Marion County Surveyor Plat Index 1964 - Dec 31st 2016 SUBDIVISION NAME SEC / PH S/T/R MCSO# INSTR # HPR HPR# 110 East Washington Street LLC Sq 57 2002-097629 1455 E Southport Rd Office Community 1986-133519 1624 Building Condo 2005-062610 HPR 1633 Medical Tower Condo 1977-008145 1717 & 1719 N New Jersey St Lot 185A 36-16-3 2014-034488 1717 & 1719 N New Jersey St (secondary plat) 36-16-3 2015-045593 1816 Alabama St. Condominiums 36-16-3 2014-122102 1907 Bldg Condo 2003-089452 232 and 234 E 10th Street (Replat) 36-16-3 2014-024500 3 Mass Condo Floor Plans 2009-087182 HPR 30th Street & Washington Blvd Place 25-16-3 2007-182627 30th Street & Washington Blvd Place 25-16-3 2007-024565 36 w Washington Sq 55 2005-004196 HPR 40 North on Meridian (Meridian Towers) 13-16-3 2006-132320 HPR 429 Penn Parking Garage 1-15-3 2009-071516 47th & Central 13-16-3 2007-103220 HPR 4837 W. 24th Street Lot 55 1984-058514 500 Park Place Lots 7-11 2016-011908 501 on Madison OL 25 2003-005146 HPR 501 on Madison OL 25 2003-005147 HPR 6101 Central Ave Site Plan 1-16-3 2008-035537 6500 Georgetown Bk 10 2002-214231 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 3 2000-060195 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 4 2001-027893 HPR 6500 Georgetown Blk 5 2000-154937 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 6 Bdg 10 2001-186775 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 7 2001-220274 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 8 2002-214232 HPR 6500 Georgetown Bk 9 2003-021012 HPR 6500 Georgetown 1999-092328 HPR 6500 Georgetown 1999-183628 HPR 6500 Georgetown 1999-233157 HPR 6500 Georgetown 2001-055005 HPR 6500 Georgetown Replat Block 11 2004-068672 HPR 757 Mass Ave Condo @ the Beilouny Building Site Plan 2007-037972 HPR 757 Mass Ave Condo @ the Beilouny Building 1-15-3 2006-075611 HPR 8000 Lafayette Add 1999-233029 Abbey Road 23-14-4 1743 2006-195038 Adams Townhomes / Fall Creek Place Ph 1 25-16-3 2002-198773 HPR Adams Townhomes/Fall Creek Place Ph 2 25-16-3 2003-015160 HPR Adams Townhomes/Fall Creek Place Ph 3 25-16-3 2003-031402 HPR Adams Townhomes/Fall Creek Place Ph 4 25-16-3 2003-031403 HPR Adamson 1-15-3 1992-078792 HPR Addison Meadows 23-15-4 1544 2004-102972 Adelaide Sec 2 36-16-3 2004-140687 Ader Estates 11-14-4 1536 2004-016787 Admirals Bay Sec 1 15-17-5 1989-035925 Admirals Bay Sec 2 15-17-5 1989-035911 Admirals Bay Sec 3 15-17-5 1990-055825 Admirals Bay Sec 4 15-17-5 1990-055826 S:\indexes\Recorded Subdivision Plats\Recorded Plat 2017.pdf - Copy.xlsm 1 of 128 Marion County Surveyor Plat Index 1964 - Dec 31st 2016 SUBDIVISION NAME SEC / PH S/T/R MCSO# INSTR # HPR HPR# Admirals Bay Sec 5 15-17-5 1991-043478 Admirals Bay Sec 5 Corr 15-17-5 1992-029715 Admirals Bay Sec 6 15-17-5 59 1991-068519 Admirals Bay Sec 7 15-17-5 791 1995-058152 Admirals Bay Sec 8 15-17-5 176 1992-079916 Admirals Bay Sec 9 15-17-5 177 1992-079937 Admirals Cove 28-17-5 1988-058265 Admirals Landing Sec 1 1988-108801 Admirals Pointe Sec 1 15-17-5 1987-039827 Admirals Pointe Sec 10 15-17-5 1987-123319 Admirals Pointe Sec 12 15-17-5 1987-098135 Admirals Pointe Sec 2 15-17-5 