THE MITRE STUDENTS are most cordially Geo. Johnston, invited to call at.............. 149 Wellington Street, SHERBROOKE, QUE. “THE HUB” The best is always the cheapest, For the most UP-TO-DATE Novelties In but the cheapest is not always the best. Gents Furnishings, Hats & Caps, Etc,, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLLEGE COLOURS C. F. OLIVIER DRESS SHOES. 115-119 WELLINGTON ST SHERBROOKE. STREET SHOES, WALKING SHOES, Jas. Pearton, SCHOOL SHOES, SPORTING BOOTS, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker and College Footwear. Repairs of all Kinds Neatly Executed All widths. Black or Tan. Lennoxville, QUE. G. T. Armstrong Commercial St, GEO. EADIE & SON SHERBROOKE, P, Q. TWEED MERCHANTS and Class Tailors J. H. D. Codere Watchmaker & Jeweler A Full range of Canadian and Imported Fine Gold and Silver Watches, TWEEDS ALWAYS ON HAND —Silverware, Etc. 22 Wellington St. SHERBROOKE, QUE. Cor . king an d Wellington St. SHERBROOKE, P. Q. STEEL & BRUNET Morency BROS,, FURNITURE AND BEDDING Leading Shoe Dealers 77 Wellington St. SHERBROOKE, SHERBROOKE J. H. BRENT, MANAGER. LOUIS A. CODERE A full line of PATENT MEDICINES, — HATTER FURRIER proprietary preparations and Toilet Articles, at GENTS FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY McMANAMY'S DRUG STORE 167 Wellington, St. SHERBROOKE, P. Q. 169 WELLINGTON STREET. 128 THE MITRE. THE MITRE. 129 of Sherbrooke. Entered the array Lieut. Allison E. Smith, of in 1888. Has served for several years Halifax. Entered the army in 1898 More or Less Funny A pair of lips is all he asks He will never inquire if you have a past in India. Latest appointment, chief gazetted to the Royal Artillery, No. But goes to work with a right good will of works at Bombay. 24 company Western division. Pressed for time—Egyptian And sticks to his task till he has his fill. Capt. Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, Lieut. H. R. Pazant, of Halifax, Mummies. We maiden ladies need not despair Though we have false teeth and take off R. E., of Quebec. Entered the ar Lancashire Fusiliers. Entered army It goes without saying—the trol­ our hair my in 1888. Has been stationed in in 1898. ley car. While Mr. Bug is a sport most rare. India and at Aden. Latest appoint Lieut. H. L. Bingay, of Yar Can a man marry his widow's He is not exclusive to the young and fair. ment, assistant director of railways mouth, N. S. Entered the army in sister? But alas for the lips from which he sips in South Africa. 1899, joining the Royal Engineers, Lost, a pair of shoes from the foot There’s no hiding the kisses given, Capt. Herbert Carrington Smith, now Chatham. of Commercial Street, Sherbrooke. The whole world will know that from this Some of the old boys who have beau of Quebec, Dublin Fusiliers. Enter­ Ice is the only thing that is You have had a taste of------- Heaven. ed the army 1886. Has served in gone to South Africa with the second really what it is cracked up to be. Boston Mass. Aug. 1899 India and in Egypt. Was at Om Contingent are as follows:— Women are thoughtful creatures. By the Authoress of " The Man Who Snores". durman; mentioned in despatches. Ralph Markham, Beverly Arm Whenever they see a mirror they Ed. Note.—The above would have been pub­ Awarded the Order of the Medjidich strong, J. H. Parks, of St. John N. B. pause for reflection. lished sooner but for lack of space. by the Khedive. Latest appoint and H. Cumins of Magog P. Que. ment, staff officer to Gen. Lord Rob The three first held commissions The youngster who wants a pen­ erts, in the Canadian Militia. ny every time, for being good, does not wish to grow up and be good for Lieut. Harold B. Campbell, nothing. R.E. Entered the army in 1890. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT One on the Lawyers. Has served in India and Burmah. Purple Furriers to Latest appointment, professor of en In indenture or deed, HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN gineering at a technical College at and Tho’ a thousand you read, Rhorkee in the north-west province Neither comma nor colon you’ll ken: QUEBEC FOR FURS of India. White A stop intervening Lieut. F. C. Heneker, of Sher Scarfs Might determine the meaning G. R. Renfrew & Co. brooke, the Leinster Regiment. En And what would the lawyers do In every conceivable shape have just then? tered the army in 1893. Has been 35 & 37 BUADE ST., QUEBEC stationed in Bermuda and Halifax. arrived at our establishment from Chance for change of construction Hatters and Furriers Is at present in Jamaica, but is under England. These goods are made gives chance for new flaws, When the sense is once fixed, orders for South Africa. especially to our