LE CORBUSIER AND THE OCCULT LE CORBUSIERO The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England AND THE OCCULTO J. K. BIRKSTED © 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. MIT Press books may be purchased at special quantity discounts for business or sales promotional use. For information, please email [email protected] or write to Special Sales Department, The MIT Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142. This book was set in Minion by Graphic Composition, Inc. Printed and bound in Spain. Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Birksted, Jan, 1946– Le Corbusier and the occult / J. K. Birksted. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 978-0-262-02648-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Le Corbusier, 1887–1965 —Criticism and interpretation. 2. Symbolism in architecture. 3. Modern movement (Architecture). 4. Freemasonry and the arts. 5. Occultism. 6. Compagnonnages. i. Title. na1053.j4b48 2009 720.92—dc22 [b] 2008027186 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Its history can no more be separated from the lands surrounding it than the clay can be separated from the hands of the potter who shapes it. —Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II In answer to a predecessor at the Bartlett, Reyner Banham, who set the problem: Le Corbusier’s book on architecture . was to prove to be one of the most influential, widely read and least understood of all the architectural writings of the twentieth century . — Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age Index Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Acropolis, 83– 85 Bartholdi, Auguste, 81 Alazard, Jules, 252 Bauchant, André, painting, 230 Allendy, René, 278– 279, 304, 388n8 Bauhaus, 83 Altes Museum, Berlin, 63, 63 Bech, Wilhelm, 71 Amiable, Louis, 137– 139 Bègue- Clavel, François Timoléon, 136, 153– 154 Anti- Semitism, 78, 81, 101 Histoire pittoresque de la Franc- Maçonnerie et Apollinaire, Guillaume, 267 des sociétés secrètes anciennes et modernes, Architectural promenade, 11, 83– 85, 159– 165, 170, 147– 148, 185, 186, 314 241, 328 Beistegui penthouse, electric hedge, 54, 54 Villa Savoye, 160, 161, 165 Belanger, François- Joseph, 22, 24, 27, 30 Arnould, Sophie, 344– 345n143 abattoirs, La Chaux- de- Fonds, 312 Ateliers d’Art Réunis project (Le Corbusier), 311 abattoirs, rue Rochechouart, 48, 49, 50 Aubert, Georges, 76 Anglo- Chinese gardens, 41 Bagatelle, 30, 31, 41, 54, 56 Baker, Josephine, 344– 345n143 cabanon, 52, 53 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 245 “Carnet de voyages en Angleterre,” 329– 330 Bakunin, Mikhail, 81, 100, 354n11 Château de Maisons, interiors at, 55, 344n139 Banham, Reyner, 306, 381 country house in Pantin, 25 Barbéris, Charles, 252 country residence at Santeny, 308 Barney, Natalie Clifford, 124– 126, 125 designs for park at Méréville, 41 Barthes, Roland, 35 drawings, 48, 49, 50 396 Index Écuries du Comte d’Artois, 63, 63 Cabinets de Réfl exion, 139, 140, 170 equestrian statue of Henri IV, 58, 60, 345n149 Cádra, Janko, 19, 190– 191, 204 Folie Saint- James, 31– 33, 32, 33, 43 with Ritter, 201 Freemasonic patrons, 329 