Revista Mexicana de Astronom´ıay Astrof´ısica, 56, 71{85 (2020) c 2020: Instituto de Astronom´ıa,Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico https://doi.org/10.22201/ia.01851101p.2020.56.01.09 Hα KINEMATICS OF THE ISOLATED INTERACTING GALAXY PAIR KPG 486 (NGC 6090) M. M. Sardaneta1, M. Rosado2, and M. S´anchez-Cruces1 Received March 19 2019; accepted December 17 2019 ABSTRACT In optical images, the barely studied isolated interacting galaxy pair KPG 486 (NGC 6090) displays similar features to the Antennae (NGC 4038/39) galaxy pair. To compare the distribution of ionized hydrogen gas, morphology and kinematic and dynamic behaviour of both galaxy pairs, we present observations in the Hα emission line of NGC 6090 acquired with the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, PUMA. For each galaxy in NGC 6090 we obtained several kinematic parameters, its velocity field and its rotation curve. We also analysed some of the perturbations induced by their encounter. We verified the consistency of our results by comparing them with kinematic results from the literature. The comparison of our results on NGC 6090 with those obtained in a previous similar kinematic analysis of the Antennae highlighted great differences between these galaxy pairs. RESUMEN En im´agenesdel ´optico,el par de galaxias aislado poco estudiado, KPG 486 (NGC 6090), muestra caracter´ısticas similares al par de galaxias Las Antenas (NGC 4038/39). Para comparar la distribuci´ondel gas ionizado, morfolog´ıay com- portamiento cinem´aticoy din´amicoentre ambos pares de galaxias, se presentan ob- servaciones en la l´ıneade emisi´onHα de NGC 6090 adquiridas con el interfer´ometro Fabry-Perot de barrido, PUMA. Para cada galaxia en NGC 6090 se obtuvieron varios par´ametroscinem´aticos, su campo de velocidades y su curva de rotaci´on. Adem´as,se analizaron algunas de las perturbaciones inducidas por su encuentro. Se verific´ola consistencia de estos resultados compar´andoloscon los de la literatura. La comparaci´onde los resultados de NGC 6090 con los de un an´alisiscinem´atico similar previo para las Antenas destac´ograndes diferencias entre estos pares de galaxias. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/ia.01851101p.2020.56.01.09 Key Words: galaxies: individual: NGC 6090 | galaxies: interactions | galaxies: kinematics and dynamics | methods: data analysis | techniques: interferometric 1. INTRODUCTION ries of cosmological structure formation indicate that © Copyright 2020: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma México Instead of evolving in isolation, galaxies are found most galaxies have had some form of strong inter- in clusters and groups, and they can interact quite action during their lifetime. Rather than being rare strongly with their nearby companions. These inter- events, galaxy interactions may be the dominant pro- actions can have a profound impact on the properties cess shaping the evolution of the galaxy population of galaxies, resulting in intense bursts of star forma- in general (Mihos 2000). tion, the onset of quasar-like activity in galactic nu- The evolution and interaction of galaxies is gov- clei and perhaps even the complete transformation erned by gravitational effects. Morphologically, in of spiral galaxies into elliptical galaxies. Studies of the interacting galaxies there are large bridges and galaxies in the early universe show a significant frac- tails, stellar bars and/or increased spiral structures tion of interacting and merging systems, and theo- and, commonly, the bodies of galaxies are dis- torted (Schweizer 1986). Toomre & Toomre (1972), 1Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CNES, LAM, Marseille, France. 2Instituto de Astronom´ıa, UNAM, Ciudad de M´exico, through numerical simulations, established that the M´exico. gravitational interaction with another galaxy may be 71 72 SARDANETA, ROSADO & SANCHEZ-CRUCES´ the source not only of spiral structures, but also of formation from large portions of the disc, using ob- the filamentary structure, which they called `tidal servational techniques such as integral field spec- tails'; thus, gravity is solely responsible for these troscopy with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer large and thin tails and several other deformations (FP). In this way, the extended kinematic informa- seen in several surveys (e.g. Arp 1966; Karachentsev tion can help us determine the interaction process 1987; Vorontsov-Velyaminov et al. 2001). which has been produced on each of the members of Numerical simulations show that during a the interacting system, in addition to the fact that, merger, tidal forces from a companion galaxy trig- sometimes the axial symmetry of each galaxy is lost ger the formation of a bar in the disc of a perturbed during the interaction (Fuentes-Carrera et al. 2004, galaxy (Noguchi 1987; Salo & Laurikainen 2000a,b; 2015; Epinat et al. 2008). Renaud