Issued Tuesday Thurs ewy Saturday The Courier-gazette Entered as Second Class Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, «6S Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, December 4, 1937. Volume 92..................Number 145. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT The Courier-Gazette JUlitvl WHY THEY'RE VOTING FOR VEAZIE ROCKLAND IN OTHER DAYS WM. O. FULLER Asscclate Editor Editorial PRANK A. WINSLOW Some Interesting Recollections In a Lecture Pre­ Bubecrlptlona »3.00 per year payable ln Thc quietness which apparently marks the municipal cam­ WARD FOUR VOTERS advance; single copies three cents. Advertising rates based upon circula* paign in this city is surface silence, only. Beneath that surface pared For the Local Service Clubs tlon and'very reasonable the leaders of both parties are conducting a vigorous and systema­ tic campaign which should serve to call out a very large vote next (By E L. Brown) ♦ The root ol all steadfastness ls ~ Monday. ERNEST H. QUINN ♦ ln consecration to Ood.—Alex- ♦ The Democrats, still tasting the .blood of victory which came When I was 18 years old. I came to the electric road. Porterfield Ledges ♦ ander Maclaren. ♦ Rockland to enter the Commercial was the original name of Oakland to them Iby the scant margin of one vote in 1931, are reluctant to College as a student. My present Park and it was a favorite place for REPUBLICAN NOMINEE surrender their positions after eight years’ occupancy, are pulling ' partner In business. Henry A. How­ picnics, long before ‘.he day of the Borings Are Made ard showed me some penmanistic R.T.&C. Street Railway. Incidental­ every straw, and if rumor is correct have made many promises quirks and I resolved to become a ly lt is one of the most beautiful which could not possibly be fulfilled. The Republicans are 1 penman. Soon after I met the fa- spots on the coast: an ideal location And Washington Rules That 1 mous penman A. R. Dunton. through fnr a summer theatre ‘i.-nilar to those FOR ALDERMAN charged by their opponents with employing the same tactics, but the kindness of Hon. T. R. Simon- of Lakewood and Boothbay, which ap- This Marks Beginning On The Courier-Gazette is authorized by the city committee to chal­ I ton, attorney and publisher of the psicntly are sui’.essful enterprises'. Solicits Your Support At the Polls Next Monday Camden Herald. Mr. Simonton was Thirty-five years ago I broke into Deer Isle Bridge lenge anybody to prove that a solitary pledge has been made. The tension by reason of the a brother of Fred and Theodore who politics and was elected Alderman from Ward 1. and served with six much discussed Dec. 1 deadline for There ate, it is true, not a few Republicans who are seeking city came to Rockland and opened a dry “I Shall Endeavor To Work For Your Interests” goods store under the name of Sim­ good Republicans. E. K. Gould was the construction on the Deer Isle- positions, and all are assured that their claims will receive fair Mayor. Enoch Devies was city clerk. Sedgwick bridge was taken care of by onton Brothers. For many years this consideration, but no actual or implied promise has been made. Gould and Brown are the only living an eleventh hour ruling from Wash­ members of the Upper Board as it ington that the borings would be ac­ It Edward R. Veazie is elected mayor he will go .into office, em­ was called before the new charter cepted as "beginning of construction." was adopted. The municipal year Technically, therefore, and as tar barrassed hy no handicaps, and pledged to show no partiality. was rather colorful in some respects. as the PWA is concerned, the bridge The outlook of next Monday’s election is be-dimmed by the During the year we were called now has been under construction for POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT upon to settle many important ques­ BOOSTS WOOD PULP slightly more than two weeks. fact that no comparisons can be deduced frOm the last biennial Mr. Robinson of Robinson and election when the present mayor, Leforest A. Thurston was thc tions. among them that of double­ Steinman, consulting engineers, New tracking Main street from Rankin The demand for wood pulp in the nominee of both parties. In that election, however, the Republi­ Block to Park. A most ridiculous York, has personally supervised the plan when the narrowness of Main YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED rayon, cellophane, film and resin in­ boring operations at Eggemoggin cans elected five of their six candidates for aldermen, and en­ Reach. Rough weather, common to street is considered. A fight was on dustries has oven so marked ln re­ the coast at this