Sahitya Akademi Indian Literature Sahitya Akademi’s Bi-monthly Journal in English Subscription Form Indian Literature is India’s oldest and the only Journal of its kind featuring translations in English of poetry, fiction, drama and criticism from twenty-four Indian languages besides original writing in English. There is hardly any significant Indian author who has not been featured in the pages of this journal that has completed 56 years of service to the cause of Indian Literature. I/We would like to subscribe the INDIAN LITERATURE for 1 year / 3years (Please tick) Individual copy Rs. 100/- 15 *U.S. Dollar (airmail); 6 U.S. Dollar (seamail) Subscription for 1 year Rs. 500/- 75 *U.S. Dollar (airmail); 32 U.S. Dollar (seamail) Subscription for 3 year Rs. 1300/- 200 *U.S. Dollar (airmail); 90 U.S. Dollar (seamail) Subscriber outside Delhi please include Rs.35/- extra in their cheque. * Price inclusive of air mail charges) Cheque no. Money Order no. Demand Draft no. 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Please send Cheque/D.D./ Money order in favour of the Secretary, Sahitya Akademi at the following address: Secretary, Sahitya Akademi, Swati, Mandir Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Ph. 011-23364207, 23745297 or send Direct payment on Account Name : Sahitya Akademi Account No. : 605210100615604 Address : Bank of India, Mandir Marg, New Delhi-110001 IFSC : BKDI0006052 after direct payment please UTR number along with your address and phone no. to the sales department. Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Website : http://www.sahitya-akademi.gov.in; Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/sahityaakademi LAUNCHING SHORTLY : ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION lkfgR; vdknseh bafM;u fyVjspj lkfgR; vdknseh dh f}ekfld vaxzsth if=kdk lnL;rk izi=k bafM;u fyVjspj Hkkjr dh lcls izkphu rFkk ,dek=k ,slh if=kdk gS] ftlesa vaxzst+h esa ekSfyd ys[ku ds vykok 24 Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds dfork] dgkuh] ukVd rFkk lekykspuk ds vaxzsth vuqokn Hkh izdkf'kr gksrs gSaA 'kk;n gh dksbZ ,slk egÙoiw.kZ Hkkjrh; ys[kd gks ftldh jpuk bl if=kdk esa izdkf'kr u gqbZ gksA ;g if=kdk Hkkjrh; lkfgR; dh lsok esa foxr 56 o"kks± ls fujarj fØ;k'khy gSA eSa@ge bafM;u fyVjspj dk 1 o"kZ@3 o"kZ ¼d`i;k ¼½ yxk,¡½ ds fy, xzkgd cuuk pkgrk@pkgrh gw¡A ,d izfr jkf'k #-100@& *15 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½( 6 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½ ,d o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-500@& *75 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½( 32 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½ rhu o"kZ & lnL;rk jkf'k #-1300@& *200 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½( 90 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½ fnYyh ls ckgj ds xzkgd psd ls 'kqYd 35@& #i, vfrfjDr HkstsaA * ¼ewY; gokbZ Mkd nj lfgrA½ pSd la- euhvkMZj la- fMekaM MªkV #i, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uke ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ irk ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jkT; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fiu la --------------------------------------------------------------------------- nwjHkk"k la ----------------------------------------------------------------- eksckby la --------------------------------------------------------------------- bZ&esy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fnukad ---------------------------------------------------------- gLrk{kj ------------------------------------------------------------------------- psd@fMekaM Mªk¶+V@euhvkMZj ^lfpo] lkfgR; vdknseh* ds uke fuEu irs ij Hkstsa lfpo] lkfgR; vdknseh] foØ; foHkkx] ^Lokfr*] eafnj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh & 110001 nwjHkk"k la- 011&23364207] 23745297 ;k lh/kk Hkqxrku djsa % [kkrk dk uke % lkfgR; vdknseh [kkrk la[;k % 605210100615604 irk % cSad vkWQ+ bafM;k] eafnj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh & 110001 vkbZ,Q+,llh dksM % BKID0006052 Hkqxrku ds ckn foØ; foHkkx dks ;wVhvkj uacj lfgr viuk irk vkSj Q+ksu uacj vo'; HkstsaA bZ&esy % [email protected]; [email protected] osclkbV % http://www.sahitya-akademi.gov.in Qslcqd % http://www.facebook.com/sahityaakademi 'kh?kz izkjaHk % vkuykbu lnL;rk gsrq vkosnu Subscirbe Sahitya Akademi's Journals lkfgR; vdknseh dh if=kdkvksa ds xzkgd cusa bafM;u fyVjspj ¼f}ekfld½ bafM;u fyVjspj Hkkjr dh lcls izkphu rFkk ,dek=k ,slh if=kdk gS ftlesa vaxzst+h esa ekSfyd ys[ku ds vykok 23 Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds dfork] dgkuh] ukVd rFkk lekykspuk ds vaxzst+h vuqokn Hkh izdkf'kr