JUDETUL ILFOV Nr.Crtautorizatie Dedate Operator Economic

JUDETUL ILFOV Nr.Crtautorizatie Dedate Operator Economic

JUDETUL ILFOV LIZATOARE A OPERATORILOR ECONOMICI CARE EXPLOATEAZA SPATII DE DEPOZITOARE AUTORIZA Capacitate totala autorizata(t Magazi Nr.crtAutorizatie deDate operator economic Date identificare spatiu de depozitoare o) Siloz(to) e(to) SC TITAN SA , Pantelimon, str.Cernica nr.11, tel. SC TITAN SA , Pantelimon, str.Cernica nr.11, 021/2043720, d‐na Adina, e‐mail tel. 021/2043720, d‐na Adina, e‐mail 1. IF/0004122 [email protected] [email protected] 30000 30000 SC PICOVIT ‐ ROM IMPEX SRL,Popesti SC PICOVIT ‐ ROM IMPEX SRL,Popesti Leordeni, Leordeni, sos. Oltenitei nr.220, tel sos. Oltenitei nr.220, tel 021/3694717, e‐mail 021/3694717, e‐mail 2. IF/0004133 [email protected] [email protected] 720 720 SC INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCT SA, Bucuresti, str. Ion Minulescu nr.46, tel. 021/3273750, 0727221585, d‐ SC INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCT SA,Berceni, tel. 3. IF/0000106 na Aurelia 021/3273750, 0727221585, d‐na Aurelia 2000 2000 SA JILAVA, Jilava, sos. Giurgiului nr.288, tel. SA JILAVA, Jilava, sos. Giurgiului nr.288, tel. 4. IF/0004127 021/4570117, 0722349364 Voicu Bogdan 021/4570117, 0722349364 Voicu Bogdan 600 600 SC MOARA DAMBOVITA SRL,Tunari, sos. De SC MOARA DAMBOVITA SRL, Bucuresti, str.Fainari Centura nr.22, tel. 021/2665075, 0722559729, 5. IF/0000110 nr.19, tel. 021/2665075, 0722559729, Oldie Horia Oldie Horia 100 100 SC AGRO DN 2 SRL, Petrachioaia, tel. 6. IF/0000112 SC AGRO DN 2 SRL, Petrachioaia, tel. 0722373914 0722373914 5000 5000 SC TRANS IMPEX STEFANIA SRL, Petrachioaia, tel. SC TRANS IMPEX STEFANIA SRL, Petrachioaia, 7. IF/0000113 0722393935, Virgil Stoian tel. 0722393935, Virgil Stoian 1600 1200 400 SA SPICUL , Petrachioaia, str.Maineasca 8. IF/0000114 SA SPICUL , Petrachioaia, str.Maineasca nr.211 nr.211 1600 1600 SC AGRONEB 123 SRL, Afumati, str.Teiului nr.2, tel. SC AGRONEB 123 SRL, Afumati, str.Teiului 9. IF/0000115 021/3503252 nr.2, tel. 021/3503252 1500 1500 SC SMP BERLIN SRL, Petrachioaia, str. SC SMP BERLIN SRL, Petrachioaia, str. Maineasca Maineasca nr.207, tel. 021/3136238, 10. IF/0000116 nr.207, tel. 021/3136238, Runceanu Runceanu 6500 6500 SA PONT A CELLES, Tunari, str. Mihai Eminescu SA PONT A CELLES, Tunari, str. Mihai 11. IF/0000122 nr.18, tel. 021/2675405 Eminescu nr.18, tel. 021/2675405 350 350 SA SPICUL , Tunari, str. Mihai Eminescu nr.18, tel. SA SPICUL , Tunari, str. Mihai Eminescu nr.18, 12. IF/0000123 021/2675128 tel. 021/2675128 300 300 SC AGROGENERAL MOARA VLASIEI, Moara Vlasiei SC AGROGENERAL MOARA VLASIEI, Moara str. Agromec nr.6, tel. 021/2672180, Vlasiei str. Agromec nr.6, tel. 021/2672180, 13. IF/0000125 0744382272,Rradu 0744382272,Rradu 600 600 SA AFUMATI, Sos. Bucuresti‐ Urziceni SA AFUMATI, Sos. Bucuresti‐ Urziceni 14. IF/0000126 nr.223,tel.021/3136970 nr.223,tel.021/3136970 400 400 SA GLINA, Glina , str.Libertatii nr.188, tel. SA GLINA, Glina , str.Libertatii nr.188, tel. 15. IF/0000127 0744656080 0744656080 700 700 SC AGROMEC GLINA SA, Glina, str.Libertatii nr.360, SC AGROMEC GLINA SA, Glina, str.Libertatii 16. IF/0000128 tel. 0744576425 nr.360, tel. 0744576425 500 500 SC AGROCEAUSU SRL, Vidra, sat Cretesti, tel. SC AGROCEAUSU SRL, Vidra, sat Cretesti, tel. 0722550196, e‐mail danut‐ 17. IF/0000129 0722550196, e‐mail danut‐[email protected] [email protected] 1500 1500 SC COMCEREAL SA, Vidra, str.Garii nr.171, e‐ SC COMCEREAL SA, Bucuresti, str.Doamnei nr.9, mail [email protected], tel. 18. IF/0000130 tel. 021/3124897 021/3124897 10000 10000 SC AGROMEC TRANS SRL, Vidra ,Calea Bucuresti SC AGROMEC TRANS SRL, Vidra ,Calea 19. IF/0000132 nr.19, tel.021/4680782 Bucuresti nr.19, tel.021/4680782 600 600 SC AGROMEC VIDRA SA , Vidra, cal. Bucuresti SC AGROMEC VIDRA SA , Vidra, cal. Bucuresti 20. IF/0000133 nr.19, tel. 021/4680782 nr.19, tel. 021/4680782 1000 1000 SA OTOPENI, Otopeni str. Libertatii nr.8, SA OTOPENI, Otopeni str. Libertatii nr.8, 21. IF/0000134 tel.021/3501505 tel.021/3501505 2000 2000 SC SNACK OCCIDENT, Bucuresti, str.Doamna Ghica 22. IF/0000136 nr.30, sect.2, tel. 0723178621 SC SNACK OCCIDENT, tel. 0723178621 1500 1500 SC ANGED SRL, Bucuresti, Splaiul Independentei 23. IF/0000146 nr.17, sect.5, tel. 021/3178876 SC ANGED SRL, Ganeasa 1000 1000 24. IF/0000147 SA GRADISTEA, Gradistea, tel.0745012310 SA GRADISTEA, Gradistea, tel.0745012310 1000 1000 SC GRADISTEA IMPEX SRL, Gradistea, SC GRADISTEA IMPEX SRL, Gradistea, 25. IF/0000148 tel.021/2672450 tel.021/2672450 70 70 INSTITUTUL DE BIOLOGIE SI NUTRITIE ANIMALA, INSTITUTUL DE BIOLOGIE SI NUTRITIE Balotesti, str.Calea Bucuresti nr.1, tel. ANIMALA, Balotesti, str.Calea Bucuresti nr.1, 021/3512080, 021/3512083, D‐ul Raduti. E‐mail tel. 021/3512080, 021/3512083, D‐ul Raduti. 26. IF/0000149 [email protected] E‐mail [email protected] 2300 1600 700 INSTITUTUL DE BIOLOGIE SI NUTRITIE ANIMALA, Balotesti, str.Calea Bucuresti nr.1, tel. INSTITUTUL DE BIOLOGIE SI NUTRITIE 021/3512080, 021/3512083, D‐ul Raduti. E‐mail ANIMALA, Tunarii, str.sos.Pipera‐Tunari nr.1, 27. IF/0000150 [email protected] E‐mail [email protected] 2470 1270 1200 SC AGROPREST AFUMATI SA, Afumati, SC AGROPREST AFUMATI SA, Afumati, 28. IF/0004101 str.Revolutiei nr.1, tel. 021513135 str.Revolutiei nr.1, tel. 021513135 700 700 PF DUMITRU ION, Afumati, str.Petrachioaia 29. IF/0004102 PF DUMITRU ION, Afumati, str.Petrachioaia nr.21 nr.21 350 350 SC ITC, Popesti‐Leordeni, sos.Oltenitei nr.216, tel. SC ITC, Popesti‐Leordeni, sos.Oltenitei nr.216, 30. IF/0004104 021/4920840, 021/4671522 tel. 021/4920840, 021/4671522 800 800 FERMA MOARA