season, has retard­ dorsed pne of the two Democrats who was elected. —the day for decision was at hand. I am a candidate for cent years that sales of Brown Com­ ed the progress, but at latest report The latest election straw is furnished by the State election of The Common Council rooms were pany, New England's largest pulp they were nearly completed. packed to the doors with interested last year when the Republicans carried thc city by 1100, winning citizens. Orators for and against the Alderman in Ward Six producer, have climbed from only Although the time limit on the in every ward. While it is, perhaps, true that the Republican party pioposltion waxed eloquent. Among $10,929,000 In 1933 to an estimated construction bids expired at 12 o'clock the prominent men present was on the'Republican tick­ Thursday night, assurance has been always makes a better showing in State and Presidential elections $23,151,000 this year, officials state. given that the Ume will be extended. George Macomber of Augusta, presi­ et. 1 earnestly solicit than it does in city elections, the fact remains that the Demo­ dent of the road. Naturally he ar­ gued for double track. your support, and if POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT cratic party in 1936 exerted its utmost power to win, and the • • • • result was a complete rout. Even Louis J. Brann, the party’s A D Bird, treasurer of the electric elected will do every­ road at the time, asked me to present “white hope,” was defeated by 565 votes. It needs no supernat­ the order for the double track. I thing in my power to ural analysis to show that some of the present Democratic claims asked to be excused from doing this, REPUBLICANS but hp insisted, even after he knew I serve Well. are "hooey” and made in the same manner that the boy whistles was not in favor of the proposition. when he passes a graveyard—to keep up his courage. That, too, I want you gentlemen to know that Ex-Mayor E. my vote1 was NO in capital letters. OF ROCKLAND is /perfectly within their rights. Many merchants thought a double The Republicans arc making no extravagant claims for next track on Main Street would help was one of the leading dry goods es­ business—thc folly of such an Idea Every Republican vote is needed next Mon­ Monday, although they would feel justified in so doing, in view IRVING C. tablishments in thc countv. These is apparent. day, Dec. 6, to elect a Republican Mayor and of the assurances which have come from Democrats as well as brothers were the first to use print­ The vote resulted in a tie and a Republican Board of Aldermen. Your City ers' ink Ifor advertising to any ex­ Mayor Gould broke the tie, and it Republicans in every ward of the city. required courage on his part to do Committee makes an earnest plea for every tent. By ihe way the Simonton boys MACBRIDE Mr. Veazie’s candidacy has met with a most gratifying and were natives of S5nonton’s Corner this, under the circumstances—Ed. Gould was not one to let politics citizen to cast his or her vote. spontaneous result. In him the taxpayers see 3 man who had an and T imagine the place was named in honor of this family of Simontons. stand in the way of duty. In order to make it convenient for busy and excellent record in his personal business affairs; who performed Going back to that striking person­ Forms of entertainment have changed. There was a time when outstanding service with the Naval Forces during the World ality. A. IR. Dunton. I will say that POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL .ADVERTISEMENT elderly Republicans to vote, free transportation he was the greatest penman in the Rockland's theatrical attractions were by careful, considerate drivers will be most War, and who gave a most excellent account of himself while world. I know this to be a fact be­ few and far between. During the holding the offices of city iclerk, county treasurer and postmaster. cause he told Ine so. A little con­ winter we might have four or five cheerfully provided. All Republicans are urged ceited perhaps, eccentric it) the ex­ outstanding attractions in Farwell to telephone their respective committeeman, A man who would give to the office of mayor valuable experience, treme. but really a man of great Opera House, now Masonic Temple. impartial service, and fine character. ability in many lines, especially pen Tickets were usually on sale at Spear. listed below, and state the hour they wish to be art A nun of very- striking appear­ May & Stover's, where floor plan of called for, and it will be done. Any questions ance. tall, dark skin, (long white seats could be seen.
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