
Icelandic Coast Guard IcelandicIcelandicIcelandic CoastCoastCoast GuardGuardGuard CDRCDR GylfiGylfi GeirssonGeirsson Icelandic Coast Guard TheTheThe IcelandicIcelandicIcelandic IntegratedIntegratedIntegrated SystemSystemSystem •• OneOne JointJoint OperationOperation CentreCentre forfor –– CoastCoast GuardGuard OperationOperation •• MonitoringMonitoring ControlControl andand SurveillanceSurveillance (MCS)(MCS) –– GeneralGeneral PolicingPolicing inin thethe IcelandicIcelandic EEZEEZ –– VesselVessel MonitoringMonitoring SystemSystem (VMS)(VMS) –– FisheriesFisheries MonitoringMonitoring CentreCentre (FMC)(FMC) –– MaritimeMaritime TrafficTraffic ServiceService (MTS)(MTS) •• GlobalGlobal MaritimeMaritime DistressDistress andand SafetySafety SystemSystem •• SingleSingle PointPoint ofof ContactContact forfor allall MaritimeMaritime relatedrelated nonotificationstifications –– SchengenSchengen –– PortPort CallCall –– TransitTransit –– SearchSearch andand RescueRescue (SAR)(SAR) –– EmergencyEmergency responseresponse MCS – VMS – FMC – MTS – SAR All integrated into one single centre Icelandic Coast Guard TheTheThe AreaAreaArea ofofof OperationOperationOperation Icelandic Coast Guard TheThe IcelandicIcelandic EEZ.EEZ. AnAn areaarea ofof 754.000754.000 kmkm 22 TheThe NEAFCNEAFC RegulatoryRegulatory AreaArea onon thethe ReykjanesReykjanes ridgeridge CDR G. Geirsson Icelandic Coast Guard TheThe NEAFCNEAFC RegulatoryRegulatory AreaArea EastEast ofof IcelandIceland Icelandic Coast Guard TheThe Icelandic Icelandic SAR SAR area. area. 1,8 1,8 million million square square kilomet kilometres.res. Icelandic Coast Guard MergingMergingMerging ofofof allallall availableavailableavailable maritimemaritimemaritime informationinformationinformation intointointo oneoneone centrecentrecentre Icelandic Coast Guard AdditionalAdditionalAdditional informationinformationinformation intointointo thethethe trackingtrackingtracking systemsystemsystem (VMS)(VMS)(VMS) •• TheThe VMSVMS isis complementedcomplemented withwith allall availableavailable maritimemaritime notificationsnotifications –– ManualManual reportsreports •• SchengenSchengen •• PortPort CallCall •• TransitTransit •• EntryEntry ––Catch Catch ––Exit Exit –– AISAIS –– VDSVDS –– CoastalCoastal RadarRadar •• ThisThis formsforms anan almostalmost completecomplete surfacesurface picturepicture Icelandic Coast Guard AIS Vessels in tracking Fisheries VMS Safety VMS Vessels in tracking Schengen Operation centre Fishing licences •VMS Port call •FMC Ship Registry •MTS Position •MRCC / JRCC Crew List •GMDSS •Coast Guard Entry – Exit NEAFC POS - Catch and •112 (Emergency hot-line) Activity – Notifications and Catch/activity •Civil Defence Authorisations. •State Police Sightings •Voluntary SAR Other States VDS Coast Guard data base Coast Guard aircraft PSC Compiled files automatically Coastal Radar distributed to relevant recipients. Coast Guard vessels LRIT State Police Customs Directorate of Fisheries Icelandic Maritime Administration Maritime Traffic Service Port security officers Coast Guard Operation Centre NEAFC – NAFO Other States Information Flow Chart Icelandic Coast Guard AutomaticallyAutomaticallyAutomatically producedproducedproduced listslistslists •• PositionPosition listlist ofof foreignforeign vesselsvessels •• CatchCatch listlistof of foreignforeign vesselsvessels •• LicenseLicense listlist forfor foreignforeign vesselsvessels •• WarningWarning listlist –– WarningsWarnings ifif vesselsvessels areare outsideoutside designateddesignated harbourharbour areas;areas; •• WithoutWithout fishingfishing licencelicence oror thethe licencelicence hashas beenbeen sussuspendedpended •• CertificateCertificate ofof SeaworthinessSeaworthiness hashas expiredexpired •• SchengenSchengen andand PortPort CallCall Icelandic Coast Guard Icelandic Coast Guard AutomaticallyAutomaticallyAutomatically producedproducedproduced filesfilesfiles •• TheThe followingfollowing databasedatabase filesfiles areare compiledcompiled withwith fewfew hourhour intervalinterval andand transmittedtransmitted toto thethe patrolpatrol unitsunits wwithith automaticautomatic importimport intointo thethe unitsunits databasesdatabases –– FishingFishing licenceslicences •• DomesticDomestic •• NEAFCNEAFC – Ship registry –– ShipShip registryregistry Automatic lookup onboard patrol • Domestic •• DomesticDomestic units of all known information • Foreign vessels •• ForeignForeign vesselsvessels regarding each target/sighting • IUU lists •• IUUIUU listslists as its identifier is entered into the • NEAFC •• NEAFCNEAFC units database –– IcelandicIcelandic crewcrew listslists –– VMSVMS positionspositions –– InspectionInspection databasesdatabases •• UpdateUpdate inin bothboth directionsdirections Icelandic Coast Guard FurtherFurtherFurther EnhancementsEnhancementsEnhancements