KURZINSKI. Frank, 71 Bnrry Street, Cunard Announces Plan Patrick ,T. Hayes. W. Bourke Cockran. his address: German Uiuler-Sea Church Here Shows Brooklyn. Police Job "I'll leave it to anv fair Episcopal LINDELL, Alexander, 2833 Church Street, Lieutenants' E. Hedges. United States Marshal minded man as to Inquiry whether or no- Brooklyn. Thomas D. McCarthy. Francis M. Hugo. Pohce Department is not ,£' For Vltra-Luxury Ships LOZESKY, Joseph, Ferth Amboy, N. J. .Secretary of Thaddeus C. the bes .* Crews Lost To Soldiers Naval Officers Won 847 Sutter State; Sweet, city has ever had. I ani sur." Nerve, Help LIEBOWITZ, Sidney, Avenue, Dinner Marked bv Speaker of the Assembly; Marcet Mayor is still with the Brooklyn. Knecht, Freneh High Commissioner; Police memhers- .f ^ palaces which will sur- LEAHY, Michael. 106 West Ninety-fifth Department and with the inn Officer Get "Bets" From Sailors Baron de Cartier de Marchienne, Min- per cent of Says Navy FLOATINGpass anything the world has Employment Street, New York City. Praise of Enright ister Plenipotentiarv from Belfrium: M. efTiciency the force I 1 EINDON. Leo B., 575 Fifty-ninth Street, sure we shall keep the 100 per ever seen in point. of luxury and Brooklyn. Edouard de Billy, of the Franch Com- goodwill of the J**Ccnt mission; Danie! C. and Iler- Mayor.*' magnitude probnbly will ply the M'NUTTY, John T., 69 Clerrnont Avenue, Appleton Bishop Hayes complimented M«v« Substantial nid will be given the re- A remarkable run of betting luck Brooklyn. man A. Metz, Controller. I for his Capt. Stirling Tells Sons of Atlantic in the future, according to a MASTROBERTI, John, Rosebank. Staten Sends Tele- Hylan selection of -gudf"' dispatch from Sir Alfivd Booth, turning soldier in iinding his place in among influential naval officers waa one Island. N. Y. Mayor Hylan Mayor Hylan, who was invited to the intelligent, capable, efficient and f.nl Revolution How Allied the industrial in the taken MURTAGH. John J., 681 Evergreen Ave-j dinner, sent his regrets in a iong tefe- less Pohce Commissioner.*' chairman of the Cunard Line. The world, church of the interesting subjects up gram of Commis* gram read Lieutenant and in his own if worked in the and in¬ nue, Brooklyn. Regret; by McQueeney. Navies Won Raee With announcenient, which was given out home, plans yesterday graft bribery MAXWEEL, William J., "08 Fifth Ave- The Mayor complimer.ted the members out by the Joint Commission on carried on in the nue, New York City. sioner Asserts of the association on Bnllet the said: Social vestigation being Ave¬ Department having as the Kills Chauffeur by company yesterday, Service of the MA1THEWS, James J., 2172 Eighth Police Commissioner a member of the Kaiser*8 Submarines Protestant Episcopal Third (New York) Naval District. nue, New York City. the "The Cunard Line intends to take fcBest City Has Ever Had' association and a fellow blue-coat. Church are carried into execution. It came to the knowledge of Major MEDWINSKY, Hyman, E90 East 137th a the place of the German lines in Stieet. N'ew York City. "I am sure the Commissioner will Philip Galano, chaugeur, was shot In a booklet just issued by that or¬ John F. Muir, Secretary Daniels's spe¬ Edward J.. 20 Cori«;-.r Ave- and killed iast re.ee between the providing n regular service of pa-<- M'GUINNESS. meet with the approval of every hon- instantiy nisht at The for supremacy ganization the menace of continued cial here. that wagers be¬ nue. Brooklyn. Bronze medallions est Sixty scnger steamers of the highent class investigator 1131 Fifth Avenr.e, New with a bust of citizen." he said, referring to Com- seventh Street and West End German submarines and the Allied alienation men and MOSER, Manuel, missioner The Avenue" between and unemployment, from the tween enlisted their superiors York City. Theociore Roosevelt in bass relief were Enrigh-. Mayor's tele- just above San Juan Hill. The navies was revealed last night by Cap- Southampton, Cherbourg church a East gram then stated that the man ar.d even new position in his took strange forms. But the results MURPHY. Eugene, 319 Forty-sixth presented to the 1,400 diners who at- past year who fired it escaped in the tain Yates jr., U. S. N. The New York." It mentions that the own Street, New York City. had been one of the most efficient in crowd which Stirling, home are pointed out as serious were not unusual. NOSTRAN'D. Harry A., 271 Hortense tended the thirteenth annual dinner of the of New Galano's was told. in. before Aquitania and the Mauretania event- history York, and he added gathered. home was at 145 story figures only, not only to the returning soldier but When a condition arose where an of¬ Street, Brooklyn. the Police Lieutenants' Benevolent As¬ a hint to