ovembre 1 • Referendum sur fa semaine de lecture: UnOUl " . eIleGiard categorlque. eoui! La semaine de lecture a bien ete definitivement rayee du Le premier et Ie principal de ces plus, Ie fait que de nombreux ajoute du poids a la requete de drier universitaire de Glendon. Mais I'AECG, soutenue par la arguments a deja ete enonce: 91 % etudiants travaillent de longues I'AECG. ration des etudiants de York, essaye de la faire reinstaurer par Ie des eleves ne veulent pas que l'on heures pour financer leurs etudes et Esperons alors que tous ces tde I'universite et a souhaite avant tout avoir I'avis des etudiants. supprime cette semaine, c'est que l'enseignement; au College arguments valables decideront Ie desormais incontestable. A cela Glendon soit oriente Ivers les arts Senat a revenir sur sa decision lors ya maintenant deux mois, il a bataille n'est pas encore gagnee. La s'ajouterait Ies statistiques sur Ie liberaux qui demandent de gros de sa prochaine assemblee. ecide qu'il n'y aurait plus de decision du Senat va etre difficile a suicide que I'AECG recherche. De travaux ecrits ,et donc du temps, A suivre. 'ne de lecture en automne a modifier. LeSenata decide de mettre fJ/ on. De nombreux etudiants fin alasemainedeleetured'automne ~ -0 nt en desaccord avec cette dans Ie but « d'harmoniser les I~ (lO~ ion. calendriers universitaires de tous les Referen­ conseil de l'AECG s'est reuni Colleges de York ». Presentement, 1ro-) di 21 novembre afin dereflechir peu de colleges ont les memes dates 't~~ problemes que pose l'annulation de relaehe et d'examens. Certains I lM \ semaine de lecture. lIs ont d'entre nous, donc, passaient des dum \, - ede consulter les etudiants au examens a la Faculte des arts de ~S~ i'S\ en d'un referendum afin de York alors que nous etions en d, \<J aitre leur opinion les 26, 27 et semaine de relache a Glendon. Boxes '.....J ovembre. Tout comme I'annee Au Colleg~ Glendon et a '1C'tJ-\- iere, c'est Ie « oui » qui I'a I'Universite de Trent ) 00~ rte et haut la main! (Peterborough), Ies semaines de semble en effet que Ie vote ait relache en automne avaient ete -t~~t porte un grand sueees aupres eonservees pour faire face au fort etudiants qui ont ete tres taux de suicide dans ces J \A \ , . breux a avoir vote: 25% des etablissements. L'AECG cherche Ei . ~\AI\ iants sont alles deposer"'leur desormais des statistiques pour etin dans les urnes, ce qui est prouver I'efficacite des relaches sur ~d~l- z exceptionnel! Sur les 443 nos neurones en ebulition. While the votes·havebeen \..I\~~ ) Jeurs, 405 se sont prononces en Cependant, eet argument reste tres tallied ·Cor GCSU's reading urdu« oui »,30 pour le« non », fragile et facilement refutable, car il week referendum, the ballot ~~\~~ seul s'est abstenu, et quatre ne s'agit certainement que d'un boxoftheCafedeJa Terrasse's etins n'ont pas ete valables. Le mythe typiquement glendonnien. referendum still lies in the .~ i» represente donc 91 % des L'AECG a besoin de chiffres, de . student' union's office. The ~ statistiques officielles a I' appui: pour Office of Student Affairs of Le vote constitue une victoire justifier leur demande, il leur faut York (OSA), responsible for ielle pour I' AECG puisque la des arguments indeniables. the conduct of all student referenda, just hasn't botheredto pick it up yet. Womell's emem­ to make up for the time lost, another whether Glendon students were ~vvv day ofpolling was added onTuesday willing to pay Is-¢, per credit to the December 3. But since then, there pub in 1997-98 in order to pay for ~ has been no reponse from the OSA. repairs and to make improvements. ~ ____brance Day Even though the Cafe de la Whereas a similar referendum Amber Phalen ~ Terrasse is understandably anxious question lastyeardidn't getenough On December 6th, women and men alike gathered in the Salon to find out about the outcome, it is voterparticipation to beconsidered h 'gue atGlendon inorderto remembertheMontreal Massacre. The expected to be a positive one. The valid, it has been confirmed that ~ ~don Women's Centrepresenteda film on violence againstwomen, referendum question had to with turn out this year was sufficient. owed by a round table discussion, and a story teller to complete this U(MICJOjQ, -P.l. ~) of remembrance. The film, When Women Kill, following the event. Speakers rootS. A forum for discussion of events surrounded those present. Although drawing a smaller ~ yean informativeand emotional Gertrude Mianda, lac-inthe personal impressions on both the "I think (December6th) is a day to crowd, there was a comfortable ~ VI on how domestic abuse Michaud, Andree Cote, and massacre and feminism in general remember, acknowledge, and level of people