plannedplannedplanned •• IncreasedIncreased automationautomation –– IncreasedIncreased automaticautomatic areaarea watchwatch •• ComparisonComparison ofof vesselsvessels licenceslicences withwith regulationregulation forfor relevantrelevant areaarea –– ChangingChanging ofof iconicon shape/colourshape/colour ifif vesselvessel isis onon thethe warningwarning listlist –– AutomaticAutomatic comparisoncomparison withwith quotaquota statusstatus Icelandic Coast Guard ScreenScreen fromfrom thethe IcelandicIcelandic VMSVMS TheThe samesame screenscreen isis availableavailable atat thethe operationoperation centrecentre andand onboardonboard thethe CoastCoast GuardGuard vesselsvessels Icelandic Coast Guard ScreenScreen fromfrom thethe IcelandicIcelandic VMSVMS Icelandic Coast Guard 10 20 30 10 40 20 30 50 40 Icelandic Coast Guard SatelliteSatelliteSatellite RadarRadarRadar Icelandic Coast Guard SatelliteSatellite RadarRadar ImageImage 11stst JulyJuly 20062006 Icelandic Coast Guard BilateralBilateral TrackingTracking AgreementsAgreements •• IcelandicIcelandic exampleexample –– AgreementsAgreements forfor automaticautomatic exchangeexchange ofof trackingtracking informationinformation with;with; •• FaroeFaroe IslandsIslands •• GreenlandGreenland •• NorwayNorway •• RussiaRussia –– AutomaticAutomatic transmissiontransmission ofof EntryEntry andand ExitExit messagesmessages uponupon crossingcrossing limitslimits –– PositionPosition automaticallyautomatically forwardedforwarded everyevery twotwo hourshours whenwhen vesselsvessels areare inin waterswaters ofof oneone anotheranother –– FurtherFurther developementsdevelopements forfor electronicelectronic reportingreporting isis beingbeing discussed.discussed. Icelandic Coast Guard VesselVessel trackedtracked byby flagflag statestate VMSVMS IcelandicIcelandic IcelandicIcelandic fishingfishing vesselvessel VMSVMS inin IcelandicIcelandic waterswaters Icelandic Coast Guard VesselVessel trackedtracked byby flagflag statestate VMSVMS IcelandicIcelandic IcelandicIcelandic fishingfishing vesselvessel inin NorwegianNorwegian waterswaters VMSVMS UponUpon detectingdetecting thethe vesselvessel inin NorwegianNorwegian waterswaters anan automaticautomatic EntryEntry isis transmittedtransmitted toto NorwayNorway byby thethe VMVMSS andand positionposition reportsreports forwardedforwarded everyevery 22 hourshours NorwegianNorwegian VMSVMS Icelandic Coast Guard VesselVessel trackedtracked byby flagflag statestate VMSVMS NorwegianNorwegian fishingfishing vesselvessel inin NorwegianNorwegian waterswaters NorwegianNorwegian VMSVMS Icelandic Coast Guard VesselVessel trackedtracked byby flagflag statestate VMSVMS NorwegianNorwegian fishingfishing vesselvessel inin IcelandicIcelandic waterswaters IcelandicIcelandic VMSVMS UponUpon detectingdetecting thethe vesselvessel inin IcelandicIcelandic waterswaters anan automaticautomatic EntryEntry isis transmittedtransmitted toto IcelandIceland byby thethe VMVMSS andand positionposition reportsreports forwardedforwarded everyevery 22 hourshours NorwegianNorwegian VMSVMS Icelandic Coast Guard VesselsVessels trackedtracked byby flagflag statestate VMSVMS IcelandicIcelandic VMSVMS WhenWhen vesselsvessels areare detecteddetected outsideoutside oneone anotheranother waterswaters anan ExitExit messagemessage isis automaticallyautomatically transmittedtransmitted fromfrom thethe relevantrelevant VMSVMS andand thethe automaticautomatic forwardingforwarding ofof positionposition reportsreports isis switchedswitched off.off. NorwegianNorwegian VMSVMS Icelandic Coast Guard •• DataData exchangeexchange withwith twotwo RFMOs,RFMOs, NEAFCNEAFC andand NAFONAFO –– TrackingTracking datadata everyevery twotwo hourshours –– CatchCatch andand ActivityActivity reportsreports •• CatchCatch onon EntryEntry •• EntryEntry •• CatchCatch •• TranshipmentTranshipment •• PortPort ofof LandingLanding •• CatchCatch onon ExitExit •• ExitExit •• SurveillanceSurveillance DataData •• InspectionInspection DataData •• PortPort StateState ControlControl Icelandic Coast Guard IncreasedIncreasedIncreased flowflowflow ofofof informationinformationinformation •• Can,Can, ifif usedused inin aa cococo-ordinated--ordinatedordinated way,way, leadlead toto moremore costcost effectiveeffective operationsoperations –– ConductConduct airborneairborne surveillancesurveillance fromfrom greatergreater altitudesaltitudes •• RemoteRemote identificationidentification •• UnknownUnknown vesselsvessels willwill bebe veryvery visiblevisible Icelandic Coast Guard The route is flown in 5 hrs in low altitude but 4 hrs in higher Route Cover in 1.000 feet Icelandic EEZ ca. 220.000 nm 2 Cover at 15.000 feet 4 0 nm Cover 50.000 nm 2 80 nm or 22% of the EEZ Cover 105.000 nm 2 or 49% of the
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