The original documents are located in Box 39, folder “Graham, Martha - Dance Company (3)” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. W_® zo<((( ~~ Martha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance, Inc. 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee Martha Graham Dance Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernstein Calvin Klein Ron Protas• First performance April 18, 1926 Patricia Birch Harold S. Klein Alexander E. Racolin• Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerard Dissinger II Mrs. Robert Korn• Lee Radziwill Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Mrs. Martin Blumenthal Mrs. Harold Landau Tony Randall Honorary Chairman Ray Bolger Hope Lange · Mrs. Harold Reed* Mrs. Aristotle Onassis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Mrs. Leonard Lauder Molly Reinhart Miss Alice Tully Mrs. Walker 0. Cain Ming Cho Lee Mrs. Martin Revson Honorary Vice Chairmen Ralph M. Chait Leo Lerman Diana Rigg Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler G. Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Levitt Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rizzo• Mrs. Marvin S. Traub Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman Mrs. Anthony Lewis Francis Robinson Chairman Kitty Carlisle Goddard Lieberson Jeanette Rockefeller• Jeanette Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clurman Mollie Parnis Livingston Bethsabee de Rothschild L. Arnold Weissberger Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Leandro Locsin Carroll Russell* Vice Chairmen Mr. and Mrs. Gerret van S. Copeland Anita Loos Mr. and Mrs. John Barry Ryan Ill Mrs. Michael Brown Aaron Copland Gertrude Macy Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Salkin Committee Coo rdinator Richard W. Couper Barbara Ann Malluk Mrs. Georgia Sargeant Joan Davidson James Marshall• Arnold Scaasi Robin Howard Francis S. Mason, Jr.• Irene Worth Mrs. Charles Englehard Mrs. Herbert S. Schlosser John Martin International Committee Mrs. James Erdman• Carleton Sprague Smith Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Epstein Steven A. Martindale Donald F. Smith Mrs. Harold Reed Mr. and Mrs. Ahmet M. Ertegun Darren McGavin Sam Spiegel Reception Committee Chairman Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Mary Mcfadden Frances Steloff Alexander E. Racolin Mrs. Richard G. Faux John L. McHugh Perry Stieglitz Program Committee Chairman Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Dr. Alan Mead Mrs. Donald Stralem Executive Committee of the Gray Foy Peter Mennin Suga Board of Trustees of the Buckminster Fuller Gian Carlo Menotti Gloria Swanson Martha Graham Center for Benjamin Garber• E. H. Michaelsen Mr. and Mrs. Truman Talley Contemporary Dance, Inc. John Gielgud Hanae Mori Walter Terry Barbara Morgan Sarah Tornay Francis Brendan Gill S. Mason, Jr. Peter H. Morrison• George Trescher Chairman Paulette Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gottlieb Princes Moune Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Traub* L. Arnold Weissberger Martha Graham• Jane Murchison Alice Tully President Diane Gray• Mrs. Samuel Newhouse Lawence Turk Alexander E. Racolin Jo and Joel Grey Paul Newman Jae Venza Secretary Tammy Grimes lsamu Noguchi Diana Vreeland Edmund W. Pease Dr. Cary Guy Donald Oenslager Eli Wallach* Treasurer Albert Hadley Mrs. Aristotle Onassis Barbara Walters Ms. Genevieve Oswald L. Arnold Weissberger• Mrs. Marvin S. Traub Halston Mrs. T. Edward Hambleton Glen Ostergaard Lolly Weymouth Mrs. William S. Paley Querube Arias Mr. and Mrs. George Roy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilford Cynthia Parker Mrs. John Hay Whitney Lauren Bacall Howard Hook, Jr. Edmund W. Pease• Joanne Woodward Samuel Barber Mrs. Amory Houghton, Jr .. Gregory Peck• Irene Worth Patricia Barnes Robin Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peltz Mrs. Helen Wright Trumbull Barton John Houseman• Mrs. J. C. Penney Richard S. Zeisler Mrs. Karl R. Bendetsen Robert Irving Anne Jackson• Elsa Peretti Vera Zorina Isadora Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Picker Marvin Josephson ' Members of the Board of Trustees of Polly Bergen Mrs. Donald C. Platten Leonard Bernstein William Kennedy• The Martha Graham Center for Tom Kerrigan Khun Puck Pring Contemporary Dance, Inc. Board of Trustees Staff Contributio ns to The Martha Graham Center for Contempora ry Dance, Inc., are tax deductible as Francis S. Mason, Jr. Ron Protas provided by law and may be sent Chairman Executive D irector c/o Patron's Desk L. Arnold Weissberger Cynthia Parker Martha Graham Center President Genera/ Manager 316 E. 63 Street Alexander E. Racolin Tom Kerrigan New York, N.Y. 10021 Secretary Management Consultant and Press Representative (212) 832-9166 Edmund W. Pease Frank Lackner Treasurer Company Manager Booking Agent: Sarah Tornay Tornay Management, Inc. Ross Parkes 250 W. 57 Street, New York, N.Y. 1001 9 Mrs. James Erdman Patricia Birch Benjamin Garber (212) 246-2270 Martha Graham Carol Fried Diane Gray Diane Gray Original pho tographs of Martha Graham by John Houseman Barbara Mo rgan at $250 each. Proceeds will be Robert Powell* shared wi th the Martha Graham Center for Anne Jackson Rehearsa l Directors William Kennedy Contemporary Dance, Inc. Signed and mounted, William H. Batchelder 11 11 Mrs. Robert Korn museum quality 11 x14 print o n a Production Manager and Technical Director James Marshall 16" x 20" mo unt of Frontier (page 7) and Letter Peter H. Morrison to the World (page 9). To order w ri te to: Edmund W. Pease Touring Staff Barbara Morgan, Morgan & Morgan, 145 Pali­ Gregory Peck Ron Protas sade Street, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. 