Volume 28, Number 18 Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 March 21, 1986 The Foothill College Lottery pays off ^ f m t s t » FOOTHILL COLLEGE By SHELLEY SIEGEL than allotted for school years YQtM MMO& A Wise CHOICE* The Foothill/De Anza Com­ 1978-1984 combined. Between munity College District has 1984-1986 there has been a announced the receipt of a gradual increase in funds for whopping $1,147,845.04 check equipment such as engineering deposited to its general budget. devices and musical and athletic The check, which arrived on equipment. Feb. 7, is the first installment of Clements added that the lot­ a series of payments made to tery money is basically up for public schools from the Cali­ grabs for instructional purposes fornia State Lottery. It was or short-term projects. The the seventh largest payment to school plans to hire full-time the 70 community college dis­ tutors and aides, to upgrade tricts in the state. Originally, the “Writing Across the Curricu­ the district had expected to re­ lum” program, continue grounds ceive only $700,075. maintenance, and purchase any The payoff is based on resi­ new equipment on Campus that dent and non-resident ADA is needed. Use of the money will (average daily attendance). Ac­ depend on the district’s priori­ cording to Mary Heeney, Direc­ ties. “Short-term projects as tor of Business Services, the opposed to on-going projects $2,200 alotted by the state for will be the main use of lottery each full-time student per year funds because it is nearly impos­ will remain the same. The lot­ sible to predict how much each tery money will supplement quarterly payment will bring.” EOPS Orientation at Foothill College for the Mountain View and Los Altos High Schools was held here ADA and so the 1985-86 school According to both Heqney March 18. The program was designed to encourage m inority students to attend Foothill. The orientation year, for example, will see and Clements, as of July 1, included speakers, counseling, and guided tours o f the campus. Photo by Rhoni Gilkey $2,468 per full-time student per 1985, instructors have seen a year. gradual 7 percent increase in The money for ADA per stu­ salary from their 1984-85 base ASFC officers elected dent will fluctuate (but not dip­ salaries. However, the district ping below $2,200) depending does not foresee being able to on how much money is received hire additional full-time instruc­ by the district from the lottery tors. Junker wins presidency based on Foothill/De Anza Dis­ The only restrictions imposed By TOINY GEELEN Tom Clements, president of trict’s full-time enrollment. by the state in the use of the lot­ Students can anticipate a Foothill College, stated: “Foot­ Thomas Clements, President tery money are the acquisition turnabout in student govern­ hill has had a series of really of Foothill College, reflected of property, construction and ment now that newly elected strong student government lead­ back to 1978 when Prop. 13 was research. None of these are cur­ ASFC President Paul Junker is ers, Leslie Fay, Bruce Jett, and passed. “Prop. 13 put the dis­ rent issues at Foothill, Clements at the helm. Alison Good. Our student body trict in bad shape, we’re just said. Junker was elected as a re­ has made a great progress in the now coming out of the woods.” The second lottery payment sult of the elections held on last couple of years. I think Paul Clements explained that in to the Foothill/De Anza District March 11 and 12. A total of will follow in that line.” the past two years, Foothill has is due in late April or early May 358 students voted. Junker won Clements continued on received $580,000 worth of and is anticipated to be around with 246 votes. John Roach re­ Junker’s capabilities: instructional equipment, more $700-800,000. ceived 112. “I have found Paul a pleasant Other officers elected to person to work with. He has had council and the number of votes a lot of exposure to successful Paul Junker Writing for life received are: Dan Ledford, vice leaders, and I think he will be president of administration. 261; Junker said, “I think we can one t o. He is kind of a healer, By TARNA ROSENDAHL tial, not only in their course- Paul Stark, vice presiden of acti­ put on events and even make he gers along well with people In a move to help students work, but also in their lives be­ vities, 264; Terry McCarthy, money, I am not real concerned and unifies them. He would be improve their writing skills, a yond Foothill. “We are educat­ senior senator, 207 and Brian about making money. I want to successful in having people work program called “Writing Across ing the students for life,” says Eugeni, senator, 186. get more cohesion and friend­ as a team,” the Curriculum” was launched Nudelman. Junker’s goals as president ship on campus. I don t believe Judith Terrell, assistant dean this fall at Foothill. The