Country: Nigeria Donor: Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Award Number: 720FDA19GR00123 Reporting period: October 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 Submitted by: International Medical Corps Sustaining WASH, Nutrition and Protection Response for Conflict Affected People in Borno State, North East Nigeria SEMI ANNUAL 2 REPORT Acronyms AAH Action Against Hunger CG Care Group CHEW Community Health Extension Worker CL Community Leaders CNV Community Nutrition Volunteers CMAM Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition CV Community Volunteer CHV Community Health Volunteer DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix EBF Exclusive Breastfeeding F Female FGD Focus Group Discussion FRC Free Residual Chlorine GBV Gender Based Violence GBVIMS+ Gender Based Violence Information Management System + IDP Internally Displaced Person IMC International Medical Corps INGO International Non-Governmental Organization INSO International NGO Safety Organization IOM International Organization for Migration IPTT Indicator Performance Tracking Sheet IPV Intimate Partner Violence IYCF-E Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies l Liters LGA Local Government Area LM Lead Mother M Male MAM Moderate Acute Malnutrition MdM Médecins du Monde MHM Menstrual Hygiene Management MMC Maiduguri Metropolitan Council MoWASD Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development NA Not applicable NFI Non-Food Item NR Non-Recovered OAG Organized Armed Groups OFDA USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance O&M Operation and Maintenance OTP Out-Patient Therapeutic Program PHCC Primary Health Care Center PLSO Partner Liaison Security Organization PLW Pregnant and Lactating Woman PMT Program Management Tool PSS Psychosocial support RUTF Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food RUWASSA Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SBC Social and Behavior Change SC Stabilization Center SEMA State Emergency Management Agency SFP Supplementary Feeding Program SMoH State Ministry of Health SPHCDA State Primary Health Care Development Agency UN United Nations UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs VTC Vocational Training Center WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WFS Women Friendly Space WHO World Health Organization Program Goal: To reduce morbidity and mortality associated with poor nutrition, WASH and protection conditions among conflict affected populations in North-East-Nigeria. Program Objectives: The IMC OFDA grant has three main objectives: Objective 1: To improve nutrition status of children 0-59 months through the provision of CMAM and IYCF-E in North-East, Borno Objective 2: To ensure that affected people have access to water, sanitation and hygiene promotion services Objective 3: To increase protection for women and girls and provide critical response services for survivors of GBV 1. PROGRAM SUMMARY 1.1 AWARD LEVEL BENEFICIARIES Cumulative Targeted Total 282,571 IDP 58,175 (from Baseline) Reporting Period Total 393,498 IDP 88,160 Reached Cumulative Total 393,498 IDP 88,160 Reached 1.2 SECTOR LEVEL BENEFICIARIES Reporting Period Cumulative Period Sector Cumulative Targeted Reached Reached Total IDP Total IDP Total IDP Nutrition 132,084 6,635 393,498 6,635 393,498 6,635 Protection 282,571 65,311 254,034 88,160 254,034 88,160 WASH 90,935 58,175 65,635 65,635 65,977 65,977 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – PROGRESS TO DATE During the reporting period, from October 1, 2019 to March 30, 2020, major security challenges throughout Borno State impacted International Medical Corps’ activities and those of other international non-governmental organizations (INGO). These challenges included increased attacks by Armed Opposition Groups (OAG) and frequent vehicular movement restrictions imposed by the state authorities. Humanitarian workers continued operating under intense pressure and scrutiny by the military and the state government during the reporting period. In September 2019, Action Against Hunger and Mercy Corps’ operations were suspended by the military with the ban temporarily lifted in October. The suspension of these agencies created a gap in WASH services in Damboa, especially provision of potable water for the camps, resulting in International Medical Corps’ immediate response to ensure that the needs of Mercy Corps’ beneficiaries were addressed within 24 hours of the ban. In addition, with 135 confirmed cases with 2 deaths as of March 31st, the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria has created market instability and inflation, with high price volatility amid federal and state governments’ measures to lockdown cities and states including Lagos, Kano, and Abuja Federal Capital Territory, where most supplies are procured through local vendors. 