Nakassis CV August 2018, p. 1 Dimitri Nakassis CONTACT University of Colorado Boulder Department of Classics Boulder, Colorado 80309-0248 Office: (303) 492-8184 Fax: (303) 492-1026 [email protected] EDUCATION 2006 Ph.D., Classics, The University of Texas at Austin 2003–2004 Regular member, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2000 M.A., Classics, The University of Texas at Austin 1997 B.A., Classical Archaeology and Economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor EMPLOYMENT 2016– University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Classics, Professor 2013–2016 University of Toronto, Department of Classics, Associate Professor 2014–2015 University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Classics, Visiting Associate Professor 2008–2013 University of Toronto, Department of Classics, Assistant Professor 2007–2008 The Florida State University, Department of Classics, Visiting Assistant Professor 2006–2007 Trinity University, Department of Classical Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor PUBLICATIONS Books 2013 Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos, Mnemosyne Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity 358 (Leiden/Boston: Brill). Pp. xviii, 448. Edited Volumes 2016 D. Nakassis, M. Galaty, and W. Parkinson, editors. “Discussion and Debate: Reciprocity in Aegean Palatial Societies: Gifts, Debt, and the Foundations of Economic Exchange,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29.1, 61-132. 2014 D. Nakassis, J. Gulizio, and S. A. James, editors. KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine. Prehistory Monographs 46 (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press). Pp. xxii, 314. 2013 W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. Galaty, editors. “Forum: Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece,” American Journal of Archaeology 117.3, 413–459. 2011 M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson, editors. “Forum: Redistribution in Aegean Palatial Societies,” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 175–244. Nakassis CV August 2018, p. 2 Journal Articles 2017 P.E. Tetford, J.R. Desloges, and D. Nakassis, “Modelling surface geomorphic processes using the RUSLE and specific stream power in a GIS framework, NE Peloponnese, Greece,” Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 3.4: 1229-1244. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-017-0391-z 2016 M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson, “Introduction,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29.1, 61-70. 2013 W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. Galaty, “Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece: Introduction,” American Journal of Archaeology 117.3, 413–422. 2012 “Prestige and Interest: Feasting and the King in Mycenaean Pylos,” Hesperia 81.1, 1–30. 2011 “Athens, Kylon, and the Dipolieia,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 51.3, 363–381. 2011 M. Galaty, D. Nakassis and W. Parkinson, “Introduction: Why Redistribution?” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 175–176. 2011 D. Nakassis, M. Galaty and W. Parkinson, “Redistributive Economies from a Theoretical and Cross- Cultural Perspective,” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 177–184. 2006 T. F. Tartaron, T. E. Gregory, D. J. Pullen, J. S. Noller, R. M. Rothaus, J. L. Rife, L. Diacopoulos, R. L. Schon, W. R. Caraher, D. K. Pettegrew, and D. Nakassis, “The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey: Integrated Methods for a Dynamic Landscape,” Hesperia 75.4, 453–523. 2006 W. Caraher, D. Nakassis and D. Pettegrew, “Siteless Survey and Intensive Data Collection in an Artifact-Rich Environment: Case Studies from the Eastern Corinthia, Greece,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 19.1, 7–43. 2004 “Gemination at the Horizons: East and West in the Mythical Geography of Archaic Greek Epic,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 134.2, 215–233. Book chapters 2018 “Beauty in clay: Aesthetics and script in Mycenaean Greece,” in Οι Αμέτρητες Όψεις του Ωραίου στην Αρχαία Τέχνη (The Countless Aspects of Beauty in Ancient Art), ed. Μ. Λαγογιάννη-Γεωργακαράκου (Αθήνα: Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων) 51-56. 2017 D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, “Vorsprung durch Technik: Imaging the Linear B Tablets from Pylos,” in Aegean Scripts. Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies. Copenhagen, 2-5 September 2015, ed. M.-L. Nosch and H. Landenius Enegren (Roma: Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico) 285-298. 2017 S. Gallimore, S. James, W. Caraher, and D. Nakassis, “To Argos: Archaeological Survey in the Western Argolid, 2014-2016,” in From Maple to Olive: Proceedings of a Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece, Athens, 10-11 June 2016, ed. D.W. Rupp and J.E. Tomlinson. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece 10 (Athens: Canadian Institute in Greece) 421-438. 2017 D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, “The Linear B Tablets from Pylos,” in Odysseys, ed. M. Lagogianni- Georgakarakou (Athens: Archaeological Receipts Fund) 91-96. [=D. Nakassis and K. Pluta (2016) “Οι πινακίδες της Γραμμικής Β Γραφής της Πύλου,” in Οδύσσειες, ed. Μ. Λαγογιάννη-Γεωργακαράκου (Αθήνα - Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων) 91-96.] 