Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A,n Oakville-Watertown Weekly (Entered .as second-class Jan. IS, 1948, si the post office aft Oakville, Conn., 'under flic Act of Mar. S, 1839') ¥©!., 6 No. Subscription Price, $&00 Per Year Single Copy, 6 Cents April 30, 1953 Mrs, SolLuria Legal Voters Rounded Ambassador Project Up For Quorum1 At Fire Tamer Favors Water Lown Bill On IN a m ed -Presid e n t Dist. Special Meeting - Tabled This Year To The streets .and, taverns were Library Ass'n" scouted. Tuesday evening in Referendum For Change In Gov't Officers and three trustees were search, of legal voters11 of the Oak- Rep. Arthur E. B. Tanner of elected at the annual meeting of Be Undertaken 1954 ville First, District. A special Woodbury, Speaker of the House, .'the Watertown Library Associa- .meeting of the fire district had told Town Times this week he tion's Board of Trustees held A Community Ambassador pro- been, called but lacked the IS per- Sewer Project Still favored passage of House Bill 752 Tuesday evening' In the library, ject for the town will not be 'un- sons necessary for a quorum to which proposes a. referendum on Officers elected were ' Mrs. Sol dertaken this year, according to open the meeting. the change in the form of govern- B. Luria," president; Barry L. the group of local citizens who A handful of voters were final- Stymied By Rd, Tap ment for the Town of Watertown, Morgan,, vice - president; Mrs. were studying the details, of' the ly located who 'were urged, to at- if the General Assembly fails to Board man G. Getsinger, secre- program.. The arrangements of After waiting six, months for approve a new home rule bill. tary; and Mrs. Cornellle L. Bax- tend the meeting. The session legalities to be straightened so raisins $800 and selecting .an lasted ouout ten minutes and the that: -the boding1 companies can, Emphatically denying reported ter, treasurer. • "ambassador" cannot be com- 17 voters present, approved 'tak- rumors charging him with using New trustees elected for three pleted in time for meeting the float a $150,000 sewer bond issue ing the Bussemey tract off Falls for Oakville,, the Sewer Commis- influence to block the Watertown year terms - to the board were May 1.5 deadline. Avenue into the fire district. bill. Rep. Tanner declared, "I see Mrs. Neil. Lorensen, Miss Isabella However, during the considera- sion found, that its hands will, be no reason why the bill should not V. Rowell • anl Robert Adams. tion of the venture, it was learn- tied for at least, a, few 'more be passed by the legislature .since Trustees -appointed by the Board ed there is 'Sufficient, interest in weeks at its meeting Tuesday. it conforms with our 'thinking on, of Selectmen to represent the 'the community to warrant start- Extensions of sewer lines, con- Civil Defense Show nection with the Waterbury sys- a. new general, home rule bill. In town on the library board -were rag1 early and going' ahead, with it fact, I have com,pared the new 'Roger K. Tillson. and, James TV. for next, year, according to the tem, and & line for the new referendum bill with the one in- Barrett. announcement. school and improvement of the troduced in 1051 and find it, much Thirty-five members attended Under the plan, which is pro-' Will Be Held Sunday highways on Main, and Bucking- 'better than the old one." the annual meeting'., of the asso- moted by the Experiment in In- ham Street are some cf 'the ma- . Special plane-flying demonstra- jor projects which. • have been H. B. '752' provides for a, referen- ciation and heard a, report read ternational Living: and the Adult, tion and ceremonies 'honoring 27 dum on three choices: The Man- by Mrs. Get singer revealing a Education Bureau of the N. Y. members of the ground 'Observers aglged by the 'tangled "red tape ager plan,, the Mayor system and substantial Increase in the use of S t ate Education Department, 'will 'be held " Sunday afternoon. in the bond issue. No Change. The old bill, which the - library-" during' the past, year community ambassadors are' sent May-3, at 2:30 at the 'Observation Floating of bonds 'was delayed was passed in 1951 by the Re- in addition to greater circulation in groups overseas each year to post located on the Taft School by irrelevant, - remarks which, publican, House and, killed in a of .books and more persons joining foster better' understanding be- .grounds. The event was scheduled banding' authorities found in the Democ r atic Se nate com m itte e, the library. tween people of" different nations. for last, Sunday but was post- minutes of the special fire dis- provided for a referendum only Repairs and improvements to poned because of fog and a low trict meeting last October at on the Manager plan. the library building were