneva and Hague Conventions 3-7 181-105-2002 Conduct Combat Operations According to the Law of War 3-11 224-176-2426 Enforce Compliance with Media Ground Rules 3-13 331-202-1050 Enforce Compliance with the Code of Conduct 3-15 805C-PAD-2503 Enforce Compliance with the Army's Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment Policies 3-17 Subject Area 2: First Aid 081-831-0101 Request Medical Evacuation 3-21 081-831-1054 Evacuate Casualties 3-27 081-831-9000 Implement Preventive Medicine Measures (PMM) 3-31 Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. *This manual supersedes STP 21-24-SMCT, 1 October 1992. ACLU-RDI 393 p.3 DODDOA 018595 Subject Area 3: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical 031-503-1023 Protect Yourself from Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Injury/Contamination When Changing Mission-Oriented Protective Posture Gear 3-38 031-503-2001 Identify Chemical Agents Using M256-Series Chemical Agent Detector Kit 3-43 031-503-2023 Measure Radiation Dose Rate and Total Dose 3-47 031-503-3002 Conduct Unmasking Procedures 3-50 031-503-3004 Supervise the Crossing of a Contaminated Area 3-52 031-503-3005 Submit an NBC 1 Report 3-55 031-503-3008 Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture 3-57 031-503-3010 Supervise the Employment of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Markers 3-59 031-503-4002 Supervise Unit Preparation for a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Attack 3-62 031-506-1053 Report Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Information Using NBC 4 Report 3-65 031-506-2061 Conduct a Mask Fit Test 3-67 Subject Area 4: Survive (Combat Techniques) 061-283-6003 Adjust Indirect Fire 3-70 071-326-0608 Use Visual Signaling Techniques 3-79 071-326-5704 Supervise Construction of a Fighting Position..._.... 3-101 071-326-5705 Establish an Observation Post 3-103 Subject Area 5: Navigate 071-329-1019 Use a Map Overlay 3-106 Subject Area 20: Casualty Reporting and Handling 805C-PAD-2060 Report Casualties 3-114 Subject Area 21: Defense Measures 071-430-0002 Conduct a Defense by a Squad 3-118 Subject Area 22: Unit Operations 071-326-5502 Issue a Fragmentary Order 3-123 071-326-5503 Issue a Warning Order 3-125 551-88N-0002 Prepare for Unit Move 3-127 Subject Area 23: Security and Control 301-371-1200 Process Captured Materiel 3-131 Subject Area 25: Equipment Checks 091-CLT-4029 Supervise Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services 3-135 101-92Y-0003 Enforce Compliance with Supply Discipline Procedures 3-137 li ACLU-RDI 393 p.4 DODDOA 018596 101-92Y-0004 Enforce Property Accountability Policies 3-140 101-92Y-0005 Enforce Compliance with Property Accountability Policies 3-152 101-92Y-0006 Inspect Equipment for Accountability, Cleanliness, and Serviceability 3-170 Subject Area 27: Risk Management 850-001-2000 Employ Accident Prevention Measures and Risk Management Process 3-171 Subject Area 28: Administration/Management 805C-PAD-2044 Recommend Individual for Award - 3-172 805C-PAD-2145 Counsel a Soldier on the Contents of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report and NCOER Checklist 3-175 805C-PAD-2146 Prepare the Raters Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report 3-177 805C-PAD-2402 Provide Input on Personnel Actions Affecting Subordinates 3-181 805C-PAD-2407 Recommend Disciplinary Action for a Soldier 3-184 805C-PAD-2461 Maintain Accountability of Personnel (Status Report) 3-186 805C-PAD-2472 Prepare a Duty Roster 3-188 Skill Level 3 Subject Area 1: Individual Conduct and Laws of War 805C-PAD-3238 Enforce the Equal Opportunity Program 3-190 Subject Area 4: Survive (Combat Techniques) 052-192-4053 Supervise Minefield Breaching Operations 3-195 071-410-0012 Conduct Occupation of an Assembly Area 3-197 071-420-0021 Conduct a Movement to Contact by a Platoon 3-200 071-430-0028 Consolidate a Unit 3-202 071-430-0029 Reorganize a Unit 3-204 Subject Area 5: Navigate 071-332-5000 Prepare an Operation Overlay 3-206 Subject Area 19: Crowd Control 191-378-4302 Form Squad-Size Riot Control Formations 3-224 Subject Area 21: Defense Measures 052-195-3066 Direct Construction of Nonexplosive Obstacles 3-232 071-410-0019 Control Organic Fires 3-247 441-091-3000 Supervise the Implementation of Air Defense Measures 3-252 lit ACLU-RDI 393 p.5 DODDOA 018597 Subject Area 22: Unit Operations 071-326-3013 Conduct a Tactical Road March 3-256 3-260 071-326-5805 Conduct a Route Reconnaissance Mission 