Music Views Aug., 1957 Vol. XV, No. 7 VIC ROWLAND Editor MERRILYN HAM MOND Associate Editor GORDON R. FRASER Publisher Published Monthly By CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Hollywood & Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif. Printed in U.S.A. THE COVER There are several things that are pretty special about "The Man I Love," Peggy Lee's first album since her return to the Capitol label. For one thing, she turns in a superb perform­ ance in the great style that has made her one of the nation's finest performers. For another: her conductor is none other than Frank Sinatra (you'll remember that Frank also conducted his own instrumental album a year or so ago, "Tone Poems of Color"). The other special thing It is ironic that the late Jimmy is that she sings some of the Dorsey should succumb to cancer greatest songs ever written. So during the peak popularity of his what are you waiting for? recording, "So Rare." It was the Listen to it! saxophonist's first hit in 14 years. 2 SWcT One of the musical achievements of this or any year is the sound­ track, recorded on Capitol, of Otto Preminger's motion picture produc­ tion of Bernard Shaw's "Saint Joan." The score, composed and conducted by Mischa Spoliansky, is as exciting, dramatic and emo­ tional as the story which it com­ plements. It is modern in concept and unusual in scope, in that it combines medieval elements with music which underlines the Shavian wit and power, and the action of the story. This motion picture story of Saint Joan, the martyred maid who suc­ cessfully defended her country only to have its leaders burn her at the stake, is a true movie triumph. Preminger's casting of Richard W id- mark, Richard Todd, Anton W al- brook, John Gielgud and Jean Se- berg (in the title role) has been hailed by the critics, as has the screenplay by Graham Green. The Bernard Shaw play itself has of course been a classic for many years. In presenting the soundtrack from this exceptional film, Capitol has selected the most powerful and the most beautiful themes by the composer. Such compelling music as the "Main Title (Saint Joan Theme)," "Road to Chinon," "Siege of Orleans," "Toccatina," "Strength and Loneliness," "Voice of Con­ science" and "Dream Minuet" in­ sure magnificent listening, especial­ ly when recorded in Capitol's high fidelity. ERNIE AIDS BOYS Tennessee Ernie played second that comes from accomplishing a bill to 12 small boys for an hour- difficult task with your friends; and-a-half non-publicized appear­ the wonderful spirit of belonging; ance before a sparse house of 35 and the clean, healthy outlook of persons and gave one of the most young lives devoted to the pur­ inspired performances of his poses of good. career. Ernie presented each boy with The occasion was the recent his neckerchief, gave him the induction of Scout Troop No. 29, authorized left handed shake of held in the Horace Mann Elemen­ congratulation and received for tary school in Burbank, Calif. his efforts the brightest smiles the Ernie, through his Betford Cor­ 12-year-olds could muster. poration ( Betford is a contraction The following evening Ernie's of his wife's name. Betty Ford), talent brought laughter and en­ is the sponsor of Troop No. 29. tertainment to some 30 million As the sponsor he was on hand people on his NBC television for the formal charter ceremony show. and to present the newly inducted scouts with their neckerchiefs and troop colors. In an ad-lib speech to the as­ sembled parents and friends of the scouts, Ford recalled his own scouting days as a boy in Ten­ nessee. He explained the bonds of friendship that linked boy with boy in the scouting organization. The act of trying to reach com­ mon goals together. The gradual development of a love and appre­ ciation for the free things in life, the good things as Ford expressed On the heels of his very successful Teenager Sue Raney sings up storm it. A crisp blue sky over an "International Vibrations" album, on Capitol wax debut, "What's the early morning camp fire; a free comes a new one from British Good Word, Mr. Bluebird" & "The and bubbling brook to frolic in conductor Roy Martin's orchestra. Careless Years." She ¿ang on the during a mountain hike; the pride Album title is "High Barbaree." Jack Carson radio show and her own show in Albuquerque, N. M. 6 CALYPSO BOOMS TRINIDAD A CCORD1NG to a report by competing singers launched at­ Broadcast Music, Inc., Ca- tacks on each other to the delight lypso music has led directly to a of the crowd which often stayed boom in the tourist trade for far into the morning hours. Trinidad with consequent eco­ This lively spirit of the carni­ nomic benefits for the island pop­ val as expressed