1 On March 27, 2020, all commercial flights throughout the country were suspended, including those to Borno. On March 31st, Borno State declared a border closure to curb the spread of the disease, however humanitarian movements were still permitted. Apart from COVID-19, road movements from Maiduguri to International Medical Corps’ (IMC) field project site in Damboa remains a concern due to frequent attacks by insurgents and unpredictable actions from the military. Despite these challenges, International Medical Corps has continued to implement its USAID/OFDA- funded emergency response intervention under the project to save lives and promote personal dignity for the conflict-affected people in four (4) Local Government Areas (LGA), including Jere, Konduga, Damboa and Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC). The activities are contributing to the achievement of the project’s goal through the provision of quality lifesaving preventive and curative nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and protection/gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services. The project activities under this grant initiated on July 1, 2019, and focused for the first two (2) months on protection/GBV and nutrition. WASH activities were launched in September 2019, following the completion of a no-cost extension (NCE) for International Medical Corps’ previous USAID/OFDA grant (720FDA18GR00236), which ended on August 31, 2019. Project implementation is carried out in close collaboration with the communities and relevant government line ministries including the State Ministry of Health (SMoH), the Ministry of Water 1 https://covid19.ncdc.gov.ng/ Resources, the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA), and the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (MoWASD). In addition to the collaboration with the government and communities, IMC remained active in the Nutrition, WASH and Protection sectors and Technical Working Groups at the national, state and LGA levels. Key achievements during this period included: - Nutrition: A total of 3,123 children aged 6-59 months were admitted to the 15 Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP) sites for treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) without medical complications. The recovery rate was 81% (above the recommended Sphere standard of at least 75%). A total of 146 children aged 6-59 months were admitted for SAM with medical complications into the Damboa stabilization center (SC) supported under this grant, with an 80% recovery rate recorded (80% of the children were either referred back to OTP to continue treatment or continued treatment in SC until fully cured). Thirteen (13) infants aged 0-5 months were also admitted into the SC under the special protocols for these infants. In addition, a total of 98,049 people participated in social and behavior change (SBC) interventions. - WASH: The WASH interventions have continued to support the basic needs of IDPs through the provision of potable water (34,589,645 liters (l) per month to 65,635 beneficiaries as shown in the table below. Type Number of liters Water trucking 4,960,000 Jet wells 2,790,000 Solarized water systems 22,189,645 Hand pumps 4,650,000 Total 34,589,645 The provision of water was coupled with sanitation, health and hygiene promotion and solid waste management interventions. The beneficiaries were served in six (6) IDP camps in Maiduguri and Damboa, including Unity and Vocational Training Center (VTC) camps during the suspension of Mercy Corps with an additional 4,278,000 liters per month. During the reporting period, International Medical Corps conducted major rehabilitation of 30 blocks of six (6) units of latrines and showers (4 latrines-2 showers), and minor rehabilitation to 34 blocks of six (6) latrines and showers in Damboa. In Bakassi IDP Camp, a total of 50 blocks of latrines and showers have undergone major rehabilitation. The sanitation activities have reached a total of 65,635 beneficiaries. - Protection/GBV: Case management services, including psychosocial support (PSS) and referrals, were provided to survivors of 359 GBV incidents through the nine (9) established and supported Women Friendly Spaces (WFS). In addition, 100 service providers (M=47; F=53) received training on GBV concepts, guiding principles, referral pathways, psychological first aid, and use of the Gender- Based Violence Information Management System Plus (GBVIMS+). A total of 166,887 people were reached through prevention, outreach and mass awareness activities. A total of 2,520 women and adolescent girls participated in age-appropriate skills acquisition activities (embroidery, crocheting, pasta making, basic literacy and numeracy sessions). 3. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION A. SECURITY The security situation in Borno State, as in the entire North
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