CANOPIES IN AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS: INTEGRATING FORM, FUNCTION, AND BIOPHYSICAL PROCESSES EDITED BY : Virginia B. Pasour, Brian L. White, Marco Ghisalberti, Matthew Philip Adams, Matthew H. Long, Matthew A. Reidenbach, Uri Shavit and Julia E. Samson PUBLISHED IN : Frontiers in Marine Science Frontiers eBook Copyright Statement About Frontiers The copyright in the text of individual articles in this eBook is the Frontiers is more than just an open-access publisher of scholarly articles: it is a property of their respective authors or their respective institutions or pioneering approach to the world of academia, radically improving the way scholarly funders. The copyright in graphics research is managed. The grand vision of Frontiers is a world where all people have and images within each article may be subject to copyright of other an equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge. Frontiers provides parties. 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Find out more on how ISSN 1664-8714 to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by ISBN 978-2-88963-340-1 DOI 10.3389/978-2-88963-340-1 contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office: [email protected] Frontiers in Marine Science 1 January 2020 | Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems CANOPIES IN AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS: INTEGRATING FORM, FUNCTION, AND BIOPHYSICAL PROCESSES Topic Editors: Virginia B. Pasour, Army Research Office, United States Brian L. White, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States Marco Ghisalberti, University of Western Australia, Australia Matthew Philip Adams, University of Queensland, Australia Matthew H. Long, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, United States Matthew A. Reidenbach, University of Virginia, United States Uri Shavit, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Julia E. Samson, Consultant, Amsterdam, Netherlands Citation: Pasour, V. B., White, B. L., Ghisalberti, M., Adams, M. P., Long, M. H., Reidenbach, M. A., Shavit, U., Samson, J. E., eds. (2020). Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems: Integrating Form, Function, and Biophysical Processes. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-340-1 Frontiers in Marine Science 2 January 2020 | Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems Table of Contents 04 Editorial: Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems: Integrating Form, Function, and Biophysical Processes Julia E. Samson, Marco Ghisalberti, Matthew Philip Adams, Matthew A. Reidenbach, Matthew H. Long, Uri Shavit and Virginia B. Pasour 07 Intertidal Seaweeds Modulate a Contrasting Response in Understory Seaweed and Microphytobenthic Early Recruitment Schery Umanzor, Lydia Ladah and José A. Zertuche-González 16 Canopy-Forming Macroalgae Facilitate Recolonization of Sub-Arctic Intertidal Fauna and Reduce Temperature Extremes Sarah B. Ørberg, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Kim N. Mouritsen, Birgit Olesen, Núria Marbà, Martin H. Larsen, Martin E. Blicher and Mikael K. Sejr 29 Influence of the Seagrass, Zostera marina, on Wave Attenuation and Bed Shear Stress Within a Shallow Coastal Bay Matthew A. Reidenbach and Emily L. Thomas 45 Canopy Functions of R. maritima and Z. marina in the Chesapeake Bay Emily French and Kenneth Moore 50 Predicting Current-Induced Drag in Emergent and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Canopies Arnold van Rooijen, Ryan Lowe, Marco Ghisalberti, Mario Conde-Frias and Liming Tan 64 Canopy-Mediated Hydrodynamics Contributes to Greater Allelic Richness in Seeds Produced Higher in Meadows of the Coastal Eelgrass Zostera marina Elizabeth Follett, Cynthia G. Hays and Heidi Nepf 78 Bridging the Separation Between Studies of the Biophysics of Natural and Built Marine Canopies Craig Stevens and David Plew 85 Biophysical Interactions in Fragmented Marine Canopies: Fundamental Processes, Consequences, and Upscaling Andrew M. Folkard 102 Effect of Seagrass on Current Speed: Importance of Flexibility vs. Shoot Density Mark S. Fonseca, James W. Fourqurean and M. A. R. Koehl Frontiers in Marine Science 3 January 2020 | Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems EDITORIAL published: 15 November 2019 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00697 Editorial: Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems: Integrating Form, Function, and Biophysical Processes Julia E. Samson 1*, Marco Ghisalberti 2, Matthew Philip Adams 3, Matthew A. Reidenbach 4, Matthew H. Long 5, Uri Shavit 6 and Virginia B. Pasour 7 1 Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2 Oceans Graduate School, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, 3 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, and School of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4 Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 5 Department of Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, 6 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 7 Army Research Office, Durham, NC, United States Keywords: fluid dynamics, ecosystem engineering, coral, algae, canopy, mass transport, light availability, nutrient cycling Editorial on the Research Topic Canopies in Aquatic Ecosystems: Integrating Form, Function, and Biophysical Processes This Research Topic presents new research investigating the coupling between physical (fluid dynamics, mass transport, and light availability) and biological (nutrient cycling, particle transport, ecosystem structure, and biodiversity) processes in aquatic canopies. The starting point for this topic was the observation that our notion of “canopy” in the aquatic sciences, in contrast to that of our terrestrially-focused colleagues, remains underdeveloped. Forest canopy studies have been considered a new field of science (Nadkarni et al., 2011) and the concept of forest canopy research Edited and reviewed by: is clearly documented in the literature (Barker and Pinard, 2001; Nadkarni, 2001; Lowman, 2009); Angel Borja, we have not found similar mentions of the canopy concept in aquatic studies. Over the past decade, Technological Center Expert in Marine however, there has been an increase in the number of studies on underwater canopies, as well as and Food Innovation (AZTI), Spain a shift toward more multidisciplinary
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