DOMNEASCA, Ganeasa, sat STATIUNEA DIDACTICA BELCIUGATELE, Moara Domneasca, jud.Ilfov, 31. IF/0004107 Jud.Calarasi, tel. 021/3513433 [email protected] 180 180 SC AGROINDAF AFUMATI, Afumati, str.Stefanesti SC AGROINDAF AFUMATI, Afumati, 32. IF/0004110 nr.57, tel.0744568490, Davitoiu str.Stefanesti nr.57, tel.0744568490, Davitoiu 600 600 33. IF/0004111 SA CIOLPANI, Ciolpani,tel.0723603112, Marin SA CIOLPANI, Ciolpani,tel.0723603112, Marin 2000 2000 SC MANISTEF SERVEXIM SRL, Bucuresti, SC MANISTEF SERVEXIM SRL, Branesti, 34. IF/0004113 str.Pancota nr.9, tel.0722322045 tel.072232204 500 500 SCAI PANTELIMON, Pantelimon SCAI PANTELIMON, Pantelimon str.Sf.Gheorghe, str.Sf.Gheorghe, tel.0214917072, 35. IF/0004123 tel.0214917072, 0722393067, Petcu 0722393067, Petcu 800 800 SC UNISEM SA BUCURESTI, Gruiu, sat Silistea ,tel. SC UNISEM SA BUCURESTI, Gruiu, sat Silistea 36. IF/0004125 0213521810, [email protected] ,tel. 0213521810, [email protected] 400 400 SC AGRO CHIRNOGI, JUD.Calarasi,, tel. SILOZ VOLUNTARI, Dobroesti, Sos.de 37. IF/0004126 0242524272 Centura,[email protected] 44000 44000 SC CARPATI MODERN FURNITURA SRL, SC CARPATI MODERN FURNITURA SRL, Mogosoaia, Mogosoaia, sos.Bucuresti‐Targoviste nr.176, sos.Bucuresti‐Targoviste nr.176, tel.021/3526696, tel.021/3526696, fax 021/4364175, 38. IF/0004128 fax 021/4364175, 0722597275 0722597275 500 500 SC GHESAF TRADE SRL, Otopeni, Dr.Garii nr.48, SC GHESAF TRADE SRL, Otopeni, Dr.Garii tel.0311050862, fax 0311050863, nr.48, tel.0311050862, fax 0311050863, 39. IF/0004131 [email protected] [email protected] 3000 3000 SC APIC IMPEX SRL,Tunari‐Dimieni, SC APIC IMPEX SRL,Tunari‐Dimieni, str.Balotesti str.Balotesti nr.26, [email protected], 40. IF/0004132 nr.26, [email protected], tel.0723693111 tel.0723693111 50 50 PIONEER HI‐BRED SEEDSAGRO SRL, Ganeasa DN‐2 PIONEER HI‐BRED SEEDSAGRO SRL, Ganeasa 41. IF/004135 km 19,7, TEL. 021/30353300 DN‐2 km 19,7, TEL. 021/30353300 40000 24000 16000 SC M.P BANEASA MOARA SA, Buftea, SC M.P BANEASA MOARA SA, Buftea, str.Rasaritului nr.47, tel. 021/2322331, e‐mail 42. IF/0004137 str.Rasaritului nr.47, tel. 021/2322331 [email protected] 5100 5100 SC AGRO NEB 123 SRL, Petrachioaia, SC AGRO NEB 123 SRL, Petrachioaia, str.Rozelor str.Rozelor nr.354, tel. 021/3617570, e‐mail 43. IF/0004138 nr.354, tel. 021/3617570 [email protected] 4200 4200 SC ATIFCO FINE FOOD SRL, Bragadiru, sos. De SC ATIFCO FINE FOOD SRL, Bragadiru, sos. De Centura 2‐8, tel.021/2214482, e‐mail 44. IF/0004139 Centura 2‐8, tel.021/2214482 atifco2ATIFCO.RO 2000 1300 700 SC NORDIC PETFOOD PRODUCTION SRL, SC NORDIC PETFOOD PRODUCTION SRL, Bucuresti, Buftea,str.Milano nr.6 tel. 021/3465340, 45. IF/0008781 Calea Vitan nr.240A, sector 3, tel. 021/3465340 [email protected] 3250 3250 Total judet 184.340 112.540 71.800.

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