order for the stu­ The largest Manufacturers of Fine Furs in Canada there’s an end of the cause. Originators of Styles in Ladies’ Sealskin Lieut. George Norton Cory, of dents of Bishop’s University. Men­ Halifax, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Samil Bishop. Garments. tion shape desired, remit us 50 cents Entered the army 1895. Is now Fine Russian and Hudson Bay Sables Silver and Arctic Foxes. with his regiment at Ladysmith, Na and we will mail you, prepaid, one of Ice Bear, Tiger and Cheetah Rugs in great tal. them. We sell everything the stu­ THE KISSING BUG variety. Lieut. Cecil H. Dean, Quebec, dent wears—except shoes. nephew of Col. Irwin, of Ottawa. The Kissing Bug is on a spree. Lincoln & Bennett’s Celebrated London Hats. Entered the army in 1898 and was JNO. 0. DUNCAN And enjoying himself quite royally gazetted to the Royal Artillery, No. OUTFITTER TO THE STUDENTS Like royalty he is travelling incog A Stock of College Trenchers always on hand. 12 company, Western division. This sly, indecorous, funny old bug, SHERBROOKE. 126 THE MITRE. THE MITRE. 127 artists who frequent this room being Hockey is now in full swing The village were the first to vonshire regiment. Entered the to educate the masses, no attempt is and although the warm weather has score after five minutes of hard play. army about 1882. In South Africa made to deafen the strains proceed­ put off a few practices there have The School then evened up the with his regiment. ing from their masculine touch. been some good hard ones. score, and the village added 5 more Capt. Henry Bland Strange, Music Room No. I. The officers of the Hockey Club goals before the School could put R. A. son of Gen. Strange, R. A. (Performance daily.) for the present year are:— the puck through again. Thus the Entered the army in 1883. Latest 7.33-8 A.M. Schuman’s Pieces for the Secretary, J. F. Crowdy Esq. score stood 6—1 at half time. In appointment, staff adjutant, Royal Young and breakdown. Captain, H. Chambers the second half, both teams scored Artillery. 8.25—8.40 “God Save the Queen", with 4 goals, making the score 10—5 impromptu variations. Committee, Pillow, Stevenson, Capt. Alain C. Joly de Lotbin De Peyre. when the whistle blew for time. 1.32—4 P.M. “Hot Time”, usually with iere, R. E. Entered the army 1886. vocal accompaniment. The School tried to enter the Mallory and Kennedy played the Has been for the last ten years in ‘There's just one Girl’ (2 heels) Inter-Scholastic League this year best game for the village, while India. Latest appointment, consult “Don't make no Blunder”, but as all matches have to be played Carruthers, Lawrence and Meredith ing engineer to the Maharajah of with orchestral effect, pro did likewise for the School. duced by sticking paper be on the Arena rink in Montreal, they Mysore. tween the strings and ham were unable to enter. There are The following is a list of old Capt. W. C. G. Heneker, of mers. two teams entered in the Eastern Lennoxville boys now serving as Sherbrooke, P. Q. Joined the ar 6 21—7 Usually devoted to old Eng officers in Her Majesty’s forces. lish ballads and sacred music, Townships League, one in the sen my in 1888, being gazetted to the e.g.“Annie Rooney", “After ior and one in the junior series. Lieut.-Col. W. A. Yule, of Cham Connaught Rangers. Served in Thi the Ball”, Hymns, from hymn- We play our first junior match bly, Royal Scots Fusiliers. First bet with the advanced force, and was book Ancient and Modern, captain of the School Rifle Corps, to very carefully’ selected with on Jan. 31st. against the village jun afterwards one year at Aden. Vol­ one finger. iors, when we hope to do credit to which he was gazetted December 10 unteered for service in the Niger 7.00-8.00 Five finger exercises and scales. ourselves and the School. The rink 1861. Entered the army 1866. Coast Protectorate, and was at Benin in which we now practise has only Staff officer of transport in the Afg at the time of the trial of the King. The project now under way of one serious draw-back, and that is han war, 1878-9. Deputy assistant He afterwards attacked and defeated forming a dormitory hockey league that the roof may come in at any adjutant-general of the Madras army, the forces of the rebel chief Ologbo is, we think, a good one and quite moment, but as we learn that means 1880. Latest appointment, deputy Shire. Capt. Heneker’s latest ap deserving of all success. In order are being taken to reCtify it, we ex assistant adjutant-general at Ber pointment is that of travelling-com to feed the first two teams the game pect to be allowed to play in safety muda.
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