the members of the force West the annual celebration ot" ually will be used to Southampton, O'DONNELL, Joseph A., -103 West held by End Avenue. Washington's to the nation as a whole. Figures con- ficer could transfer several men to a Nine-j sociation, at the Waldorf-Astoria saying, "'The best way the police enn Sons of the Revolution while the York service teenth Street, New Yor^ City. last night. Lieutenant Mc- is the Further down the West Birthday of the Liverpool-New tained in the booklet show that 290,000 desirable station the word was passed PORTEUS, Patrick J., 341 East Eighty-; Henry help by giving best there is in Side, at at will be with "stoamers of seventh Street. New York City. Queeney, president of the association, them." Greenwich Avenue and Twelfth Delmonico's. equipped men were listed as the "labor that the "gold-stripe" was in a bet¬ was toastmaster. Street, surplus" mood. This was the cue for PRASSER, Charles, Jersey City, N. J. The Mayor then referred in his tele- bullets were flying, also, and "When the United States entered the greater carrying power.4' of the nation on ting any 226 West Twenty- "Memory of and Roose¬ R08e February 8, with 300,- enlisted man who was interested to PENNE, Pasquale, Washington gram to the number of poor, unem- Hanna, thirteen years war on 7. 1917," said When the Aquitania and similar 000 men from overseas each seventh Street, New York City. velt was honored in a in New old. of 825 West April Captain returning approach him, Paul R.. 332 Eaat lithographed ployed persons York, explain- had- 155 sub¬ were built were termed month. PETERS, Sixty-ninth likoness of each on the menus. ing that there are at between Street, and Joseph Dowd, seventeen Stirling, "tho Germans ships they Besides "I bet you I don't get a transfer," Street. New York City. Richard E. the present of* marines ot all sizes and types in com¬ the last word in transatlantic obtaining employment for the enlisted man would Frank. 20 Locust Enright, present Police 50,000 and 100.000 unemployed men in 121 Bank Street, wero hit a* liners. the say, namhif* PLATANIA, Street, who was a t'tev mission. I'p to that time the Allies returning soldier, the commission the amount he would be willing to stake. Brooklyn. Commissioner. speaker at the city. "The Police Department passed the corner. Neither was "Steamers of greater carrying power" the Church to re- the was a in New serioua had succeeded in sinking sixty-one. expects aid him in If the sum was hijrh enough and it is PISKOR, Slanley. 139 Berry Street, Brook¬ dinner, patrolman must cope with this condition and at ly injured. They were taken '0 St 1917 the Germans built and .probably indicates that the 1,000-foot adjusting him to all the conditions he said to have from to lyn. York when Theodore Roosevelt was all times bo on the alert," was the Vincent's Hospital. lt is "During must face ranged $100 $1,000 188 South Second Commissioner. believed thVv commissioned seventy-one submarines ship, and even will soon in the transition frcm mili¬ ¦.the officer would close the doal. PONSNONSKY, Meyer, Mayor's advice. walked into a duel between larger, tary to Street, Brooklyn. were made Hudsoa nnd the Allies sank iifty-four. At tho steam New York peace-time service. He would place money on his opinion 265 Responses by Bishop Commissioner Enright said during Dusters. of the Germans had up harbor, floating "Reconstruction has in some quar- that POSTREE. Phillip, Albany Avenue, beginning 1918 rivals of the ters been the "gob" would be shifted. He Brooklyn. 17'.' submarines in active service. From sumptuous hotels that taken as synonymous with was invariably right. Tho laws of PUEO, Euiglo. 133 Gold Street, Brooklyn. that time until November 1 they built Ivive lately risen in Manhattan. readjustment, if not primarily that. chance appeared to have ceased work¬ POTENZA, Rocco. 196 Spring Street, New seventy-one additional, while the Al¬ as a question largely of refitting the ing, and in every case he pocketed the York City. lied navies succeeded in seven- home-coming man as expeditiously as money. The as well as PKTERSON, Carl, Passaic, N. J. sinking possible into his former normal envir- regular navy, QUIGEEY. James, Paterson. N. J. ty-two. the reserve force, was said to have felt Robert 507 West 124th "The result of the onment.family, community, church," a sudden influx of life. Pro- QTJINN, A., Street, gradual increase 47 Soldiers Cited is the of the sporting New York City. in sinkings was that the German naval definition commission's motions and discharges, as well as trans- RATTNER, Israel, 402 Jerome AT Street, LEADING NEW as set YORK morale blew said purposcs forth in the booklet.
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