Carnet Paris Automne 1913 (Le Corbusier), 26 gardens and landscape architecure, 41, 41, Casa del Noce, Pompeii, 160– 163, 162, 164– 165 341n106 Cassou, Jean, 262, 279– 280, 392n88 Halle au Blé, 45, 45, 46, 71 Le centre du monde, 169– 170, 332 Hermitage at Boudour, 34 Catharism, 234, 312– 315, 375n44 Immeuble Morel de Chefdeville, 36, 37, 38 Catholicism, 213– 215, 283– 284, 375n44 Maison Dervieux, 49 anti- Catholic postcard, 284 La nouvelle Londres, 55– 57, 57 National Catholic Federation, 284, 386n76 parallels with Le Corbusier, 48– 62, 344– 345n143 Cendrars, Blaise (Frédéric- Louis Sauser), 185– 186 pavilion for Copley’s Siege of Gibraltar, 46, 47 Cendrars, Miriam, 186 Projet de décoration pour la Fête de l’entrée de Chaîne d’Union (journal), 147, 148 Louis XVIII dans sa capitale, 60 Chandigarh urban plans, 55– 57, 57 Fosse de la Considération (Le Corbusier), 59 Belli, Robert, 27, 106– 107 open hand sculpture (Le Corbusier), 57, 59 abattoirs at La Chaux- de- Fonds, 312 Parliament Building (Le Corbusier), 62–63 , 63 crematorium at La Chaux- de- Fonds, 116– 120, Chapallaz, René, 95 117, 118, 119, 310 Château de Maisons, 30, 55 Bernet, Albert, house in Le Vésinet, 310 Chenal, Pierre, 164 Besset, Maurice, 21 Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte, emblem, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 14– 15, 24, 232 267– 270, 379n14 Chivalric ideals, in Freemasonry, 223, 285– 287 Cabinet des Estampes, 24, 267, 379n14,15 Choisy, Auguste, 26, 85 reading rooms, 268, 379n15 Histoire de l’architecture, 26, 51, 82, 83, 84 Bibliothèque Sainte- Geneviève, 24 Claudius- Petit, Eugène, 247– 249, 392n88 Blaikie, Thomas, 54– 55, 343n138 Club Alpin Suisse Section La Chaux- de- Fonds, 71, Blondel, Jacques- François, 30 78, 80, 101, 129 Boime, Albert, 303, 387n4 inauguration of Cabane Oberaletsch, 128 Bois de Boulogne, 194– 195, 340n74 at Loèche- les- Bains, 187 Boyer, Abel, 259, 260 membership, 129 Brandon, Raoul, 309 postcard to Georges- Édouard Jeanneret, 123 Brunet, Frédéric, 309 Combin de Corbassière (photo from Jeanneret Brussels International and Universal Exposition, family album), 11 43– 45, 44 Compagnonnages, 247– 261, 376n55, 377n78, 378n85 chefs d’œuvre, 261 Cabanon, Roquebrune- Cap- Martin (Le Compagnons Charpentiers du Devoir de Corbusier), 52, 52 Liberté, Tours, 257 Index 397 Compagnonnages (cont.) Favre- Jacot, Georges, 102 and Eiffel Tower, 281– 283, 282, 283 Ferry, Jules, 116, 136 and Freemasonry, 255– 257 Feuille d’Avis (newspaper), 7– 9, 334 initiation rituals, 259– 260, 260, 306 Firminy- Vert, Église de Saint- Pierre (Le Corbu- and Le Corbusier, 247– 252 sier), 313 symbolism, 303– 304, 315 Flanner, Janet, 28 Tour de France, 258, 258– 259 Folie Saint- James, 32, 33, 43 Conan Doyle, Arthur, 317, 392n73 Fosse de la Considération, Chandigarh (Le Cor- Courboin, François, 29– 30, 339n60, 380n20 busier), 59 heliogravure of Péladan, 269 Four Elements rituals, 143, 165– 167 Courvoisier- Sandoz, James, 190, 191, 212 Francastel, Pierre, 21 Croix Bleue, 72 Francillon, Ernest, 102 L’Eplattenier murals for, 78 Freemasonic lodges. See also names of individual Crusader imagery, 285– 287, 286 lodges membership, 