TCU DAILY SKIFF Friday , November 4, 1988 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86th Year, No. 41 Newspaper publisher no longer suspect in hit-and-run case By ROBIN NOBLE "No evidence lias been found to aess said he saw a body alongside the Connor's vehicle was found later at the car belonged to Connor, Strick- called the police Staff Writer link Connor to the incident." said road and stopped to render aid, a Dairy Queen at 120 University land said. Connor's wife, who didn't Strickland arranged a meeting with Doug Clarke, Fort Worth police In- according to the police report, Drive, according to the police report. know where Connor was al the time, Maynard for 10 a.m. Wednesday. The publisher of the Fort Worth formation officer, This witness flagged down a pohce Jack Strickland, Connor's attorney, was then contacted b) police \fter questioning witnesses and af- Star-Telegram is no longer a suspect According to the police report, a car. Medical officials were called in, said Connor called a friend from a pa\ \bont an hour alter Connor had ter a search and inspection of Con in an Hidden tin which a 41-year-old witness saw a IBM RangeiRover with and the woman was pronounced dead phone at the Dairy Queen and went to arrived at Blackman's home, he re- nor's truck, Connor is no longer a sus woman was killed. aflat left rear tire make a sharp I' -turn at the scene, according to the report. Sim -I'rliai am Executive Editor ceived a call from his wile, who told pect in the case. Maynard said. Richard L. Connor has been on Jackiboro Highway about 2 a.m. ' The 41-year-old victim. Carol Gill. Mike Blackman's h« ■ to spend him the ponce werelooktogfor'him" '''Clarke"said other 'information h is cleared as a suspect In the case, said Wednesday. I he witness then began who was known by her family to walk Wednesday night. Strickland said. hen received In the case mdonecar Hob Maynard, Fort Worth police traf- folk- llovving the ear. along the highway, died from a The officers who ,„l Connor's Connor called Strickland and told Is currently being inspected. Another fic Investigator. While following the car. the wit- broken neck, according to tliereport. car did a records check that showed hi I the situation, and Strickland is being looked for Follies Fake blood leads kick off to fabricated rape weekend Cassette found in elevator shaft By LEANORA MINAI Staff Writer The main thing is that In climbed Partv to close through the' elevator shaft and could Amid the lalse rumors that have have been seriously injured. Stewart Homecoming alarmed TCU students this past said. week, drops ol lake blood leading I" a The tape was a 55 second recorded By KAREN FROST staged rape recorded on an audio cas- dialogue portraying a male sexually Staff Writer sette were Ioniid in Colby 11,ill Mon- assaulting a screaming female. day night lie said the whole incident was ,, Homecoming weekend leaps A resident of Colby Hall discovered "sick practical joke. into action with Frog Follies a drop ol lake blood outside the attic "What it (the incident did was tonight door of Colin Hall at around 11:30 alarm the students even more be- Because ol the event's popular- p.m. and contacted the resident assis- cause ol the rape rumors and took ity, this year reserved seating is tant who called the Campus Pohce, officers oil their normal patrol areas, required, said Jill Janosky, Colby's hall director. stew rart said 'Last year and previous years "1 was surprised and terrified w hen Don Mills, assistant \ ice chancellor with genera] admission, people 1 saw it (drop of blood.' I was scared. lor Student Affairs, said TCI stu- were always rushing in to get good but I was also curious to find out what dents probably set up the prank scats. Now everyone will already was going on. But I didn't want to find Janosky said. It frustrates me to know If they have a seat, and out for myself, said Amy Bell, lush think did someone get into the build- crowding won't be a problem," man pre-major who found the fake ing (( olb) and do it. or yy.is it a resi- said Jane Drummond, Homecom- blood. dent" I'd like to find out.." ing tickets and judges chair- Alter Campus Police patrol officer She said she does not knnyy who woman. Kelly Ham arrived, he went to the pulled the sick joke" or win they did Frog Follies will be in Ed Land- west entrance to the attic where there it. hut she wants to find who did it and reth Hall Auditorium at 6 p.m. and was blood on the floor and door said il tin \ were' trying to scare somebody 9 p.m. Tickets for the 9 p.m. show ()sc,ir Stew ait. chief of ( lampus or cause more rape rumors mi arc already sold out, and few are Police. campus lelt for the 6 p.m. show, said Ham lol lowed the trail of fake bl I Stew art said the ('ainpus Police has ('buck Hendley, Homecoming to the elevator shall where he heard no idea yyho set up the incident, lint chairman. realistic screams, Stewart said. they are currently investigating it. Judging for Frog Follies will not Hani could not be reached tor com- Mills said since the incident did not be based on the theme. "Spotlight ment. appeal to "go alter anybody T< I on TCU: Memories of the Past, Stewart said Hani crawled in the lias not added any extra s, curity. Plans for the Future." Hendley elevator shaft and retrieved a tape re- "We have increased the frequency said corder and a pair ol female undergar- he \v h it Ii areas ol campus arc being "We wanted the groups to have ments covered with an oily, reddish patrolled, but we hay u I added any ii of a chance to use their substance resembling blood extra guards. Mills said creativity and expand their ideas." he said. Judging will be based on vocal Emeritus proposal performance, execution of dance steps, creativity and entertain- ment \aluc\ Hendley said. There are six Judges, three will debated by Senate be at the 6 p.m. show, and three will be at the 9p.m. show," Drum- By AMY THORNTON status and then being subjected to a mond said. Staff Writer rigorous investigation. The Tenure committee was asked "A combined score of the six A proposal concerning automatic judges will determine the win- to look into the benefits given retired emeritus status was denied III the ner. Drummond said. professors and those given emeritus Faculty Senate meeting Thursday Saturday morning, the Home- professors. The committee s decision to deny coining Parade will begin on the proposal yyas based on a study ol The issue will be considered again Bluebonnet Circle, head north on the Faculty Handbooks terms and at the next meeting. University Drive and turn left on conditions for emeritus faculty The Select Committee on Sexual West ('antey, The parade will then TCU Daily Skiff Brian R McLean 'flic proposal, which said all profes- Harassment announced that many turn left on Stadium Drive and cir- Will it float? - Clark Hall residents Eddie Roy, Scott The parade will begin at Bluebonnet Circle at 10 a.m. sors yyho have been yyith TCU 25 laculiy members were concerned ah cle around Frog Fountain, Hand- Widmier and Dan Hunt work on the Alpha Delta Pi/ Saturday morning and proceed along University years or more should have automatic out certain points in the revised urn le) said. Clark Hall Homecoming float Thursday afternoon. Drive. Cantey and Stadium Drive emeritus status, yyas submitted to the ycrsity policy on sexual harassment "We re real excited about the Tenure. Promotion and Grievance submitted to the Senate at the (let 0 parade. Hendley said. "There is ante, Drummond said. Finally, the All-Campus Party Tickets are on sale noyv and can committee. meeting great diversity with the groups en- will he in the Crystal Ballroom of be purchased at the Information The main condition lor emeritus Ted Klein. Senate member and tering floats. That's what we've Andy Fort, associate professor ol the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency at 9 Desk its well as at the door. status that yyas considered yyas professor ol philosophy, made a mo- stressed." religion studies; Joe Hehuiek, pro- p.m. Saturday. Hendley- said. meritorious scry ice. tion thai there lie a lull rcy icyv of the Unlike last year, groups have no The band -f Seasons Unknown, lessor ol communication pathology Meritorious scry ice as defined In document In the faculty and that a financial limit for building floats, Winners ol the spirit stick, float, which just signed a record contract and chairman ol the department; the 1988-89 Faculty and I nix <i sit x iH\y committee review the draft lor Hendley said. banner contest and Frog Follies with a major recording studio, will Jim Moore, housing director at Handbook, is a dimension ol any changes thai should be made will be announced there. Hendley entertain at the part). Hendley Anyone sponsoring an organiza- Texas W'esleyan University; achievement which exceeds the usual said. The Senate decided to iuv ite facul- tion, however, cannot donate Claudine Marion. Student Activi- said. expectations ol faculty holding a par- ty, members to submit their concerns more than 1250, Hendley said.
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