in song is now ulace. These native songs have proving to be Trinidad's most attracted popular acclaim all over famous export. The rhythmic the world which has focused new form has become distinct and no attention on the tropical island. longer strictly tied to the holi­ Result: new hotels are being days. In fact, professional song­ planned, special travel services are writers of other countries have employing more people, money is become fascinated with calypso flowing in from record sales, etc. and are busily engaged in turning Of course, benefiting in par­ out renditions of their own. In the lobby of the Capitol tower, ticular are the prominent singer- producer Voyle Gilmore (I) and A rd­ composers like The Iron Duke, more Music topper Joe Zerga (r) see Lord Flea, and others. Some Johnny Standley and Joe Frisco sign contracts for disk which Frisco of their new-found wealth is go­ and Standley have since recorded, ing for items as exotic as their "Mother's Tears" and "Peter Piper." calypso nicknames but, more real­ Frisco's allergic to elevators, re­ istically, they are fulfilling long- fused to walk up 12 flights so cherished dreams for the new the pact was inked in the lobby. homes, college educations for their youngsters and business in­ vestments. According to Lord ZOOOOM! Melody, composer of "Mama Look We thought we were kid­ ing the Indianapolis speed-car A Booboo," the calypso came ding in a recent "Music race. Listeners can hear the originally from the "picong" Views" humor ( ? ) piece which cars screaming around the shows held during carnival time suggested a hi-fi recording of turns and the noises of the pit in Trinidad. Here, face to face, the turbines at Boulder Dam. rival folk singers improvised and repair crews. There is also But it’s been topped, and for tunes and lyrics commenting sa­ real! Mercury records is re­ an interview with a driver tirically on politics, love and life leasing a hi-fi package which (via shortwave) in the act of in general. The more biting the contains stereophonic repro­ gunning his car up to 180 comment, the greater the approval Newcomer Mike Secrest debuts on ductions of noises accompany- MPH. of the sophisticated native audi­ MGM wax with "The Gift" and an­ ence. As the pace grew hotter, the other rocker, "Do You Promise?" 8 » PURPLE? The SPCA might be inter­ ested to know that singer Sun­ ny Gale dyed her pet poodle purple to go with her summer wardrobe. Which prompts us to take another look at the verse which begins: I've never seen a purple cow I never hope to see one But press agents being what they are I'm fairly sure there'll be one. Discovered singing "King of the Jane Russell models the apparel Blues" and "Please Don't Call Me item from which the title of her "So this is high fidelity?" Fool" on a TV show, Al Berry was new United Artists movie is de­ signed by Prep and tunes etched. rived, "The Fu n y Pink Nightgown." 11 10 ODE TO AN LP I love you, little vinylite. I'm sure my feeling's universal, For I can play you every night And never hear one darned commercial. — bolof. • TV TUNES UP From all indications of the fall programming schedule, music is Renato Carosone is one of the art­ at last coming into its own on ists featured in Capitol's new television. In addition to the foreign language single releases many musical spectaculars, an of the 'Capitol' of the World series. First release was in Spanish while abundance of regular music stan­ the second (featuring Carosone zas will be introduced or con­ and others) has Italian lyrics. tinued. The high-rated "Lawrence Welk Show” will be continued on ABC-TV, as will "Voice of Fire­ stone" and "Ozark Jubilee." They will also add shows by Frank Sinatra. Pat Boone and Guy Mitchell. NBC-TV retains Tennessee Er­ nie Ford, Perry Como and "Hit Parade," and will add four new ones including hour-long Dinah Shore and Eddie Fisher shows, a half-hour Giselle MacKenzie show and a filmed show titled "Sally." CBS has a new musical variety show coming up titled "The Big Tula de Palma is another of the Record" and may move to perma­ Italian singers featured in Cap's Stan Kenton smiles appreciatively nent status the summer shows 'Capitol' of the World foreign at the Modern Men, exciting new with Gale Storm and "The W hit­ language series. Title: "Un Sogno vocal group which is heard in new ing Girls.” di Cristallo (Dream of Crystal)." package, "Kenton With Voices." 13 ----------------------- (Coni.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — ------------------ that the office was now a reducing salon and that the last they'd heard of the publisher he had become a runner for the bookie who had ruined his business.
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