pro­ Acting on the premise that differ greatly from those of his the administrators would dis­ of student services, agreed with gram was the idea of Foothill writing is a valuable learning predecessor Alison Good. Good agree on how we spend our Clemen assessment of Junker. President Tom Clements, who activity and a skill which re­ believed in “making ASFC a money ” “Talking v ith Paul, he seems consulted with faculty members quires continual practice, Nudel­ politically respected body, by Good and Junker do not reasonable, self-confident, a regarding how such a program man, Moore and Roth have put getting involved in political and concur on how to run ASFC. good listener and has good inter­ might be implemented. together a series of faculty work­ bureaucratic affairs at the col­ Good stated, “Paul and I have personal skills to get along with Foothill is the only commu­ shops. The workshops are de­ lege level.” very different styles of leader­ different types of individuals. nity college in the area to have signed to help teachers help stu­ Though Junker intends to ful­ ship. We did work together last He will certainly have to do that committed financial support to dents use the skills developed fill his responsibilities, his main year on the Community Festival since student government is this type of program, whose goal, in the English courses to write goal for this coming term, spring and it has been my experience made up of strong, bright and according to English instructor more effectively in their other and summer of 1986, is to unify that Paul finishes what he opinionated individuals who Dorothea Nudelman, is to help classes. the students at Foothill and starts.” don’t all think alike.” students to “improve their learn­ The need for such help was those involved in council. Council members that will be Terrell noted that though ing through engaging in the revealed in a survey of students Junker stated, “I want to working with Junker next there will be a change after process of writing more fre­ in English 1A and IB last fall. create a situation where present quarter feel positive on his Good’s administration, “I can’t quently in their classes and to (Continued on page 6) council members can find their being elected. say one leader is better than the make connections between what level of interest so that by next Said Dan Ledford, vice presi­ other. What is great about stu­ they learn.” year they’ll work well together.” dent of administration, “I am dent government is that they Although Nudelman is the of­ Junker hopes to put on many very much looking forward to adapt to their leaders. Leaders ficial coordinator of the program, events for the students to create working with Paul. I have com­ who get the job done no matter she works closely with fellow a sense of cohesion and together­ plete confidence in his ability how they do it.” English instructor Peggy Moore ness at Foothill. “It will be a real as president. 1 believe that he Terrell gave praise to students and history instructor Irv Roth, challenge to get students up here will be able to effectively take involved in student government who have effectively become for a Saturday,” he said. “I hope over where Alison Good left and school activities. co-coordinators. “Irv has been to put on many events and that off.” “I applaud those students extremely helpful,” says Nudel­ they grow larger in number.” Former Organizations Board who have had the courage to man. “He has given the program Good, during her term, was of Directors chairman John participate in the elections either credibility among the other hesitant to front money for Shapiro stated, “It is a wise as a voter or as a candidate. faculty.” major events such as concerts. choice by the ASFC. He has These students initiate change Nudelman and Moore empha­ She felt risking money could had a lot of experience and his for the future and continue the sized that by encouraging stu­ Dorothea Nudelman jeopardize council’s position personality will fit in with tradition of excellence at Foot­ dents’ use of writing, they hope with the administration. council.” hill College.” to help them realize their poten­ Photo by Kenneth R. Barton Page 2 • Foothill SENTINEL March 21,198t EDITORIAL Student Involvement in ASFC What you give is what you get What if they gave a student government election and nobody came? The resounding lack of interest in the recent student government election has me wondering: do you think we might as well dispense with the notion of a student council entirely, and leave the business of operating Foothill College to the sole discretion of the paid professional administration? It is doubtful that most Foothill students would accept this rash alterna­ tive, or view student council so coldly that its very existence is anathema.
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