GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL (PERSONNEL: :A) ASSAM SECRETARIAT (CIV[) DISPUR GUWAHATI: 781006 oRPERS BY.THE GOVERNOR NOTIFIC4TION Dated Dispur the 166 March, 2021. No.AAPJrs/2912/35: In exercise of powers conferred under Section 2l of the Cr. P.C., 1973, the Govemor of Assam is pleased to invest the power of Executive Megistrate on the following Non-ACS Officers as Executive Megistrate for maintaining Law & Order situation and other duties in l6-Haflong (ST) L.A.C under Dima Hasao District, w.e.f date of appointment within the local limit of their jurisdiction, upto the day of completion of the ensuing Assembly Elections,202I. hl*rue PWr) H.N Dr, B.K Ilistrirt A, Sr RobertL ; Execrriil^s Engtuesr, lfafioqrg UlfibrRctauuce 9+38fi770e2 ' --- . '. ,, 1:+--:-- Sri. Saind'esil SecretagrBevcnue,lantl&Reyuuue,btpe,rUreoti ;+ /50 t_:*. ut,ve o c) 10 11 i*i {r--}. iZ * Shri iilth . Dire@rof 1l i'* 13 tE; gi4q, lle1,enueOfficgf, O/o *te Land 8i .rhe Shri famil Ahnred, Barbhu A,E.E. $'/o Eti PWD [R&8} tlxfft]g" n**Sron.tq'[ Xo. ,-- ,t1-g531glg5*- i -. (r i shr! SabJen Pho*glo, Forcrt,hari*er; $fii theBintSianai'foresT.olhl ':'.-_' l7iSri?aokhgseiDoungel,Sr'ftiuplAuditsrofCoop;socieuei! ! 2^,^i I : Y '" i---i I Haflong b{b Ho,9957t61+32,.-:---- L, B " i slrrlAlut DeE, *g!sreL_Qlilgirle.ti$sg&!-Us.qa{_Lgggrz"-___ =_- I conlo! -- - ' A/ - =4- I Shri 10 11 1* Nj@]trGerr, c.l,s, olo $e Fismtgt Ntr 995190?g}-- ', I i I -- "- : I [ reaut, ,tsstsiant Englneer, O/o tht arstt cutiy.g I :ub@ q::--!:-n:r:- l- ,a i shn P.tJi, N-i,thg, ,& BDb, olo rl'e Bloclr Devetopmatt t I iMhNo,7o866231{rJ.-'. n -,, ,--,, ::,, Dr. Shdtir Hussqlq Dadul $hri Srt ?.rrhud,Utsn , mi;o/otbeDtET; Dima llasa*, [Jsuusr@ry8!*eI s + : +or? s s r/toqqgggi2-- Etl*Fuiotr Das, AFIF, P$[il,Ida 81s57+5 2+ Sri P.lerne, Culq.l t 0ttcer. Cqltura:l tlaniel f erne, Agril lrs Z9 artmeilt, ?7 ffiGffi qhe-DistrirrPrlrnary Etlus*tion srrr5lirto**ilW-.rt1". Mti,E g Soil Contervatioh Oivislon,,ldli hts. tliceh State vety, urb' thri,lidw$rd cJ.$O/t itri nisrrict Primary:EduclttiorDeiia Ntg6zgl.6qle4 . .---:_.## Sh;;ffi;(}, D.s,f-sf. P.r{"e7; th;lt;5 'tGitang Degree Crittege Dirir:a tlasaq,M' ib'ong g; c r f iimr ry, f duca rio o Departnen t'S{aff ll$hn }d} tio.9*35566386 i'n niilA-nri , A.uu., 0/o [he Exerutirrc Engiheeq *tl[D ?? -sLn:_gggUp.tt-Egl'rnEf.4Sleci4feP,rc.[,lmqibq % Dfvision, irrtgatiotr, 38 Itiffiiifi;i5a A5firil,ilo, rtre-r@ir*r N,c, Hilts 39 40 ,,Mei$,artg, lvlO-, 9+s5o45}!1 '| Sbtt De 50 Shri ?vlano El 5't ConloL - 3/- I -3- i-ff Tffi C,ls;0lo *T$i:D;il;sdG; '_*s 7 -'"---"--' N.'{* r: Dev.Officer, r l-I I- 58 -TSh rlf. H""" t, i, A sstt. R cven uq' olfi cer, NIHAC. tlhEong Mh, N6;9* tl-,,.--r- [ I sri-Mulcul NaidtLrgAssn-Er,g.ineer.0/o the BDO,Il{aibtng lflb'Ho. |i" : _---------:_ 60 ! Shrr S.P.Pr:iadhan, $u.perinterddentof SeriiGg.ttuiig, g6i[ff9 Mb,SO:l ,l,'il' itlr,iistrriotrrtrbaDutt*,AEE,rrle}.PWDl']tton3'ButldingDivn..M$Na'8e388"8,.gg6+ L- : -+----+ i cz--:.