reported, ceiling that 'would have prevented which, the bond issue was; ap- (Continued 'On Page 4) by John T. Reardon, chairman the planes from being seen, ac- proved, by voters; also a court, of the building committee. Mr. Cheshire Only Town cording to local Civil Defense offi- case involving a former •water Reardon 'Outlined a proposed long cials. board official stymied the sewer term plan for maintaining and The Watertown "Civil Defense bond issue wtaen a 'water 'bond is- Taft Expects Big, Improving -the library building. With Two Women In organization,,has arranged for 'the sue was joined to it; some delay appearance of Civil Air Patrol was also caused by failure of planes which mill fly at, various district 'Officers to promptly sup- Attendance For Young To'Direct' A State Legislature heights for testing purposes 'by ply papers when requested last, the local ground observers. January by the 'bonding compa- 62nd Alumni Day ••Joint Concert "Women in, the ' legislature/' Certificates 'will 'be presented by was the theme of a talk by Miss Major H. Symmonds to' members More than 200 alumni of the Elizabeth Baldwin, one of "the raft School are expected to re- At TaftLScrhool • two Cheshire -women representa- of the observer corps who 'have .'The concert bands of the Phil- put in 100 hours of duty at the Little League turn, for the 62nd annual Alumni tives to the General Assembly," at 'post. Day to be held her*' Saturday, lips Andover Academy and the Thursday afternoon's meeting of .May 9. The annual meeting and "Baft. School will present their sec- the League of Women Voters, The 'public is invited to attend Tryouts Attract ond,- joint 'Concert here - in *" the the affair. - election of officers will be: held held at the, Watertow ; n Library. it 1:45 in. the Bingham Auditor- ifltigham. " Auditorium Saturday Mrs. Clarence A. Jessell, presi- -ZOO. Youngsters evening,."May .2 at « o'clock. The turn,'. dent, introduced Miss Baldwin. • 'More than 200 eager young bail The main athletic event of the .first concert: was held in, Andover, In .her informative and stimu- players turned out daring the past Mass., last fall. • .afternoon will be the Tart-Hatch- lating talk, Miss Baldwin dis- Ttgmor & Porter. week, for Little League tryouts at 'kiss 'baseball game on Rockwell , 'The . combined : bands totaling closed .to ;.-'her' ..audteo.ee that DeLand Field. 'Commissioner Bob 'field, at 2:30. more'tban 60 pieces will" present Cheshire is the mfiy' town, in the Masajada reported that all the a varied/program' of inarches, Following the .game there will entire United States which has the Chosen For Life 'boys of last year's teams, except .be the Headmaster's reception at semi-classical "'.and modern num- distinction of having two women those who became thirteen years bers. " . 5: SO at. the Field House on Rocke- representatives "in a state legisla- of age, showed up which, he said. feller Field." " ".Raymond A. Wolff. Jr.., Is the ture. Her fellow representative is Saving Training indicates the strong interest in The annual alumni banquet will director' of the " ' .Andover band, Mrs. Ruth, Snarez. The successful results of the the activity. be held, in the dining hall at. 7 'This concert will be directed, by At Hartford, while they .serve Red Cross drive will enable the A. .total, of 226 applicants were o'clock. John T. .Rear do a,, head of Mr. Phillip T. Young of the Taft on different committees, " they local chapter to send James Tig- submitted by boys between the the history department, will be music department. President of work together..as closely as pos- ages of 8 and 1,2 for membership the Taft band Is Robert-J. Smith, nor and David Porter of Chest- toastmaster. Speakers 'will include sible for the mutual welfare of nut Grove Rd, to the Red, Cross on the major or minor teams. Headmaster 'Paul Cruikshank, Wa.tert.own and - manager is Alan their town,. Commissioner Masajada. said that R enirew, Woodbury... aquatic school at Camp Fekuot, Gerald La.Gran,ge and Joseph I. Miss Baldwin discussed behind- Norwich, beginning June 1,6, for only 120 will be chosen because of Cunningham., ..The program is: Liberty Bell the-scenes activities, and herjown limits set, by 'National Little March.;" Sousa; On the 'Trail, life-saving instruction, courses. work, .as a, member of'the Federal The two boys will do life-saving 'League rules. Grol'e; 'Pear Dance, Bartok; Hal- and. Governmental 'Relations Com- Coaches who were on, hand lelujah, Youmans; Amparito Ro- (Continued an Page Four) work for the community swim- scouting and. testing the . boys t ca,' Texidor,; Joshua.,, arranged by ming program, Carried on during were Donald Macintosh, John Students lay Apply .
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