et al. 2015). The bar acts to trigger star- burst activity by rapidly funnelling large amounts of 1.1. NGC 6090 gas to the nuclear region (Barnes & Hernquist 1992; The isolated interacting galaxy pair KPG 486 Dinshaw et al. 1999; Gabbasov et al. 2014; Martin (NGC 6090) has been described as a double nuclei & Soto 2016). When a bar is clearly observable in system with an asymmetric disc and two long tidal the stellar component, the gas dynamics shows very tails of ≈ 60 kpc in length (e.g. Dinshaw et al. distinctive characteristics, corresponding to ellipti- 1999). At optical wavelengths, this galaxy system cal and non-circular orbits; the isovelocities contour looks like the NGC 4038/39 galaxy system (The An- curves are deformed symmetrically. Hence, the incli- tennae) (e.g. Toomre & Toomre 1972; Hummel et al. nation of the central isovelocity contour curve along 1987; Martin et al. 1991; Mazzarella & Boroson 1993; the minor axis is one of the main features used to Dinshaw et al. 1999; Bryant & Scoville 1999). This identify a bar (Bosma 1981; Combes et al. 2002). feature can be observed in the upper panel of Fig- The simplest case in the process of galaxy inter- ure 1 which shows the optical image of NGC 6090 actions is that of isolated galaxy pairs, which are taken from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) in a field systems composed of two galaxies located so close of view of 4 arcmin. in space that the gravitational effect of their nearest In radio-wavelengths NGC 6090 appears as a pair neighbours can be neglected relative to the gravita- of interacting spirals separated by 0.14 arcsec, with tional effects exerted between each other (Fuentes- nuclei in contact and with enormous curved wings Carrera et al. 2004; Rosado et al. 2011; Gabbasov (Martin et al. 1991). Meanwhile, molecular gas ap- et al. 2014). Systematic research on double galaxies pears elongated and aligned along the direction of provides us with important information about the the nuclei as a rotating disc (Wang et al. 2004) or conditions of formation and properties of the evolu- ring (Bryant & Scoville 1999; Sugai et al. 2000). The tion of galaxies (Karachentsev 1987). position angle of that disc is ≈ 60◦ with a major axis Obtaining kinematic information from interact- length of ≈ 3:4 arcsec; the CO source appears to ing galaxies is useful for understanding the effect peak between the radio nuclei rather than on one of DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/ia.01851101p.2020.56.01.09 that the interaction can have on each of the mem- them (Bryant & Scoville 1999) and the molecular gas bers of the pair (Fuentes-Carrera et al. 2004, 2007; component does not appear to belong to any of the Repetto et al. 2010). In highly disturbed veloc- galaxies in the system based on kinematics (Wang ity fields, double nuclei, double kinematic gas com- et al. 2004). ponents, and high amplitude discrepancies between Due to the interaction evidence that NGC 6090 © Copyright 2020: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma México both sides of the rotation curves imply strong galaxy- shows it was defined as a merger by Chisholm et al. galaxy interactions or mergers. On the other hand, (2015). But NGC 6090 has also been defined as a stellar and gaseous major axes misalignments and galaxy system in an intermediate stage of merging tidal tails suggest collisions that may not always lead or pre-merging because, in addition of its two nuclei to merging (Amram et al. 2003; Torres-Flores et al. and tidal tails, the galaxy system has an identifi- 2014). able bridge (Miralles-Caballero et al. 2011). In the From the observational point of view, most of near-infrared, the galaxies that make up NGC 6090 the kinematic work on interacting galaxies has been are seen as follows: NGC 6090 NE has a distorted carried out using long-slit spectroscopy along cer- spiral structure and evidence of a stellar bar, and tain positions (e.g. G¨unthardt et al. 2016), restrict- NGC 6090 SW looks like an irregular galaxy; the po- ing kinematic information to only a few points on sition of its nucleus is still under discussion (Dinshaw the galaxy. However, for an asymmetric perturbed et al. 1999; Cortijo-Ferrero et al. 2017). In Table 1 system, it is important to obtain the kinematic in- we list the general parameters of NGC 6090 which Hα KINEMATICS OF KPG 486 (NGC 6090) 73 TABLE 1 PARAMETERS OF THE GALAXY SYSTEM NGC 6090 Parameters NGC 6090 system Coordinates (J2000) α = 16h 11m 40.7s δ = +52◦ 270 2400: a Other names KPG 486 a,c NGC 6090 a UGC 10267 a Mrk 496 a Morphological type G Pair a Multiple galaxy b Merger, double nucleus e Merger g Mean heliocentric 8906 a Radial velocity (km s−1) 8855 b Distance (Mpc) 122 d,* 123.3 e,* 128 g,** 127.7 h,** 11 f LIR (L ) 3 × 10 a mb 14.36 b D25=2 (arcmin) 4.36 Photometric nuclear Separation (arcsec) 5.4 e Fig.
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