-_-.-. srl. Sekhar Ch'akrahorty. Asspciato Prof. Hdlong covt Collegg Mb tfo:, 9{g565itt05 I ' 63 i Strrt Clinmoy Kr. Pliukori, rtssosiate Praf, Haflong covr Collsse,Mb No.9*355as9{? i-di-d;-. ;-. iI idilidri'B"'''rir B *''rt ctoTm'yrui;0/octo-ffim' yr E i;0 /o ffirri;ffi r ri; fwnTffi;eilffiirfi,.IEffins.so,f w RTffi ; eilffi irfi ,. IEffi Mb N* L t zttoztzoss+ Im;ffi@lr i-**-*i *i ,-s.-:-{q+ -6 sh,{ Br$*ajii'Ket atlAffdfrEe aEF@ ; Shrl Ra,ian Sinha, A"E.E, O/otfte EE P.W.E. l{afiong }uilding.Divisicin, No, 68 Shrt BimolTeron, Oy. Offtcer, 0/o the fi.E.,'F\,ryD, Htfio*g i i f I Dr. |aurhcd All, Associate Prof[. 0/u lhe Princtpal, Ha{lorg Govt foHeger.tla{1u*g 71 Shri leten fohori, Asstl Repenue Officer.,$/o'the Larrd &Revsnuc,D,Ep.rL, 77 Sfrng.-rte-Bhatta ffi -- Shri Pijulh Kanfi .Acharya. Asi,ociate Prrff;, O/o rhe Pnnclpal. Itl*ibang EqgreeCo$€3,-.Mai1Iary, ... -+... -*--i-.-r=- l-smtilc,um ;@FD.-'@ Shri Manpsl lit-"gh ffigph; flt .: 't- 2 *. Shri Pa Lakiang, F& Qto th9,Db:Or:!li1!a Wes 5 l.rl, I shri Monjll ru,.If,_fl.l. Grlt, o/o rhe Divisional For+$ offfccr, Dirna Hasqp. F$rs$t l)ivision (East) I I latleng, Mb No. 70S671 l?1i6. I ,l sl., cr-l, Oio $e Execudve lingirreer l,\sl);*&0ong kd Mb Nu. Ittlr:ry:_lsiak llrangkhoi"- Fr-f., or The BFO,.$ourhern.q.ffos.csfiarisn-.::,,,--,-". fttvtsioq Hr.fto1g, t{b. }so. i lggir.{frrg-__ * . l----',,:' ,.j:,:"::: canlsl - t/- fl -+- , . i * '' MAhsr''Ito*o jBivirlon, MU-'H$l i ,nn l.*idreuol 'rootqr, se. iolo the Execrgl& Engitii.r, PItrrD, Shri Upcndra WarisqfR oib tht DfO, S0 Affsrcstatisr DiYtl, 763 I . Nrn:nadr l*hsrso, ?setiB309l3. Snrtr, Sainlalt fohari, ADO, 0/b tfie Si$trkt l-i2 ees45675![ ts I Sr*ti. Boichitra the Bistr t{at'ar:g{aa' o I Smri. 07o'th* - i Deven t-- !rg t ui Slrrt fuuth H.C.HtllE Di.$,r$gry.(.rrarau$n,. i,, o/aithe Exeqrdve En$ueer :ry* l lab" xo. ?qor6q. i41o ----i' : Eima ttas$o' e*.T.- .' .- o/o the Supeiiiiteodent of'srrtcu'lture''lvr#bary' Asitt" mqnagrr' - I Nath'- . - lrrnf r: " "E--''4 Shri.Ananta lri L) . _ lr$,rtges, s4l_ (T.P. Borgohain' ACS) Secreiary to the Govt' olAt:.*" P..-;*a fOt "r**t" W, - 5 --a4l+J -5- Memo No. AAP.318i2012/35-A Dated Dispur the l6th March, 2021. Copy to:- L The Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Home & Political Department, Dispur. 2. The Commissioner, Central Assam Divisioq Nagaon, for information. 3. The Deputy Commissioner, Dima Hasao, Hallong for information. 4. The Election Department for information and necessary action. 5. Judicial Department for information. g/ pe n o nn el. assam. eov.in '"iru@u (l.Iityananda Boro) Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Personnel (A) DeparEnent.
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