MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE, DECEMBER I980, VOL. 43, PP. IO57-69 Thirty-first list of new mineral names M. H. HEY British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 Trtis list of 2o5 names includes I49 names of valid or together with moissanite and various alloys. [This probably valid species, most of which have been approved seems extremely improbable from thermo- by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral dynamic considerations.--M. F., A.M. 65, 2o5.] Names, 8 species of doubtful validity, and I polytypic Alumino-deerite. K. Langer and W. Schreyer, I97O. species; there are also 17 names for artificial products, Coll. Abstr, IMA-IAGOD meetings, Kyoto, IO unnecessary names for varieties, a correction to ~ name originally misspelt, 2 spelling variants of minor im- p. 231. A synthetic phase near Fe122 + A163 + Sl1204o portance, I named mixture, and I rock; 15 erroneous (OH)10 is the AI analogue of deerite a IO.7O8, spellings, mostly due to double transliteration, into and b I8.83o, c 9.6oi A, fl xo6.72~ Pleochroic from Cyrillic, are included because the mineral intended brownish-green prisms up to I5 #m. n 1.765, low is not always readily recognizable. birefringence. As in the last four lists, certain contractions for the Alumohalkosyderite, error for Alumochalcosider- names of frequently cited periodicals are used: A.M., Am. ite. Zap. 1979, 108, no. 6. Mineral.; M.A., Mineral. Abstr.; M.M., Mineral. Mag.; Amieite. A. Alberti, G. Hentschel, and G. Vezzalini, Zap., Zap. vses. mineral, obshch.; Bull., Bull. Mineral. 1979. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh. 48I. A new zeolite from H6wenegg, Hegau, Germany, Admontite. K. Walenta, 1979- Tschermaks Mineral. has space group 12, a IO.226, b 1o.422, c 9.884/~, Petrogr. Mitt. 26, 69. Poorly developed mono- fl 88 ~ I9'. Composition near 4[KNaA12Si2Os" clinic crystals from a gypsum deposit at Schild- 2 ]. Named for G. B. Amici. [M.A. mauer, near Admont, Styria, have a I2.68, 80-2237. ] b Io.o7, c I 1.32/~, fl IO9.68 ~ D 1.82. Composition Ancyllite, error for Ancylite. Bull. 96, 245. 2[MgEB20 5- I5H20], 0~ 1.442 , 2; 1-5o4111oio], Anduoite. Chromium and Electron-probe Group, 2V~ c.30 ~ ct:[ooI] c.45 ~ [A.M. 65, 205.] lnst. of Utilization, and Platinum Group and Aleksite. A. G. Lipovekskii, Yu. S. Borodaev, and Electron-probe Group, inst. Geol. Miner. E. N. Zav'yalov, I978. Zap. 107, 315. Resour., Chinese Acad. Geol. Sci., and X-ray (AaeKcnT). Platy grains up to I mm in quartz- Laboratories, Wuhan Geol. Coll. and Inst. Geol. sulphide veins of the Alekseev deposit, Sutemskii Acad. Sinica, 198o. Kexue 7bngbao, 15, 704. region, Stanovoi range, USSR, are trigonal, Grains up to o. r mm from the Anduo chromite a 4.238, c 79.76 ~,, with an X-ray powder pattern deposit, Tibet, are orthorhombic, Pnnm or Pnn2, near that of jos~ite-A. Composition near a 5.41o, b 6.2o6, c 3.Ol A. Composition 6[PbBizTe/Sz]. Weakly anisotropic, R 53-4 ~ at 2[RuAs2] with some Os and Ir. 2 580 nm. [M.A. 79-4III; A.M. 64, 652; Zap. Apaehite. F. P. Cesbron and S. A. Williams, I98o. 109, 65. ] M.M. 43, 639. A blue, non-pleochroic, fibrous Altmarkite. T. Kaemmel, E. P. Muller, L. Krossner, mineral from the Christmas mine, Gila Co., J. Nebel, and H. Ungethum, I977. Z. angew. Arizona. Strongest X-ray powder lines 12.90 (IO), Geol. 23, 535 and 24, 9o (1978). Metallic deposits 3.I68(7), 7.663(5) A; the powder pattern indexes on natural gas plant at Altmark, E. Germany, are well with a I2.89, b 6.055, c 19.11 A, fl 90.42~ tetragonal, a 2.52, c 4.53 /~. Composition Dobs 2.80. A formula (Cu,Mg,Ca)9SiloO29- -~[HgPb2]. Solid'plumbian mercury was also I I H20 is suggested. [The empirical cell contents observed (Pb up to 23 %). [It is not clear whether with the above physical data, are (Cu,Mg, Ca, the material is of natural origin or an artefact.-- Fe)ls.sSi16.7049.o I9H20. M.H.H.] Named for M. F., A.M. 64, 652; Zap. 109, 63. ] the Apache Indians, who inhabit the area. Aluminium. B. V. Oleinikov, A. V. Okrugin, and Appletite. D. W. Ash, I975. Bull. National Speleo- N. V. Leskova, I978. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, logical Soc. 37, 35. Unnecessary name for a habit- 243, I9I (AnrOMHHUyM). Native AI is stated to variety of calcite. [A.M. 63, 796.] occur in trap intrusives of the Siberian platform, Apuanite. M. Mellini, S. Merlino, and P. Orlandi, ~) Copyright the Mineralogical Society IO58 M. H. HEY I979. A.M. 64, I23O and 1235. Occurs in black Bilibinskite. E. M. Speridonov, M. S. Bezsmert- aggregates from the Buca della Vena mine, naya, T. N. Chvileva, and V. V. Bezsmertny, i978. Stazzema in the Versilia valley, Tuscany, with Zap. 107, 31 o and 51 o (Bnnn6nncKnv).A mineral versilianite (this List) and schafarzikite (9th List) resembling rickardite (3rd List) in gold telluride massive and as rare platy crystals, forms {ooi}, deposits of Kazakhstan and far-eastern USSR is {IIO}, {II2}, and {I14} ; cleavage {IIO}. Space strongly anisotropic in canary yellow and fire- group P42/mbc, a 8.367, c I7.959 /~. D 5-33. red. A pseudocubic subcell has a 4.1o/~, but the Composition 4[FeZ+Fe3+Sb3+O12S]. R 589 structure may be similar to that of moschellands- I8189 Named for the Apuan Alps. bergite (I5th List). Composition PbCu2Au3Te2. Argeatopentlaadite. N. S. Rudashevskii, G. A. Named for Ya. A. Bilibin. Not to be confused Mitkenov, A. M. Karpenkov, and N. N. Shishkin, with bitibinite (22nd List), also named for Ya. A. I977. Zap. 106, 688. (ApreaToneHvnaH~V). A Bilibin. [M.A. 79-4112; A.M. 64, 652.] member of the pentlandite group, occurring in Bismutohauehecornite. J. Just, 198o. Mineral. Mag. the Oktyabr and Talnakh deposits, has composi- 43, 873. The Ni9Bi2Ss end-member of the tion Ag(Fe,Ni)sS8, with the Ag in octahedral hauchecornite group, (Ni, Co,Fe)9ABS8, where A lattice positions. Space group Fm3 m, a to.521 A. and B are As,, Sb, Bi, and Te. Tetragonal. [M.A. 79-762; Zap. 109, 64.] Boyleite. K. Walenta, 1978. Chem. Erde, 37, 73. Arseaohaueheeoraite. R. I. Gait and D. C. Harris, 4[(Zn,Mg)SO4.4H20] occurs as an alteration 198o. Mineral. Mag. 43, 877. The Ni9BiAsSs end- product of sphalerite (blende) at Kropbach, member of the tetragonal hauchecornite group, Munstertal, Germany. Space group P21/n, a 5.95, (Ni,Co,Fe)9ABSs, where A and B are As, Sb, Bi, b 13.6o, c 7.96 /~, fl 9 ~176I8', c~ 1.522, ~ 1.536, and Te. 2V~ c. 70 ~ Named for R. W. Boyle. [M.A. Ashaaite. R. Zhang, H. Tian, Z. Peng, F. Han, and 79-1647; A.M. 64, 241 and 464.1 Z. Jing, 198o. [Kexue Tongbao, 25, 51o], abstr. Brabantite. D. Rose, I98O. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., M.A. 80-4905 . An 'Nb-rich end-member of the Monatsh. 247. Reddish-brown masses in the ixiolite series' from a pegmatite in the Altai Brabant pegmatite, Karibib, SW Africa, have Mts., NW China, is orthorhombic, a 5.869, space group P21/n, a 6.726, b 6.933, c 6.447 A, b 4.873, c 5.216 /~. Composition 4[(Nb,Ta,Fe, fl IO3~ 53'. D 4.72. Composition 2[CaTh(PO4)2], Mn,U)O2]. ct 2.31 I1[olo] light brownish red, monazite group, fl 1.73, y-~ 0.05. fl 2.35 II [ioo], ~ 2.4011 [001], dark brownish red; Brenkite. G. Hertschel, U. Leufer, and E. Tillmans, 2Vr 7o-5 ~ Space group Pcan. Named from Altai 1978. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh. 325 . and shan, mountain. [-As its behaviour on heating Radial aggregates of laths in voids and fissures is not recorded, it is uncertain whether this is a of selbergite at Schellkopf, Brenk, Eifel, uranian analogue ofixiolite or a uranian pseudo- Germany, have a 7.650, b 7.55 o, c 6.548/~. Com- ixiolite.--M. H. H. 1 position 4[Ca2CO3F21. c~11[OOl1 (elongation) Aahertite. F. Cesbron, D. Ginderow, M.-C. Sich6re, 1-525, fl II [1OO1 1-59 O, Y II I-olol 1.593, 2Va 26-8 ~ and H. Vachey, I979. Bull. 102, 348. Blue crusts D 3.1o. [M.A. 79-764; A.M. 64, 24I.] with various iron sulphates at Quetana, Anto- Burekhardtite. R. V. Gaines, P. B. Leavens, and fagasta province, Chile are anorthic, a 6.288, J. A. Nelen, 1979. A.M. 64, 355. Minute (0.2 mm) b I3.239, c 6.284 /~, a 91~ 52', fl 94 ~ 4o', rosettes and rare pseudohexagonal crystals from 7 82~ 27'. Composition [CuAI(SO4)2C1 - 14H201. the Moctezuma gold mine, Sonora, Mexico, give ct 1.462 , fl 1.482 , ~ 1.495, 2V~ 71~ D 1.83. X-ray powder data indexed on a C-centred Cleavage (OLO). Named for J. Aubert. [A.M. 65, monoclinic cell with a 5.2I, b 9.o4, c 12.85 A, 205. ] fl 90~ Composition 2[Pb2(Fe 3 +,Mn 3 +)A1TeO2 Bannermanite. W. Thompson, 1967. Rocks and Si30,o(OH)2.H20]. ct 1.82 II [ooi], pale Minerals, 42, 420. Pink fibrous crusts on a magenta, fl = T 1.85, carmine red. Named for fumarole of the Izalco volcano, E1 Salvador, are C. Burckhardt. [M.A. 79-4113 .] possibly V205. No further details. Canavesite, G. Ferraris, M. Franchini-Angela, and Bartonite. G. K. Czamanske, M. A. Lamphere, P. Orlandi, 1978. Can. Mineral. 16, 69.
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