10522. Barbara Ron Protas Executive D irector Morgan's classic work, Martha Graham : Sixteen Dances and Photographs, originally published Mrs. Harold Reed Tom Kerrigan Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rizzo in 1941 , wi ll soon be reissued in a completely Company Manager, International new editio n. For information w ri te to the Jeanette Rockefeller Frank Lackner Bethsabee de Rothschild above address. Carroll Russell Company Manager, Do m estic Mrs. Marvin S. Traub Ursula Reed This book is edited by Torn Kerrigan and Eli Wallach Costumer printed by Degraw Printing. William H. Batchelder Production Manager © 1975 Martha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance, Inc. Anne McKey Perry Silvey Stage M anagers 1artha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance, Inc. l Anniversary Celebration Committee ~a Graham Dance Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernstein Calvin Klein Ron Protas• performance April 18, 1926 Patricia Birch Harold S. Klein Alexander E. Racolin• Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerard Bissinger II Mrs. Robert Korn• Lee Radziwill Gerald R. Ford Mrs. Martin Blumenthal Mrs. Harold Landau Tony Randall ionorary Chairman Ray Bolger Hope Lange · Mrs. Harold Reed• Aristotle Onassis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Mrs. Leonard Lauder Molly Reinhart Alice Tully Mrs. Walker 0. Cain Ming Cho Lee Mrs. Martin Revson ionorary Vice Chairmen Ralph M. Chait Leo Lerman Diana Rigg Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler G. Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Levitt Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rizzo• Marvin S. Traub Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman Mrs. Anthony Lewis · Francis Robinson : hairman Kitty Carlisle Goddard Lieberson Jeanette Rockefeller• ~tte Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clurman Mollie Parnis Livingston Bethsabee de Rothschild 1old Weissberger Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Leandro Locsin Carroll Russell• l ice Chairmen Mr. and Mrs. Gerret van S. Copeland Anita Loos Mr. and Mrs. John Barry Ryan Ill Michael Brown Aaron Copland Gertrude Macy Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Salkin :ommittee Coordinator Richard W. Couper Barbara Ann Malluk Mrs. Georgia Sargeant James Marshall• 1 Howard Joan Davidson Arnold Scaasi Francis S. Mason, Jr.• : Worth Mrs. Charles Englehard Mrs. Herbert S. Schlosser John Martin nternational Committee Mrs. James Erdman• Carleton Sprague Smith Mr. Steven A. Martindale Donald F. Smith Harold Reed and Mrs. Henry D. Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Ahmet M. Ertegun Darren McGavin Sam Spiegel ~ecept ion Committee Chairman Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Mary McFadden Frances Steloff mder E. Racolin Mrs. Richard G. Faux John L. McHugh Perry Stieglitz 'rogram Committee Chairman Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Dr. Alan Mead Mrs. Donald Stralem 1tive Committee of the Gray Foy Peter Mennin Suga loard of Trustees of the Buckminster Fuller Gian Carlo Menotti Gloria Swanson otartha Graham Center for Benjamin Garber• E. H. Michaelsen Mr. and Mrs. Truman Talley : ontemporary Dance, Inc. John Gielgud Hanae Mori Walter Terry Barbara Morgan Sarah Tornay :is S. Mason, Jr. Brendan Gill Peter H. Morrison• George Trescher : hairman Paulette Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gottlieb Princes Moune Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Traub• ~ old Weissberger Martha Graham• Jane Murchison Alice Tully 'resident Diane Gray• Mrs. Samuel Newhouse Lawence Turk mder E. Racolin Jo and Joel Grey Paul Newman Jae Venza ;ecretary Tammy Grimes lsamu Noguchi Diana Vreeland md W. Pease Dr. Cary Guy Donald Oenslager Eli Wallach• ' reasurer Albert Hadley Mrs. Aristotle Onassis Barbara Walters Ms. Genevieve Oswald L. Arnold Weissberger• Marvin S. Traub Halston Mrs. T. Edward Hambleton Glen Ostergaard Lolly Weymouth Mrs. William S. Paley ·ube Arias Mr. and Mrs. George Roy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilford Cynthia Parker Mrs. John Hay Whitney 'n Bacall Howard Hook, Jr. Mrs. Amory Houghton, Jr., Edmund W. Pease• Joanne Woodward 1el Barber Gregory Peck• :ia Barnes Robin Howard Irene Worth John Houseman• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peltz Mrs. Helen Wright bull Barton Mrs. J. C. Penney Karl R. Bendetsen Robert Irving Richard S. Zeisler Elsa Peretti Vera Zorina •ra Bennett Anne Jackson• Marvin Josephson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Picker Bergen Mrs.
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