1987-039828 Admirals Pointe Sec 2 15-17-5 1987-098134 Admirals Pointe Sec 3 15-17-5 1987-054695 Admirals Pointe Sec 4 15-17-5 1987-019404 Admirals Pointe Sec 4 15-17-5 1987-039829 Admirals Pointe Sec 6 15-17-5 1987-019405 Admirals Pointe Sec 7 15-17-5 1987-019406 Admirals Pointe Sec 8 15-17-5 1987-123318 Admirals Pointe Sec 9 15-17-5 1987-062886 Admirals Sound Sec 1 16-17-5 1987-140903 Admirals Sound Sec 10 16-17-5 646 1988-113027 Admirals Sound Sec 2 16-17-5 1987-140901 Admirals Sound Sec 2 16-17-5 265 1987-140904 Admirals Sound Sec 2 16-17-5 1988-108802 Admirals Sound Sec 3 15-17-5 265 1988-005488 Admirals Sound Sec 4 16-17-5 1988-052747 Admirals Sound Sec 5 16-17-5 1988-052753 Admirals Sound Sec 5 15-17-5 397 1994-095476 Admirals Sound Sec 6A 16-17-5 1988-100741 Admirals Sound Sec 6A 16-17-5 2003-212159 Admirals Sound Sec 7 16-17-5 646 1988-100742 646A Admirals Sound Sec 9 16-17-5 1769 1988-110511 Admirals Sound Sec 8 16-17-5 1988-110510 Admirals Woods 15-17-5 326 1993-144601 Admirals Woods 15-17-5 1993-144601 Aidan's Acres 31-16-5 1596 2005-043007 Alans Acres Subdivision 15-14-5 269 1993-025173 Albert J Danforth & Milam Knoxs Sub 1986-102780 Alcove @ Greenbriar 1988-073318 Alcove @ Greenbriar 1988-112583 Alcove @ Greenbriar 1988-120101 Alder Grove Sec 1 1408 2002-111074 Alder Grove Sec 2 1463 2003-097600 Aldfields Country Homes 1986-050374 Allangale Woods Addition Sec 1 4-14-5 1967-059072 Allangale Woods Addition Sec 2 4-14-5 1967-059073 Allen and Roots North Addition Replat of 133 36-16-3 2016-056347 Allen Plaza Floor 7, Suite 702 12-15-3 2012-011729 Allen Plaza Floor 7, Suite 707 12-15-3 2012-028862 S:\indexes\Recorded Subdivision Plats\Recorded Plat 2017.pdf - Copy.xlsm 2 of 128 Marion County Surveyor Plat Index 1964 - Dec 31st 2016 SUBDIVISION NAME SEC / PH S/T/R MCSO# INSTR # HPR HPR# Allen Plaza Condo 12-15-3 2010-032197 HPR Allen Plaza Condominiums Floor 7, Suite 701 12-15-3 2010-126550 Allen Plaza Condominiums 12-15-3 2014-113081 Allison Commons Sec 1 5-16-4 399 1994-093379 Allison Commons Sec 2 5-16-4 536 1995-137288 Allison Heights Sec 1 5-16-4 393 1994-093378 Allison Heights Sec 2 5-16-4 545 1995-124282 Allison Place Sec 1 1070 1999-062971 Allison Woods 28-17-4 298 1993-060478 Alten Townhomes 36-16-4 2002-206545 HPR Alverna Estates 22-17-3 256 1992-173829 Ambassador Park South 14-14-3 1978-056739 Amber Ridge Sec 2 11-14-4 1338 2001-168587 Amber Ridge Sec1 11-14-4 1288 2001-075531 Amberley Crossing Ph 1 9-14-4 2005-203208 HPR Amberley Crossing Ph 2 9-14-4 2006-056788 Amberley Crossing Ph 3 9-14-4 2006-157512 Amberson, The 1986-004076 AMP Acres Minor Plat 21-14-3 1230 2000-147712 Ansar Village 1989-080851 Arapaho Pointe @ Wellingshire 16-14-3 1226 2000-156340 Arapaho Ridge @ Southern Dunes 1483 2003-155318 Arapaho Ridge @ Southern Dunes Corr 1483 2003-177592 Arbor Village 7-16-3 3 1998-035099 HPR Arbor Woods Final 11-15-2 225 1992-119638 Arbors 12-16-4 1973-079689 Arbors 12-16-4 1974-071997 Arbors 12-16-4 1975-056937 Arbors 12-16-4 1976-037512 Arbors 12-16-4 1977-028700 HPR Arbors on Bluff Sec1 15-14-3 1091 1999-127342 Arbors on Bluff Sec 1 15-14-3 1083 1999-113217 