071-332-5021 Prepare a Situation Map 3-263 071-720-0015 Conduct an Area Reconnaissance by a Platoon 3-264 101-92Y-0002 Plan Tactical Re-Supply Operations 3-269 301-371-1150 Identify Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Assets 3-281 551-88M-0001 Lead a Convoy Serial/March Unit 3-286 551-88N-0003 Plan Unit Move 3-289 Subject Area 23: Security and Control 191-379-4407 Plan Convoy Security Operations 3-291 301-371-1052 Protect Classified Information and Material 3-297 805C-PAD-3594 Store Classified Information and Materials 3-305 Subject Area 24: Enemy Personnel 191-379-4450 Supervise Handling of Enemy Personnel and Equipment at Squad Level 3-307 Subject Area 27: Risk Management 850-001-3001 Control Mission Safety Hazard 3-311 Subject Area 28: Administration/Management 805C-PAD-3147 Prepare the Senior Rater's Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) 3-312 Skill Level 4 Subject Area 2: First Aid • 081-831-1047 Supervise the Implementation of Preventive Medicine Policies 3-315 081-831-1055 Ensure Unit Combat Lifesaver Requirements Are Met 3-326 Subject Area 4: Survive (Combat Techniques) 071-326-5775 Coordinate with an Adjacent Platoon 3-335 101-CLT-0198 Supervise Tactical Feeding Operation 3-338 Subject Area 19: Crowd Control 191-379-5400 Form the Platoon into a Riot Control Formation 3-341 Subject Area 21: Defense Measures 071-430-0006 Conduct a Defense by a Platoon 3-359 Subject Area 22: Unit Operations 091-CLT-3009 Supervise Maintenance Operations 3-363 101-92Y-0001 Supervise Supply Activities 3-365 iv ACLU-RDI 393 p.6 DODDOA 018598 151-357-0001 Supervise CSS Functions During Platoon Operations 3-370 151-357-0002 Coordinate Combat Service Support (CSS) Operations 3-373 159-200-2020 Integrate Threat Capabilities into Mission Planning. 3-376 181-101-4001 Conduct a Search/Seizure 3-378 551-721-4326 Perform Duties as Convoy Commander 3-384 Subject Area 23: Security and Control 191-379-4408 Plan Security for a Command Post (CP) 3-384 Subject Area 26: Crime Prevention 191-379-4425 Implement the Unit's Crime Prevention Program ... 3-394 Subject Area 27: Risk Management 850-001-4001 Integrate Risk Management into Mission Plans 3-396 Subject Area 28: Administration/Management 805C-PAD-4359 Manage Soldiers Deployment Requirements 3-397 805C-PAD-4550 Prepare a Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) 3-401 805C-PAD-4597 Integrate Newly Assigned Soldiers 3-403 Appendix A Proponent or Agency Codes A-1 Appendix B Guide to Forms B-1 Glossary Glossary-1 References References-1 ACLU-RDI 393 p.7 DODDOA 018599 PREFACE This manual is one of a series of soldier training publications that support individual training. Commanders, trainers, and soldiers will use this manual and STP 21-1-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1, to plan, conduct, sustain, and evaluate individual training of common tasks in units. This manual contains a common task training plan for skill levels (SL) 1 through 4 and task summaries for St 2 through SL 4 critical common tasks that support unit wartime missions. This manual is the only authorized source for these common tasks. Task summaries in this manual supersede any common tasks appearing in MOS-specific soldier's manuals. Training support information, such as reference materials, is also included. Trainers and first-line supervisors should ensure SL 2 through SL 4 soldiers have access to this publication in their work areas, unit learning centers, and unit libraries. This manual applies to both active and Reserve Component soldiers. Unless this manual states otherwise, masculine pronouns do not refer exclusively to men. The proponent of this publication is the Commander, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), with the Commander, United States Army Training Support Center (ATSC) designated as the principle publishing, printing and distribution agency. Proponents for the specific tasks are the Army schools and agencies as identified by the school code, listed at appendix A, consisting of the first three digits of the task identification number. All comments, suggestions and recommended changes to this publication should be submitted as follows: Record any comments or questions regarding the task summaries contained in this manual on a DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and send it to the respective task proponent with inform ation copies forwarded to: Commander, U.S.
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