gksrs gSaA 'kk;n gh dksbZ ,slk egÙoiw.kZ Hkkjrh; ys[kd gks ftldh jpuk bl if=kdk esa izdkf'kr u gqbZ gksA ;g if=kdk Hkkjrh; lkfgR; dh lsok esa foxr 63 o"kks± ls fujarj fØ;k'khy gSA lnL;rk jkf'k % ,d izfr jkf'k #-100@&] 15 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½] 6 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½( ,d o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-500@&] 75 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½] 32 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½( rhu o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-1300@&] 200 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½] 90 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼leqnzh Mkd½A Indian Literature (Bi-monthly) Indian Literature is India's oldest and the only Journal of its kind featuring translations in English of poetry, fiction, drama and criticism from twenty-four Indian languages besides original writing in English. There is hardly any significant Indian author who has not been featured in the pages of this journal that has completed 56 years of service to the cause of Indian Literature. Subscription rates : Individual copy Rs. 100/-, 15 U.S. Dollar (airmail), 6 U.S. Dollar (seamail); Subscription for 1 year Rs. 500/-, 75 U.S. Dollar (airmail), 32 U.S. Dollar (seamail); Subscription for 3 year Rs. 1300/-, 200 U.S. Dollar (airmail), 90 U.S. Dollar (seamail). ----------- ledkyhu Hkkjrh; lkfgR; ¼f}ekfld½ ;g fganh if=kdk lu~ 1980 ls izdkf'kr gks jgh gSA blesa fganh ds ekSfyd ys[ku ds vfrfjDr 23 Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa ds ltZukRed ,oa lekykspukRed jpukvksa ds vuqokn izdkf'kr fd, tkrs gSaA bl nkSjku if=kdk us iatkch] d'ehjh] mnwZ] dUuM+] vksfM+;k] fla/kh vkSj ey;kGe~ tSlh Hkk"kkvksa ij dsafnzr vius fo'ks"kkad izdkf'kr fd, gSaA lnL;rk jkf'k % ,d izfr jkf'k #-50@&] 12 vesfjdh MkWyj@10 fczfV'k ikmaM ¼gokbZ Mkd½( ,d o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-250@&] 66 vesfjdh MkWyj@50 fczfV'k ikmaM ¼gokbZ Mkd½( rhu o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-650@&] 200 vesfjdh MkWyj@160 fczfV'k ikmaM ¼gokbZ Mkd½( ik¡p o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #-1100@&] 325 vesfjdh MkWyj@250 fczfV'k ikmaM ¼gokbZ Mkd½A Samkaleen Bhartiya Sahitya (Bi-monthly) This Hindi Journal is being published Since 1980. In this Journal besides original writing in hindi, translation in Hindi of Creative and criticism from twenty three Indian Languages are also Published. Special issues based on languages like Punjabi, Kashmiri, Urdu, Kannada, Odia, Sindhi and Malayalam are also published. Subscription rates : Individual copy Rs. 50/-, 12 U.S.Dollar/ 10 British Pound (airmail); Subscription for 1 year Rs. 250/-, 66 U.S.Dollar/ 50 British Pound (airmail); Subscription for 3 year Rs. 650/-, 200 U.S.Dollar/ 160 British Pound (airmail); Subscription for 5 year Rs. 1100/-, 325 U.S.Dollar/ 250 British Pound (airmail). ----------- laLd`r izfrHkk ¼=kSekfld½ lkfgR; vdknseh laLd`r esa ,d =kSekfld if=kdk ^laLd`r izfrHkk* dk izdk'ku dj jgh gSA tks laLd`r esa ledkyhu ys[ku dks lefiZr gSA bldk 'kqHkkjaHk lu~ 1959 esa oh- jk?kou ds laikndRo esa gqvk FkkA lnL;rk jkf'k % ,d izfr jkf'k #- 40@&] 15 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½( ,d o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #- 150@&] 50 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½( rhu o"kZ&lnL;rk jkf'k #- 400@&] 130 vesfjdh MkWyj ¼gokbZ Mkd½A Samskrita Pratibha (Quaterly) Sahitya Akademi is publishing a quarterly Journal in Sanskrit named 'Samskrita Pratibha'. This Journal is dedicated to Contemporary Sanskrit Writings.This Journal was started in 1959 and it's first editor was V. Raghvan. Subscription rates : Individual copy Rs. 40/-, 15 U.S. Dollar (airmail); Subscription for 1 year Rs. 150/-, 50 U.S. Dollar (airmail); Subscription for 3 year Rs. 400/-, 130 U.S. Dollar (airmail). psd@fMekaM Mªk¶V@euhvkMZj ^lfpo] lkfgR; vdknseh* ds uke fuEu irs ij Hkstsa Please send Cheque/D.D./ Money order in favor of the Secretary, Sahitya Akademi at the following address: lfpo] lkfgR; vdknseh] foØ; foHkkx] ^Lokfr*] eafnj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh & 110001 Secretary, Sahitya Akademi, Swati, Mandir Marg, New Delhi - 110001 nwjHkk"k la- 011&23364207] 23745297 Ph. 011-23364207, 23745297 bZ&esy ¼Email½ % [email protected] [email protected] osclkbV ¼Website½ % http://www.sahitya-akademi.gov.in Qslcqd ¼Facebook½ % http://www.facebook.com/sahityaakademi 'kh?kz izkjaHk % vkWuykbu lnL;rk gsrq vkosnu LAUNCHING SHORTLY : ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION.
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