Arbors on Bluff Sec 2 15-14-3 1198 2000-123467 Arbors on Bluff Sec 3 15-14-3 1368 2001-229425 Arden Re-Sub Playground 35-17-3 1259 2000-195701 Arden Re-Sub Playground 35-17-3 1445 2000-195701 Arlington Acres Sec 1 3-14-4 1972-055520 Arlington Acres Sec 2 3-14-4 1972-055521 Arlington Acres Sec 3 3-14-4 1972-055522 Arlington Acres Sec 4 3-14-4 1972-055523 Arlington Acres Sec 5 3-14-4 1972-055524 Arlington Acres Sec 6 3-14-4 1975-055138 Arlington Acres Sec 6 3-14-4 1975-055189 Arlington Acres East Sec 1 3-14-4 1986-060269 Arlington Acres East Sec 2 3-14-4 1987-056775 Arlington Acres East Sec 3 3-14-4 1987-056773 Arlington Acres East Sec 4 3-14-4 1986-060270 Arlington Acres East Sec 5 3-14-4 1986-022158 Arlington Acres North Phase 1, Sec 1 3-14-4 1978-017469 Arlington Acres North Phase 1, Sec 2 3-14-4 1978-017470 S:\indexes\Recorded Subdivision Plats\Recorded Plat 2017.pdf - Copy.xlsm 3 of 128 Marion County Surveyor Plat Index 1964 - Dec 31st 2016 SUBDIVISION NAME SEC / PH S/T/R MCSO# INSTR # HPR HPR# Arlington Acres North Phase 2, Sec 1 3-14-4 1979-060642 Arlington Acres North Phase 2, Sec 2 3-14-4 1980-009524 Arlington Acres North Phase 3, Sec 1 3-14-4 1980-020397 Arlington Acres North Phase 3, Sec 2 3-14-4 1980-020398 Arlington Acres North Phase 4, Sec 1 3-14-4 1981-032525 Arlington Acres North Phase 4, Sec 2 3-14-4 1981-021341 Arlington Acres North Sec 1, Phase 5 3-14-4 1982-033565 Arlington Acres North Sec 2, Phase 5 3-14-4 1982-033566 Arlington Commons Sec 1 35-15-4 215 1992-108877 HPR Arlington Commons Sec 2 35-15-4 321 1993-141789 Arlington Heights Sec 3 1252 2000-182708 Arlington Meadows Ph 1 34-15-4 1993-184550 HPR Arlington Meadows Ph 1 34-15-4 1995-089908 HPR Arlington Meadows Sec 1 34-15-4 302 1993-094464 HPR Arlington Meadows Sec 2 34-15-4 500 1995-025342 HPR Arlington Meadows Sec 3 34-15-4 1995-021343 Arlington Meadows Sec 3 34-15-4 501 1995-025343 Arlington Meadows Sec 4 34-15-4 924 1998-022844 Arlington Meadows Ph 1 34-15-4 14 1996-043224 HPR 14A Arlington Meadows Sec 1 34-15-4 364 1993-094464 HPR Arlington Meadows 34-15-4 591 1996-021483 HPR Arlington Meadows Townhomes Ph 1 34-15-4 468 1994-157973 HPR Arlington Meadows Townhomes Ph 1 34-15-4 487 1995-001491 HPR Arrowhead @ Southern Dunes 21-14-3 1525 2003-270984 Arroyo Minor Plat 29-17-5 2006-051090 Ashland Sec 1 36-15-4 1205 2000-101600 Ashland Sec 2 36-15-4 1367 2001-211395 Ashland Pointe Sec 1 2-14-4 1618 2005-000359 Ashland Pointe Sec 2 2-14-4 1617 2005-000360 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 2 14-17-2 1991-106669 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 3 14-17-2 151 1992-048924 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 3 Corr 14-17-2 1993-121556 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 4 14-17-2 1993-073745 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 4 14-17-2 299 1993-083745 Ashworth @ West 86th Sec 1 14-17-2 649 1991-051656 Askren House Minor Plat 35-16-4 1699 2005-134217 Aspen Ridge 22-16-2 272 1993-030653 Atrium Village 29-16-5 1982-058137 HPR Augusta Crossing Sec 1 30-17-3 .
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