NfL DRAfT PREP 2020 DAVID MOORE LANE JOHNSON CHRIS BOSWELL SEATTLE SEAHAWKS PHILADELPHIA EAGLES PITTSBURGH STEELERS BeiNg prEpareD FOr what is tO BE expECteD OF yOu ON thE NeXt level CaN ONly COME frOM sOMEONE whO has BeeN therE. NfL DRAfT PREP 2020 ANDREW SENDEJO VANCE McDONALD LUKE WILLSON PHILADELPHIA EAGLES PITTSBURGH STEELERS SEATTLE SEAHAWKS “Everything you need to be ready “With Athlete Inc. and Coach K. “The approach to the game, the for at the combine or pro day will you will continue to do the things mindset you need to be sucessful be covered when training with that laid the foundation for your both on and o the field- I give Athlete Inc. Being prepared for success as a college player, but credit to Coach K. for not only what is expected of you on that will also be exposed to combine training me during my college day can only come from someone specific drills and exercises that career and preparing me for the who has been there, and you are you won’t see elsewhere, allowing combine and the NFL physically, getting that with Coach K. and you to be at your best.” but instilling in me the values it his team.” takes to be a great teammate and an even better man.” COACH JARED KA’AIOHELO CSCS, USAW-SPC HEAD COACH / OWNER Ka’aiohelo played collegiate football Ka’aiohelo continued his playing at the University of Arkansas from career at the next level when the 1990-1992, where he was coached Houston Oilers signed him as a free and mentored by the legendary agent after the 1995 NFL draft. strength coach; John Stuckey. The following year he was drafted in Ka’aiohelo finished his last two NFL Europe for the Scottish years of NCAA eligibility at Claymores, where he spent two Missouri Southern. As team captain seasons and voted team captain. the Lions went undefeated in 1993 The Claymores became World Bowl taking home the MIAA Conference Champions in 1996. In 1997 Championship. After his Senior Ka’aiohelo signed another free season Ka’aiohelo earned a spot in agent contract with the Indianapolis the 1995 Snow Bowl (NCAA DII Colts. All-star Game). COACHING EXPERIENCE: • 1991-1998 Adams Course Performance Camps • 1999-2000 Volunteer Strength and Conditioning Coach for The University of Oklahoma Sooners Football • 2000-2004 Owner/ Head Coach at The Fieldhouse athlete training facility • 2004-2007 Inaugural Head Strength Coach for The University of Central Oklahoma • 2007-2008 Assistant Strength Coach, University of Kansas Member of BCS Orange Bowl Championship team • 2009-2013 Assistant Athletics Director/ Coordinator of Strength and Conditioning at Rice University in Houston, Texas • 2013-Present Owner/Head Coach at Athlete Inc. Currently, there are 12 players in the NFL that Coach K has had the opportunity to train. These athletes have had top numbers at the NFL combine and respective pro days as well as earning long term contracts. COACH NfL Players TRAiNeD laNE JOhNsON JAReD KA’ AiOHelO PhilaDelphia eagles OffeNsivE TaCklE - AthlEtE iNC. CSCS, USAW-SPC COACH / OWNeR AquiB TaliB MiaMi DOlphiNs COrNerBaCk – UNiversity OF KaNsas MAHAlA WiGGiNS M.S., CSCS Chris Harris Jr. ASSOCiATE HeAD COACH CurreNt DeNver BrONCOs COrNerBaCk – UNiversity OF KaNsas DilliON