present so that all eets women. Interviews with Bettina Bradbury discussed how was provided. condemn all violence." stated one voices could be heard. The men charged with killing their television, newspapers, and the After the discussion a member of the Women's Centre. December 6th memorial for the sive spouses showed theextent Quebec government made the storyteller,Mehgan, told animated "It's also about the Montreal Massacre will apparently extremity of how domestic Massacre appear as a solitary tales of princesses and servants, disempowerment of white male be continued for many years to lence affects women. incident perpetratedby one insane all with a feminist twist. There privilege." This white male come. Stated another member of Following the film was a round­ individual. was even plenty of time after the privilege is seen as the primary the Women's Centre, "I hope this Ie discussion on the portrayal The government completely stories foreach person in the Salon cause by feminists for abuse continues, December 6th should the Montreal Massacre in both ignored the idea that the massacre to tell his or her own story. against women in our patriarchal not be forgotten. I'd like to see an media and the government had deeper political and social A positivefeeling aboutthe days society. even bigger event next year." --:::::::== = Pro Tern, Ie lundi 9 decembre 1 ro Tern, Mo 'd·~tor~aII II 1 e . Dear Editors, I am very sorry that Ms. Dilworth is frustrated by the Frost Library and its services. Our staff has worked for the library for many years and, throughout those years, have done their very be Je milite. Moi non plus. assist students with their needs. I, for my part, attempt to foster a pleasant atmosphere in which to browse and study. My door is always 0 Over the years, we have been most fortunate in having students recognize our efforts and noting their appreci Peu importe d'oll nous venons, nous sommes les of the services we offer. Misunderstanding can occur, even with the best intentions. If Ms. Dilworth or an enfants d'une generation militante: des soixante­ else has a problem at Frost, I wish they would come to me before the frustration level builds to the point ofsta huitard, des nationalistes de tout acabit, des « hippies a fire and burning up the Reference area. S· I » qui croyaient a l'amour et voulaient garnir de fleurs Incere y, tous les fusils du Viet Nam ou d'ailleurs. Nous sommes Julianna Drexler issus d'une generation au poing leve bien haut, une Librarian, Frost Library generationquinousa bercessurfond de revendications, au son de berceuses politico-sydico-pacifistes. Est-ce Disgust a peaceful country. Yesterday was all we had before last summer' ces chansons qui nous ont endormis? Est-ce elles qui the day to celebrate this and give bare walls. First of all, to can ...----- ont annihile chez nous, la fameuse generation X, Dear Editors, thanks. people that we should have col generation du Nintendo et du chacun pour soi, l'envie I am writing to you to express my In writing this letter, I am not on our walls was a task in itself, de se lever debout? disgust at Glendon College's failure only disappointed in the apparent top of that, we still had to Un de nos journalistes parle dans cette editionde Pro to recognize the significance of apathy ofthe College, but also in the enough money to paint. Secon Bou Tem de notre « position d'indifference». Quand je Remembrance Day. Yesterday fact that I am in my fourth year, and to organize a student selec pense a nous -parce que n'allez pas croire que je (November 11) at 11 :00 a.m., have not written about this sooner. committee and geteve?,thing rol rn'exclus du plus grand nombre - je nous vois bien assis de nothing happened! Absolutely no As my knowledge of Canadian and was also overwhelmIng. Stud : 11 dans nos salons, a huis clos, occupes a critiquer Ie mention was made anywhere on North American History increases, put a lot of hours and effort' systeme d'education, Ie gouvernement, la societe, que campusofthe enormous significance so too does my appreciation and painting these murals. They are sais-je... sans jamais prendre Ie micro, Ie crayon, la of the eleventh hour of the eleventh profound gratitude to the nlen and students on this campus and parole simplement. day ofthe eleventh month. How is it women who paid the ultimate incredibly sadd~ned by th . L'AECG n'a pas convoque les eleves en Assemblee that we are forced to pause for two sacrifice decades ago in order that occurrences. They have told me Generale, reproche Erik Bordeleau dans son article en hours to recognize the horrific my family and I may live in peace.
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