2015 “Labor and Individuals in Late Bronze Age Pylos,” in Labor in the Ancient World, ed. P. Steinkeller and M. Hudson (Dresden: ISLET-Verlag) 583-615. 2014 W. Caraher, D. Nakassis and D.K. Pettegrew, “Intensive Survey,” in Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of An Ancient Coastal Town. American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports 21, Nakassis CV August 2018, p. 3 ed. W. Caraher, R.S. Moore and D.K. Pettegrew (Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research) 17- 47. 2014 J. Gulizio and D. Nakassis, “The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion,” in KE- RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, ed. D. Nakassis, J. Gulizio, and S. A. James (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press) 115-128. 2013 “Structuration and the State in Mycenaean Greece,” in Agency in Ancient Writing, ed. J. Englehardt (Boulder: University Press of Colorado) 231–247. 2013 J. Englehardt and D. Nakassis, “Introduction: Individual Intentionality, Social Structure, and Material Agency in Early Writing and Emerging Script Technologies,” in Agency in Ancient Writing, ed. J. Englehardt (Boulder: University Press of Colorado) 1–18. 2012 “Labor Mobilization in Mycenaean Pylos,” in Étudies mycéniennes 2010. Actes du XIIIe colloque international sur les textes égéens (Biblioteca di Pasiphae 10), ed. P. Carlier, C. De Lamberterie, M. Egetmeyer, N. Guilleux, F. Rougemont and J. Zurbach (Pisa-Rome: Fabrizio Serra) 269-283. 2010 D. Nakassis, M. Galaty and W. Parkinson, “State and Society,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean, ed. E. H. Cline (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 239–250. 2010 “Reevaluating Staple and Wealth Finance at Mycenaean Pylos,” in Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age, ed. D. J. Pullen (Oxford: Oxbow Books) 127–148. 2008 “Named Individuals and the Mycenaean State at Pylos,” in Colloquium Romanum, Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di Micenologia, Roma, 20–25 febbraio 2006, ed. A. Sacconi, M. del Freo, L. Godart and M. Negri (Rome: Fabrizio Serra) 549–561. 2003 D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, “Linear A and Multidimensional Scaling,” in Metron: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age, Aegaeum 24, ed. K.P. Foster and R. Laffineur (Liège and Austin: Université de Liège/The University of Texas at Austin) 335–342. Reports 2017 D.W. Rupp, T. Carter, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burns, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, S. Karapanou, M.J. Haagsma, “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece in 2014,” Mouseion 14.2, 173-195. 2018 D.W. Rupp, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burnes, T. Carter, D. Athanasoulis, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, S. Karapanou, M. Haagsma, L. Surtees, "Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in 2015," Mouseion 15.2, 297-319. Submitted or forthcoming “Homeric Geography,” in The Cambridge Homer Encyclopedia, ed. C. Pasche (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). “The economy,” in A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, ed. I. Lemos and A. Kotsonas (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell). “The extractive systems of the Mycenaean world,” in Mechanics of Extraction, ed. J. Valk, I.S. Marín and R. Campbell (New York: NYU Press). D. Nakassis, K. Pluta and J. Hruby, “The Pylos Tablets Digital Project: Aegean scripts in the 21st century,” in New Approaches to Ancient Material Culture in the Greek & Roman World, ed. C.L. Cooper (Leiden: Brill). Nakassis CV August 2018, p. 4 Reviews 2018 (with E. Mackil) Julien Zurbach, Les hommes, la terre et la dette en Grèce, c. 1400-c. 500 a.C. (2 vols.). Scripta antiqua, 95. Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2017. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.08.06 2016 Eric H. Cline, 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. In Mouseion 13, 153-155. 2015 Richard Hope Simpson, Mycenaean Messenia and the Kingdom of Pylos (Prehistory monographs 34). Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2014. In The Journal of Hellenic Studies 135, 261–262. 2015 Barbara A. Olsen, Women in Mycenaean Greece: The Linear B Tablets from Pylos and Knossos. New York/London: Routledge, 2014. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.03.45. 2013 Walter Gauß, Michael Lindblom, R. Angus K. Smith, and James C. Wright, eds. Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011. In American Journal of Archaeology 117.2. 2012 Yannis A. Lolos, Land of Sikyon: Archaeology and History of a Greek City-State. Hesperia Supplement 39. Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2011. In Classical Journal Online 2012.11.06. 2011 Bryan E. Burns, Mycenaean Greece, Mediterranean Commerce, and the Formation of Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. In Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 1, 82–85. 2010 Françoise Rougemont, Contrôle économique et administration à l'époque des palais mycéniens (fin du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.) (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 332). Athens: École française d’Athènes, 2009. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.09.14 2010 Hedvig Landenius Enegren, The People of Knossos: Prosopographical Studies in the Knossos Linear B Archives (Boreas.
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