SMiTH Chris BOswell CSCS PittsBurgh steelers KiCker – RiCE UNiversity SPORtS SCieNCE JaMes WiNChester DR. KYlE GRiffiTH KaNsas City Chiefs lONg SNapper – AthlEtE iNC. CHiROPTRActOR DaviD MOOrE iNC TeAM ATHleTE DR. SCOtt CARliN SeattlE SeahawKs WiDE RECeiver – AthlEtE iNC. PhYsiCal Therapist BryCE CallahaN DR. CAsTeL SANTANA DeNver BrONCOs COrNerBaCk – RiCE UNiversity WellNess COOrDiNatOr lukE WillsON SeattlE SeahawKs Tight eND – RiCE UNiversity SpeeD - JOhN TeEters USA TraCk fielD 2016 OlyMpiC Trials, VaNCE MCDONalD Big 12 NCAA ChaMpiONships, PittsBurgh steelers Tight eND – RiCE UNiversity 60 MEters - 6.52 / 100 MEters - 9.91 / 200 MEters - 20.75 Phillip GaiNes HOUsTON TeXANS COrNerBaCk – RiCE UNiversity DefeNsivE COORDiNATOR - Kelly Gregg 13 year NfL vEt ANDrew SeNDeJO MiNNesOta VikiNgs SafEty – RiCE UNiversity OffeNsivE COORDiNATOR - CliNt ANDersON O-liNE spECialist FOr laNE JOhNsON ChristiaN COviNgtON Dallas COwBOYs DefeNsivE eND – RiCE UNiversity NfL COMBiNE DRillS - TOM WOrt lB, UNiversity OF OklahOMa NfL COMBiNE 2013 SpECialty COaChes SpECialty 12000 SQfT FACilitY FACilitY TECHNOlOGY • CUSTOM RACKS, BUMPER PLATES, SOFT PYLO BOXES • ZYBEK SPORTS TIMING SYSTEM (USED AT NFL COMBINE) • 50 YARDS OF TURF • COACHES EYE MOVEMENT ANALYSIS SOFTWARE • OVERSPEED RAMP • VIBEPLATE® VIBRATION TRAINING PLATFORM • KEISER INFINITY TRIPLE TRAINER • EXSURGO gFLIGHT • AGILITY BAGS, SHIELDS AND POP-UP DUMMIES • TRAIN WITH PUSH FOR POSITION SPECIFIC DRILLS • LED RABBIT • WOODWAY CURVE TREADMILLS • TEAMBUILDR • 5000 SQ/FT OF REGUPOL® AKTIV PERFOMANCE FLOORING • TRIAD NUTRITION AND RE-FUELING STATION • CONFERENCE/MEETING ROOMS FOR VIDEO ANALYSIS • ONSITE MOVEMENT THERAPY CLINIC OKC OKC AMENITIES CONVENIENCE All Facilities, Housing and Restaurants Within a 5 Mile Radius PRIVATE OR SHARED APARTMENT/HOME Downtown OKC - In vibrant community and close to Athlete Inc. OKC THUNDER Tickets to select home games TOPGOLF Complimentary Weekend Free Time PRIVATE CHEF Holloway Restaurant Group BeiNg prEpareD FOr what is tO BE expECteD OF yOu ON thE NeXt level CaN ONly COME frOM sOMEONE whO has BeeN therE. NfL NfL COMBiNE PRO DAY INCLUDES: INCLUDES: • Combine Drill Training • Pro-Day Drill Training • Strength and Speed Programming and Training- 2 • Strength and Speed Programming and Sessions per day Monday-Sat Training - 2 Sessions per day Monday-Sat • NormaTec Recovery • NormaTec Recovery • Nutritional Supplements (NSF) • Nutritional Supplements (NSF) • Athlete INC. Performance Apparel Package • Athlete INC. Performance Apparel Package • Media Training, Wonderlic Prep, Mental Conditioning • Position Skill Work • Recovery Massage or Float Tank and Chiro-Dry Needle/Cupping 1 session each per week Note: • Position Skill and Board Work 3 Hours per week Contact Coach K for any additional services • Personal Vehicle (Full-size SUV) and/or multiple client discounts. • Meals (3 per day, made to order by personal chef, 7 days a week) Holloway Restaurant Group • Private Room in shared Home/Apartment COACH CAlL 405.413.3535 [email protected] 7801 North Robinson Ave., Suite J3 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 | AthleteInc.life.
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