101– 108 Dautry, Raoul, 252, 254 Freemasonry Dermée, Paul, 11, 278, 384n47 anti- Freemasonic paranoia, 81 La croyance en Dieu et el Grand Orient de France, architecture, 27, 120– 122 278 and “cathedral builders,” 254– 255 Deshairs, Léon, 30 and Catholic Church, 215, 283– 284, 284 Despierre, René, 252 chivalric ideals, 223, 285– 287 Dessoulavy, Georges, mural at train station of La and compagnonnages, 255– 257 Chaux- de- Fonds, 272, 274, 382n31 and crusader imagery, 285– 287 Ditisheim, Paul, 102, 273– 274 francophone, 80– 81 Divoire, Ferdinand, 270 in La Chaux- de- Fonds, 78– 80 Dom- ino system, 18, 19, 21, 51, 336n2 membership of lodges, 101– 108 Dormoy, Marie, 27 neo- Masonic groups, 270– 273, 271, 272, 273 Doucet, Jacques, 28– 29 and professional guilds, 250 Doumer, Paul, 78 rituals (see Rituals, Freemasonic) Duboy, Philippe, 267 symbolism and symbology, 239– 241, 244, 303– Dubreuil, Hyacinthe, 252– 254 312, 315– 317, 390n54 Duchamp, Marcel, 267, 379n15 values and principles, 223– 226 Ducommun, Élie, 108, 135 and Vichy regime, 284– 285 Freud, Sigmund, 33, 317, 392n73 École des Beaux- Arts, Paris, 24 Eiffel Tower, 281– 283, 282, 283 Gallet family, 327– 328 Espace indicible (ineffable space), 11, 350n55 Gallis, Yvonne, 26 Etlin, Richard, 82 tombstone, 235 Evard, André, 121 Ganay, Ernest de, 41, 42, 48 398 Index Gimpel, Jean, Les bâtisseurs de cathédrales, 254– 255, Imprimerie Horlogère E. Sauser, 187 255 Independent Order of Good Templars, 270– 272 Gimpel, René, 29 Ineffable space (espace indicible), 11, 350n55 Ginzburg, Carlo, 317, 392n73 Initiation rituals Graber, Ernest- Paul, 100, 333 compagnonnages, 259– 260, 260, 306 Grande Loge de France, 144, 165– 167, 345n150 Freemasonic, 129– 134, 130, 133, 140, 143, 145– 146, Grande Loge Suisse Alpina, 108, 110, 135 362n21,24 Grand Orient de France, 147, 363n45 Greek architecture, and the pittoresque, 83– 85, Janin, Danielle, “La maison radieuse,” 318 350n55 Jeanneret, Albert, 76 Gris, Juan, 277, 278, 383– 384n44 Jeanneret, Charles, 291– 294, 294 Guadet, Julien, 110 index card from secret police fi les, 292 Guinand, Élisa, 173 Jeanneret, Charles- Édouard. See Le Corbusier Guinand, Sully, 175, 178– 183, 184 Jeanneret, Georges- Édouard, 31, 71, 78, 80 ascent of Saltellücke (photograph), 326 Hamburg National Theater, 159 diaries and journals, 75, 101, 124, 179– 180, 333 Hassan- Ali- Khan, ambassador to Paris, 144, 144 family photograph, 184 Hautecœur, Louis, 22 watchmaking atelier, 101, 102, 122– 124 Hénard, Eugène, 55 Jeanneret, Henri, 174 Hermeticism, 267 Jeanneret, Marie, 184 Hervé, Lucien, 21 Jeanneret, Pauline (Tante Pauline), 122 Les mains de Le Corbusier, Roquebrune- Cap- Jeanneret family portraits, 174– 175 Martin, 305 Jeanneret- Rauss, Édouard, 122 Hirschy, William, 89 Jeanrenaud, Ali, 116 Hittorff, Jacques Ignace, 27 Jeanrichard, Daniel, 86 Hohenheim, conservatory, 43 Jews, 78, 81, 101 Hubert, Esprit- Eugène, 147, 364n63 Jura mountains, winter landscape, 9 Humbert, Charles, 76, 76– 79, 79, 83, 96, 347n25 crematorium at La Chaux- de- Fonds, 119 Kahnweiler, Daniel- Henry, 277 illustrations for Rabelais, 245– 247, 246
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