September 22, 2019 Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church 10050 Ferguson Avenue v Savannah, Georgia 31406 Where Christ Is Exalted and the Fellowship Is Exciting Announcements Wednesday Night Supper is Taco Bar. Sign up in the hall! Home Fellowships These are scheduled tonight at 6:00 p.m.. Assignments are on page 12 and 13 Please bring a snack to share. Hosts, please provide drinks. You may get paper goods from the church kitchen if you need them. Senior Adult Bible Study Thursday September 26, 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. They are studying The Life of Paul. Young Adult Bible Study Thursday, September 26, 6:30 p.m., at the Sheffields’. Baby Shower Ladies, you are all invited to a baby shower for Stacey Kelly on Friday, September 27. Stacey is registered online at www.babylist.com/baby-reg-stacey-kelly Youth & Family Series: What Is Truth? Tim Wade has planned another Youth & Family Series forum for Saturday, September 28, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.: In 1970, Johnny Cash declared, “The lonely voice of youth cries, “What is truth?’” and he warned, “You better help the voice of youth find ‘What is truth.’” In the intervening half century, it would appear that his warning has gone un- heeded. The question, “What is truth?” is no longer asked. It has instead been re- placed by the question, “Is there truth?” which is accompanied by a resigned indif- ference to the answer. In 2016, the Oxford English Dictionary made “Post-Truth” their word of the year, and many have pointed out that we now are living in a post-truth culture in which facts, scientific realities about the beginning of life, gender, and identity, and Cont. on p. 5 FABC Elders Bob Dimmitt Tim Wade Tom Keller Steve Posner Senior Pastor Assoc. Pastor/ Assoc. Pastor/ Elder 912-398-4363 Youth Senior Adults 912-704-5617 [email protected] 912-231-7199 912-308-3767 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] September 22, 2019 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Welcome and Announcements Home Fellowships * Opening Chorus & Greeting Assignments are on pages “Come, Christians, Join to Sing” 12 and 13. Words are on the back of the bulletin * Call to Worship Bring your Bibles! Psalm 147:1-5 Also, bring a snack to share. * Hymn #13 “Praise Ye the Lord, Hosts, provide drinks. the Almighty” Prayer of General Confession Bob Dimmitt 1 Kings 8:46-51a If your name is not on the list, pick the home you want to visit. Special Music Tell Dawn in the office so you won’t “Love Grew Where the Blood Fell” be left off next time! Solo: Shawn Champion Words to follow along on p. 4 Scripture Reading Exodus 23:1-19 Steve Jackson Receiving of Tithes And Offerings * Hymn #116 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Message Doxology Bob Dimmitt Praise God from whom all blessings Freedom & Bondage flow. 1 Corinthians 6:12-17, 1 Corinthians #31 Praise Him, all creatures here below. * Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Hymn, to right Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. “Doxology” Amen Old Hundred tune * All those who are able, please stand. 2 A.M. Notes Freedom & Bondage 1 Corinthians #31 1 Corinthians 6:12-17 The Body is not spiritually irrelevant, the body is the sphere of worship—a place for God’s presence to be revealed. “The Desire for Autonomy” Psychology Today 2012 If we feel coerced by even an internal pressure like guilt or shame—to say nothing of external pressures like other people—our feeling of autonomy vanishes. “The absolute autonomy of the self is being enforced by the absolute authority of the state to limit my absolute autonomy.” Tom Gilson True freedom does not come from permission to do everything but from not being enslaved by anything. What is eschatological hope? John Piper: “Christian hope is a confidence that something will come to pass be- cause God has promised it will come to pass.” Without hope we have to make the most of today: grabbing and getting and experi- encing as much as possible in a maddening attempt to be satisfied in the here-and- now. I am free from anxiety and _______________________________________________ I am free from the pressure to grab _________________________________________ I am free from the uncertainty ____________________________________________ I am free from pursuing self ______________________________________________ I am free from ________________________________________________________ 3 A.M. Notes Supplemental The biblical story can be told as a reflection on two Greek words: kyriotes and autonomia. The first means ‘lordship’ and refers to God’s right to rule; the second means ‘living by one’s own laws’ and describes man’s effort to live independently of God. From Genesis to Revelation, the story of the Bible is one of God’s assertion of his lordship – his ‘right to rule’ – over all the universe but more specifically over human beings, and of humans’ counter-assertion of their right to live apart from God’s rule. Genesis 3:1-7 describes humankind’s decisive rejection of God’s right to rule and thus the initial expression of human autonomy, while the rest of the Bible describes the disastrous consequences of that action and God’s program of redemp- tion to bring humans back under his acknowledged rule, forgiven and willingly sub- mitting to him. Terry Chrisope, Professor of History at Missouri Baptist University Love Grew Where The Blood Fell See my Jesus on the cross, the people crying; Looking on, a man would think it tragedy; But what this world could not see Was when they nailed Him to that tree, It would break the chains of sin's captivity! Love grew where blood fell; Flow’rs of hope sprang up for men in misery; Sin died where the blood fell; I’m so glad this precious blood has covered me! Thorns of violence and hate were growing wildly; And the sorrow they had caused was plain to see; But when that blood came streaming down that cross Where my Jesus bled and died, It started blossoms of forgiveness growing free! His love grew where blood fell; Flow’rs of hope sprang up for men in misery; Yes, sin died where the blood fell; I’m so glad this precious blood has covered me! There our sin died where the blood fell; I’m so glad this precious blood has covered me! I’m so glad this precious blood has covered me! It covered me! CCLI Song # 9983 John Stallings © 1976 Bridge Building Music, Inc. (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) For use solely with the SongSelect®. Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License # 2358754 4 Cont. from p. 1 truth telling have become so inconsequential that it is difficult to know what truth is and if it is even important anymore. In the coming years, further assaults on truth will include deep-fake videos which will undermine the old adage, “seeing is believ- ing.” So, what are we to do as we attempt to raise our children in this post-truth cul- ture? How can we instill a Christian worldview when the very foundations of logic and reality are constantly assailed? What do we become when truth is not simply misunderstood, but intentionally discarded? Join us on Saturday, September 28, as we discuss these and other related issues in our Youth and Family Series Seminar: What is Truth? The seminar will run from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m., including dinner and game time. There is no charge, but please sign up in the hallway so we can know how much food to prepare. Q & A Another Question and Answer session about the proposed constitutional changes is scheduled for Sunday, September 29, at 7:00 p.m. after Evening Worship. Copies of the proposed changes are available, in case you haven’t gotten one yet. See Tim! Trip to Myrtle Beach Your payment of $205 per person is due on Sunday, October 27. The payment in- cludes 2 nights at the Dayton House, 2 breakfasts at the Rose Room, 2 dinners (one each at Original Benjamin’s and the Chesapeake House), and 2 show tickets (one each for the Carolina Opry and the Alabama Theatre Christmas Show). Fall Festival We are having a Fall Festival the evening of Wednesday, October 30, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.! We will need volunteer workers. This is a fun event for your own fami- lies, and a great outreach to the community. Let Cindy Wise know you can help! Homecoming! Homecoming is in our radar! The date is Sunday, November 3. Mark your calen- dar, and send us an updated photo of yourself or your family. Also, make sure your directory entry is up to date! Send these to [email protected]. hristianity is not only intellectual….Christianity is being born again on the basis of the finished work of Christ, His substitutionary death in real C history. Christianity is the reality of communion with God in the present life; it is the understanding that there is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; it is the understanding that there is the moment-by-moment empowering of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is the understanding that the fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” It is the understanding that the fruit of the Spirit is meant to mean something real to all Christians. It is understanding that prayer is real and not just a devotional exercise. God means for us to affirm life and not negate life.
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